The Babel of New York

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The slightest noise, a change in breathing, perhaps, roused Harry from his semi-sleep. Using the arms on the chair, he pushed himself up straighter, his eyes instantly focussed in on the man in the bed. Not seeing any change, Harry adjusted his position some more to something that was a little more comfortable before scrubbing his face with his hands and running his fingers through his hair. That, he knew, would make his hair even messier than usual, but really, who would be able to tell?

Matt, the one that he was keeping watch over, was lying on a mattress created using some kind of gel that moulded to his body. Supposedly, it was designed for people with serious wounds, allowing their bodies to be able to relax without causing undue pressure on any wounds and aggravating them.

And wounds there were. Matt had sustained deep cuts on both legs, in one arm and two deep puncture wounds in his back. He'd lost a lot of blood, a situation that only Harry's blood replenishing potion and the quick work of Doctor Cho and her team of doctors and nurses had been able to fix.

Harry, still dressed as Mage, had remained in the corner of the operating room, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched over the surgery to save the man's life – despite the protests of said doctors and nurses. They were even less impressed by the fact that they were unable to remove Matt's mask, both because Harry wouldn't allow it and because of the sticking charm that he'd added to it to ensure that his wishes were followed if he was called away.

Now, after a night-long vigil, Matt was seeming to respond to the treatment, at least according to the change in his breathing and to the blips and beeps that the instruments were making.

"Who's there?"

Harry startled out of his chair at Matt's growl, a growl that he was able to detect a slight panic in.

"It's Harry, Harry Potter," he said as he approached the bed. "You're safe. You're in the medical ward of Avenger's Tower."

Matt quickly lifted his right arm, the only appendage not injured in the fight against Bullseye, and sighed loudly when his hand encountered his mask still in place.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't let them take that off you," Harry reassured him.

Matt seemed to pause, his hand half-lowered before his head turned slightly towards where Harry was standing.

"You know who I am, don't you, Harry? Mage," he stated more than asked.

"I do," Harry smiled.

"Who've you told?" the growl was back, this time with a 'resigned' flavour.

"No one," Harry reassured the man. "You've known my identity ever since you defended me after the Chitauri battle to my fellow witches and wizards, never once telling anyone, not even hinting at it to Spider-man. Keeping your secret in return was the least that I could do."

Matt nodded. "How'd you find out?"

"The first time that Spider-man and I met you as Daredevil I placed a monitoring spell on you, strictly in case you ever got into too much trouble because of Bullseye," Harry added quickly. "That charm allowed me to know your health as well as your location. I followed it once to check that it was working properly and it led me straight to your business."

"I'm guessing that charm was what enabled you and Spider-man to get to me ... last night? ... when I encountered Bullseye?"

"Yeah, it was," Harry replied.

"In that case, as much as I don't like the idea of that bit of magic, thank you," Matt said. "I don't think I want to think about how that would have turned out if you two hadn't shown up when you did."

"It's what friends, allies, do for each other," Harry replied.

"What happened to Bullseye?" Matt asked after a small pause.

"Like you, he needed a hospital, but he's under heavy guard awaiting trial," Harry summarised.

"You're letting cops guard him?" Matt asked and for a second it seemed that he was about to attempt to get out of bed before he gave up, not being able to move for the gel. "They won't last an hour with what he's capable of!"

"Hey, easy," Harry said, laying a hand on the crime-fighter's shoulder. "He can't hurt anyone. He caught one of his knives through one hand and the other arm was dislocated and broken in two places when he was caught after falling off the roof."

"You caught him? Why?" Matt growled.

"Believe me, I would have preferred to let him fall," Harry spat, "but I couldn't. He only went over the edge because of Spider-man's web-balls ..."

"And you couldn't let the kid have a death on his conscience," Matt finished for him.

"How'd you know he was just a kid?" Harry asked.

Matt shrugged with his one good shoulder. "His voice mostly. The timbre and speech patterns place him in his late teens. Wouldn't bet against him still being in High School. You know he's going to have to deal with causing a death sometime, right?"

"He already is," Harry replied. "Well, sort of. A relative was killed due to his inaction. I think our talks have gotten him past it, but I didn't want to have him have to deal with something else like it so close after getting past the first one."

