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Hi Everyone! Tedibea1 here! 

I wanted to thank every one who has read Hidden Riches. Thank you all for commenting and voting! This is the first story that I wrote and shown to the public. I have been writing for a long time and I usually keep my stories to myself and I get very uncomfortable when someone reads them. Now, many people are reading this story everyday and I get happy! Thanks to you, I may write another book!

I wanted everyone to know that when I thought about writing Hidden Riches, I changed the plot around a lot. But then, I decided to write a romance book, because I have always loved to write them. Some of you may know that Hidden Riches used to be named Saving Bunny, but I liked the name Hidden Riches better so I changed it (I changed the cover a million times too lol). Everyone else seems to like the name too! 

I have been writing this story since September last year and it has been a STRUGGLE. When I start to write a chapter, it takes a LONG TIME. I have to read the chapter over a few times to make sure there aren't any spelling or grammar mistakes but SOMETIMES THEY STILL SHOW UP. Also, I was still in school while writing this so I ended being awake working on this story very late at night. But, it was worth it!

Thank you to my readers who ignored the grammar mistakes, the too short chapters, and the days when I posted on Saturdays instead of Fridays XD. Thank you all once more for loving this book as much as I did

If you would like for me to write another story, let me know in the comment section! And if you loved Hidden Riches, remember to share and spread the love!

Sincerely, Tedibea1 or Heaven

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