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The parking lot was a sprawling expanse of concrete and asphalt, surrounded by tall buildings that seemed to tower over it like sentinels. The ground was littered with discarded cigarette butts and fast-food wrappers, and the hum of traffic was a constant background noise. The honking of horns and the rumble of engines filled the air, and the air was thick with the smell of exhaust. The weather was clear and starry but the neon lights of the city made the lot look dimly lit.

In the distance, the skyline of a bustling metropolis was visible, the towering skyscrapers piercing the clouds. The buildings were a mix of old and new, some were made of brick and others were made of glass and steel, some had graffiti on their walls and others were clean and polished. Their lights were on, illuminating the city and creating a warm glow in the darkness.

Two men stood by a sleek black car, one leaned against the hood with a cigarette in hand, blowing smoke rings into the air, while the other stood by the side of the car, his eyes scanning the deserted streets. They were both dressed in casual clothing, one wore a leather jacket, a t-shirt, and jeans while the other wore a hoodie and a pair of joggers. They both had a subtle accent. The first man had a scruffy beard and was wearing a baseball cap, the other man was clean shaven and had a gold watch on his wrist. They seemed out of place in this urban jungle, their casual clothing contrasting with the gritty surroundings. They stood in silence, both lost in their own thoughts, while the city bustled around them.

Nicky took a drag from his cigarette and let out a sigh of frustration. "He's late," he grumbled, blowing out a stream of smoke. "He ain't coming." The annoyance was clear in his voice as he flicked the cigarette onto the ground and leaned back against the hood of the car. He checked his watch, tapping his foot impatiently as he scanned the empty parking lot.

Y/N glanced at the time on his own watch, the light from the neon sign nearby glinting off the metal. "It's only five minutes," he said, trying to sound reassuring. "He'll show." Despite his words, there was a hint of uncertainty in his tone as he too scanned the empty parking lot, looking for any sign of their expected companion.

A beat-up car pulled up across the lot, the engine sputtering and coughing as it came to a stop. The car was an old model, with rust around the wheel wells and a dented bumper. The paint was faded and chipped, and the tires were bald and worn. The driver's side door creaked open, revealing a young man behind it dressed in a worn denim jacket and a pair of torn jeans. He was shorter than the average height, and his frame was thin and bony, almost frail-looking. His arms and legs seemed to stick out of his clothing, like twigs on a tree, His shoulders were sharp and his hands were delicate-looking. He had a rough, unshaven look and a baseball cap pulled low over his eyes. He slammed the door shut behind him and walked over to the two men waiting by the black car.

"Just like I told you." Y/N mumbled to Nicky, his voice filled with a hint of satisfaction, as he rose to his feet and adjusted his clothing. He gave a slight tap on the car's side, his demeanor exuding confidence and a sense of vindication.

"Even a broken clock is right twice a day," Nicky said with a hint of sarcasm as he stood up, crushing his cigarette out with a swift movement of his boot. "Hector!" Nicky greeted with a smile as artificial as a plastic flower, putting on a facade of excitement as he greeted the newcomer. The joy in his tone was as thin as ice, ready to crack at any moment.

"H- Heleo," the young man corrected, his voice slightly stuttering as he stopped his approach a few feet away from the pair. He kept his head down, avoiding eye contact and his hands were stuffed into the pockets of his worn leather jacket. He fidgeted with his fingers and had his weight shifted to one leg, ready to bolt if things were to go south.

Nicky halted his approach towards the young man and gave him a piercing, intimidating stare. His eyes were dark and cold, his gaze seemed to bore into the young man's soul, as he spoke in a low and menacing tone. "You got something for me?" He demanded, his body language was imposing, standing tall and broad-shouldered, his chest puffed out and his hands were clenched into fists. He leaned in slightly, closing the gap between them, making the young man feel cornered and intimidated. He seemed to tower over Heleo, his face was gaunt and his eyes were sunken, as if he hadn't slept in days. His hair was greasy and unkempt, hanging limply around his face. He was visibly shaking, his body language conveying fear and anxiety.

Heleo nervously fished a thick wad of cash out of his jacket pocket, his hands visibly shaking as he handed it over to Nicky. Without a second thought, Nicky tossed the cash over his shoulder to Y/N. "Count it." He ordered, as if Y/N didn't know what to do.

