Chapter Thirteen

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watch the vid on the side if you want to laugh




I woke up in an unfamiliar place, and it took me a moment to become aware of my surroundings. Then I realized that I was in Lisa's guest room, and I grinned slightly, which faltered when I remembered that Aiden and I have a date later. Shit, I needed something to wear!

My phone lay on the nightstand, so I picked it up to see the time. It was late, eleven am to be exact. I noticed I had a text, so I clicked into the message.


FROM : Aiden

Morning baby ;)

Well, that just brightened my entire day. I smiled, but didn't respond, because then he would know I only woke up at this time, and for once he was the one to wake up first.

I rolled out of bed and stretched, yawning a little. I walked out of the guest room and made my way to Lisa's door, which was closed. I didn't bother knocking and just barged right in, not caring if she was in the middle of getting dressed or something. Fortunately she wasn't, and still lay completely passed out on her bed.

I smirked to myself - now it was my turn to wake her up. I let out a war-cry before waving my arms in the air and running to the bed, throwing my entire weight on my friend.

She didn't wake up.

She stayed completely asleep, her deep breathing even. I groaned and got off her. I'd need to use a different method in order to wake this one up. Damn, what was with people and being heavy sleepers round here? First Aiden, and now Lisa.

I walked over to the window and threw open the curtains, letting the bright light chase away any lingering shadows. I glanced over my shoulder to see that Lisa was still fast asleep. Okay, desperate times call for desperate measures. She would thank me for this later... I'm sure.

I left Lisa's bedroom and walked to the nearest bathroom. Once inside, I opened the cupboard under the sink. I saw a gray basin sitting there and grinned widely. This would do. I filled up the container with freezing cold water and carried it carefully back to Lisa's room, hoping I wouldn't drop it and spill water everywhere.

Thankfully I managed to keep hold of it, and I stopped right in front of the sleeping beauty. Note my sarcasm. I think I saw a trail of drool on her pillow. I wrinkled my nose and tipped the basin, pouring water all over her.

She was up in a second, a crazed look in her eyes. Oh shit. I dropped the basin on the floor and screamed loudly, regardless of Lisa's parents or anyone else who might be in the house.

Lisa jumped off the bed and I took this as my cue to run for my life. I dashed out of her bedroom and down the stairs, my feet thumping loudly.

"I'm gonna get you for that, you bitch!" Lisa screamed, chasing after me.

Instead of screaming right back at her, I started to see the funny side of this and began laughing hysterically. "Not if you can't catch me!" I yelled back, even though she was roughly only three metres away.

I dashed into her living room as if I had a cheetah on my tail, but I wasn't prepared for the hardwood flooring and I skidded on a fluffy rug. My feet slipped from under me, and I landed in a heap on the floor, hurting my ass in the process.

Lisa wasn't prepared for the change in speed so quickly, so she ran in and tripped right over my body. She fell on top of me with a squeal, and I groaned. "Get off me, you fat ass."

She laughed. "No, I think I'll just lie here in my waterlogged clothes and let you know what it feels like to be drenched this early in the morning."

I yelped, realizing for the first time that she was soaked from the water I threw on her, and now my pyjamas were getting damp. I quickly pushed Lisa off me and stood up, seeing a huge damp patch in the middle of my t-shirt. "Fuck you."

"You love me", she sang, skipping past me to go upstairs to take a shower and get dressed. Wow, what changed her mood so fast?

I shuffled after her and got a pair of jeans and a sweater from the guest room before going into the bathroom to have a shower. It took me an eternity to figure out how to actually turn on the water, and I realized once again why I hated showering at other people's houses.

When I finally managed to get a jet of water shooting from the shower head I jumped in and washed myself as quickly as possible so as not to use up too much water. I dried myself with a towel that hung inside the door and pulled on my clothes. I wrung out my wet hair so that it didn't drip all over the floor and tied it up in a messy bun.

I went back to the guest room and got my toothbrush from my bag and brushed my teeth in the bathroom quickly. I slipped on a pair of vans and went to find Lisa. She wasn't in the kitchen, but her mom was, drinking a cup of coffee.

