Part III

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Part III - IS COMPLETE!!! Find it in a separate book on my profile page ( Joflower ) or click the external link at the bottom of the page for web users.

Trust me, you'll want to read it. We still have to see the Spirit Walker, take care of Carina, have our "happy ending" after a big battle, and SOMEONE is finding a mate! (Squee!)

So yes, lots to come. I separated it into another book because (at the time of writing this) I didn't know if I could fit all the parts here (I think Wattpad only allows a story to have 200 parts).

Also, join us on Facebook or Twitter in the HeartStone Pack, a group for all Stoners to come together and interact and support each other in this crazy thing we call "life."

Or we can hang out on:

Facebook: JoLeeHunt
Twitter: JoLeeHunt
SnapChat: JoLeeHunt
Instagram: JoLeeHunt

Thank you so much for reading Heart of Stone!

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