Chapter 9: Friends.

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The thing I hate about Sundays is that my Mom makes me clean up around the house, starting with my bedroom which is not going so well since I'm not in the mood to clean anything, not even for a million dollars, I just wanna lay in my bed and read a book like one of those people who already made it in life. Is that too much to ask?

I look down at my messy clothes, some on my bed and the rest on the floor. I have a habit of unpacking my clothes and then packing them back neatly everytime I clean my room.

I always ask myself why but I never get an answer.

"Whatchu doing, neighbor?" Nick's irritating voice drags me out of my thoughts which startled me a little bit.

I turn on my heel to face him, he's standing by my doorway with that stupid smirk on his face.

Great, I was wondering when he was going to drop by and torture me for stalking him from my window.

Well I wasn't exactly stalking him, I was just... staring? Admiring? Watching? Looking, yeah that's the word, I was just looking.

"What do you want, Nick?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

He lets himself inside, closing the door behind him, I watch him walk over to my bed and jump on top of it making my white fluffy carpet dirty with his boots.

"Take those things off!" I demand, pointing at the shoes.

"Moody much?" He questions, kicking off his shoes.

"Did my mom really let you up here?" My tone cracks with frustration.

"Yes, there was an emergency at the clinic so she had to run and she left me in charge, now before you ask why. while you were gone with Mr rich boy yesterday, your mom and I became besties." he mutters proudly.

"Oh wow, how nice." I say sarcastically sending him a fake smile and he rolls his eyes at me.

"So how was it?" He sits up, eyeing the clothes next to him on my bed.

Damnit, I hope he doesn't see any bra or underwear, worse a tampon!

I feel my insides turn at the thought of him seeing any of those embarrassing things, he would make my life a living nightmare.

Calm down, Allison.

"How was what exactly?" I act dumb.

I know he's asking about my day with Carl, I really don't know why he cares.

"The date with Carly, did you guys nerd fuck?" He wiggles his brows at me.

"Carl." I correct him.

"I honestly don't give a shit." he rolls his eyes again like the name doesn't matter.

It does. It does matter.

I stay silent for a second, processing the whole thing, I can only think of one thing, the word keeps replaying in my head so I'm just gonna go right ahead and say it.

"Nickolas Adams, are you jealous?" I ask teasingly, tilting my head to one side.

He raises his eyebrows at me then chuckles looking elsewhere, he moves from my bed to where I'm standing. Now we are only one feet apart. He's so tall.

This time I'm not gonna take a step back but God help me if he tries to do anything funny.

"First of all, don't ever call me by my full name ever again, and secondly.." he takes another step towards me, now we're only an inch apart, "Jealous of whom?" He whispers, his eyes flickering down to my body and I literally feel my heart beating like drum sets at a concert.

I feel like he can actually hear it beating so fast and loud so I end up taking that step back after all. Nick smiles amusingly looking at the step I just took.

"Of Carl but then again when I think about it, you're still in love with your ex girlfriend, Kayla was it? And-"

"What?" His smile drops as he cuts me off.

Did I say something wrong? Or does he not remember her just like he didn't remember me the second time we met.

"The girl you told me about Friday night, you compared me to her-"

"Fuck you, I'm gonna go." he cuts me off again, picking his shoes from the floor and tries to leave but I stop him by holding his hand.

Ugh, why would I do that though?

"Wait, I'm sorry if I offended you." I apologise quickly but I ask myself why I'm apologizing.

But then again I really hate it when people walk away from a conversation thinking that I'm the bad guy in the whole situation and I hate offending people.

"So you want me to stay?" He asks, his mood slightly lightening.

And he's back ladies and gentlemen.

"I guess so." I let go of his hand, turning away from him.

Now I can't tell if he didn't want to talk about Kayla because he didn't remember her or because he did, the question here is that, if he does remember who this Kayla chick is, why did he react like that?

Silence evolves into the room before he stands by my window, looking outside.

"Now can we talk about you stalking me from your window all the fucking tim-" I sprint to cover his mouth with my hand, letting the other one hold the back of his neck to keep him steady.

"Shhhh! don't shout, my mom will hear you." I whisper shout at him with my hand still covering his mouth.

He licks my palm which makes me retrieve my hand.

"Ew, gross, you licked me." I clean it using the shirt he's wearing.

"Your Mom is not home and I bet you were thinking about licking me when you were stalking me from across your window last night." he winks at me, I hit my palm against my forehead, shaking my head.

Get me out of this freak show.

Just listening to this moron speak makes me wanna punch him right in his perfect teeth.

"Not. Every. Girl. Wants. To. Fuck. You." I say it word by word, hoping that it sticks in his useless skull.

"First time I've heard her use the F word and I must say.." he pauses walking over to my bed, "It sounds a lot better coming from her mouth."

"That's it, get out of my room!" I snap, reaching for my door knob.

"I'm not going anywhere until we reach a solid conclusion." he sits down on my bed again.

Oh my God, somebody call 911 or something.

"What solid conclusion?" Curiosity gets the best of me so I end up closing the door.

