Chapter 28

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Drew stared at the cafeteria doors Rose walked out of, Tyler had no idea what to say other than "What the fuck just happened?".

Drew looks at Tyler and shrugs his shoulders "Did you see what she was wearing?" he asks Tyler.

"She looked ready to kill someone" Ben a jock they played football with called out as a joke, but Drew and Tyler knew that there was a possibility of that actually happening.

"She's hot" Luke comments, another jock on the team.

Drew rolls his eyes "She's taken my Tyler's brother and has a week-old son" pointing to the infant in the car seat Rose dropped off moments ago.

Sammy stirs and opens his eyes, they dart around the room, Drew notices his bottom lip curl into his mouth, he was about to cry. Standing up Drew unbuckles him from the car seat and pulls him into his arms. The infant looks up at Drew and settles down again in which Drew sighs in relief.

"Hey buddy" Drew coos down to him. Sammy stares up at Drew completely confused but Drew smiles anyway. "You definitely have your mother's eyes" he comments on the beautiful blue and grey eyes.

"Do you even know how to take care of a baby?" Tyler asks.

Drew looks up at him "It's just like babysitting, besides, Rose will be back by six and everything will be back to normal" he speaks confidently. Drew knew Rose, though only a short time, he knew she wouldn't abandon her son, she was doing this to protect him.

"She's going after them isn't she, to kill them" Tyler speaks quietly so no one else could hear, they all went back to their own chatter, but there was most likely talk about the baby in the high school.

"They tried to kill her, and threatened Sammy and her family, you would do the same" Drew whispers harshly.

Tyler sighs, he knew Rose was doing this for her family, but it didn't change the fact they would have to deal with the wrath of Ace if she didn't get back in time.

"How long have you known Rose?" Ben asks silencing the table of conversation again, all interested in whatever knowledge they could get.

"A few months, we met in Australia, she fled there when shit happened here, she worked at my grans diner whilst she was there" Drew states and Sammy begins to cry. Drew rocks him and pats his butt to calm him down, "I know Sammy, mommy will be back soon okay, this is the longest she hasn't been close to you" he says to him.

"Doesn't he need feeding, like breast milk or something?" Luke asks looking at the tiny infant in Drew's arms.

"He's already been fed, he just wants his mother, she's never been away from him since he was born, and they had been through so much whilst she was pregnant with him".

"He likes you" Ben comments.

Drew chuckles "I hope so, I birthed the little bugger".

Everyone looked at him in shock, that was something to come out with "Is that were you went on the night of the game last week?" another teammate John questions.

"So, you saw her..." not wanting to use the words Luke was starting to fell sickly at the thought of what that actually looked like.

"Don't get any ideas, it definitely puts you off knowing what can happen" Drew shivers in disgust, and he was already gay.

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch, Drew put Sammy back in the car seat and Tyler grabbed the baby bag, they had their final classes together "I wonder how our teachers will think about a baby in the class". Most of the guys on the team follow Tyler and Drew as they all had the same English class.

Rose stood looking at Saxon and Sandra, five minutes of silence and neither of them had opened their mouths to explain to Rose "I'm giving you the chance to explain why you hat me so much, no one else is left out here, no one knows where I am, so you can admit everything. The last of your men are gone, unless they are lurking in the woods?" she inquires.

Another bout of silence gave Rose an answer to the men in the woods. There was none. "So, with the silence I'm guessing that there is no one else about, so we can talk unless you would rather die?" the faster this was done, the quicker she could get home to her baby and move on.

Sandra looked at her daughter, when did she become so callous "You're my daughter" she whispers.

Rose turns her head and sneers "I don't have a mother, I never did" she says calmly, but inside her blood was boiling, killing the ten guys did nothing to help calm her, in fact it riled her up more.

Rose suffered many years of torture from the woman in front of her, the years of pain and suffering she held in the sobs and nights of crying that she kept from her father so he wouldn't suffer too. She forced herself to be strong, if she cracked she wouldn't have recovered, she wouldn't have made it to now, they would have taken her away from her father who would spend his life in pain from the loss and guilt of what happened when he wasn't there. He had already lost Sam; this would have destroyed him.

At the thought of Sam's death Rose realised where she saw Saxon from, it all came together until it all clicked. Rose laughed, Saxon and Sandra looked at her like she had gone psychotic as she threw her head back and belted out a laugh.

"You are getting revenge for something that happened almost seven years ago? Are you insane? You want double payback" she snarls out as she waved the gun in their faces. "Your brother killed my uncle, so my father ended your brother's life. It was self-defence" she says.

Saxon shakes his head in disbelief, "No, he killed my brother without a care, just shot him" he shouts out.

Rose shakes her head "Whoever told you that was lying, Sam was working for your brother, protecting them from a threat. My father figured out where the threats was coming from and went to warn his brother, he was telling Sam when your brother came in and pointed a gun at my father's back" she says, her eyes never leaving his face, she was gaging his reaction to the information she was giving him.

Saxon was in denial, carrying disbelief in his eyes.

"My uncle stepped in the way protecting his little brother, taking the bullet and dying in front of my father. Your brother was the one sending the threats to his own family. Putting one of his own children in the hospital with an attack he ordered. Your brother was a killer and a psychopath, just like you have turned into because you wanted revenge without knowing all the facts" Rose tells him.

Rose couldn't believe all of this was revenge, Scott reacted in self-defence and removed the threat after his brother was on the ground with a bullet in him. It was their job to protect, Sam died in the line of duty.