I stood hesitantly at the door, wondering if I should go in to get breakfast or just wait until Lisa finished getting ready for the day. I was caught when Helen looked up from her drink and smiled at me. "Morning", she greeted. "Come in and get breakfast, there's plenty in the cupboards."

"Okay", I said awkwardly and shuffled inside. Lisa's mom pointed to a cupboard in the bottom left corner of the kitchen and told me that I could get some cereal in there. I pulled out some Froot Loops and poured them into a bowl I found after asking where they were. I grabbed a carton of milk from the fridge and sloshed it on top. Lastly I got a spoon from the drawer where the cutlery were kept and sat beside Helen at the table.

I munched on my breakfast contentedly for a few minutes before Lisa made an appearance. She was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a red tee with the McDonald's logo on it.

I laughed at her. "I didn't know you worked there."

She smirked at me. "I don't, I had this specially made."

I gave her a thumbs up and a bright smile and continued to eat my Froot Loops. Helen finished her coffee and told us she was going to go to the nearest convenience store to buy some groceries. Lisa waved her off whilst making her own breakfast. Soon the front door slammed and all you could hear was Lisa rustling around and me chewing my food.

Eventually Lisa sat down beside me, a bowl of Frosted Flakes in her hands. We ate our breakfasts in silence, but then Lisa broke it. "So what do you wanna do today? You have seven hours until your date, so we have some time to kill."

"I don't know", I shrugged, then reality set in. "Oh my gosh, Lisa! I'm going on a date with Aiden! What am I supposed to wear? What if I spill food all over myself? What if we don't eat at all? You know I can't stand not eating for long, I'll start acting like a provoked bear! How am I supposed to act? I've never been on a date before, help me! He's going to hate me so much after this! He'll never want to see me again, oh no, what am I going to-"

"Calm down", she told me, laughing. "You'll be fine. We'll get you something to wear, and he's just like you in the food area, so I can guarantee you'll be eating somewhere. And if you mess up Aiden will probably just think you're adorable."

I gave her my fiercest glare. "Stop trying to make me feel better. I know it's going to be absolutely terrible, so don't bother lying about it being great."

"Jesus, Perri!" She exclaimed. "You're going on one date, it's not your freaking wedding."

"Shut up", I told her as my next amazing comeback.

Lisa laughed. "Okay, let's go to the park or something to get some fresh air."

"Are you sure you aren't taking me on a secret date?" I asked jokingly, putting my now empty bowl in the wide sink.

She rolled her eyes. "No, I just can't stand being in the house with you anymore."

"Then why are you inviting me to come too?" I frowned confusedly.

She sighed heavily. "Never mind. We're going to the park and it's not a secret date, okay?"

"Don't see why you couldn't have said that in the first place", I muttered under my breath as I followed her to the door.

We walked the short distance to the local park, talking amiably. The park itself wasn't overly huge or exciting; it contained a set of swings, a roundabout, a slide and a couple of trees. Some young kids were playing what looked to be a game of hide and seek and an elderly man was walking his Yorkshire terrier around the perimeter.

Lisa and I did a circuit of the whole park before beginning the walk home. I asked her what the purpose of even coming here was, and she said that both walking and running cleared her head.

When we got home there was nothing to do, until Lisa came up with a bright idea. "We should bake cookies!"

I groaned. "No."

"Yes!" She said excitedly, yanking me up off the couch, where I'd been lounging ever since we'd gotten home.

She dragged me into the kitchen, which was completely empty. Lisa's mom had mind linked her to say that she was going to some sort of yoga class and that she would be back for dinner. Her father surprisingly had work today.

Lisa reached up into one of the mismatched cupboards and pulled down flour, sugar, butter, eggs and chocolate chips. She instructed me to get a bowl and some weighing scales. We didn't have a recipe, but apparently she "knew what she was doing".


One hour and twenty minutes later, we stared at the blackened mess that was stuck to the tray. The entire kitchen was in chaos; empty packets littered the counters, an unfortunate flour spill had resulted in the floor being white, and there was the insides of a dropped egg mixed in with it, not to mention the burnt smell in the air.

