20: daddy's girl

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Oh. Gosh.

In his black tanktop, his muscles were easily shown off as he crosses them over his chest angrily. I laugh nervously as his icy blue eyes connect with mine. "Annaliese? What's with the guy clothes?"


"Why's it so quiet in here? Are you guys that sad she left?" Alexander asks, walking into the room obliviously. I turn to him with panicked eyes. No, no, no! Shoo! Leave! He just furrows his eyebrows at me.

"So this is the twerp, huh?" Franny mutters under his breath. Alexander's face drops into a cold mask, his posture straightening. Franny tilts his head at the change. Oh gosh, oh gosh, this is really, really, really not good.

I yawn loudly, catching both of their attention. "Franny, I'm really tired. Can we please go home now?" I ask tiredly, purposely adding more exhaustion than I felt into my voice.

"Fine," He backs down immediately. Taking my backpack off my shoulders, he exits the house. "We'll go."

He's very, really mad.

"I'm sorry," I tell Mamá as soon as he leaves. She simply wraps me up in a hug.

"It's alright mija. My older brother is very similar to him," She chuckles, peppering a kiss to my forehead. "Go home, sleep well. Alexander will give you my phone number in case you need anything. Come back again soon, okay?"

"Yes ma'am. Thank you for dinner," I answer politely with a warm smile, breaking free from the hug. Clara wraps me up in a quick hug as well, whispering about how we should have a mall date soon. Finally, I turn to Alexander with a wicked grin. He flinches back.

"Bye Goosie," I wink, waving at him. Not giving him a hug is rude but I'm afraid of touching him. That kinda sounds silly after how much time we spent together today, and how comfy I got with him, but that blanket of uncomfort won't go away. "Don't miss me too much over the weekend."

"You know what, go watch Tangled or somethin," Alexander grunts, turning and heading up to his room. I just smile after him in amusement before leaving the house and getting into Franny's car. I take a deep breath and open the door, sliding into the heated seat.

"Thank you for picking me up," I say quietly, afraid of the response I'll get. Swallowing my unease, I muster up courage. "I'm sorry for not telling you it was a boy. I forgot that you weren't comfortable with that. It's my fault."

"Damn it, how could you go to a boy's house by yourself?" Franny snaps, his knuckles turning white around the wheel. "Do you not think?"

I stay quiet. His anger doesn't dwindle.

"That's a fucking boy Annaliese. You should know what the hell they're capable of. God, they're fucking assholes. You can't trust them enough to go to their house," His voice rises in tune with his anger.

I should know what they're capable of? Are you serious?

"Franny, you have no right talking about that," I mumble, trying my best to control my anger and hurt. So what if he's upset, it's not his place to talk about something I trusted him with. He should be proud of
me for even being able to hang out with a boy.

"I have no right? I have every damn right. I'm your big brother. It's my fucking job to look after you and keep you from getting into shit. Get pissed all you want, I don't give a fuck. You're not going back to his house. Shit, you shouldn't even be friends with him."

My eyes widen in disbelief and nothing could stop the blurriness. Is that what he thinks of me? That I'm some stupid little girl? I know I'm naive and.. the other word, but Alexander's my friend. He'd never hurt me. None of my friends would.

Today they were just worried about me. They had a point. Sometimes I can be too nice to people, but what if I don't want to be mean to them? Just because someone hurts me, doesn't mean that I have to hurt them back. It wouldn't make me feel better.

Neither would snapping back at Franny.

Breathing in and out slowly, my tears dissolve and a blanket of numbness replaces it. The rest of the car trip is silent. As soon as we arrive home, I pick up my bag and practically run out the car. His footsteps don't follow me so I assume he stayed in the car. Hopefully he's repenting.

As I walk through the kitchen, Valentino perks up from the kitchen stool. He recently got dreadlocks. I prefer his braids, but he still looks handsome. I was kind of hoping he would teach me how to. But, whatever. According to him, I'm too spoiled.


"If you're going to be mean, Val, I really am not in the mood to hear it," I cut him off with my emotions reflecting onto my face. The stress of everything is catching up to me in the worst way. I just want to sleep. "I'm sorry for cutting you off. Just.. talk to me tomorrow, okay?"

