Necklaces and Drooling Dinners

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florence pov

"Oh cmon Flo!" Harry exclaimed. "He was practically drooling over you at breakfast."


"Drooling." He repeated sternly.

Harry has been rambling on about this for the entire walk to Hogsmeade. He seems to think Cormac is flirting with me, which he isn't. Well, I don't think he is anyway.

"Oh stop you're just being ridiculous, Harry."

"No I'm not!" He turned to Ron. "I'm not being ridiculous, am I?"

"Don't drag me into this." Ron said, holding his hands up in defence.


"I mean, anyone can see that Cormac has a thing for Flo." She said, Harry smiled in satisfaction. "But, isn't it obvious? She would never leave you for that troll."

"Thank you Hermione!" I turned to Harry. "I'm not flirting back, so just drop it please."

Harry scoffed. "Fine, but if he tries it again, I'll kill him."

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the fact I found Harry hot when he's protective.

"Now that this little lovers quarrel is over, we have important matters to discuss." Hermione began.

"Like what?" Ron asked.

"Harry, for weeks you've carried around that book, practically sleeping with it, and yet you have no desire to find out who the half blood prince is?"

"I didn't say I wasn't curious, and I don't sleep with it." Harry defended.

"Well, it's true. I like a nice chat before I go to bed. Now all you do is read that bloody book. It's like being with Hermione."

Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron. "Well, I was curious, so I went to-"

"The library." We all finished for her.

She laughed.

"And?" Harry asked.

"And nothing. I couldn't find a reference anywhere to a half blood prince."

"There we go. That settles it then. Now, does anyone fancy a butterbeer?" Harry asked.


I took off my snowy coat as we entered The Three Broomsticks. A delicious smell of butterscotch, whiskey, and burning wood filled the air.

Hermione walked towards a table near the bar.

"No, not there. Over here." Harry said, as he looked over to the bar.

Professor Slughorn was telling the bartender his entire life story over an bottle of firewhiskey.

I sat down next to Harry and across from Ron.

"Something to drink?" The waiter asked us.

"Four butterbeers, and some ginger in mine please." Hermione answered.

He scribbled it down and headed off. I turned to talk to Harry, but his attention was fixed on Slughorn.


Knowing Harry, he must want something from Slughorn.

My eyes wandered around the bar, until they landed on Draco walking past. We held eye contact for a moment before he disappeared through a nearby door. He looked somewhat scared, and I couldn't put my finger on why.

I've been trying to find him around school to talk but every time he's made up some excuse and rushed off. Something is definitely going on with him.

I continued to scan the room. Dean and Ginny were snuggled in a corner, talking and laughing over some butterbeers.

"Oh bloody hell." Ron said, as he noticed them. "Slick git."

"Honestly Ronald, they're only holding hands." Hermione defended. Her eyes widened a moment later.

I turned back to see Ginny and Dean making out. "And snogging."

Ron looked as though he was either going to murder Dean or projectile vomit. Neither of which I'd like to see.

"I'd like to leave." He said quickly.

"What? You can't be serious." Hermione said as the waiter placed down our drinks.

"That happens to be my sister."

"So?" Hermione asked, seeming rather offended. "What if she looked over here and saw you snogging me? Would you expect her to get up and leave?"

I had to hold in my laughter as both Ron and Hermione's face turned bright red. Ron looked awkwardly at the ground.

"Hey my boy!" Slughorn greeted Harry as he came over to our table.

"Hello sir. Wonderful to see you." He jumped out his seat and shook Slughorn's hand enthusiastically.

"And you! And you."

I was a bit confused as to why Harry was so excited to see our Potions professor.

"What brings you here?" Harry asked him.

"The Three Broomsticks and I go way back, further than I care to admit." Slughorn laughed. "I can remember when it was only one broomstick."

He toppled to the side and spilled some of his firewhiskey on Hermione. "Oh! All hands on deck Granger!" He exclaimed as he tried to rebalance himself.

Hermione hid her anger behind a smile.

"Listen, my boy, in the old days I used to throw together the occasional supper party for the select student or two. Would you be game?" Slughorn asked Harry.

"I'd consider it an honour, sir."

He turned to Hermione who was still cleaning up his spilt drink. "You'd be welcome too, Granger."

"I'd be delighted sir." She forced out another happy smile.

Slughorn turned to me.

Oh no, not me.

"And Miss Bailey. You of course are invited."

I put on a convincing smile. "I'd love to attend, thank you sir."

"Splendid! Look for my owl." He turned to Ron. "Good to see you, Wallenby."

