Chapter 26

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Waking up Rose found herself in a bed that smelt like Ace. She couldn't help but sigh in content with a giddy smile on her face. Sammy wasn't in the room, but she knew that Ace was looking after him, he was a good father.

Sitting up in bed, the covers fall to her waist and she looks down to find herself in her underwear "Ace" she mutters amused. He changed her out of Drew's clothing. Getting out of bed, Rose felt refreshed for once, she needed that sleep.

Heading to the bathroom, Rose took another shower, this time it felt better, she had no shampoos or conditioner, so she used Ace's it was odd smelling like him, but very comforting. Even the scented body wash was amazing, it felt as though he was always by her side.

The hardest part was reapplying her bandages. She was warned off wearing tight clothing, putting on some black leggings, a one of Ace's button down shirts, she put her trainers on and tied her hair into a neat bun on the top of her head before walking out the room to look for her boyfriend and baby.

She wasn't surprised to see the whole gang in the building, what made her smile, was Ace sat chatting to his men with Sammy in his arms chatting at his men like it was an everyday occurrence when Sammy was only a day old.

Walking into the kitchen, she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and walks up to the couch, leaning over she kisses Ace on the cheek, standing up straight she sees everyone looking at her weirdly, except Leo, Ray, Jackson and Brett who smiled at her.

"What?" she asks confused, unsure of why they were acting strange.

"Babe, just ignore them" Ace tells her and she sighs, climbing over the couch she sits beside Ace, resting her head on Ace's shoulder she lightly touches Sammy's feet as he slept "Please carry on with what you were chatting about, don't mind me" she waves off with a smile.

None of the guys were bothered about her presence it was the information they had been given about Rose finding a case file with evidence to take down their biggest enemy, they respected her.

The girls however were glaring at her, but she didn't care for them, they only whored about the gang members. They were jealous that Rose had taken the one guy none of them could get.

Rose took a few breaths and relaxed, it was peaceful despite the chatter about the place. When Sammy began to cry Rose shot up making Ace chuckle, "Easy their tiger".

She smiles "I better go and feed him" she says, Ace nods and hands his baby over to his mother.

"Call me if you need anything" wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Rose kisses his lips "Maybe later" she winks, it had been a while since they did anything and even though she had given birth just yesterday, the nurses informed her the hormone will still be all over the place.

Ace groans need at such a small suggestion made by his girl. It was a complete turn on.

Rose was gone about twenty minutes; feeding burping and changing, for a new-born he was a pretty easy baby, however Rose wasn't holding her breath, she had seen enough films to know how everything could go downhill fast.

Like right now, walking back out to the main room, Ace hadn't moved but a girl had taken a seat beside him, she was trying to get his attention, but Ace was having none of it. The whispers of the other girls wasn't registering with the whore wanting attention, she knew Ace wouldn't cross her.

Three other girls smirked at Rose as she walked back into the room with Sammy in her arms, she rolls her eyes, such drama bitches it was ridiculous. Standing in front of the girl she looked up and Rose and sneered before smirking and putting her false nails on Ace's arm.

Ace immediately pulls them away from him like they were acid on the skin, but she wasn't giving in, "That's my seat" Rose spoke calmly.

"Go sit somewhere else with your brat of a baby" she says smugly.

Rose raises a brow in anger, "Ace, take Sammy please" she asks overly sweetly, he took his son who whines for a moment but settled when he realised his father was holding him. Ace looked worried, Rose was eerily calm and sweet and that was never good.

Turning back to the cake faced bimbo she sneers "Listen here you fake ass blonde, cake-faced slut of a barbie, you have exactly three seconds to get out of my seat and as far away from me as possible before I break everything fake on you, and let's be honest that's pretty much everything" Rose almost shouts, but kept it low for the sake of her baby.

The girl was surprised and scared, she composed herself quickly "Acey, won't let you do that" she whines out.

Rose scoffs, "Well Ace would, and he doesn't have a say" she says as she grabs the girls half fake and dyed hair, the girl squeals in fright but Rose didn't care, she was pissed off.

Everyone looked their way as Rose drags the girl towards the door of the warehouse. The men were amused, and the girls were fearful, looking on in horror. Ace was both bemused, scared and turned on at the same time.

The bimbo tries to fight back, but one swift punch to the stomach and she cries out, opening the door she pushes her out "Go find somewhere else to slut about" she spits, turning back into the warehouse she slams the door shut and locks it so she couldn't come back in.

The looks at everyone in the room who already stared at Rose "Anyone else want to try me?" she asks loudly. Everyone including the men shook their heads and Rose nodded back.