I leave him before he can reply. Jogging up the stairs, I go to my room and toss my backpack gently on the bed. I catch my reflection in the mirror. Alexander's sweats are still on me. The rebellious part of me doesn't want to take it off. In fact, I want Franny to see me wearing it.

Sighing at my thoughts, I trudge into the bathroom to do my skincare and brush my teeth. When I go to use the bathroom, I purse my lips at the reason for my moodiness. Hello, mrs. period.

I quickly take care of my feminine hygiene. Pulling my hair up in a bun, I go downstairs to fill a water bottle. I grab my pink Hydroflask from a cabinet and fill it up with ice and water. Luca got it for me on my birthday. I frown thinking of him. Right now Luca's out of town for some college conference. He'll be back tomorrow morning, but still. Now him and Daddy are gone.

Resting my forehead on the lid of the Hydroflask, I close my eyes, hoping to push away the pounding behind my eyelids. The door closing quietly catches my attention. I don't turn to see who entered until their presence fills the room. "Bambina? What're you doing here so late at night?"


Immediately I wrap my arms around his sturdy frame, hanging onto him like a lifeline. His arms quickly wrap around me. I let out a long sigh into his buttoned up shirt. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" I mumble.

"Of course Bambina," He accepts without hesitation. His calloused hands rub circles on my back. "Did something happen today?"

"Kinda.. I don't know, I'm just really, really, really tired. I just wanna sleep for a while," I admit, the weight carrying on my shoulders only being chipped off the slightest. "There's just so much.. too much.."

"I understand," He kisses my forehead. "Go to my room and get comfortable. I'll follow behind in a few minutes."

"Okie Alley," I say, reaching on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. His lips curve into a gentle smile and pride lifts my spirits at being the only one to bring it out. I take my Hydroflask and tiredly march up the stairs to his room.

Mr Snuffles is following at my feet, his bell jingling with every step he takes. Together we both enter Alley's room as if it's our own and take over his comfortable bed. My cat purrs as he curls up next to my head.

I pet him for a few minutes when Alley comes into the room, his shirt unbuttoned at the top. I stuff my face into Mr Snuffles' fur coat to allow Alley some privacy to change. Another few minutes passes when Alley gets in the bed next to me, his toned arm wrapping around me. I turn over and hug him back, hoping to forget about everything troubling me.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He whispers, taking my hair out of the bun I put it in. I mentally glare at him. Does he understand how long it took for me to get that looking as good as it did?

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to get mad," I say like a kid.

Alley turns to face me. "You have my word."

"Okay then.."

I told him everything: every thought, every story, every feeling since I was involved in the explosive accident. I talked until my eyes drooped and I could barely keep my voice above a mumble. I made sure to keep out the parts of the thing that happened when I was younger. Today, Franny proved that it could easily be thrown back in my face if I tell someone. I'm not mentally strong enough for that yet. I don't know if I ever will be.

Alley hangs onto my every word, his fingers playing with the ends of my hair. Mr Snuffles snuggled in between us at one point and is now sound asleep with his paw on Alley's leg. "I'm sorry you faced that alone," Alley tells me once I'm done talking. "I'm so proud of you for continuing and not giving up. You're very strong Bambina."

"I dunno Alley.. I don't think I am," I tell him honestly. "I wish everything would stop for a while. It feels like everyone just keeps getting mad at me for not moving on or not changing the way they want me to. Don't people realize that I've barely even accepted what I've gone through? How can you get better from something you don't even want to admit is there?"

Allessandro thinks for a few seconds. "Well," He says, wrapping his arm tightly around my back. "If you have a bruise, do you keep hurting it or wait for it to heal?"

"Wait for it to heal."

"So when your heart's wounded, you should also wait for it to heal. If you keep hurting a bruise, it'll only get worse and worse. But, if you let time heal it, eventually it'll go away. Your heart's injuries are just as grave as injuries on your skin. You have to take care of it or else it won't get better."

"How do I take care of it? I don't even know where to start."

He smiles gently. "You know what's best for you. If you just need to sleep for a while, that's okay. If you need a vacation, that's okay. If you need to talk to someone, that's okay too. Whatever you want, I'll give you."

"Really?" I look up at him through my half closed eyes.