"Fair enough," Matt replied.

Then, after a couple of minutes of silence, Matt continued.

"No one else here knows who I am under this mask?"

"No," Harry reassured him. "I wouldn't even let the doctors take it off when they patched you up. That's also why I'm being careful with how we're talking now – Jarvis monitors every part of the building and he is Tony's AI. You might want to consider changing that though. The Avengers are good people. They'll keep your secret. And support you if and when you need it."

Matt nodded slowly.

"You might be right. And having partners isn't as bad as I thought it would be."


"Harry?" Bruce asked, being the first to notice the wizard entering the lounge where the rest of the Avengers were relaxing.

Harry nodded at the man sitting back on the couch, appearing for all the world as though he were perfectly relaxed, not that he was fooling Harry – he could see the slight lines around Bruce's eyes, not unlike Remus used to have just before and after the full moon. Bruce'd told him how well the calming draught worked at suppressing the Hulk, and also that he'd rather not have to rely on it too much, in fear of forgetting how to manage the 'other guy' when he didn't have the potion on hand.

Quickly, Harry's eyes sought out the rest of the team – Clint playing some sort of game on the big screen; Natasha behind the bar; Steve turning from looking out the great glass windows; and Tony and Peter who had their heads together over some sort of hologram program imbedded in the table.

"He's awake. And asking for all of you," Harry stated.

"Um, should I put my suit on?" Peter asked, his hand half-raised. "Only, you guys are the only ones who know that I'm Spider-man. Well, you and Gwen. But she's not here at the moment."

Harry's lips twitched into an ironic smile. "Don't worry, Pete. Daredevil won't be able to tell whether you're wearing your suit or not."

Peter gave him a dubious look before eventually giving a jerky nod. Even still, Harry noted that the youngest of them brought up the rear, seemingly deliberately staying behind Steve.

Finally, when they'd all filed into the room and shuffled about, Harry laid a hand on Matt's shoulder.

"Jarvis, can you seal this room? Avengers only until we say otherwise," Harry instructed.

"Of course, Sir," Jarvis replied.

A slight clicking sound signalled the lock engaging in the door and the light altered slightly as the windows increased their reflective capacity, blocking any potential spies from seeing in.

"We're all here, Daredevil," Harry said.

"I'd like to start by thanking you for having me here and fixing me up," Matt said. "And also Harry and Spider-man for coming after me and saving my butt."

"You know who Harry is?" Peter interjected.

"Of course," Matt smiled wryly. "I've known for months."

Then, using his good hand, he reached up and pulled his mask off.

"Hey! I know you! You're that lawyer guy who did the legal mumbo-jumbo that got Harry off the hook with the other witches and wizards after the Battle of New York," Tony stated.

"Matt Murdock," Matt confirmed.

"It's nice to see you again, Mister Murdock," Steve said. "And especially that you're alright."

"You could have said that you were that vigilante guy," Clint stated.

"You do know that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s been trying to track you for a while now?" Natasha asked.

"I know. And I'd prefer to keep my identity out of their databanks. Is that going to be a problem?" Matt asked, his voice dropping to just shy of his usual growl.

"This is Avengers Tower. What happens in here, stays in here," Steve assured him. "Some of us may work for S.H.I.E.L.D., but that doesn't mean that they're entitled to know everything about us or our allies."

"Thank you," Matt replied.

"You're supposed to be blind, right?" Tony asked, "'cause I've seen some of the things that 'Daredevil' can do and I never even considered that he couldn't see. So, nope, not believing that he's blind with all his acrobatic stuff he does across rooftops. Or you, for that matter!"

"I can assure you that I am," Matt replied. "Just really well trained."

"And you're a lawyer, too, just like my cousin, Jennifer," Bruce stated. "You know, that could come in handy, especially if we, er ... break the city again."

"Hey, I'll take any business you're happy to throw my way," Matt smiled. "But don't feel you have to go out of your way to make it."

"So, you know who we all are?" Peter asked nervously.

"Not all," Matt replied. "I've met everyone here in costume and all but you out of it."

