(34) Finally.

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Chapter 34- Finally.

I was finally back in his arms and he was back in mine.

We stayed sat on the floor for a while, just basking in eachothers company and bodily warmth.

My arms were around Kyle's body, and his around mine. His head rested on the top of my shoulder and right now, I wouldn't want it any other way.

"It had been the worst night of my life," he whispered.


"Knowing you had given up on us, thinking you didn't love me or maybe you were so mad you were disgusted with me, it was a rough night, Cal," he continued. My throat hitched and my eyes welled up because of his small and vulnerable voice. He was still hurt, I knew that. "They say boys don't cry, but they do, we're humans too, we have emotions and feelings and we maybe just as emotional as you are. I'm not afraid to crack my hard exterior, or to show my true emotions because I want you to see how much I need you when you're gone,"

"I'm sorry," I sniffed. I stroked his soft tangled hair as I kissed his forehead.

We stayed in silence for what seemed like hours. We didn't need to talk, we could feel everything we needed to.

I know I promised him I would stay, and I know I completely ruined that trust he built up regarding that, and I was sorry for ruining it. I knew it would take some time but maybe this brought us closer in the long run, I was hoping it did.

And even after all this, I'm hoping and praying that we raised enough money for Bill and Mary.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing in my pocket. I took it out and answered.

"Hey," it was my father. "You made up with Kyle yet?"

"How do you know?" I asked down the phone as I sat up straighter. Kyle moved slightly to make me more comfortable.

"You're not home so I assume,"

"Why are you home? I thought you had work," I replied.

"I quit, I'm too tired to work," was his only reply. My eyebrows reached my hairline, and I knew he couldn't see it anyway.

"Wow seriously?"

"It's for the best," he said. "Anyway, I wanted you to ask Kyle up for dinner,"

"Okay, I'll ask him,"

"Good, see you soon, don't be late, come home about 4," he demanded.

"Okay, dad, bye,"

"Bye, love," everytime I spoke to him my heart constricted and my eyes just became full of tears. I hated it, I hated knowing that he was living with an illness and there was nothing I could do about it.

I wondered if Tammy knew about it, and I was hoping she came to dinner tonight too.

"What's the matter?" Kyle breathed into my eat gently. My eyes were watery, but the years hadn't left yet.

"Nothing," I shook my head.

"Don't lie to me," he demanded with a soft and caring tone.

"It's just hard, with my father and all. It's hard knowing what the future will bring," he wrapped his arms around me tighter and I laid my head in his chest.

"It's okay, you've got me, you'll always have me,"

"I know," I whispered. "I think we need to clean this room," I continued, changing the subject. He loosened his arms around me and took a look around.

"Shit, I think so too," his face looked regretful and almost ashamed.

"Don't worry about it, you looked pretty hot in the midsts of a rage,"I said playfully. Kyle looked to me with a pouting expression.

"Shut up," I laughed at his chose of words.

We both finally got up off the floor, and I could have stayed there forever, but my body was numb.

I made my way over to the fat end of his room and started to pick up the mess that he made.

Kyle didn't say a word as he also began picking things up. I didn't mind, I enjoyed the silence. I knew Kyle was feeling just a little embarrassed and ashamed, but he didn't need to feel that way, I understood him.

It took us atleast two hours to get everything cleaned and cleared up. But I think Kyle was happy to see his room back to it's normal self, and then nothing could remind him of what happened.

It was now nearly half 3, and we agreed to go to my house now and just relax for a little while.

Kyle entwined his hand through mine, and I laid my head on his shoulder as we walked.

We hadn't spoken much, but we didn't really need to.

As soon as my father opened the door to let us in, I made my way in to the kitchen to find Tammy sat on one of the stools.

"Cali," she said as soon as I entered the room. She wrapped me up into her arms, her perfume clinging to her body. "How you holding up?" She whispered.

I guess she also knew about dad, and I was upset that Tammy may have been upset too.

"Good, you?"

"Yeah, as good as I can be. Works been hard this month, and I've been staying with my boyfriend for a while, he's lovely,"

"That's where you've been all this time," I stated as I smiled a little. "And I'm glad you've got a boyfriend better than the last," we pulled away.

"Thanks," she smiled my way and sat back down on her stool. Dad was smiling fondly at us and I smiled at him back.

I was aware that Kyle was behind me, he said his greetings towards Tammy before I led him up to my room.

"Call us when dinner is ready," I said to Tammy and my dad before. They nodded in response.

As soon as we were back in my room, I closed the door and landed on the bed.

"Christmas is only a month a way," Kyle stated out of the blue. I looked to him as he stood there at the end of my bed, looking through the photos on my shelf.

"I love Christmas,"

"Yeah, me too," he didn't seem like his normal self, and I cocked my head to the side.

"What's the matter?" I asked gently. He shook his head. "Don't say nothing, Kyle," I demanded before he could.

"It's Joe's birthday soon," he sighed and shook his head again. "I'm sorry, it's just it's always been hard," I got up from my bed and made my way towards him.

I took him into my arms and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"It's okay, I totally get it," I whispered. "Does he have a grave we can visit?" He nodded his head. "We can go there to see him, I mean, I don't have to go with you but if you want me there then that's perfectly okay," I tilted my head up to look at him. He looked down and laid his lips gently to mine.