Ron smiled awkwardly and we all burst out laughing as he left.

Not that Professor Slughorn wasn't nice or anything, he's lovely, but just not exactly someone I'd choose to have a dinner party with.

"What are you playing at?" Ron asked Harry.

We were all wondering the same. Why was Harry being so friendly with our Potions professor?

"Dumbledore's asked me to get to know him."

"Get to know him?" I asked.

"I don't know why. It must be important. Otherwise Dumbledore wouldn't have asked."


Hermione swung her arms around Harry and I as we walked back to the castle. She may have had one too many butterbeers.

"Flo!" Ron whisper shouted from beside me. "Did you hear what she was saying back at the pub about me and her snogging?"

"Maybe she's giving you hints." I suggested.

"Phht. As if."

"All I'm saying is that's what Harry did, and look what happened."

Ron's expression was unreadable. Maybe joy? Obviously joy. My best friends are in love and won't admit it.

There was a blood-curdling scream ahead of us. We looked forward to see Katie Bell being lifted into the air.

"I warned her! I warned her not to touch it!" Her friend, Leanne yelled desperately.

Katie's legs and arms spread out and she let out a chilling screech. Her limp body was flung to the ground and Hermione gasped.

I looked to the ground next to me. An ancient blue necklace lay on some wrapping. I bent down to examine it further.

"Don't get any closer!" Hagrid yelled frantically as he rushed to us. "Get back, all of you." He carefully picked up Katie. Her body was shaking violently, as if she was freezing.

I reached my hand out to pick up the necklace.

"Do not touch that." Hagrid ordered right before my fingers touched it. "Except by the wrappings. Do you understand?"

We all nodded. I carefully grabbed the edges of the thin brown paper that the necklace had been wrapped in.


A little while later, we all gathered in Professor McGonagall's office.

"You're sure Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered The Three Broomsticks?" McGonagall asked Leanne.

"It's like I said. She left to go to the loo, and when she came back she had the package. She said it was important that she deliver it." Leanne answered shakily.

"Did she say to whom?"

"To Professor Dumbledore."

Why would someone want to give Dumbledore a necklace as dangerous as that one?

"Very well. Thank you, Leanne. You may go."

Leanne nodded and nervously left the room.

McGonagall sighed and turned to us. "Why is it when something happens it is always you four?"

We all glanced at each other.

"Believe me, professor," Ron answered. "I've been asking myself the same question for six years."

I heard someone else enter the room behind us.

"Oh Severus." McGonagall said desperately as he entered the room.

Snape stayed quiet and examined the necklace.

"What do you think?" McGongall asked.

"I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive."

"She was cursed, wasn't she?" Harry asked. "I know Katie off the quidditch pitch, she wouldn't hurt a fly. If she was delivering that to Professor Dumbledore, she wasn't doing it knowingly."

"Yes, she was cursed." Professor McGongall answered, without taking her eyes off the necklace.

"It was Malfoy."

We all turned to Harry in shock.

He's been trying to convince us that Draco is up to something for weeks, but I didn't actually think he would mention it to a teacher.

"That is a very serious accusation, Potter."

"Indeed." Snape glared at him. "Your evidence?"

"I just know."

I mentally face palmed. Yes. That'll convince them Harry.

"You just....,know." Snape repeated, mockingly. "You astonish with your gifts, Potter. Gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing. How grand it must be to be the chosen one."

Am I hearing this right? Was that a hint of jealously?

Professor Mcgonagall looked strangely as Snape for a moment. As did we all.

"I suggest you go back to your dormitories. All of you."


harry pov

"What'd you suppose Dean sees in her? Ginny?" Ron asked as we lay on our beds.

"Well, what does she see in him?"

"Dean? He's brilliant."

I turned to him. "You called him a slick git not five hours ago!"

"Yeah, well, he was running his hands all over my sister, wasn't he? Something snaps, and you've gotta hate him, you know? On principle."

"I suppose."

"So what is it he sees in her? What do you see in Florence?"

"I don't know. Sometimes I just look at her and feel sort of......overwhelmed that she exists. You know?"

Ron looked at me like I spoke a different language.

I tried saying something he might understand.

"She understands me. Not to mention she's smart, funny, beautiful, fun, caring, attractive-"


I hesitated. I still get shy talking about it Florence, even after all this time. "You know......she's got nice"

"Skin? Are you saying Dean's dating my sister because of her skin?"

"Well, no. I mean, I'm just saying it could be a contributing factor." I said awkwardly. "How can I know why Dean likes Ginny?"

Ron paused. "Hermione's got nice skin. Wouldn't you say? As skin goes, I mean."

