Chapter 10

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UPDATE/EDITED: Again, I have fixed this, but if you find anything wrong please let me know! I added some parts that could still hold some errors.



Chapter 10

       I was somewhat happily munching away on Doritos and watching one of the greatest TV shows ever, with last night's catastrophe nearly forgotten. Then again, you can't really focus on anything else when the amazingness that was Jensen Ackles filled your TV screen.

       It was only ten in the morning, and I was planning on spending the majority of the day in bed watching Netflix and eating junk food. At least, I was going to- until my phone started ringing at the exact same time some dude got dragged under a van in the bar's parking lot.

       I nearly screamed my head off.

       My breathing was escaping my lungs rapidly as I blindly patted my bed for my phone, my chest clenched in terror. Talk about timing. I felt like my heart was fixing to explode. "H-Hello?" I couldn't hide the shake in my voice, or the absolute terror either. Supernatural usually never freaked me out, but I was home alone and that was scary enough. Good things never happen to me when I was home alone.

       "Princess? You okay?"

       I let out a sigh of relief when Trey's slightly worried voice reached my ears. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. The phone ringing just spooked me a little." I said with a nervous laugh, but jumped out of bed and pulled the curtain from my window back anyway- just to make sure nothing could jump out at me. The light from the sun shined into my darkened room and eased the tight grip around my heart as I climbed back under my covers.

       His heavy laughter quickly eased my tense muscles and I suddenly wanted to laugh with him. What a silly thing to get so scared over. "You scare too easily." He chuckled which only made my cheeks flame bright red.

       "I do not."


       "How did you even get my number?" I grumbled into the receiver, even though I was trying to hide a very bright smile. Trey just had that effect on everyone. No matter the situation, I'm sure he could make anyone smile.

       "I have my ways..." His voice trailed off ominously, as if his 'ways' were deep, dark secrets locked away.


       "Okay, you drive a hard bargain- I give. I swiped your phone while you were talking to Rex in the music room last night, and I might have saved your number in my phone."

       "You're such a tough nut to crack." I couldn't help the laugh that rose with the joke. Trey and the rest of the boys always made me feel so- so giddy, like nothing was ever wrong in the world. Well, at least three of them did. Rex was an enigma wrapped in a thousand more. He made my head spin, and not always in the good way.

       "I know, mind of steel- that's what I have. Anyway-y-y, don't forget that you said you would hang out with us today. Be ready in like, ten minutes. Yeah, be ready in ten minutes and we'll pick you up."

       He sounded so upbeat and cheerful that I felt rather bad about what I was going to say next. "I-I don't think I can, Trey-"

       "What? Why not?" His cheerful voice was suddenly gone, and I could practically hear the pout in his voice.

       "Well, um, Rex- I-I think Rex is mad at me. And I don't want to ruin your day by being a drag."

       I wasn't actually sure what happened between us last night, but with the way he high-tailed it out of there- I don't think it was anything good. All that progress we had made went straight down the drain- at least, that's what I thought. If he was going to be with them today, I didn't want to make the others awkward with the tension between us.

       Trey let out a heavy sigh before his deep voice lolled into my ear. "I'm sure he's not mad at you, Rose. You should know how he is by now. He passed out on the couch when he got back last night. I'll go talk to him-"

       "No, don't! Really Trey, it's okay. I had plans anyway today-" Lie. "-It would be rude to cancel them, you know?"

       There was another quiet pause before he grumbled into the phone. "Okay, but if you change your mind don't hesitate to call, alright?" I smiled at the sincerity in his voice, and forced that empty feeling back down.

       "Alright, bye."

       "Bye Princess."

       I reluctantly hung up the phone and held it against my chest. I didn't want to avoid Trey and the rest of the Big Four forever, but I just needed a few days for the awkward scene between Rex and I to seem like a distant memory. Then, maybe, we can all hang out like normal friends. I reached over and hit the play button on my remote, the small device offered little comfort as I watched the gory scenes unfold before me.

       Is it sad that I both love and fear this show?


