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Chapter 11

Nathaniel didn't miss the shocked expressions on his workers' faces when he left, but he decided to brush it off, shrugging it away and driving off to work.

Nathaniel Hugh is a young bachelor who recently got married and is the successor of a large company by his family, which was Pearl Inc. The company was one of the largest selling soap and body products in the state. It had many branches across the world. It was his grandfather who built the empire before it was passed to his father and then to him and being the only child, he made him the sole heir of the company. Under his grandfather and father's time in the company, the business was going fairly. Still, when the company was handed over to Nathaniel when he was twenty years old, he made the company to the top without any big competition. In contrast, other companies in the soap and skin business followed his company's footsteps, waiting for the opportunity to strike and which was impossible.

Nathaniel was ruthless, cold and shady with the help of his friend - Nicholas. Nicholas was a lawyer, and his maternal side was one of the biggest mafias in the state, and that made him and Nathaniel untouchable.

The security men saluted Nathaniel when he drove in, opening the door of his car for him as he walked languidly to his private elevator. The private elevator was only used by him or his family. He pressed the green button, which opened the elevator's door, and he entered, waiting for it to close as his PA stood outside. The elevator's door closed, and he pressed the last number where his office was situated, checking his wristwatch. He disliked tardiness from workers.

Nathaniel worked diligently, was disciplined and was a very time-conscious human. By the time the elevator chimed, the door automatically opened, and his PA bowed his head again and collected his briefcase from him before he nodded in response to his PA and walked to his office.

The workers working on the top floor were surprised to see their boss in the office when they thought he would take a week's break because of his wedding, but they thought wrong.

Every one of them stood up and bowed as a sign of respect while he walked past them without saying anything. No one talked when he passed by, and no chit-chatting could be made because their boss hated gossip, but what they could do when gossiping was one of the humans' hobbies. When they knew he was away from hearing them, the tables filled with murmuring and whispering, which flew around the office.

Nathaniel entered his office, unbuttoned his suit and hung it on the chair before he walked to the glass window and looked at the passing scene on the street. His PA knocked and entered, bringing him his briefcase, coffee and the daily newspaper. He collected the coffee and newspapers from him, staring at the coffee before taking a whiff at the smell and taking a sip, humming with satisfaction as the taste hit his taste bud.

After watching the passing scenes with him sipping his coffee, he went to his seat and took a seat on it, unfolding the newspaper to read the latest updates. He still preferred reading the newspaper to phone for the latest updates.

He sat down on his seat, placing the coffee mug at the side of his table before his wife thought, occupying his mind.

Will she be awake now? , he wondered as his heart beat thudly about his wife. He checked his wristwatch to see it was already 8:30 am and half an hour after he left home. He took his phone from his pocket, scrolled through the contact list and called his nanny after the second ring answered.

"Nana," he greeted in a cheerful voice, rubbing his shaved jaw.

"Nathaniel," his nanny called him in a sad voice while his heart was disheartened. He knew what Clara did broke his fragile old woman. His nanny was a very kind person who thought of others before hers, but what Clara did would have raised the poor woman's blood pressure which the doctor had advised not to do anything to make her worried.

His nanny only gave birth to a daughter who was Clara's mother, and Clara was her daughter's daughter. Clara's mother left Clara with her mother when she was an infant without a name to explore and enjoy her youth life. Till now, Clara's mother hadn't been heard or seen whether alive or not.

Well, what's the purpose of her being alive if she can't take care of her poor mother? He grimaced internally. Then the grandmother didn't mind and took care of her granddaughter. Only to have Clara betray them and break the woman again.

He tightened his jaw in anger at what Clara did. She played him well like Ronaldo played ball on the field. Then the image of his angel flashed in his eyes, and he calmed down, smiling cheekily.

His PA, who stood at the entrance, stared at his boss dumbfoundedly, wondering what had gotten to his boss because his aura had changed after a day of his marriage. Well, maybe marriage is one of the best things to happen to humans, he thought, grinning.

"Nathaniel," The nanny's voice thickened and crackled with emotion; she was down since yesterday she had heard that her granddaughter left her, leaving her with a letter informing her about her running away with another guy.

Ester was heartbroken; the headache had been like a second flesh to her since yesterday night. "That ungrateful girl!" she muttered, rubbing the immense headache she felt as a tear slipped down from her eyes. When her daughter left her, she thought everything was over for her, but she wasn't disturbed so much because she had a granddaughter who could wipe her tears and be her companion, but she was wrong.

The person who she thought to wipe her tears and be her companion was the one making her cry. She did everything in her power to make Clara a good person and gave her everything she wanted in her ability to make her happy.

It was still a miracle happened that she was still living and working with Hugh's Family with what her granddaughter did.

"Nana,'' he called softly, "I understand. It wasn't your fault," he consoled her. He knew that she would blame herself for what had happened. She would blame her parenting and everything.

"I wasn't foolish for not seeing the subtitled changes in her—'' he paused, pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly. He called to ask if his wife was awake, but this —.

He was tired of everything, but the only thing he wasn't tired of was his wife. He hadn't planned how he was going to face and talk with his nanny.

"I'm sorry," the woman cried, "I'm sorry," she bit her lips to stop her cries. "I'm really sorry," and he sighed.

"Grandma, we will discuss this when I get home," he assured her, smiling softly while he could hear her sniffing at the other side.

"Okay," her voice thickened.

"Awesome," he nearly clapped his hands in relief. All these emotions and crying stuff made him feel awkward, and he always did not know what to do. He always confused him.

"is my wife awake?" he asked hesitantly.

"She hasn't, but whenever she is awake, I'll ring you," his nanny responded while relief flooded through him.

He hung up and put his phone on his table; taking the folded newspaper he had left earlier, he sat properly on his seat and opened the first page.

What he saw in the headlines made him shout, startling his PA.


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