The Great Gringotts Escape

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florence pov

"I think I found it."

We all turned our attention towards the mountain of sparkling jewels and shimmering trinkets I was pointing at.

"Yeah. It's the cup. I can feel it." Harry said as he shone his light at a gold cup on top of a massive pile.

"Me too. It has to be that." I agreed.

I turned my head at a clattering from behind me. Hermione was backing away from a thick gold bracelet that was multiplying into copies of itself at an alarming speed.

Ron knocked over a gold vase while backing away from the multiplying bracelets. The vase too, started making copies of itself.

"What in the bloody-"

"It's the gemino curse! Don't touch anything!" I called to them.

I had once used the gemino curse on a teddy bear when I was very young after finding a set of instructions in one of the books in the Malfoy Manor library. The teddies filled the entire room before Lucius put a stop to it. That's when he decided to keep the door locked, and it stayed locked. That was, until I learned of the alohamora spell of course.

"Give me the sword!" Harry yelled to Hermione as he reached his hand out over the bracelets and vases that were now covering the floor.

Hermione threw the sword to him and he began to climb the mountain of jewels. Everything he touched began to multiply, creating a sea of objects filling up the vault. I was now up to my knees in all kinds of different jewels and trinkets.

Harry had made it to the top of the mountain of jewels and trinkets, but just as he did, he was swallowed amongst all of the objects.

It was silent for a few moments, the only sound was the clinking of a few metal objects still multiplying. I started to quietly panic.

Just as I took a step forward, Harry burst out from the mountain of objects with the cup and sword in hand, sending even more things multiplying and filling up the room.

"Got it!" He yelled as he tossed the cup to Griphook who was preparing to open the door.

Griphook held the cup close to him. Very close to him. Something told me he wasn't going to give it up easily, or at all.

"We had a deal you little shit!" I yelled angrily at him as I began being submerged beneath the objects.

"The sword for the cup." He held out his hand for Harry to throw him the sword.

Harry threw the sword at Griphook as he caught it immediately. Griphook roughly threw the cup towards Hermione as she jumped up and caught it.

Griphook then turned to us with a smile I didn't like the look of. "I said I'd get you in. I didn't say anything about getting you out."

"No!" Hermione yelled.

The goblin heaved open the heavy vault door. I flipped him off as grinned at me and disappeared out of sight. I've said it once and I'll say it again, I hate that bloody goblin.

Harry clawed his way to the front of the vault and pushed open the door further to let us all out.

"Theives!" I could hear Griphook yell as he rang the noisemaker in the distance. "Theives in the vault!"

Hermione, Ron, and I finally managed to push through the millions of objects to the open door as we reached Harry. I tripped, again, as we made our way out.

Thanks mum. Great everyday shoe choice.

Griphook stopped shaking the noisemaker and ran down the hall that we had arrived from. The goblin that Ron had used the imperious curse on was standing in front of the dragon, still in a daze.

"Foul little git." Ron muttered. "Least we've got Bogrod."

And in one breath, the dragon blew a huge gust of fire towards the oblivious goblin. When the fire settles, a single burnt shoe was all that was left.

"That's unfortunate." Ron said quietly.

A group of guards ran around the corner and into sight. They immediately began shooting spells at us. I sent a few flying back before ducking behind a wall with Ron, Hermione, and Harry.

"We can't just stand here! Who's got an idea?!" Hermione asked, yelling over the sounds of the noisemakers and falling bricks.

"You're the brilliant one!" Ron called back.

We all turned to Hermione in hope that she had the slightest idea of how to get us out of here.

"I've got something, but it's mad!"

"I like mad!" I called back.

She grinned.

Without warning, she shot a spell at the railing keeping us from the dragon. It fell to the ground below in an explosion of smoke. She ran straight off the ledge and jumped onto the dragons back.

We all just stood there, staring at her in shock.

"Well, come on then!" She yelled.

"Fuck it." I leaped off the ledge and landed behind Hermione on the back of the magnificent dragon. Ron was next to jump, then finally Harry.

"Relashio!" Hermione yelled as she shot a spell at the chains holding down the dragon.

They broke apart easily and the dragon wasted no time in flying into the air. I held on tight to the long spikes coming out from it's back.