The gentle sound of flicking paper filled the air as Y/N counted the cash. Nicky kept his cold, piercing gaze fixed on Heleo, seemingly staring through his soul. Heleo shifted uneasily, his toes squirming inside his shoes, as he tried to swallow the lump in his throat. His eyes darted nervously to Y/N, watching him count the money. The tension in the air was palpable, as Heleo waited anxiously for the counting to be done.

"Long time no see, Hector." Nicky remarked in a gruff tone. There was no warmth in his tone, no hint of friendliness or familiarity, just a cold, distant remark.

"H- Heleo," he corrected again, his voice trembling as he struggled to keep eye contact with Nicky. Heleo's gaze shifted nervously between Nicky and Y/N, his hands fidgeting at his sides. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he swallowed hard, trying to steady his nerves. His body language was tense and rigid, as if he was bracing himself for a blow. Heleo's eyes flicked repeatedly to Nicky, seeking approval, his face contorted with anxiety and fear, his chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath.

Nicky disregarded Heleo's correction with a tilt of his head. "We were worried," Nicky commented sarcastically, his voice dripping with disdain. His stance shifted, becoming even more stiff and threatening, looming over Heleo, "Almost had to check in with your sister, make sure you were okay." His words were biting and harsh, tinged with a hint of menace. "How old is Andrea now, fifteen?"

"Si- Sixteen." Heleo stammered, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to find the words. He swallowed hard, again, the ever forming lumps in his throat making it difficult for him to speak.  Heleo's body language spoke volumes about his inner turmoil, as he stood there, struggling to keep his composure. He was visibly shaking, his hands balled into fists, knuckles white from the force of his grip. His shoulders were hunched, as if he was trying to make himself smaller, trying to disappear from the situation. Beads of sweat ran down his face, glistening in the dim light, as he struggled to control his breathing, each ragged inhale and exhale a testament to the pressure he was under. His eyes were wide and wild, darting back and forth between Nicky and Y/N, as if searching for a way out of this situation. The tension in the air was palpable, as Heleo teetered on the brink of breaking down under the weight of Nicky's intimidation and the gravity of the situation.

"Sixteen, huh?" Nicky asked with a dry chuckle, his gaze never leaving Heleo's face. He looked at Heleo with a predatory gleam in his eye, as if sizing him up. "She got a boyfriend? I like 'em young," he added with a sinister chuckle, his words laced with innuendo and a hint of malice.

Heleo's lips thinned into a tight lipped line, his nostrils flaring with barely contained emotion. His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched, but he quickly schooled his features into a blank expression, masking his true feelings. He swallowed hard, trying to keep his composure and not provoke Nicky's wrath.

"Play nice with Heleo, Nick." Y/N commented in a monotone voice as he continued to count the cash, his actions conveying a sense of detachment and apathy. He seemed unphased by Nicky's actions, his expression remaining impassive, and his movements methodical. Nicky finally broke his gaze with Heleo, only to shoot a glare towards Y/N. Clearly offended that Y/N would dare to undermine him in front of a mule. He stood still, counting the money, not caring about the subtle threat being made to him. He finally grunted in frustation, bored of Y/N's lack of struggle, returning to his intimidation of Heleo as the flicking of the paper finally concluded. "It's all there." Y/N confirmed for the pair.

Nicky took a step forward, his expression skeptical as he posed the question, "Are you sure?". He leaned in slightly towards Y/N, his arms crossed over his chest. His body language conveyed a sense of doubt and suspicion.

Y/N let out a sigh of annoyance as he rolled his eyes at Nicky's skepticism. He extended the stack of cash towards Nicky with a sharp, swift movement and said, "Feel free to count it yourself," with a biting edge to his voice. Nicky cast a cursory glance at the stack of cash handed to him, before letting out a noncommittal grunt and turning his attention back to Heleo. His expression remained skeptical and his body language conveyed a sense of disinterest. "Here."

His announcement was swiftly followed by ten quick flicks of the cash, catching both Heleo and Nicky off guard. They both looked back to Y/N in confusion. "He's already got his cut," Nicky scolded, his voice harsh and demanding as he snapped his head back to Heleo to get a confirmation.