"I suggest friendship, I know you hate me but I would actually like to be friends with you." there's no hint of sarcasm in his tone.

He's actually serious.

"I don't hate you." I lie.


"No, I'm just not necessarily happy about your existence." I shrug it off and he laughs.

A real laugh.

"So this is how we are going to play it." he gets up again and extends his hand like he wants me to shake it, "shake it or I open my mouth about the stalking." he looks at his own hand.

"Are you... threatening me?" I laugh at his stupid threat.

"No, I'm just.." he trails, "Come to think of it yes, yes I am threatening you but only because you said you are not necessarily happy about my existence, that shit hurt my feelings." he places his hand over his chest dramatically.

Drama queen.

There's only one way to shut this douchebag up.

"Friends." I give in, shaking his stupid hand.

All I gotta do is ignore him and I'll definitely live longer.

"Just like that?" He asks, it's almost like he doesn't believe it.

Well he shouldn't because it's a trap.

"Yes, now can you please leave? I gotta clean up." I look around my messy bedroom with a frown.

"I'll help you." he looks at me with a mischievous smile. For some reason, my heart does a quick dance in my chest and I feel a grin stretch across my lips.

"Really?" I squint my eyes.

"Sure, that's what friends are for." he says in an obvious tone.

I don't know what Nick's intentions are towards me but I'd like to think all of this is real, that it's not a scam or a joke that he and his idiotic friend Jason made up.

But even if it is a joke, I'm not going be affected by it because I'm just faking the friendship thing.

"Can I start by folding your clothes?" He says bluntly, pointing at my clothes.

And have the chance to see my underwear? No thanks.

" but you're welcome to clean up the mess that your bestie made in the kitchen." I suggest.

"Hey! That is no mess, that is true art made by my favorite neighbor and myself while you were out there screwing some rich asshole, now if you would excuse me.." he says and exits out the door before I have the chance to respond.

What the heck is his problem, what did Carl ever do to him?

I push it in the back of my head as I continue cleaning up my room, I fold everything exquisitely, placing them either in my drawers or closet. After I'm done vacuuming and spreading my sheets on my bed, I grab my chemistry book with the notebook that I use to write down notes. I make my way downstairs into the living room making sure that Nick doesn't hear or see me.

I feel like I haven't studied for the whole weekend and it's making me feel all guilty inside, like I'm not living my life right.

I spread my books on the coffee table, switching off the television and sitting cross legged on the couch.

I fumble through my work, giving it my full attention and solving and mastering formulas, a wise man once said that don't master but know the formula, our brains are capable of storing a lot of information. That wise man is my physics teacher and I don't think even he knows all the formulas but if he does then good for him.

An hour passes by and I'm still at it, sometimes I get so caught up in my work it feels like solving a riddle.

If you don't solve the riddle then you don't solve the mystery.

"Hey, taste this." Nick's voice comes out low and husky next to my ear, his hot breath hitting my neck sending an unpleasant chill down my spine.

He's holding a folk filled with red velvet cake, I try to get the fork from him but he sways it away.

"Do excuse my language but will you stop being such a bitch and just let me feed you?" He asks.

Seriously, Feed me? What am I, a child?

"Why?" I chuckle, looking at him over my shoulder.

"Because I'm the chef." he looks at me and our eyes meet.

"Baker." I whisper as my eyes bore into his.

"Whatever, smartass, do you want it or not?" He rolls his eyes.

Are you kidding? It's red velvet cake, of course I want it.

I close my eyes and I let him feed me the cake.

The taste is sensational, my taste buds tinkle and water as I continue chewing on the cake, I moan at the wonderful taste tilting my head back on the couch.

"Fuck." I hear him snicker, "Calm down, Parker, it's just a cake." he whispers in my ear. I open my eyes to look at him and he's already looking at me.

His face is way too close so I scoot away and he rolls his eyes once again.

"So everytime you make this awkward moving away from me shit, Are you afraid that I might kiss you or maybe that you might kiss me?" He asks like he really wants to know.

Me kiss him?

"I'm never going to think about kissing you, dude and I don't think you would dare kiss me." I give him an insight.

"What is it then?" His eyes startling blue as he studies my face.

My heart starts to race again.

Why am I feeling all these strange emotions all the sudden. Jesus.

"Because I get uncomfortable every time you're near me." I respond honestly to his previous question.

'Probably shouldn't have said that' says my inner voice.

He stays quiet for a few seconds, just looking at my face with a blank expression on his face.

I seriously don't know what he's thinking.

"So you don't trust yourself with me?" he questions but I don't know what to respond.

Why am I thinking that he's right, do I not trust myself with him? If so then what the HECK does that even mean? I don't trust myself with him? Does it mean that I could do some things that my usual self would not do? Like kissing him? Gross.

"I guess the silence says it all, well, I'm gonna go and don't forget to tell your mom that my mom and I are baking a red velvet cake for her birthday." he informs me and then walks out the front door, living me... hanging?

Gosh, why didn't I say anything? Now the douchebag walked out of here with the wrong ideas in his head.

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