       For the next hour, I found comfort in the way the brothers kicked major cannibal butt. If only I could fight off my own demons that easily.


       An hour or two later, I was bouncing around the kitchen in my Eeyore pajama pants and my dad's giant t-shirt with Rex's heavenly smelling jacket wrapped around me. I had just begun my Netflix marathon, and I needed snacks to reassure my stomach that the monsters in movies and TV shows weren't real. I had just popped open a bag of potato chips from Tate's secret stash, and was fixing to empty them into a giant bowl when the doorbell rang- I froze mid-pour.

       Dad left early this morning for another business trip, and Luce and Tate were supposed to be gone all day doing God only knew what. They wouldn't ring the doorbell anyway- So who was here? I licked the salty-goodness from my fingers before hopping to the front door like an excited child. Ever since I came home when I was twelve, dad had drilled the basic "home alone" rules into my brain over and over again until I could recite them in my sleep.

       The dead bolt was to stay bolted at all times, the door-knob lock was to stay locked at all times, and the chain was to never come off- on either door. Front or back. I was to use the peep hole to see who was there, and stay clear away from the windows in case it was an intruder with a gun.

       If I didn't know the person, I was supposed to run up to my room and call dad or Luce immediately. If I did know them, I was only supposed to unlock the dead bolt and the knob and ask what they wanted through the crack in the door that the chain lock allowed.

       Of course, when I looked into the peep hole and saw who was standing on my door step, all those rules flew out of my head in an instant. "Rex? What are you doing here?" I threw the door wide open and raised a confused eyebrow at him. So much for avoiding him for a few days.

       The gorgeous boy with the dark sunglasses covering his beautiful chestnut eyes gave me a slow once over, and the small smile the curled the tip of his lips put a frenzy of butterflies in my stomach.

       "My jacket looks good on you."

       That one sentence made heat flare from my head to my toes, until I looked like a sun burnt tomato- if that was even possible. Rex, on the other hand, didn't notice or didn't point it out as he gently pushed passed me and let himself in. I closed the door quietly and turned to face him with my bright tomato cheeks. "What are you doing here?" I was able to ask despite the fit of nerves his presence always brought.

       I watched as he pushed his sunglasses up his head until they rested on his perfectly messy styled hair. "I brought you these." He announced and held up the two pieces of clothing gripped in his hands that I hadn't noticed until then. I gaped up at him, my eyes wide in surprise. Is he really giving me some of his hoodies?

       Oh my God-

       His face fell slowly at my silence and his eyes flashed as he started to drop his arms. "Unless you don't want them anymore-"

       "No! No I want them!" I stammered and quickly grabbed the hoodies from his outstretched hands. He raised an eyebrow at me and the corners of his lips twitched as I clutched the clothes to my chest. "S-sorry, I was just surprised you brought them over." I admitted sheepishly, and blushed even brighter as my hold on the hoodies tightened. His scent wafted up at me, and it took every ounce of strength I had not to bury my nose in the clothes.

       "I told you I would give you some." He shrugged his shoulders and buried his hands in the jacket's pockets he was wearing- his dark eyes scanning the pictures hanging on the wall. Pictures I weren't really in.


       "Trey's pretty pissed at me you know?" He said suddenly as his dark eyes snapped over to me. Even though his voice was slightly amused I could hear the dark thrum that resonated within his tone. I gulped and clutched the hoodies tighter.

       "W-what? Why?"

       He edged closer to me, so close that I could smell the heavy musk straight from him- it filled my senses, made my head feel all foggy. He smelled like the rain and the woods at the same time, just like the hoodies I was clinging onto for dear life.

       "Because of you."

       I swallowed. Usually when he say's "because of you" he's beyond the point of angry, but staring at him now with wide and guilty eyes- I couldn't see any hint of malice or hate in his dizzying gaze.