Lisa stared at the tray in confusion. "What went wrong? I thought you were supposed to put them in for forty minutes."

I frowned. "I thought it was fifteen?"

"Well, why didn't you say something?!" She exclaimed, almost angrily. I knew she was kind of disappointed by how shitty her baking abilities turned out to be, but that didn't give her the right to blame me for it. Although it was partly my fault.

"Hey, its not entirely my fault!" I defended. "You're the one who forgot the sugar." I held up the full sugar packet, which we'd discovered when doing the dishes.

She glared at me, this time slightly playfully. "I told you to mix it in with the butter."

"I told you to mix it in with the flour!"

"Yeah, well, do you want to mix it in with the flour now?" She snickered, pointing to the white floor.

I shook my head rapidly, "Let's just put the cookies in the bin and clean up this mess. Then, I have to get ready for my date."

"Oh yeah, your date!" Lisa exclaimed. "Okay, I'll get a brush to sweep up the flour, and you throw the cookies and empty packets in the bin."

I quickly agreed, and we set about our separate tasks. Within record time, the entire kitchen was spotless. Well, as spotless as we could manage to make it. Both Lisa and I had flour on our clothes and faces, and in our hair, but we were both grinning by the time we'd finished.

Until I took a look at the clock.

"Lisa!" I almost yelled. "I only have two and a half hours to get ready!"

"Shit!" She said, grabbing my arm and pulling me out into the hallway and up the stairs. She pushed me into the open bathroom, saying, "Shower quickly and I'll find you something to wear. There're towels already in there!"

I stumbled slightly, but then caught my balance. Before I could say anything, however, Lisa slammed the door and I was left to take my second shower of the day.

Sure enough, there was a cupboard next to the sink that had a bunch of towels in it, so I picked out two. I turned on the shower and let it heat up for a minute while I stripped off my floury clothes. I left them in a pile on the floor and jumped under the warm jets of water.

I wanted to spend longer in there, but I knew I'd have to hurry my ass up if I wanted to have time to get my hair and makeup done, not to mention an outfit. After approximately ten minutes, I pressed the button that turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping the fluffy towel around my body. I wrapped the other towel around my hair, twisting it up in a turban-like position.

I padded across the cold tiles and out of the steamy atmosphere the shower had left behind. I heard a groan of frustration coming from Lisa's room. She was sitting on the floor amongst a sea of brightly colored dresses and tops. It was quite a funny sight to see, being that her hair was still grayish from the flour that had somehow gotten everywhere when we'd been baking.

"Help me, Perri!" She wailed. "I have nothing for you to wear!"

I laughed slightly, walking over and making sure that my towel was still tightly wrapped around me. I didn't really feel like showing my naked body to Lisa right now. "I'm pretty sure it's me that's going out on this date, not you."

"I know", she said impatiently. "That's why I'm trying so hard. You need to look perfect."

"Okay, fine," I said. "But can I go back to the guest room and put on some clothes for now? I don't really fancy walking around in just a towel until I can find a suitable date outfit."

"Yeah, sure," was all the confirmation I need before I was halfway out the door, leaving Lisa to face her dress dilemma alone until I came back.

"Bring any possible date clothes you have!" She yelled, loud enough for me to hear when I stood at the doorway of the guest room.

I sighed in response. My bag still sat in its previous position beside the bed, so I looked through it and came up with a set of underwear, a pair of shorts and a dark green shirt. I changed into them quickly, throwing my towel into the laundry basket that stood near the door.

I then rustled through my bag for some of the outfits I'd deemed date-worthy. The results were quite bleak; compared to the brightly colored clothes I'd seen in Lisa's room, I had next to nothing. I pulled out a faded blue flowy dress, a flower-patterned blouse and a pair of denim shorts. I hadn't brought any shoes whatsoever, so I knew I'd have to borrow some from Lisa. It looked like I'd need to borrow an entire outfit from her, as well.