Saxon shook his head, he wanted to deny everything, but there was a part of him that believed what she was saying.

"Why would I lie to you, you can see all the files and police reports, even the footage of that night, it will show you the truth" she says. There was no point lying, Rose wouldn't in cases like this "My family died that day, I lost one of two people I loved most in the world".

This was too sentimental, and Rose was done with this. Readjusting herself she aims the gun again "Who wants to die first?" enough was enough, she had the truth. They had to die, they couldn't live it would only cause more problems in the future, but Rose couldn't kill them out of cold blood. They were yet to attack her; she wasn't a murderer. Rose had the evidence she needed, the recorder in the back pocket of her trousers she would hand over to Jackson when she returned.

Rose pulls the trigger on the gun; the sound of the bullet being fired ricocheting through the woods. Saxon groans in pain and falls to the ground in agony from the bullet that just entered his left hip. Turning to Sandra, Rose puts one in her shoulder, she knew the woman couldn't handle the pain.

Sandra grabbed her shoulder in pain and dropped onto her knees as she cried out. Taking the rope attached to the bike Rose walks over to Saxon and Sandra, binding each of their hands behind their bike.

Sandra screamed as Rose yanked her arm backwards to tie them, she had no remorse for either of them with their acts over the years. Forcing them to their feet, she pushes them both "Walk" she demands. With a gun in her hand, she takes the bike and turns it around pushing it as she watched Sandra and Saxon in front of her. Neither of them would run Sandra was too scared and Saxon was limping thanks to the location of the bullet Rose gave him.

When they reached the truck, night had fallen, it had taken a little longer than Rose planned. Both Saxon and Sandra fell against the truck. They were exhausted, taking that opportunity, Rose put the bike moved the bike to put it back on the bed of the truck. As she pushed it up she gasps in pain and her strength faulters, the bike falls back, luckily she was able to catch it before it fell to the ground in a heap. Looking down Rose sees a wet patch on her black shirt, it was blood, she was shot. "This is new" she mutters, she had never been shot before. Drugged, explosion, slapped, car crash, but never shot. She managed to get the bike on the truck and then moved onto loading her prisoners.

Hauling them into the back of the truck, Rose tied them to the locked in bike so they couldn't escape whenever she stopped. Sitting in the drivers seat she sighs, it didn't exactly go to plan, but the job was done, and her son was safe. However, the rage from Ace she would not be. It was a few minutes to six and it would take at least half an hour to get back if she stepped on it.

Ace arrived at the warehouse just before six and saw Tyler and Drew lounging about with Sammy sleeping on his brother.

"Where is Rose?" Ace asks.

Both guys look at Ace with nervous smiles "She'll be back by six" Drew stuttered out. Ace was an intimidating man.

Ace glared at them both, taking his son in his arms, Ace looked down at his sleeping baby and smiled, when his eyes moved away they became hard and empty. Ace asked them more questions, but neither Drew nor Tyler had an answer for him.

When the clock fell past six they opened up about everything and Ace cursed them out as loudly as he could without disturbing Sammy.

Jackson ran a search for Rose's phone as Ace paced back and forth waiting for an answer. He had no idea where to start a search, the truck and his old bike was gone so she could be anywhere. How she knew about Ace's old bike was a mystery, she must have explored the warehouse at some point in the past week.

Jackson located Rose's phone and Ace had a glimmer of hope, until Jackson pulled it out of Sammy's baby bag and Ace cursed.

"How can you let this happen?" Ace glowered at Drew and Tyler. They stare at Ace in fear, they knew what he would do if Rose wasn't back in time and yet they agreed and went through with it. Tyler was already regretting not calling Ace when Rose walked into the cafeteria hours earlier.

Ace prayed that Rose was okay and gets back in once piece. Scott would surely kill him this time for not watching out for her, she was living under his roof after all. She was his responsibility, his girlfriend, the mother to his son. She was also seventeen and had already been through so much, he didn't know how she did it.

Ace had his mean searching locally, everyone returned empty handed. They thought they had an idea as to where she was and then nothing. She went off grid again and Ace knew the consequences of that from previous times, but he also knew that Rose wouldn't leave her baby, she would come back. He knew it. But he was also going to give her an earful too.

He lost her twice before, the second time her thought forever, and they were the worst moments in his life. ace never thought he would meet his son or see Rose again, he feared back then the kind of person he would've became if she did die, it wouldn't have been good.

"Ace stop pacing, it isn't helping" Jackson says annoyed as he tried to find something on the computer that would lead to Rose. The entire gang was called in and they anxiously waited, Ace didn't care how any of them felt about Rose, only that she was his and they are sworn to protect her at any cost.

He just wanted Rose home safe.

Putting Sammy in the wooden bassinet, Ace looks down at his and Rose's sleeping child, he was so beautiful and looked like Rose, despite she saying he looked like Ace. His blue and grey eyes were the same as the woman he loved. He didn't want Sammy to grow up without Rose and he couldn't see anyone else raising him, he wouldn't, that was Rose's job. No one came close to her, not the looks, personality, anything and everything about her was unique and Ace saw no one else.

Endless thoughts ran through his mind that he failed to hear the vehicle pulling up outside until someone called out about it "Someone's here".

Ace turns to the door, his body shielding his son in case it was an intruder. Everyone stared at the door in anticipation as to who it was, each of them silently pleading.

The metal door opened and Ace along with everyone else breathed a sigh of relief, "Rose" he says as he exhales.

Her eyes zeros in on Ace and she smiles "Honey, I'm home" she amusedly says.

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