A/N: Thank You

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The second part of this story is over. As some might have noticed, I split the story into two books after chapter 56. So, the next book will be the third one.

It has been a long bumpy road but our main characters are finally together. It was so difficult to find a point where to end this part of the story, but I believe that this is a good one.

I did not want this book to end. I learned to write while writing this story. This is evident in some of the more crappier chapters. Now, it's time for editing~~ 

Editing will be such a pain. I literally tested every single writing style in this book--from first person to limited third person and even omniscient narrator. Some chapters are is past tense while others are in present tense. *sighs*

People still comment on the grammatical and tense errors in earlier chapters. When I check what they are talking about I cringe. *more sighs*

We have had this conversation before, but... Any ideas for the next book's title?

I also wanted to write about Chris' or Xander's stories, but there is so much a mentally unstable college student can write in her free time.

Anyway! Thank you so much for all your support. Your reads, votes, and comments have made me so happy! I hope you come back for the third part of the book once it is ready.

Bye for now! Kisses.

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