"Really. Now go to sleep, okay?" He kisses my forehead. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep, and dor once, I wasn't plagued with nightmares. I have a feeling it's because I had my big brother protecting me.





"Wake up, amore."

My eyelids flutter as I sleepily turn to whomever is whispering to me. Squinting, I try to make out the dark figure hunched over my side of the bed. "Alley..?"

"Have you forgotten me already, amore? I'm hurt," His voice responds with dramatics. Familiarity strikes me and I blink to get a better look at the man in front of me. His blue eyes glimmer in the rays of the morning sun peaking through the windows. Gel holds back his dark hair, his adoring smile ever present on his face.

"Daddy?" I mumble, a hopeful grin stretching my lips.

"Ciao amore," Father whispers back. I don't hestitate to jump at him in a tight hug, embracing him so dearly, he would be able to feel how much I missed him. His warm hands hold my head to his chest and excitement was practically bursting through my veins.

"I can't believe you're back! I have so much to tell you, Daddy. Wait, why are you in Alley's room? Oh my gosh did you come to sleep with him? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take your spot," I ramble, my heart soaring with happiness while my mouth had a mind of it's own.

"I have a feeling I'd end up on the floor if I tried to sleep with Allessandro," Father chuckles, pressing a soft kiss to my hair. "Come amore, we have much to discuss."

"Mhm," I hum into his chest, not lessening my grip on him in the slightest.

"That means you have to let go," He tells me with a smile in his voice.


His nose nuzzles my hair. "I missed you too amore."


He made me change. He actually made me stop hugging him to change clothes. Apparently, he wants to go spend time together today. Obviously I have no complaints about that, but who does he think he is, telling me to stop hugging him? The audacity.

I purse my lips in annoyance as I slip on cute baggy light blue jeans and a yellow sweater with flowers embroided on it. Putting a yellow headband in my hair, I take out a few curls to frame my face. I quickly apply some clear mascara and lip gloss and slide on my yellow custom airforces. Adding a few pieces of gold jewlery, I spray on some purfume and leave to meet Father downstairs.

He's chatting on the couch with Luca and Marcello, his eyes bright with familial love. Fransesco's laid out on the couch in front of them. Valentino's sprawled out on the floor, continually glancing from them to the door. Allessandro's the only one who's no where to be seen.

"Ho finalmente trovato un vantaggio su dove si trova. Mi dispiace che mi ci sia voluto così tanto tempo. Sfortunatamente, molte cose hanno continuato a spuntare e diventare un problema. Ho scoperto che ha usato l'anello di Wilson per cercare di prenderla. Questo è ciò di cui parlava quel vecchio bastardo un paio di mesi fa," Father informs them in Italian. I tried to catch onto the words, but failed miserably. (I've finally found a lead as to where she is. I'm sorry it took me so long. Unfortunately, many things continued to pop up and became a problem. I found out that she used Wilson's ring to try and get ahold of her. That's what that old bastard was talking about a couple months ago.)

"Intendi il tizio che si è avvicinato al moccioso in palestra con Allessandro?" Fransesco asks, his eyebrows furrowing as he takes in whatever Father just told him. Hm, no wonder you can't understand him Franny. It's probably because you're so judgy. (you mean the guy who approached the brat at the gym with Allessandro?)

Oh Gosh, that was mean. I'm sorry Franny.

"Sì. Stava lavorando sotto Wilson. Secondo le talpe che abbiamo, sono stati informati da qualcuno che si adatta alla descrizione di Hestia. Ci è voluto così tanto tempo per ottenere quelle informazioni perché sono stati tutti pagati un sacco di soldi e hanno una regola molto importante per mantenere riservati i clienti," Father explains, his voice darkening with a subtle anger. He leans forward with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together. (Yes. He was working under Wilson. according to the moles we have, they were informed by someone who fits the description of Hestia. It took so long to get that information because they were all paid big deals of money and they have a very important rule of keeping the clients confidential.)

Valentino bites his lip, turning to Father hopefully. "Forse non è lei. E se fosse, tipo, qualche gemello malvagio o qualcosa del genere?" (Maybe it isn't her. What if it's, like, some evil twin or something?)