       "I- I..." I didn't know what to say. Trey was angry at Rex because of me? They were fighting again, and it was my fault. I never wanted to make them mad at each other, and if me being their friend was going to ruin their friendship then I would leave them alone. I would leave them all alone-


       My eyes snapped away from the ground where I didn't realize I was staring when Rex's strong fingers gently grabbed onto my chin and lifted my face to his. "It's my fault." His voice was deep, soft even, as his thumb softly rubbed across my jaw.

       "But you just said-"

       "Because of you. He's mad at me because I upset you."


       "I'm not mad." His thumb and forefinger were gentle as they squeezed my chin, his dark, beautiful eyes stared into mine as I gazed up at him in slight disbelief.

       "But you seemed so upset when you left last night." I let my gaze drop to his shirt so he couldn't see the flash on hurt that crossed mine. I wasn't sure how, but I had upset him again. That's the only reason why he would have run out like he did.

       "I wasn't upset. I just..." He paused and let out a heavy sigh before taking a step closer. I gulped. His close proximity was making my head all groggy. He smelled so good, and tingles were shooting through my whole body at his touch. Did everyone feel this way around him?

       "You just what?" I tried to make my voice sound as soft and reassuring as I could. I didn't want him to close me out and run off again, not when we just started this friendship. I wanted him to trust me. I wanted him to tell me all his troubles and problems- so I could help. So I could help him.

       He sighed before his thumb against my chin one more time and let go. "That doesn't matter right now, Rose. Trey said you were supposed to come with us today, but you changed your mind."

       My gaze fell back to the floor now that Rex no longer forced it up, and I was glad. I didn't want him to see the embarrassing blush that crowded my face. "I- I didn't want to ruin your guys' day." My voice was soft as it slipped the truth past my lips. Or, the partial truth.

       I didn't want to ruin their day with the awkward tension that would be between him and I, but I guess that wasn't the case. I peeked up at him through my lashes- only to have my insides turn to complete and total mush. The hard mask that was usually plastered on his face was gone, and there was a small smile that made my heart flutter sitting on his beautiful lips.

       "You could never ruin their day, Roza. You could never ruin my day. Now go get ready." The shock that shook through me at his words quickly disappeared as he gave me a shove towards the stairs. "

       But I have plans-"

       "Staying in bed all day watching TV are not plans. Now shut up and go put warm clothes on." All protests I had against his definition of 'plans' and my definition flew out the window as I stepped onto the bottom step.

       "Why? Are we going ice skating or something?" I widened my eyes at the thought. Ice skating and I didn't necessarily agree. I'm the biggest klutz known to mankind, so if you put me in skates- you're going to be carrying me most of the time. Then again, if it was Rex that was carrying me I wouldn't mind.

       "No, the temperature is going to reach the thirties today." He let out a heavy sigh, that I didn't think was directed at me, before running a heavy hand through his dark hair. I wish I could do that- "Trey is obsessed with getting fucking pumpkins for Halloween, so we're going to that stupid pumpkin patch. And I refuse to suffer through that by myself. Go put on some damn clothes." He all but growled, his face hard once again. I tried not to squeak as he gently pushed my back until I started moving.

       I hurried quickly up the steps until I was hopping like a happy bunny into my room. Rex wanted me to go hang out with them. Heck, he was telling me that I was. H-e-double hockey sticks had officially frozen over. I quickly brushed my teeth and threw on some clothes before facing my new dilemma. Should I wear his hoodie and his jacket, or just the jacket? Or maybe just the hoodie? Would he think both was too much?

       "Hurry up, Rosalyn!" He shouted up the stairs, and I jumped before tossing the hoodies on the bed and grabbing his jacket. I would wear them some other time! It's not like I had to give them back anytime soon. I grabbed my phone and quickly hopped down the stairs towards an impatiently waiting Rex.

       I haven't been to a pumpkin patch in ages! When I asked Luce to take me last year she said I was too old for something so childish- but then Tate came along and he promised he would take me anywhere I wanted, even a pumpkin patch. But now I have Rex and the Big Four to go with instead! It was safe to say that I was beyond excited.