Harry looked at Peter as did the rest of the Avengers.

"Alright, alright," Peter said, caving to the combined gazes. "We've worked together and I know who you are, so I guess it's only fair if you know who I am, too. Just, just don't spread it around, okay?"

"You have my word," Matt promised.

"Then, I'm ... I'm Peter Parker."

"Nice to meet you, Peter Parker," Matt said.

Harry wasn't the only one grinning as the two shook hands.

"You've got your own place, right? 'Cause I just redesigned the Tower and I'm running out of rooms for everyone," Tony complained.

"Yes, I have my own place," Matt assured Tony as the others laughed.


"Mister Potter? There is a call you for from Miss Stacy," Jarvis announced.

"Gwen?" Harry asked.

His eyes met Peter's as the younger guy gave a shrug, before they flicked to the clock on the wall. Nine-thirty. That meant that the Den had been open for a couple of hours. And that's where Gwen should be, running the place. Obviously, something had happened. Harry just hoped that it wasn't too bad.

"You can use the phone over there," Tony said, waving a hand in the direction of the bar.

"Thanks," Harry said before quickly crossing the room.

"Hello? Gwen?" Harry said after picking up the receiver.

"Harry. Thank goodness. I was hoping that you were there," Gwen said in a rush.

"Is something wrong?" Harry asked.

"No. Not really. Just ... just weird, I guess," Gwen replied cryptically.

"How so?" Harry asked.

"A strange woman turned up in the Den this morning and started putting bunches of some strange orange fruit all over the place. Called them dir...dir, um, some sort of plums, anyway," she began.

Harry's eyes widened. "Not, dirigible plums, by any chance?"

"Yeah, that's them," Gwen replied.

"She wouldn't happen to have blonde hair and blue eyes, would she?" Harry asked, hope building in his chest.

"As it happens, she does," Gwen replied and Harry could hear the smile in his voice.

"Luna," Harry breathed.

"You do know her!" Gwen said happily.

"Is she still there?" Harry asked eagerly.

"Yes. I've given her some tea and cake," Gwen reported.

"I'll be right there," Harry replied. "Thanks, Gwen."

As soon as he's put the phone down, Harry spun around, a huge grin on his face.

"Sorry, everyone, I've got to go," he said.

Then, before anyone could reply, Harry spun on the spot and dispparated with a near-silent pop.


Harry barely had time to close the door leading to the stairs from his apartment in the main part of the Den and to begin looking around before a lithe body with dirty-blonde hair streaming behind her slammed into him, engulfing him in a hug.

"Hello, Harry Potter," Luna said into his ear.

"Hello, Luna Lovegood," Harry returned, even as his arms tightened around her.

Finally, the two separated and Harry smiled down at one of his oldest friends. Her face had matured somewhat, but she was still the same Luna, radish earrings and all.

"It's great to see you, Luna," he said.

"You as well, Harry," she replied, her large, blue eyes searching his face. "Your wandering has been good for you; you are much more relaxed than I have ever seen you."

"If only I'd taken you up on your offers to come searching for crumple-horned snorkacks, I could have turned out like this much earlier."

"Hmm," she hummed, but there was a note of scepticism in her voice.

Spotting a lone tea cup and the remains of a slice of cake at a nearby table, Harry slipped an arm around Luna's waist and guided her back towards her table.

"How long have you been in New York?" he asked after they were seated. "What do you think of the city?"

"I arrived today," she replied, "so I haven't had a chance to see much yet." Luna leant forwards over the table. "Are there any nargles here?"

Harry's face nearly split into a grin. He'd missed his eccentric friend.

"Not that I know of; at least, I haven't seen any yet," he replied.

"Unsurprising," she said. "After all, they do much prefer colder climates."

"Have you managed to find any of your creatures since I last saw you, Luna?" Harry asked.

Luna's face fell momentarily. "No, they remain as elusive as ever. At least the trips themselves always make up for it. There's so much to see in the world and so many wonderful creatures, even if others discovered them first."

Harry nodded his understanding. "That's what I loved the most about travelling the world – seeing all of the amazing landscapes and creatures and encountering the different cultures of the world, both normal and ... special."