"No, figliolo," Father sighs, his shoulders drooping with sadness. What's he talking about? Is he okay? "Ho la sensazione di sapere di cosa si tratta e, purtroppo, si adatterebbe troppo bene al suo personaggio." (No, son. I have a feeling I know what this is about and sadly, it would fit her character too well.)

The boys go quiet after he says that. Ohh, I want to know what they're talking about so bad. This is what I get for getting bored of Italian. I seriously need to start learning it.

"Daddy!" I exclaim, as if I wasn't eavesdropping the whole time. He turns to me with a wide grin on his face, the previous stress wiped away. I plop on the couch next to him and wrap my arms around his torso. "I changed like you asked me to."

"You look beautiful amore," Father compliments me, leaning back onto the couch and wrapping an arm around me. I lean into him happily.

"Thanks Dad," I smile, my chest fully light for the first time since he left. He really is the source of my happiness. He saved me from the life I was living and accepted me into this family. I owe him everything.

"Where are you guys going?" Fransesco asks, narrowing his eyebrows at us in curiosity. He crosses his arms and pretends to be indifferent. Unfortunately for you, brother, I know you a little too well.

"So, what're we gonna do today?" I ask Dad, completly ignoring Fransesco. I heard a sharp inhale but you know what, that's not my problem. He totally betrayed the trust I put into him, no one else, and acted like a jerk about it. He deserves to be ignored for a day or two.

"There's a few places I want to show you. First, there's this delicious cafe down the street. They have really good breakfast there," He leans down to whisper, "and chocolate milk."

"Let's go." I declare immediately, standing up and pulling him along with me. Father smiles in amusement while Valentino speaks up in protest.

"You're eating breakfast without us? That's so unfair," He whines, leaning back against the couch.

"Way to show off that she's your favorite," Fransesco grumbles.

"Fransesco, no one asked for your opinion. Valentino, yes, we're eating breakfast without you. I know I said I would talk to you today so I'll come find you when we get back," I reply to their comments, my face clear of any emotion. I avoid their eyes by focusing on Dad's suit.

"Damn, no nicknames. You two for real messed some shit up," Luca laughs, smirking at the two of them. His amused eyes turn to me. "Whatever they did, make them grovel tesoro."

I probably won't but thanks Luc.

"Let's go amore. I'm eager to hear the story of why they lost their nickname privelege," Dad smiles, but there's a seriousness lurking behind it. "I'll be happy to give suitable punishments."

We both are giggling quietly as we leave the house stunned.


"He said that to you?" Dad asks shocked, pausing in the middle of taking a sip of coffee.

I nod my head, the plate screeching as I cut up some of the eggs. "That's what I was thinking. I've already forgiven him, but I still want to know why he was acting like that. I really like Val and it hurt my feelings when he talked to me like that."

"Well, Valentino's always struggled when it comes to dealing with his own emotions. It's why he tries to be happy or funny all the time," Dad explains, brushing off the surprise and gulping down his coffee. The cup clinks as he places it back down on a small plate. "The fact that he even expressed his anger to you is surprising. Usually, he would just hold it in and forget about it. I'm strangely proud of him."

I look down at my chocolate milk. "I didn't think of it like that," I admit, my cheeks blushing a light pink. "In that case, I'm a little proud of him too. Next time he'll just have to be nicer about it though."

"Well of course," He exasperates. "No one can be rude to my daughter and get away with it."

My daughter.

Those words warm my heart more than I'd ever imagined.

"Thank you," I reply gently. Father understands the multiple meanings behind what I said. He always does.

"Of course, amore," He grins. Leaning on his clasped hands, his grin turns more serious. "Now, tell me what Fransesco did to upset you."

"Oh.." I stammer, playing with the straw in my chocolate milk. "Um, I was going to save that story for later."

He furrows his brows. "What? Why?"

I let out a small breath and swallow some chocolate milk for strength. "It's a long, long story. I haven't told my brothers except for Franny yet. I was planning on telling you first, but he found me in a vulnerable place."

Father's silent, his thoughts reflecting onto his face. He lets out a small sigh. "Alright, amore. I understand. I won't force you to talk until you're ready."

"Thank you," I smile softly.

"Yes, yes," He waves me off as a mischevious smirk rises on his lips. "Now, what should we do next now that we've eaten?"

I mimick his smirk, though mine's not as

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