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" I hope you all are happy. We are finally back with our new and interesting stories as there is no announcements today we'll straight away start with our questions first. There are lot of questions asked to us "

Whoa we can even ask questions to them?

" Let's begin with the first questions. This Anomious person has asked is it okay to be insecure?  Well in my perspective its okay if your insecure because you know what your not confident about. And if your not confident then don't overthink about it work on being confident regarding that"

I don't agree with her.

" Okay so let's start with today's story. This was sent to us by another Anomious person.

It was a bright sunny day. We decided to meet on the weekend. I sat on the bench in front of her house. She was ten minutes late.

Hello, she said with her soft voice. I looked up to see her and I was greeted by her face shining as the sun's rays fell on her. I smiled looking at her smiling face.

This story!? Who wrote it?!.

We talked for hours, basically it was her talking about how her day was, what she did last night, what book she is currently reading, what's its plot

Flashback was played on my mind. Everything was still clear, every single memory. None of them had faded. The atmosphere was suffocating. I was breathing heavily

I had a present for her. At first I was hesitant but somehow I gathered up my courage and gave her. She smiled happily on seeing the gift, she quickly opened it up. Best friend's bracelets? She asked as she tilted her head.

"Someone stop it " I shouted covering my ears as tears kept rolling down my cheeks I got up and decided to run away but I felt dizzy.

"Because we are friends."

" Y/n! " I heard someone shout before I lost my consciousness.


"Yah! Lee know did you meet so hyun today" I said running up to him at the school playground.

" No. I haven't seen her today anywhere. Is she absent today? " He replied

" I went to her class they said she is present " I told as we kept walking.

" Then where did she g- " He was cut off when a sound of something falling behind us drew our attention. Blood came flowing towards us as it touched our shoes. As we turned around

"So-so h-hyun! "

I quickly opened my eyes and immediately sat up on the bed.

"Y/n your fine? " Lee know's eyes immediately lit up as he saw me awake.

"You heard their broadcast didn't you? Who could have written that? " Was the first thing I asked him

" I was thinking about that the whole time, who could have done that?" He replied as if he was still in his thoughts.

" Move, we need to find out who wrote that story" I said as I got down from the bed

" But who do you think it would have been?, beside you and me no one knows we transffered here. And except you, me and her no one else knows that happened with you, you were that girl, and it's impossible for her to make up all this" He said while following me

" I know lee know It's impossible for her to do soo and you know why, it's probably someone else"

" Wa-wait! Did someone find her dairy?" He said as he stopped on his track trying to guess what would have happened.

" But who? How? How did someone find her dairy. Look I and her where the one on the scene and you read it from her dairy, was there anyone else besides us who knows this? "

" Aishhh... Y/n, let's think straight. In the broadcast the one who's telling the story is HER and the girl she is talking about is YOU. And she wrote that incident in her diary through which I know that incident too. After what happened to her you kept her dairy with yourself. So-"

" Wait the dairy is with you" I said

" No I don't have it, I thought you took that as a memory. " He backed off

" I don't have it either wa-" We immediately looked at each other with wide eyes.

" Run! " He said loud enough for me to hear. We ran as fast as we could towards the broadcast room.

As we reached I harshly opened the door of the room revealing some frightened students including jihoon who were probably having a meeting.

We where still breathing heavily, catching our breath.

" W-where did you f-find t-today's story" Lee know between his heavy breath.

" Someone wrote that story in the letter we received yesterday " Someone said.

" Who wrote it? Do you know their name? " I asked

" We can't reveal that" That someone said again.

" Look I know that's your rule but you know you can be removed from the club because you have used a story that invades someone's privacy and isn't comfortable with the whole school listen to it. " Lee know said stepping forward towards him

" Wait! Look someone who wrote the letter didn't include their name and the story didn't had any part where someone can be uncomfortable about. " Jihoon said showing him the letter.

My eyes wandered in the whole room where someone caught my eye's.

" You? " I said with wide eyes.

" Yeon seo? " Lee know said as she caught his eyes.

" Did you write the story? " I said stepping towards her almost ready to punch her on her face.

" No- No I didn't do anything. I-I don't even know anything about this story. " She said shakingly with guilt filled in her eyes.

" What are you doing here then? " I said with gritted teeth.

" Y/n I swear I didn't do anything. It's a coincidence if I would have ever known you transferred here I would have never come here. " She said still trembling.

" You- don't ever come near my eye sight" I warned her before leaving the room.

" Y/n do you think she would have done that? " Lee know asked as we walked through the hall.

" Judging by her trembling and guilty eyes I don't think she did it. "

" We need to talk. " Jihoon said as he stood a bit far from us.

" What? " Lee know immediately asked

" What's wrong with you both? " He said

He sighed before continuing " Look I don't know what happened with you both in the past but you can't just go around making someone suspect and afraid. As I said before you need to let go of your past"

" Let go of our past? That's why we transferred to a different school to forget everything what happened to us IN THE PAST each day trying not to make the same mistake we did in our PAST. What will you do? huh? If you were in our place. What will you do when someone you don't even have any idea who it is is  bringing your past again in front of your eyes making you experience the same memory again and again? It's okay for me I'll somehow manage what about  Y/n? she fainted because of your freaking broadcast that made her think about that horrifying accident again? " Lee know shouted at him it was clear that he is frustrated. Jihoon's eyes immediately Widened.

"Y/n are you okay-" Jihoon asked as he was about to come towards me but Lee know stopped him.

" Back off Jihoon! You pretend as if you care about her but you don't " Lee know said before dragging me along with him don't know where. He stopped as we reached the same spot in the playground.

" Lee know? Are you okay? " I asked looking at him.

" I'm fine " He replied calmly as he inhaled the fresh air.

*Buzz buzz*

My phone vibrated as a message popped on my screen from a unknown  person

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