Luna's tiny nod told him that she understood what he was saying.

"Speaking of," Harry continued before lightly touching the garland of orange fruit that encircled the menu. "These do not generally like lying around like this."

"You're so silly, Harry," Luna giggled. "I do know the laws, you know. And dirigible plums don't lose their special properties because of the charms that I placed to ensure that they stay grounded."

Harry smiled and reached across to pat Luna on the arm. "Glad to hear it; wouldn't want to be infested with wrackspurts now, would I?"

"It's always best to be careful," Luna agreed. "Not that I've seen any around here; your travels, or perhaps something here has completely removed the ones that used to like living in your hair."

"How long can you stay?" he asked, changing the topic.

"Not long, I'm afraid," Luna replied. "I'm supposed to be on my way home after my latest expedition in Canada to write an article for the Quibbler. But being so close, I couldn't resist at least stopping in for a few days to say 'hello'."

"I'm glad you did, Luna; I've missed you," Harry said. "You'll stay with me, of course."

"Are you sure that you have the room, Harry? I wouldn't want to impose," she replied.

"You could never do that," Harry assured her. "And I've got the room. Well, at least, you can have my bed and I'll sleep on the couch – I've sort of rented out my spare room."

"Yes, Hermione told me of the girl that you found and decided to help. She sounded most exasperated, you know," Luna told him conspirically. "Hermione is intent on eventually convincing you to move back to England and your side projects seem to be getting in the way of her plans."

Harry couldn't help but grin while shaking his head at the same time.

"Hermione knows how I feel about the idea of even visiting England, let alone moving there," he said.

"I know, but she has always been one to cling to her hopes and dreams, no matter how remote they are of coming true. Usually it's quite an admirable trait, but there are times when it is quite vexing."

"Come on, I'll show you up to my apartment and then you can tell me more about your trips without the wrong ears hearing what they shouldn't," Harry said.

"As long as you tell me about your adventures in return," she replied.

"Deal," Harry said as they both rose from the table.


When Harry entered his apartment with Luna, it was to find Doreen lounging in front of the TV watching some kind of cartoon. It wasn't until he'd taken a second look at it that he realised what it was – an animation featuring the Avengers. Currently, his cartoon counterpart was battling some kind of alien monster, sending different coloured beams of light at it before sending the four armed, red-skinned creature flying across the screen.

Closing his eyes, Harry counted to ten while simultaneously making a mental note to rant to Tony about it. Not that that was likely to do much good. The man simply loved to be the centre of attention and to be immortalised like that was probably a dream come true.

Clearing his throat had the desired effect, although Luna's disappointed 'ahh', was not what he'd been expecting when Doreen sat up and instantly snapped the cartoon off, most likely because she felt that it was too babyish for a teen to be caught watching.

Deciding to ignore the whole situation, Harry settled for introductions.

"Luna, this is Doreen Green," Harry said, gesturing to the teen girl now standing in front of the couch. "She 'rents' my spare room and also works in the Den, when she's not at school.

"Doreen, this is my friend from England, Luna Lovegood. She'd visiting for a couple of days and will be staying with us."

A great smile blossomed on Doreen's face as she bounced across to shake hands with Luna.

"Hi! It's great to meet you. I'm guessing that you've known Harry for a while?" she said in one great rush.

Luna, for her part, cocked her head quizzically towards the girl, her large blue eyes scanning her up and down before she turned to Harry.

"You didn't say that she was a w..." Luna began before Harry's eyes rounded and he practically slammed his hand over her mouth.

Seeing the aghast expression on Doreen's face, Harry blurted the first thing that he could think of.

"Don't mind Luna, she often has no filter between her brain and her mouth. Um, just excuse us a minute, I need to ... to ..."

In the end, he faltered and with a shrug practically dragged Luna out of the room, down the hallway and to his room where he closed the door and raised a silencing charm. It was then that Luna decided to lick his hand, making him shudder and quickly remove it from her mouth and wipe it down the legs of his jeans.

"Now, why did you do that, Harry?" Luna asked intently. "I was only going to point out that she's magical, just like us."

"That's just it, Luna, she's not," Harry replied before

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