This is his way of saying he fancies her.

"I've never really thought about it. But yeah, I suppose so." I looked over at Ron to see him smiling at the ceiling.

He turned to face me and saw how I was looking at him.

"Shut it."


Since McGonagall's office yesterday, I've been trying hard to get someone on my side about the whole Malfoy deal.

No one seems to believe me. I guess I can understand because I don't actually have any evidence yet. But I'll find some.......somehow.

"So Cormac, do you see anything of your uncle Tiberias these days?" Slughorn asked.

Slughorn had invited eight students. His dinner party so far hasn't exactly been exciting.

"Yes, sir. In fact I'm meant to go hunting with him and the Minister of magic over the holidays." He answered, bragging.

"Well, be sure to give them both my best. What about your uncle, Belby?"

I tuned Professor Slughorn out and looked at the people around me. Cormac, Neville, Hermione, Blaise, Florence, and a few others that I didn't know.

I already felt wary letting Cormac be in the same room as my girlfriend, but what I saw next really made me want to curse him.

Cormac was sucking some ice cream off his finger seductively, while giving the 'eyes' at Florence.

I glanced at Florence who looked up and saw. She quickly looked and shifted uncomfortably in her seat, picking at her dessert.

I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled warmly at me and returned a kiss on my cheek.

When I turned back to Cormac with a boyish grin across my face, his smirk had turned into a glare and he was wiping the residue of ice cream from his finger.

Yeah, that's right Cormac. I got her first. She's mine.

"What about you, Miss Granger? What exactly does your family do in the muggle world?" Slughorn asked her once he was finished with Belby.

Hermione sat up in her chair uncomfortably. "My parents are........dentists."

I obviously knew what a dentist was, growing up in the muggle world and all, but when I turned to Florence she looked baffled.

In fact, most people at the table did.

"They tend to people's teeth." Hermione explained.

"Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?"

"No. Although one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches." Hermione laughed to ease the tension.

Everyone went into a silent confusion, well apart from Florence.

"Wow. You have to tell me more about the denmists later Mione."

"Dentists love." I whispered in her ear.

Her face turned red and I laughed at her. "Oh....... right, dentists."

Hermione's expression brightened and she nodded excitedly. The door creaked open slightly.

"Ah, Miss Weasley. Come in, come in." Slughorn greeted.

Ginny's face was red and tear streaked.

"Look at her eyes. They've been fighting again, her and Dean. She told me about it yesterday." Florence whispered.

The entire table shared sympathetic glances as she took her seat.

"Sorry. I'm not usually late."

"No matter. You're just in time for dessert."


After a painfully long half hour, dinner had finally ended.

Hermione, Florence, and I were last to leave the room thanks to everyone else leaving as quickly as possible.

"I think I'm gonna stay and have a word with Slughorn." I said to them.

Hermione nodded and stood by the door.

Florence moved closer to me and lowered her voice. "I know what you were doing in there, Harry."

"I was just making sure Cormac knew his place." I grinned, running my hand down her arm.

"Hm. You can show me my place later." She whispered in my ear, walking off with Hermione.

Merlin. I gotta get this thing with Slughorn done quickly.

"Potter?" Slughorn asked once he noticed I was still in the room.

"I'm sorry, sir. I was just admiring your hourglass." I lied quickly, still trying to recover from what Florence said.

"Ah yes. A most intriguing object. The sand runs in accordance with the quality of the conversation. If it is stimulating the sand runs slowly. If it is not-"

"I think I'll be going then." I laughed.

"Nonsense! You have nothing to fear, dear boy. As for some of your classmates, well, let's just say they're unlikely to make the shelf."

I thought back to the shelf he had showed me when I first met him. My mother was on that shelf, along with other successful wizards and witches he had taught.

I prepared myself to begin the conversation I had been dreading.

"Did Voldemort ever make the shelf sir? You knew him, didn't you, sir, Tom Riddle? You were his teacher."

He adjusted his collar uncomfortably as he thought of the right words to say. "Mr-Mr Riddle had a number of teachers whilst here at Hogwarts."

"What was he like?"

Slughorn kept quiet as the memories of Tom Riddle came flooding back.

"I'm sorry, sir. Forgive me. He killed my parents."

"Of course. It's only natural you should want to know more, but I'm afraid I must disappoint you Harry. When I first met Mr Riddle, he was a quiet, albeit brilliant boy committed to becoming a first rate wizard. Not unlike other I've known. Not unlike yourself in fact."

His words made me feel uneasy.

"If the monster existed, it was buried deep within."

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