Heleo, practically shaking, quickly confirmed "Ye- Yeah, a band." His voice turned high and trembled, like a leaf in the wind, as he spoke, betraying his fear of Nicky's wrath.

"I know," Y/N said, handing Heleo the bills he'd pulled out. Nicky immediately grabbed onto Y/N's wrist, his grip tight and firm as he glared at Y/N with a scolding fire in his eyes. "Call it a bonus," Y/N asserted sternly, his own gaze turning from apathetic to cold and calculating. Nicky tilted his head in question, urging Y/N to continue. "He over-delivered, and didn't stiff us," Y/N explained in a hushed tone, "The kid deserves a little extra." Y/N stood tall and confident, not cowering under Nicky's aggression. His posture was relaxed, but his facial expression was serious and determined.

Nicky looked back to Heleo, a scowl on his face, as he violently released his grasp on Y/N's wrist. Y/N, noticing Heleo's hesitation, nodded towards the cash still in his hand, prompting Heleo to cautiously take it. Heleo's movements were slow and measured, his eyes nervously darting between Nicky and Y/N as he reached out to take the cash. He was tense, as if he was expecting to be attacked at any moment. 

"Thank you," Heleo said in a quiet, barely audible voice as he swiftly stuffed the cash into his pocket, his eyes still fixed on Nicky as if expecting some sort of retaliation for accepting the bonus. His movements were quick and furtive, as if he was trying to hide the cash from view.

"Go," Nicky growled, his voice deep and menacing, still not taking kindly to the events that had just transpired. Heleo nodded, his eyes still fixed on Nicky, and quickly turned on his heel, his movements were quick and brisk back to the beat-up car he'd arrived in, the sound of his footsteps echoing in the empty parking lot. He got in the car, the door creaking as he shut it behind him. He started the engine with a loud puttering sound, and without a second glance back at Nicky and Y/N, he quickly left the parking lot, the car sputtering and coughing as it drove away into the night.

Y/N and Nicky each got in the car, Y/N in the driver seat and Nicky in the passenger seat. Before starting the car, Y/N reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out the large roll of money, handing it over the seat behind him. A pair of gloved hands reached out and gently accepted the money, not bothering to count it. The hands placed the cash into a sleek, black briefcase that was already filled to the brim with cash. The voice that came from behind them was smooth and professional, "Do we have any more stops to make?" The person in the back asked the two men in the front.

"No, that's it for the night," Y/N said, his voice calm and collected as he started the car, the engine roaring to life. With a smooth movement, he put the car into gear and pulled out of the parking lot, the tires screeching as they hit the road.

"Tell me about the boy," The smooth voice said, the words spoken in a polite yet commanding manner, a tone that commanded respect even in the simplest of requests.

Y/N shrugged as he thought, "Good kid, always delivers." He paused as he rounded a corner, "Usually a little more than we ask, like tonight, and always on time."

Nicky scoffed as he heard the comment from Y/N. "Yeah right, surprised he showed." He remarked, causing the man in the back to perk his ears. "I don't know why you let us associate with damn beaners."

"Watch your mouth," The smooth voice commanded sternly from the back seat, the words spoken with a hint of disappointment. "I did not raise you to speak like that," the person added, emphasizing the disappointment in his tone.

Nicky's nostrils flared in anger, his jaw tensed as he glared out the window, trying to keep his emotions in check, a hint of frustration and resentment in his eyes, but still keeping his anger subdued, not wanting to make any move that would provoke the man in back.

The man in the back seat was a compact figure, dressed in a black suit that fit him perfectly, highlighting his lean build. His silver hair, neatly combed back, gave him a distinguished and professional appearance. Despite his small size, he carried himself with an air of confidence and authority. His face was impassive, but his eyes held a hint of intelligence and command. 

"So," the man in back continued, "Good seller?"

"Great seller." Y/N confirmed.

"That, Nico," he commented, calmly, "Is why we work with the 'beaners'. Understood?"

Nicky's response was a low growl, his gaze fixed on the buildings and streets passing by. Without turning his head, he gestured to an upcoming intersection with a sharp movement of his chin. "Turn left," he commanded, his tone gruff and impatient, "I want to grab something to eat."