Laying down on the couch suddenly feeling tired, she rests her head on Ace's lap and Ace rests Sammy on Rose's chest, leaving his hand on his son's back in case he moved. She drifted to sleep.

Heavy laughter woke Rose up, she reached up to wipe her face and saw Sammy sleeping soundly on her chest, Ace's hands on his back for safety.

Her phone rings from the coffee table, without looking at the ID she answers, "Hello" yawning as she spoke making her sound like a bad Chewbacca.

"I didn't think you would answer" her voice carried through the phone.

Rose tenses "You have no fucking right to be calling me" she growls out loudly and the entire room grows silent.

"Ah, but you are my daughter" she says.

A scoff leaves Rose's lips, placing her hand on Sammy's back she sits up and turns so her feet were on the ground. Turning to Ace she hands the baby over.

"You are no mother of mine" she growls again. It was then that Rose noticed her father and the crew present along with Drew and Tyler, she raises a brow quizzically.

"I gave birth to you, therefore you are my child" Sandra retorts.

Rolling her eyes, the young girl got to her feet and walked to the table where a laptop was placed, "Let's get one thing straight Sandra, you may have given birth to me, but you will never be my mother, I have no mother, the women who looked after me was a cruel, callous, psychopath that only want to kill me, you are a crazy bitch that need to be put down along with her dog".

Sandra laughs down the phone as Rose goes back to the couch and sits next to Ace, resting the phone between her ear and shoulder she opens the laptop and hacked into the police tracking system, a few hits on the keyboard and began a trace on the number Sandra was calling from, but it was unlikely she would find anything.

The signal was strong which meant she was nearby.

"You have no proof of those allegations" Sandra cackled out.

Rose laughed knowing how wrong that was "I do actually".

Sandra's laughter stopped "You and Saxon ran from the building and forgot the one file that would take down Miles and he band of merry murders and yourself".

"I'm not involved in Miles' gang; you can't prove anything" she states boldly.

"But I can prove you were involved in the kidnapping, torture, drugging, rape and murder of five little girls back in England. You should really learn to keep things more secure, who knows what hands they may fall into" she says.

Taking Ace's phone, she texts Officer Jackson the location of the phone's ping on the computer, he looked at his phone and then back at Rose she nods her head and he gestures for a few guys to follow him, they weren't far, seven miles east of the warehouse Rose was currently in.

"You have nothing on us, you are just a stupid girl, you can't get us" Sandra cackles despite knowing she was losing this conversation.

"Well you seem to have forgotten about dad and the crew, we may work well within the law, but that won't stop any one of them killing you and Saxon for what you have done" Rose closes the laptop and puts it on the coffee table before clenching her free hand into a fist, her knuckles turning white from the grip.

Ace notices and tries to calm her anger, she yanks her hand away from him and then frowns walking up to him she straddles Ace, he places his free hand not holding Sammy on her hip and she just sits there looking at her boys.

"No one knows what happened" she counters.

"They know everything, and now thanks to your crazy partner in crime, my boyfriend and his gang also has a bone to snap off or two" smirking evilly at the thought of watching Saxon and Sandra tied up and being tortured like she was a kid.

"We know where you are" Saxon voice comes into the conversation.

"Miles Saxon finally decided to come out of the shadows you little wimp" she insults him. He was response was laughter, he cared no for any insults, her was crazy enough not to care.

"What do you want?" Rose asks already bored with this whole ordeal.

"You" he says, he wanted her underneath him, his hands around her neck, fists hitting against her flesh, he wanted to rip Rose apart.

"That will never happen, I would rather die than come willingly" rolling her eyes at the thought.

So long as she looked at her Sammy who was awake and looking around the place, Rose remained calm, her finger lightly brushing his small cheek making him yawn and the young parents smile.

"If you don't I will kill everyone you love, including that baby of yours, you can have some time to think about my offer, but don't take too long, I'm a very impatient man" and the line went dead.

Scott stood up and walked towards his daughter "Sweetie" speaking softly, he had no idea how she was feeling.

Leaning forward Rose kisses Ace with as much passion as she could then climbed off his lap "I need a minute" she says and heads for the entrance to the warehouse.

Stepping out in the chill October air, she looks to the sky and screams, it all came out, pain, anger, hurt, betrayal, fears, everything she didn't want she let out in the scream.

The guys inside jumped out of their skin at the scream, but no one moved, they let Rose have her moment. If she had her way she would be slamming her fists into the punch bag, but she couldn't.

Jackson drove back into the lot of the warehouse and saw Rose screaming, no one had come out, so he assumed she was a willing participant of an angry scream. Getting out the car he walked over to her, "You have a lot of anger for such a small person" he notes when she stops screaming to take a breath.

