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Iceland: I know...

Skye: Then speak your thoughts.


Skye: It is NOT funny anymore! Who even finds pleasure in this?! Ugh!

Iceland: What is wrong with our fans?!

Skye: First Iceland and the Fridge, Norway with butter and coffee, Denmark and his legos, Sweden and IKEA, then freaking Finland and his food! How can these be actual shippings?! Your making them look weird and losing their dignity! It's not even funny you guys it's like your making them sick in the head

Iceland: I understand protests about incest but really? Pairing us with objects?! That makes no sense and we'd like to have lovers that are alive and breathing! More specifically a member of the human species!

Skye: But your not human...

Iceland: Yeah but I look and act like one and even if I'm not really "human" and am an actual country I'd still like to be paired with someone who talks and is not a different species! 

Skye: I think that's enough for now...I also forgot to mention your paired with your bird too.

Iceland:..Ugh! Yes I'm gay and my brother is my boyfriend (in this book anyway) and I've lost my you-know-what to him so that's not really considered normal but for the love of Freya, I am not object sexual nor am I zoo-sexual or into bestiality so STOP IT!

Skye: You tell them Icy-kins!

Iceland: Don't call me that!

Norway: What's going on here? I could hear you 2 shouting all the way here.

Skye: Where have you been?

Norway: Denmark needed me to get his head out of a vase...literally! I don't even know how he managed to do that.


Norway: Yeah..so what are you guys talking about?

Skye: That fans should stop pairing you guys with objects and food when it's not even funny.

Norway: Guh...It is what it is Skye I hate it also but fans can have demented mindsets.

Skye: You are as eloquent as always.

Norway: Of course how else would I deal with Denmark and other people's stupidity?

Iceland: Skye can we get out of this room for a while? We've been cooped up in here for way too long.

Skye: Alright we can...go to a park I guess.

Norway: I know a good one near this place.

-At the park-

Iceland: Ah! It's nice to feel that fresh air.

Norway: Yes it's been a while since we went out.

Skye: I never thought you'd tag me along hehe!

Norway: Well we can't leave you alone since you'd probably do something reckless and you are our friend.

Iceland: Plus we don't feel socially awkward with you since you've adjusted to both of us and vice versa. So in short we're just being good friends and good friends tag other friends along in their activities.

Skye: Awww! *hugs them* Thanks you guys!

Norway: Your welcome...now please let go we're in public.

Skye: Killjoy! *lets them go* Hey...is that...no way...*runs*

Iceland: Hey wait up! *runs*

Norway: Oh boy...*runs with them*

-In a bush Skye sees a person with long silver hair and was wearing a maid outfit-

Skye:...This can't be...*sees the girl* Oh no...*pales*

Iceland: *catches up* Hey why di-

Skye: *covers his mouth* Shh! Let's go! *drags him away* 

Norway: What-

Skye: Let's go! *drags away Norway*

Norway: What did you see?

Skye:...I-i saw a girl in the bush...inserting a cucumber in her...you know..

Norway and Iceland: Yuck!!!

Skye: Totally! Let's ignore that and get back to our stroll.

-After more strolling-

Norway: Strange how their aren't that much people here.

Iceland: At least that means more peace for us.

Skye: You both do hate crowded places.

-The clouds start to get dark and thunder sounds are heard-

Norway: Uh-oh..it's gonna rain soon let's head back.

-At the house-

Skye: Thank goodness we didn't get wet.

Iceland: Yeah it's good we left before the rain starts.

Hungary: Guys...the fridge's milk was spilled.

Skye: What?

Hungary: There's a mess in the kitchen I don't know who spilled the milk all over the fridge's insides and on the floor but now it's gonna be a drag to clean it up.

Norway: I have maids here that can clean that up.

Skye: Why not use magic?

Norway:...I lost my spell for that.

Hungary: Pardon me for asking but Iceland you..didn't do anything funny to the fridge did you?

Iceland: NO! I was out with Norway and Skye today and we came back just now so it wasn't me!

Hungary: Sorry...but apparently you...had..sex with the fridge before...

Skye: No he didn't!

Iceland: I would never do something crazy like that! Who told you these lies?!

Hungary: Sakura...I'm sorry! It's just the fanfics she reads and sends to me that's where I get it!

Norway: You should know better than to believe those drivel Hungary...seriously people who ship us with non-living persons need to go to the doctor. 

Iceland: For those who ship me with the fridge...GO GET SOME DAMN THERAPY FROM A PSYCHIATRIST!

Skye: Calm down Iceland...but seriously it's not funny please stop.  

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