Music: "You Are Not Alone" by Gothic Storm
This had to be hard on him. As much as she didn't want to leave them, there was no use in arguing about it.
"They need a little space," Rosemary said as she walked alongside Aubree to the sunroom. "That, and it will be painful for Gwen as they try to dig out the bullet. It won't be pleasant if you stayed."
"I can handle it," Aubree murmured as she sat down on the loveseat, a dejected sigh escaping her lips as she leaned her head back and looked up at the starlit sky.
What time was it now? She had no idea, but sitting down after everything that happened made her realize how exhausted she was.
"Can you? Stone seems to think that you're still not ready."
"I'm getting there."
Rosemary sat next to her on the loveseat. "He wants you to see him before anyone else—when you're ready."
Aubree chewed on her bottom lip. Was she ready to see him in his wolf form now? She'd seen pictures on the internet, Gwen's form, although covered in a sheet, she still saw her general size, shape, hands and feet, and ears. Not to mention her internal organs as Rosemary hurried to stitch her up.
Taking a deep breath, Aubree said, "I'm ready."
Rosemary quirked an eyebrow. "Then, you need to tell him that."
A series of grunts and groans met Aubree's ears.
She winced, imagining a pair of hands—didn't matter whose—digging metal objects into the back of a grizzly beast, while it clenched its long, sharp teeth together, its lips pulled back in a snarl.
Maybe it was a good idea she left the kitchen after all?
Reading Aubree like an open book, Rosemary patted her knee. "It'll be okay. She's awake now—"
A roar of pain interrupted Rosemary, making Aubree jump in her seat, while Rosemary continued talking, unfazed.
"—and that's the important thing."
A loud crack followed immediately by a bang, shook the house as something big and heavy thudded to the floor with a grunt.
Aubree thought she'd pass out from the shock as Rosemary looked around with knotted brows. "Goddess, she broke the table."
"Lord have mercy." Aubree pressed her hand to her face. She'd had enough shocks to her system for one night now.
Rosemary pulled herself up from the wicker loveseat. "Let me get you something to drink."
Sounded like a plan. "Thanks, Rose."
There were a few whispers exchanged in the kitchen when Rosemary left, followed by the faint clinking of ice cubes falling in a glass. When she returned, she sat with Aubree for another ten minutes before Stone walked in.
He looked like he'd been hit by a transport truck. Exhaustion ransacked him. He dragged his feet across the wooden floors. His shoulders were hunched. His brows furrowed over heavy eyes.
Aubree immediately got to her feet and hurried across the ten-foot gap, and pulled him into her arms. He held her tightly to him and leaned down so that he buried his face in the crook of her neck.
Rosemary slipped out, almost unnoticed if not for the slight creak of the floorboards.
"Thank you," he whispered in a hoarse voice, laden with emotion.
Her heart swelled as his shoulders shuddered. He leaned down into her, needing her strength and support.
If Gwen had died, it would have truly broken him. She could feel his weariness now, the relief of her soul's return, and the gratitude for Aubree coming in and helping them all through this.
His overwhelming emotions flooded over her, making her eyes prickle with tears again.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, leaning on each other, supporting each other, and drawing on each other's strength.
Pulling back, he held her cheeks in the palms of his hands as he touched his forehead to hers. "I almost lost her." His voice cracked. "I couldn't have brought her back without you, Aubree. I couldn't..."
He pressed his lips to hers and she tasted the salt of his tears as she kissed him back.
I know, she wanted to say as she reached up to tangle her fingers in his hair and deepen the kiss, basking in the feel of him as his essence filled her.
You love her. I love her too.
And I love you. So much, I can't bear it.
---- AUTHOR'S NOTE ----
Yay! She made it! It will be a painful recovery, but she'll make it. XD
Did you guys seriously think I'd kill Gwen!!!??? NO FREAKING WAY!
Dedicated to Slalina
*Copyright Jo Lee Hunt (Joflower) 2016*
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