"Thankyou," was his only reply. "Thankyou for everything," I smiled his way.

When we pulled apart, we sat down on my bed together. Kyle took hold of my two hands.

"Babe?" I took my eyes away from the floor and turned to look at him.


"I promised your father I'd always be here for you, and I definitely will, forever, because I promised him and I promised myself, just don't forget it okay?"

"I won't," I replied. "Why did you tell me this?"

"I just want to get you ready, you know what will happen in the future, I do too, it'll only be you and I soon, with the exception of Tammy and my family, but you do realise you'll need me more than anything, and I won't leave, so don't ever think I will," his eyes were raw and passionate. And I loved him more and more everyday.

It wasn't possible to love somebody as much as I loved Kyle, it wasn't right, it was crazy. But I wouldn't change it for the world.

"Your dad's getting more ill as the days go by, I can see that and so can you-"

"Why do you keep telling me this? It's making it worse," I replied. Kyle moved further to me as his face looked guilty but determined.

"No, I don't mean to do that, baby, I promise, I just want to point out reality okay? I know what it's like to lose a loved one without having the opportunity to be prepared, to fully know what is going to happen, you do, and I want you to use it to your advantage, I want you to be happy forever, Cali, it's going to hurt, it always does, I just want you to be prepared," I moved closer to him.

"Okay," I kissed his cheek. "Can we talk about something else?"

"Like what?" He smirked.

"No what you're thinking," I laughed. He laughed in reply.

"Why not?" He moved closer to me and moved to lower me down slowly. His arms were either side of my head as his body was on top of mine. I laughed.

"Go away," I stuck out my tongue. Kyle smiled down at me.

"Never," he whispered slightly. His face leaned in further to mine and my smile faded as my breathing became more ragged. I could feel every inch of him.

"Cali, Kyle!" I heard Tammy's voice echo up into my bedroom. Kyle's face dropped and I laughed at his expression.

"Aw don't be disheartened," I pinched his cheeks as he moved off me moodily. I still continued to laugh.

Even through all of the bad times, he helped me to become happy. I didn't know whether to feel guilty of that fact, or to be grateful. If it wasn't for Kyle I'd have stayed in my depressed pit of dispair, but Kyle helped me out of it, like he helped me out of everything else.

We made our way downstairs. Something smelled great. Kyle sat me down in the chair opposite him, and I was happy his gentleman attitude was still alive even infront of my family.

I smiled to him as he sat opposite him. He smiled back and his eyebrows jumped up and down as Tammy and my dad were sorting things around us. I laughed slightly as he did so.

"Would you like help?" Kyle suddenly asked as he turned around to look at my dad. He shook his head.

"No I'm perfectly okay," he smiled. I knew, even with his illness, he still wanted to do mostly everything.

He was looking a little worn for wear, and he did look weaker, paler and more tired, but I didn't want to think like that. He was still my dad.

Finally, Tammy and dad sat down beside us. Dinner was infront of us and we began eating as soon as everybody was ready.

Kyle's legs wrapped around mine under the table. I looked to him but he didn't look up to me. I knew it was his way to show me that he was always there, and that maybe he knew I would be thinking too hard when he's not talking to me, it's as if he was giving me support even when he couldn't take my mind off it as much.

Dinner was full of conversation and it was a good laugh. Dad was still as funny as ever, even when he didn't eat up all his food like he usaully would have.

Tammy was her usual self, never taking the teasing my father always did, and laughing loudly whenever she could.

Looking around, on a four seated table was a family I loved to bits, and even in a few months or years, when one goes and never comes back, I will rememeber how it used to be.

Kyle was considered family now, I didn't doubt that. I didn't want him gone from my life, I wanted him here forever.

Everything changes in life quickly. A couple of months back, I was sat around a table with my mother, my healthy father and a sister who hated me. I wasn't happy.

And even with everything happening right now, I was happy.

"Cali," my father whispered to me as his hand was in the way so Tammy couldn't see. I looked to him and he flickered his eyes to the cake between us and then up to Tammy. I knew exactly what he meant and I smiled his way.

I picked up the cake slowly as Tammy went on about a girl she didn't get on with in work. In two seconds I smashed the cake into her face. She squeaked as she shot up from the table.

Kyle and my father laughed recklessly. Even now my dad was wrecking havoc among the dinner table. Tammy looked almost fustrated, but after a few seconds, her face lit up and she started laughing too.

"Who's idea was this?" Tammy said inbetween giggles. I pointed to my father. "Dad!" She groaned. He shrugged and smiled at her. Kyle was still chuckling infront of me. I looked to him again as my laughing died down.

His eyes held mine and they shone with love and affection. My breath hitched in my throat and I stopped breathing for abit.

"I love you," he mouthed across the table. I smiled.

"I love you," I mouthed back.

"Promise?" He held out his pinky finger discreetly. I giggled a little as I looked to the table cloth. My eyes moved back up to him as I also held out my finger.

"Promise," he smiled wide as I shook my head in exasperation.


I'm so sorry guys I hit massive writers block! But I'm back and ready! Love you guys loads!!

My cousin has a new story out, she's amazing and I love her story very much. Please please read her story, it's called every thought of you, so please read it!

Love you very much.x

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