       "You look too excited for your own good." Rex raised an eyebrow at me when I finally planted my hopping feet next to him. I gave him the most dazzling smile I owned in response.

       His dark eyes flashed and he stared down at me with that mask of his as Trey's expedition came into view in front of my house. We stood there for a solid, silent minute just staring at each other, before he finally looked away. "Let's get going." He grumbled as he reached for the door and held it open for me. I shot him a grateful smile before hopping out into the early afternoon sun.

       "Buttercup!" Denton shouted out the window of the large SUV as I basically ran to the expedition in excitement.

       "Hi Denton!" I replied back with just as much enthusiasm. A smile so big I thought it would crack his lips crossed his face as he opened the back door to let me in.

       "I don't think so." There was suddenly a giant, warm arm wrapped around my waist, and another bracing the door half-way open. I blinked up at Rex in question, but he wasn't looking at me- he was too busy glaring daggers the second twin.

       "You're not sitting back here. Brett is." His voice was that scary calm that always happened before a storm, and I knew that unless Denton wanted a repeat of yesterday he would probably have to move.

       "What?! That's not fair! I want to sit next to Rose!" He pouted like a child and crossed his strong arms over his chest in a temperamental defiance that only made me laugh.

       "Switch with Brett- Now." Rex's voice went from that dark calm, to a threatening growl in a blink- and I probably would have taken a step away from him myself if his hand wasn't holding me in place.

       Denton grumbled some unpleasant words under his breath before he climbed reluctantly out of the car. I gave him an apologetic smile as he passed which he returned with a small one of his own.

       "Don't smile at him like that, he takes it the wrong way." I jumped slightly when Rex's voice whispered low in my ear, his tone anything but pleasant.

       "What do you mean?" I turned to face him, but he was already staring down at me with hard, dark eyes. I blinked and quickly looked away. Dang it- I probably upset him again.

       We were so close together that I felt his firm chest press against my back as he let out a heavy sigh. "Just get in, Roza." And just like that, I knew he wasn't mad at me. He wouldn't use Roza if he was.

       I shot him a quick smile before hopping into the back seat until my butt was placed firmly in the middle. Brett climbed in on my left with a small smile on his lips and reached over to ruffle my hair like a child as Rex climbed in after me. His eyes were still hard, but seemed distant like his mind was anywhere but there.

       "So, I'm guessing your plans got cancelled, Princess?" I looked up at the amused tone in Trey's voice, and found him staring at me with a teasing glint in his green eyes through the rear-view mirror.

       "Y-yeah, they did." I mumbled quietly, but apparently not quietly enough. His big, loud, booming laughter filled the car and the tension that had settled over all of us instantly disappeared. I felt my heart lighten at the sound of it.

       I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt something heavy wrap around my shoulders, and my head snapped over to Rex who had quietly slung his arm around me. Heat surged to my cheeks, and tingles erupted inside my stomach at the action- but Rex's eyes were distantly staring at the back of Denton's seat like his mind was a thousand miles away.

       "Are you okay?" I asked softly when Trey had pulled onto the road and turned the radio on.

       His dark eyes snapped down to mine and flashed almost dangerously as he stared down at me. But then, something amazing happened- something I would have died a thousand times to see again. Rex's whole face softened until he was smiling down at me with those warm chestnut eyes.

       It wasn't a big smile like the one he gave me in the car the other day, but it was a genuine smile nonetheless and it made my heart flutter happily in my chest. His smile made me smile, and before I knew what I was doing- I had reached up to touch his cheek.

       "I like your smile." I murmured so quietly I was surprised he heard, and as his beautiful eyes opened wide in response- I wish he hadn't. My hand dropped instantly and I turned so he couldn't see the embarrassment that flooded my features.

       Oh God. What does he think of me now? He probably thinks I'm some weird creeper who likes to stare at his face all day, and probably stalks him, and- A set of strong, tan fingers gripped my chin tightly and pulled my face up to look at his- just like in the hallway.

       "I like your smile." His voice murmured almost as quietly as mind had, and I knew he only did it so none of the other boys could

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