Rose looks at him "Not every girl had the prefect dream life" she says.

"How are you going to do this, you have your family and Ace's gang behind you, those men will follow you anywhere" he says.

Rose shakes her head "That might be so, but I'm not risking anymore lives in this war, it's between me and them" she tells him. Rose already had a plan formulating, it was risky, but everyone would be safe, she wouldn't risk their lives.

Jackson was confused "No one had died" he says.

"Yes, they are" Rose screams at Jackson, she was frustrated "Those girls back in England, are dead because of me. They should be experiencing the world, instead their parents out lived them and will forever grieve for their children, I will not allow this to happen, no one can stop me".

Rose walked away to cool off and Jackson walked into the warehouse "Anything?" Ace asks about Jackson's trip out.

He shakes his head "We just missed them, they probably knew we were searching for them and hightailed it out" Jackson tells his boss.

Ace heard the screaming fit outside, as did everyone else, they all heard the guilt Rose carried for Sandra's mistake, no one knew how to see it form their point of view.

Rose wandered around the compound going over the details of the plan in her head, she needed to be ready for anything. If push came to shove, Rose would leave Saxon and Sandra alone for her own safety, but if death or capture made itself available she wouldn't turn away.

Walking back into the warehouse she walked up to her father and hugged him. She needed him to know she was okay; Scott knew she wasn't right but in time she would be.

"Babe, mom wants to see you and Sammy" Ace declares, and Rose's eyes widen.

"Shit, I forgot all about your parents, oh, they must think I'm horrible for keeping them away" she rambles out.

"Hey, they are just happy you are alive, they understand you needed to sort yourself out, you have just given birth, if you are not up to tonight then we can reschedule, not a problem" Ace tells about to call on his mother and take a rain check.

Rose shakes her head "No, we can do tonight, so long as she's okay me arriving like a mess".

Ace smiles "You look fine" he says with a smile. It was true, her hair up in a bun and no make-up, even wearing his shirt, she was perfect.

The moment Rose stepped through the front door of the Mathews house Lara had Rose yanked into a hug, good think Scott was carrying his grandchild, or he would have been smashed.

"Oh, Rose I am so glad you are alive, this past month has been horrendous, I thought we would never recover" she says already blubbering.

Richard takes a hold of his wife to comfort her again, something he did often lately. But now that Rose was alive and so was their grandson, he hoped Lara would calm down.

Richard invited them inside and he spotted his grandson, letting go of Lara was a signal for her to get a grip.

"Is this my grandson?" Richard asks going to Scott, he handed him to Richard.

Mr Mathews was a large man, holding onto a tiny baby much like her own father made Sammy look way smaller than he actually was.

"Samuel Asher Mathews" Ace speaks proudly.

Lara walks up and coos over the new-born in her husband's arms "He's perfect" she grins.

They eventually made it to the dining room Lara now carrying Sammy, however he woke up and started screaming, Lara was positive she could get him to settle but was unsuccessful, in fact everyone was including Ace. The last person to take him was his mother and his cries ceased.

"Definitely a mummy's boy" Richard jokes.

Everyone tucked into their meals, Rose ate a few mouthfuls, but she wasn't really hungry, Ace looked over at his girl and saw her staring at their boy and not eating.

"Are you okay dear?" Lara asks.

Rose looks up and smiles, "Yeah, a lots happened is all, it will settle down soon" she says, but that wasn't what was upsetting her, her mind was whirling with potential fatal ends for herself if the plan she made goes wrong, it could leave Sammy without a mother, she hated that thought, no other women would raise her boy, she was sure of that.

Scott, Tyler and Ace kept looking over to Rose "You haven't eaten much, do you not like it?" Richard points out.

Rose nods her head "It's great, really, I'm just not hungry right now, I'm sorry" she apologises.

"Don't apologise, your body is have to readjust, most women just go through birth, you went through that and so much more" Lara comments and Rose smiles at her "I will have the cook box some up for you to take home, just make sure you eat something before sleeping okay?".

Rose nods her head. Rose felt her families stares but she ignored them and focused on Sammy, he was only a day old and in the middle of a war, staring at her with his blue and grey eyes, the only feature he appeared to have gotten from Rose, he had a small patch of black hair already on his hair and would match his father's.

His little hand gripping her index finger as he stared up at his mother, Rose had never felt this kind of connection with anyone, not even her father or uncle.

"I will keep you safe, no matter what" she whispers to him and lays a kiss on his forehead, no one heard her as she planned.

Sammy was oblivious to the world and Rose intended to keep it that way as long as possible.

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