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Chapter Eleven - Anger

One minute we were in a hospital room and then next we were in what looked like a jail cell but was really just a concrete room with one set of doors, no windows.

However what was in this room were four men, three wolves and to my shock one vampire, was Logan crazy? He kept friends with vampires? And brought my mate here, his own sister? I was furious. Ready to attack him but when I tried to shift into my wolf I couldn’t, looking at Logan I realized that this room was spelled. I had heard of packs training you pups who want to only train their wolf…. And in that exact moment I knew what I had to do, what he needed, his only purpose for bringing me here. I saw it coming but I didn’t flinch or raise my hand to defend myself, his fist connected with my jaw and before I could recover he was already landing a second punch.

He was angry, blamed me and had every right; I had let him down, he had begged us to look for her but I, no we, my pack had let him down. I let him hit, kick, stomp on me but something happened because in the 4 maybe five minutes since he threw that first punch he just stopped, fist in the mid-air and Logan let out an inhuman shout, I almost thought he was in pain but that wasn’t it and the pain he was in wasn’t physical that much I could tell. But that changed because he fell to his knees and began punching but not me, he was punching the concrete, his knuckles becoming bloody, I heard a few cracks as he screamed.

I didn’t know this Logan, even when Rainy went missing he wasn’t this bad and immediately my mind went to Rainy. I began shaking my head back and forth assuming the worst, someone must have mind linked him that she died “No, no! She can’t be dead,” I screamed.

“Die?” Logan asked incredulously, “No she didn’t die!”

“I can’t even kick your ass because every hit I gave you she also endured!! You have a split lop and while in surgery she got a split lip.” He said angrily, tears running down his face, not ashamed to have other see that emotion.

“You and that weak ass pack of yours, y-you abandoned her… and for what?” he shouted veins protruding on his forehead.

“No one looked! All of them, not one! Why? And Adina, what the fuck was wrong with her? She saw me flipping out and at four months pregnant almost about to give birth she still couldn’t stay the fuck away!” he shouted, bending over, tears falling and I didn’t know what to do for him.

“What fucking type of parent or pregnant woman that far along jumps into a fight? I. WAS. FIGHTING. YOU!! Rainy, my 11-year-old sister paid for her fucking decision. 10 goddamn years Chris, ten mother fucking years, kidnapped suffering while you were out getting your fucking dick wet. And with who? That selfish bitch Anna, while your mate was suffering, in complete and total misery!!” he spat out at me in between full sobs.

“Did you enjoy them Chris? All those fucking women, did you? The fuck you had last night that nearly killed my sister did you enjoy that one? Those burns were what she felt when you were feeling pleasure and those scratches she did them to herself! You’re over 80 years old, you’ve heard of the stories when one wolf cheats on the other! Well just remember that every time you’ve fucked some random woman she has felt it… Not once, or twice but hundreds” he spat at me.

“I went on and on, told you she was your mate! I fucking begged you Chris, begged you not to sleep around!! I was 11 years old… do you remember that? ANSWER. ME!” he choked out but not giving me enough time to even answer anything he threw at me.

“Why?” he asked brokenly “Why- why, how could you just give up on her? She idolized you, loved you unconditionally, how could you forget all that? I know how! You, you’re a selfish bastard! You’re- you are a weak man. That stupid hospital, that’s what she was worth to you Chris? You let her suffer for 10 years for a fucking hospital, for a hospital filled with people who would abandon you like this,” he shouted and snapped his finger for effect, glaring at me through his tears, then he suddenly began to chuckle.

“A fucking hospital? Ha, well when I’m done with, nothings going to be left. Not it or that pathetic pack of yours.” I hadn’t cried over anything since my sisters’ death but watching him, knowing how badly I fucked up, I realized that I was crying as well. All the things he said were true but what he didn’t know was that I hadn’t completely stopped looking for her.

