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"Any idea what's going to happen?"

"None. No one can give me answers. Everything's up in the air. If only I hadn't..."

"Well, you did Michael so now you have to sort it out." His friend was an idiot Damon thought to himself.

"I know" Michael growled frustratedly "doesn't make it any easier. Anna has no idea right?"

"I haven't told her anything but you and I know how the media works. It won't be long before word leaks out."

"God I hope it's later rather than sooner. She'll be so disappointed in me."

"She's a teen Michael. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Teens are over dramatic!"

Michael chuckled at his friend at the other end of the phone "Sounds like she's been giving you the run around."

Damon laughed "She tried but I told her who was boss and now she's lovable."

He was surprised as the phone went quiet before Michael spoke again "Don't push her too hard Damon. There's things I haven't told you..."

"What things?" he asked suspiciously.

"I'll tell you another time, I have a call on the other line... just... Look if she goes uncommonly quiet call her friend Red. She'll know what to do."

"Fuck off Michael you can't..."

"Sorry, gotta go. I'll call in a few days. Hopefully with good news. Take good care of my girl" he was gone.

Hanging up the phone Damon couldn't help but wonder what the hell he meant by quiet. Sure she was quieter now than before but that was because she was trying to please him by obeying his rules... wasn't it?

He hit the table in frustration. There were three things in life he couldn't stand; lies, cheating and secrets. Michael had a secret about his fiancee. He wasn't amused. No one knows more about his belongings more than him. He wanted answers and if Michael wouldn't give them then he resolved that he would just have to watch her closer. He'd solve her mystery.


"What would you like to eat Anna?"

She looked especially beautiful tonight. It was obvious that she'd taken a lot of care with the clothes she chose. Nothing was showing but the dress fitted her well enough to say she'd dressed up for him. He appreciated that.

"Please choose for me Damon."

"Are you sure?" he was surprised by her request.

"Yes please."

So order he did while glimpsing across at her. She was quiet but she was still talking with him so he wasn't worried.

"Tomorrow's Saturday Anna so I was thinking maybe we should go and buy our wedding rings. Would you like that?"

Anna looked up briefly before returning her gaze to the table. She really didn't want to get wedding rings but knew she had no choice.

"If that's what you would like to do Damon."

He was extremely happy. It appeared that she'd accepted the idea of marrying him. "The wedding will take place in three weeks Anna. A simple ceremony with a celebrant in your fathers garden. I'm assuming you'd like Red to stand up with you so you and her can go dress shopping on Sunday. Pick something elegant but not overdone. The guests will be looking at you but I'd prefer that they weren't tempted to look too close."

"Of course Damon. If that's what you'd like."

"It is Anna" he paused before continuing "you know, I'm surprised you aren't still fighting me on this. As I recall you weren't too fond of the idea."

She wasn't fond of it at all. She just wasn't given a choice. In fact, she was surprised that he was letting her choose her own wedding gown. That wasn't how it was supposed to be. He was supposed to be the one in control. She wasn't sure how to handle this. It wasn't the scenario she was used to. Freedom of choice never existed... back then.

"Anna? Are you ignoring me?" he chuckled wickedly.

"I apologise Damon. I was thinking that you seem to have everything all sorted." It was a small lie but she didn't wish to upset him.

"Look at me Anna."

She did. His eyes were filled with amusement and had a different sparkle in them. "I most certainly do my love but you know what I'm happiest about?"

She shooke her head but noticed the slight change in his expression and quickly used her voice " no Damon."

He smiled. "Our wedding night. I have a special night planned for when I take your body as mine completely my love. I plan to fuck you senseless."

She gulped. Knowing about and doing IT were light years apart. She was spared the need to reply as their food arrived.

UGH! Looking at her plate she imwardly grimaced, of all the foods...Alfredo... Yuck. She waited.

"To your liking Anna?"

She smiled "Lovely, thank you."

"Go ahead and eat. We have a long day tomorrow after we get the rings so an early night'll be good for you."

She ate.

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