Y/N's eyes flicked to the street Nicky had pointed to, a hint of recognition passing over his features. He shook his head, a small frown creasing his forehead. "We're giving Gino a pass this week," he said firmly, as if it was a decision that had already been made.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Nicky's voice rose in anger, his head turning sharply to meet Y/N with a glare. But Y/N remained unfazed, his gaze still fixed on the road ahead, one hand gripping the steering wheel and the other resting calmly in his lap. The man in the back seat watched the exchange with interest, his eyes flicking back and forth between the two men in the front, wondering what would come next.

"You're always causing problems at Gino's," Y/N explained with a condescending tone, "You had me take you there five times last week alone. It's time to give the man a break."

"You're taking me to Gi-"

"No, Nico, Y/N is right." The man in back interjected. "Gino needs to make money. If you go in there making him close up every night of every week, how is he supposed to pay us?" Nicky's expression hardened, his jaw tensing as he held back a retort. He turned his gaze back out the window, fuming in silence as the car continued on its journey. The man in the back leaned forward, his hands folded neatly in his lap, his voice steady and calm as he spoke. "We're in this business to make money, not to make enemies. Remember that, Nico." The car fell into a tense silence, the only sound the hum of the engine as they drove on. 

Y/N broke the silence with a question, his tone respectful as he addressed the man in the back seat. "Well, boss," he began, glancing into the rear-view mirror to make eye contact, "Any ideas?"

The man in the back of the car leaned forward, his fingers tapping against the leather briefcase filled with cash. His eyes scanned the passing streets, taking note of the various establishments they passed. "Russo's is just three blocks away," he said, his words measured and thoughtful. A subtle nod from Y/N confirmed his assessment. "I think I could go for a steak, how about you?" The question was directed at the other two men in the car, his tone indicating his desire for agreement.

"Russo's it is." Y/N remarked. He could feel Nicky shuffle in annoyance in the seat beside him. "What?" Y/N demanded of the man beside him, his tone turning distasteful for the first time that night.

"Nothing, just drive." Nicky demanded. 

And so he did, maneuvering the car smoothly into the parking lot of the steakhouse. The man in back looked at Nicky, "Nico, get me that booth I like, no need to clear out the restaurant." His tone was firm and commanding, leaving no room for argument.

"What about Y/N?"

"I would like to speak to him." He said calmly, "Have a bottle of wine ready for me a '55 Merlot." Nicky huffed and stepped out of the car, trudging his way into the steakhouse.

Y/N turned his head slightly, glancing into the rear-view mirror to catch the older man's gaze. "Boss?" he asked, his tone respectful and inquisitive.

"Why did Nico seem caught off guard when the boy showed up tonight?" The man asked in a measured tone, his gaze fixed on Y/N through the rear-view mirror. Despite the intensity of his stare, there was a hint of warmth and curiosity in his eyes.

"I knew he wasn't going to show for a while," Y/N explained, his voice betraying a hint of concern. He drummed his fingers nervously against the steering wheel, not daring to meet the gaze of the man behind him in the rear-view mirror. "Heleo, that's the kid's name," he continued, "He told me, while Nick was in the car, that his mom was sick. She's been in and out of the hospital, so I said he could take the time he needs and he promised to make up for it." The man behind him listened intently, nodding thoughtfully as Y/N spoke, allowing him to continue without interruption.

"While I believe you made the right decision in this case, Y/N," the man said, his words measured and thoughtful. His eyes fixed on Y/N, studying him intently before continuing. "I would advice that, in this business, you do not let your sympathy get the better of you." Y/N held his boss's gaze, acknowledging the wisdom of his words with a subtle nod. "How is your mother?"

"Same old," Y/N commented, a hint of sadness creeping into his voice despite his efforts to keep it hidden. He couldn't help but let out a sigh as he looked into the restaurant, his thoughts lingering on his mother's condition. "The doctor thinks she's just riding it out at this point," he explained, trying to keep his tone as matter-of-fact as possible. "It's hard to argue with him."

The man hummed in thought, once again, "Perhaps a steak will make her feel better, no?" He suggested with a warm, genuine smile, trying to lighten the mood. "Shall we?" He gestured towards the steakhouse with a slight nod of his head, indicating that it was time to go in.

Y/N shook his head. "You go ahead, boss." Y/N commented, starting the car again. "I gotta get home."

The man nodded and offered another smile as he thought, once again. "I understand you live in Jew town,

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