Taking a breathing knowing he wouldn’t believe me I still spoke, “I looked for her, Logan. I know you wont believe me but my parents and I secretly asked Henry-” he interrupted me with a growl but what was really baffling was that all the men growled too at the mention of Henry’s name.


“The same Fae that said your mate was Emma,” Logan spit out through clenched teeth, venom in his voice, I didn’t understand though sometimes Fae’s would get it wrong. I heard gasps and I raised my head to search their faces. Logan was fuming, walked over to the farthest wall and sank to the floor, back against the partition.

When the vampire walked towards me I released an involuntary growl but he didn’t flinch or move actually, it was Logan that muttered, “you should be thanking him, he’s one of the people in my crew that has been searching and found your mate. Sebastian is the one that killed that bastard that had the-, that had her locked up in his basement.”

I’m a smart man and even now I could tell that Logan was hiding something, holding things back. Before I’d get it out of him but right now was not the time. Ashamed of my behavior now and the last 10 years I decided to apologize.

“Look I’m really sorry, its just-” Logan stood up and walked over to me.

“Chris, Sebastian and his family live here, inside my house. They are apart of my pack, personal crew and family. I know California isn’t the place he’d want to be but here they are safe. They don’t go off my land during the day, his little brother and sister attend school but at night. They have all been with me for five years now. They do not hunt humans, make do with animal blood and some human donated blood from the pack hospital. In my pack we have vampires, one or two Fae families and humans.” That just shocked me, I could only stare at him his methods were a bit unorthodox. Instead of insulting his methods I just nodded, and he continued.

“The humans, women, some came to us because we were looking for other individuals. Most had no family but needed help so I gave that to them, they know of our kind but are grateful because we rescued them in various sex slave shops and homes.” He explained, and I realized for 21 he has seen the most ugly of the world but did so in the efforts to find his sister.

“First I only wanted to see out Rainella but along the way I needed help, connections, favors and the more we helped find the closer we got to them, finding them, the more clues popped up about her…”

I was listening carefully and then it really clicked.

“S-sex slaves?” I repeated with simple deductive reasoning “she was being kept as a sex slave?” I choked out my thoughts were firing, sex slave to one man? Many? Two? Three? Since when, they took her at age 11… oh god no. How many men did I have to find and kill? Ten? Fifteen?

I could no longer control my body because this mornings 4 cups of coffee, toast, and last nights drink were all expelled from my system. My wolf was going crazy inside my head, angry with me. Furious I hadn’t listened to him about all the women I’ve fucked, always thought our mate was close which led me to something that was confusing me most of all.

“H-how did you know Logan, how did you know she was my mate?” I asked brokenly, he had been so adamant, so… so convinced. I looked into his eyes I felt like my 13 year old self all over again, not trusting my dad when he said no to go too far into the forests with my sister because we had been having regular rogue attacks. For the first time in my life… I… I just didn’t understand. Not answering me but only looking down with guilt? But that couldn’t be right I mean he found her he never gave up… before I could question it someone else began to speak.

“First thing, Henry was one of many that took part in kidnapping you mate,” answered Sebastian, “you and your parents would’ve never got any leads because he was an accomplice.”

I shook my head in disbelief, no that couldn’t be right, “No even now months ago, 2 months maybe three he went to follow a lead.”

“No we have him here in our dungeon, in a spelled room. He wasn’t going to chase a lead he was going to cover it up like he’s being doing for ten years. A Fae stronger than he spelled that room so he can’t get out, can’t call for help… nothing.” Logan said with a determined authority. “He eats when I let him, sleeps when I let him, I control his ass now.”

Looking at him, and I mean really looking at him I saw a new person, he had changed, all the things he went through, did to find Rainy had changed him. There were so many things wrong here, henry was, is a family friend for years, Logan knew she was my mate but I didn’t? Mates didn’t work that way…

“Come on.” Logan said quietly after scrutinizing my behavior, facial expressions after what they revealed and before I knew it again, my environment changed.

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