(America x Princess! Reader)

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In this, Hungary, Liechtenstein and Belgium are your sisters. 2nd update in a day? Wow.


"So, anyone taking your fancy, (Y/n)?"

"What on Earth do you mean, Lizzy?" I retorted back to my elder sister.

"Come on, (Y/n) you know exactly what I mean. That shoemaker that you've taken a fancy too. Has he made a move yet? I've seen you two talking! You'd make a great couple!"

"Lizzy, please. There's no way Father would ever allow it anyway," I replied sadly, she was right, I had grown a crush on the shoemaker that came around every now and then.

"Then just talk to Father."

"LIZZY?! Are you insane?!" I shouted at her, "I'm not going to talk to Father about it. He'll just get upset at me and won't allow it."


"(Y/n), you need to find a husband."

"I know, Father, but I haven't found the right one yet."

"How long are you going to keep saying that for? I've told you numerous times that I'm going to get the four of you married before I die."

"I know that, Father. I know. I just want to make sure I find the right person."

"I know you do, (Y/n) but you need to soon. That's why I've arranged for suitors to come in a few days for the four of you, meaning that you'll need to look your best."

I nodded solemnly, "I understand, Father." before leaving the throne room, oblivious to Elizabeta standing outside the room, or the single tear that fell from my cheek. I only noticed I was full-on crying when I got back up to the room that I shared with my sister, were Lilli and Emma were It was Lilli that brought it up, "(Y/n)? Why are you crying?"

I was shocked, I've been crying this whole time? I guess Lizzy was right, I am head over heels for that shoemaker. "I'm fine, Lilli. I was just thinking."

"About that shoemaker, huh?"

"What are you talking about?!" I asked, wiping my tears.

"I heard you and Lizzie talking, (Y/n). You love him don't you?!"

I cringed and silenced her, "Yes, but don't tell, Father. He'll kill me if he finds out I'm in love with a 'commoner' as he calls them."

"So, you haven't told him, (Y/n)?" Emma's voice came from the other side of the room. I shook my head, "Why? What's the point anyways? He won't listen. He's already said that there are suitors coming on Friday for the four of us, there's no way he'll let me love someone that isn't royalty!"


I heard the whole conversation between (Y/n) and Father and I felt my heart shatter when I saw her walking uot of the throne room, a single tear falling down her cheek and onto the ground before she could wipe it. I snapped from my daze and entered the throne room, "Father, can I talk to you please?"

"Yes, Elizabeta. What do you need?"

"It's about (Y/n), Father," I spoke after taking a deep breath, "She's already fallen in love with someone and I know that they feel the same. I know that if you make her marry one of the suitors, neither (Y/n), nor the person she loves, will truly be happy."

"Where is this going, Elizabeta? You've yet to mention this person that (Y/n) loves."

"It's Alfred. You know, the shoemaker?"


"It's the truth, Father. The last time he was here Emma and Lilli had to throw a bucket of water over her to snap her from her daze of staring at him with love-struck eyes."

Father thought for a moment, "Tell (Y/n) to come back here please? I want to talk to her."

I nodded and left the room, walking back up to our room to see (Y/n) lying on her bed, crying with Emma and Lilli rubbing her back and whispering comforting words to her. I spoke up, "(Y/n), Father wants to speak to you."

She looked up, "Oh great. Another lecture about marrying a prince probably, knowing Father."


I stood up from my bed and wiped my tears before walking out of the room and back down to the throne room, "Father? Lizzy told me you wanted to speak to me?"

"Yes, (Y/n). Come here."

I walked over to him, starting to get nervous what if he found out? What if he's going to kick me out of the castle for falling in love with a 'commoner'? What if- My 'what if?' rand was cut short when my father started speaking, "(Y/n), you've fallen in love with a commoner, correct?"

I gulped and slowly nodded, "I'm sorry, Father. I can't help it. The heart wants what it wants. I totally understand if you're going to kick me out though. I-" This time I was cut off again, when he spoke, "(Y/n), if this shoemaker that you love feels the same way, then you have my permission to marry him."

I looked up at him, a shocked looking on my face, "You're not pulling my leg are you, Father?"

When he shook his head, "I'm telling the truth, (Y/n). You have my full permission to marry him if you want. I-It's what your mother would have wanted."

I smiled wider and hugged him, "Thank you so much!"


"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Have a carriage sent to the shoemaker immediately and have him brought here, please."

"Yes, Sir," With that, Alana walked off, presumably to get a carriage ready. I smiled at father before walking back out the throne room and up to our room. I flopped onto my bed with a relieved sigh.

"Why are you so happy, (Y/n)?" Lizzy asked, a smirk appearing on her face. I smiled up at her, working out what she'd done, "Lizzy, did you talk to Father about me falling in love with Alfred?" She just smiled at me and nodded, "Yes, I did."

I smiled wider, "Thank you, Lizzy!"


"Miss, (Y/n). There is someone at the door for you."

"Thank you, Alana. Who is it?"

"Your love, Your Highness."

I smiled and dashed downstairs, flinging the door open and myself into Alfred's arms, "I love you!"

"I-I love you too, Your Highness," he replied bowing. I giggled and rolled my eyes, "Call me, (Y/n). It doesn't feel right having my lover call me by a title."

"Oh. Force of habit. Can I kiss you?"

I chuckled and kissed him, "Does that answer your question?"

"Can I do it again?"

"You, Sir, can kiss me however many times you want."

With that said, he leaned in and kissed me again.

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