I sighed, but decided to bring the dismal clothes with me to see what Lisa thought of them. I left the room barefooted and was pleasantly surprised to see that the mess of dresses was gone from the floor, and Lisa was now sifting through her closet. Huh, I'd thought she'd already looked through the clothes in there, what with the material that had littered the floor just a few minutes ago.

I shifted from one foot to the other awkwardly, not knowing if I should help her or not. She glanced over at me irritatedly and waved her hand in a come here motion. "Come on then."

I joined her in front of the closet and she repeatedly pushed dresses and tops against the sides of the rack that they were all hung up on. Occasionally an item of clothing got thrown out and onto the floor with a muttered "maybe". For the most part I stood there and watched, not wanting to disrupt whatever method Lisa had going of searching through her clothes.

Eventually she pulled out a navy blue dress and held it up with an excited grin. "This is perfect."

When I just stared at her blankly, she shoved the dress into my arms, giving me a push in the direction of the door. "Well, go on. See if it fits."

I smiled a little at that, and did what she said, hurrying out of her bedroom and across the hallway to the bathroom. Once inside, I shrugged off my shorts and t-shirt and slipped the dress over my head. Thankfully, it fit well. It hugged my curves before flowing out to a few inches above the knee. I checked in the mirror to see if it looked okay, and I smiled. It looked great, and when my hair and make up was done, it would look even better.

I took off the dress, knowing that Lisa could see it later, and I didn't want to get any makeup smudges or possible hairspray on it. I threw on my other clothes and gathered the dress up carefully, making sure I hadn't creased the soft material.

Inside Lisa's bedroom, she had set up a chair in front of her dresser, which had a mirror on it. She threw a sheet over the mirror, claiming that I shouldn't see myself until I was "ready". I was then pushed onto the chair and Lisa got her makeup kit from a cardboard box that stood in the corner.

"Don't move unless I tell you to," she said. "I'll do your hair first, and then I can do your makeup."

"Okay", I agreed, bracing myself for at least half an hour of Lisa yanking at my hair.

She brought out her blow dryer and curling iron, plugging them in to the socket in the wall. She blow dried my hair first, and then moved onto the curling iron. After it heated up a little she brought it to my hair, me cowering away in case she burnt my face.

"Sit still", she grunted, annoyed. I tried to sit as still as possible as she worked her way through all of my hair until it fell in loose curls around my face.

Next she started on my makeup. She put on a thin layer of foundation, some concealer and mascara. She slicked some eyeliner across my eyelids after a little bit of eye shadow. I tuned her chatter out after a while and concentrated on freaking out about my date.

Lisa made me close my eyes whilst she applied lipstick, telling me I shouldn't see the color. I rolled my eyes but did as she said.

Minutes later, I was pronounced ready. I got up from the chair and Lisa grinned, handing me the borrowed dress. I took it with a word of thanks and went back to the bathroom yet again to change. I didn't bother looking in the mirror, as Lisa would have my head if she found out I'd seen my appearance already.

I hurried back to the bedroom and Lisa gasped when she saw me. "Perri! You look hot - Aiden won't be able to keep his pants on!"

My cheeks turned red at her comment about my mate, but I simply murmured my thanks, then grinned cheekily. "Can I see what an amazing job you've done now?"

"Wait." She held up a hand. "Let me find you some shoes first."

She practically dived back in her closet, appearing a few minutes later with a pair of white flats. Luckily Lisa and I were the same size in both clothes and shoes, so they would fit. I slipped them on my feet and smiled gratefully at Lisa. "Thanks, for helping me and stuff."

She waved her hand in the air. "It's nothing. Now, take a look!"

She pulled the sheet off the mirror with a flourish, exposing my reflection to me. I looked... different. A good different, though. I looked a lot prettier than usual, that's for sure. My makeup was done naturally, but it made my skin look flawless and my eyes pop. My hair framed my face beautifully, set in soft curls. My dress fit perfectly, accentuating my curves but not making me look like a whore.

All in all, I looked great.

I grinned, giving Lisa a huge hug. "Thanks, I look great!"

"I know", she said smugly. "You can thank me later, I think your date is here."

Sure enough, a knock sounded on the front door, and I looked to Lisa in panic. "Maybe we

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