I closed my eyes as the dragon headed straight for the roof of Gringott's. I heard the sound of glass shattering and the deafening screams of shock from the people below. The dragon blew out another large gust of fire as it rose into bright blue sky.

Besides broomsticks, I've never been very fond of flying. But this, this was incredible.

"Hold on!" Harry yelled as the dragon flew high over Diagon Alley, twisting and turning through the bright blue sky.

"That was brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!" Ron exclaimed as we soared through the sky.


After about an hour of flight, the dragon got closer to the ground, or so I thought. I sighed as I realised we were flying above a lake. A cold, dark lake. We were about one hundred feet in the air and we had no idea when we were getting off.

"I say we jump!" Hermione suggested after a few moments of peaceful flying.

I groaned. "I was scared you were gonna say that."

"When?!" Ron asked worriedly.


We all let go of the spikes at the same time and dropped into the ice cold water below. As soon as I swam to the surface and took a deep breath of air, it happened.

All in a flash. Everything.

My father.
The horcruxes we had discovered.
The ring.
The diary.
The locket.
Ravenclaw house symbol?
Rowena Ravenclaw?
The cup from my mother's vault.
So much blood.
Dead bodies.

And my fathers terrified face.

Oh shit.

He knows.

He knows we're hunting horcruxes. He knows we know his secret.

Rowena Ravenclaw. I saw her. Does this mean we're going back to Hogwarts to find another horcrux?

My breathing became quicker and heavier as I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. What if my father finds us before we get all the horcruxes?

I frantically swam to the shore as fast as my legs could kick. I could feel myself being slowed down by my huge cloak and heavy boots but it didn't stop me.

"He knows." I said the minute we were all on the shore.

"I saw it too." Harry said, panting. "He knows."

"Who?" Ron asked, gasping for breath.

"My father." I said.

"He knows we broke into Gringotts. He knows what we took and he knows we're hunting horcruxes." Harry said quickly.

"How is it you both know?" Hermione asked.

"We saw him. At the same time. Just then." I explained. "It was like flashes. It was so quick."

"You both let him in? You can't do that!"

"Hermione, we can't always help it! Well, maybe we can. I don't know." Harry replied.

The four of us walked up the hill to a grassy clearing.

"Never mind that." Ron said while taking off his wet shirt. "What happened?"

"Well, he's angry, and scared too. He knows if we find and destroy all of the horcruxes we'll be able to kill him. I reckon he'll stop at nothing." Harry explained as he threw off his wet shirt.

I nodded as I began to untie my mother's tight corset. Hermione threw us a new set of clothes each from that magic bag of hers. I slipped off Bellatrix's dress and pulled on some black jeans that Hermione had given me.

"There's more." I began. "One of them is at Hogwarts."

"What?" Hermione asked. "You saw it?"

"I saw the castle. And Rowena Ravenclaw. It must have something to do with her." I said as I threw on a shirt.

"We have to go there now!" Harry exclaimed.

"You know we can't do that, mate." Ron reasoned.

"That's exactly where he's expecting you to go." Hermione said lowly.

"Guys, this is my dad we're talking about. We can't just sit around and wait for a horcrux to appear." I defended. "It's now or never. You know how dangerous this could be if we wait."

"We need to plan. We need to figure it out." Hermione said as she finished giving us our clothes and began changing into hers.

"Mione, when have any of our plans actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose." Harry ranted.

"He's right." Ron agreed as he finished changing. "One problem. Snape's headmaster now. We can't just walk through the front door."

"We'll go to Hogsmeade, to Honeydukes. Take the secret passage in the cellar." Harry paused as if a thought came to him. "It's like there's something wrong with him. It's like, you know, in the past, I've always been able to follow his thoughts. And now everything feels..... disconnected."

I finished changing as I threw on the light blue zip up jacket that Harry always wears. You know, the one with white stripes on the shoulders?

It's my favourite one.

"I feel the same. Maybe it's the horcruxes?" I suggested as I tied my hair up. "Maybe my father is growing weaker. Maybe he's finally dying."

"That's what I thought but now I'm not so sure. It's more like he's wounded. If anything, he feels more dangerous."

I'm too young to be feeling as though I'm running out of time. But, I can't help it.

We all just stood in silence for a moment, each of us trying to figure out what it could mean.

All we do know is that we are once again about to walk into a place crawling with deatheaters, with no plan.

What could go wrong?

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