II. Chapter 26 | Part 1 - Aubree

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"Gunner suggested I court you like a human, as opposed to a lycan," Stone said as they drove into the twin cities the next evening after everyone had left for the nightly hunt.

Aubree wrinkled her nose. "How would it be any different? What, did you guys frolic in meadows or something?"

She pictured a pair of hulking half-wolf, half-human like beasts running and jumping around each other in a field of wildflowers with butterflies flitting about and birds singing in the nearby trees under a clear blue sky, and creepy looking grins pulling back their lips to expose their sharp teeth while their tongues lolled out of the corner of their muzzles.

The thought was almost comical.

The look on his face made her snort before bursting out in laughter. "Oh my god, you didn't!"

A rosy hue shaded his cheeks as he turned his eyes back on the road. "Why is it so funny?"

She giggled helplessly at him some more as the forest drew away and open fields greeted them. A few minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot of a post office and climbed out. She followed him inside, her eyes surveying the small shop as he went ahead to collect his mail. It had a real small town feel with the adjoined drug store and gift shop.

Stone joined her at the birthday card section, a handful of envelopes with him.

She looked up at him. "Ready?"

He nodded.

Her eyes swept over one of the cards on the shelf as she turned toward the door.

"When's your birthday?"

He shrugged.

Frowning, she furrowed her brows. "You don't know?"

"It was in the thirteenth century. In the summer, I believe. That's all I know."

"Don't you guys celebrate birthdays?"

He shook his head. "No. We did with the pups. But..." he hesitated, "we stopped a few years after Adelaide and Arthur's deaths. Guinevere and Gawain said it wasn't the same without them."

Silence followed them as they left the store and returned to the car before Aubree remembered what Gwen told her a few weeks back. "Was it because you blew up Gwen's cake?"

He stared at her for a second as she buckled her seatbelt before he blinked and a small smile crept on his face. "She told you about that?"

Aubree nodded, grinning. "That was before I found out you were her father."

He shook his head as he turned his attention to the mail in his hands and began sifting through the bills. "It was a wood-burning stove. It made such a mess."

Chuckling, she watched as he paused on a small square envelope with her name on it and an identical one with his.

"What's that?" she asked.

His forehead creased as he turned the envelope over, but there was no return address. He sniffed it before curiosity twisted the corner of his lips. "I think it's our response from the elf."

It took her a second before the little wooden door of the elf house at the base of the tree popped in her head and excitement filled her. "Let me see."

He handed her the two little envelopes before tossing the rest in the glove compartment over her legs. As he leaned back in his seat, he rested his hand on her thigh, making her rake her teeth over her bottom lip as delight sparked under his touch. The last time he touched her like that was before he entered her with his fingers.

"Sorry," he said, pulling his hand away from her thigh and starting up the car.

She frowned as disappointment filled her. "Don't apologize. I like it when you touch me."

His eyes flicked to hers as a wave of heat crashed over her.

It was true. She liked his hands on her thighs, her hips, her breasts, her—

"Save those thoughts for later, Röslein," he said.

There was a hint of humor in his eyes, but she could feel the heat behind his intense gaze as she felt herself being pulled toward him despite not moving an inch in her seat.

Oh god, she thought as she tore her gaze away from his and swallowed. She wanted to jump his bones and rip his clothes off like an animal.

What did he say? Something about doing something later? Something delicious and hot like him? Doing him?

Oh god.

She nodded briskly. "Yeah. Okay. Later."

Her head was screaming as her stomach tumbled over itself in excitement. Crossing her legs, she bit down on her lip and looked out the window.

What she'd like to do with him later...

Pushing the delicious thoughts from her mind, she heard him chuckle as he pulled out of the parking space.

Needing a distraction, she tore into the envelope with her name on it and pulled out a small piece of paper. In neat cursive handwriting, were two sentences that made her smile.

"What does it say?" he asked as he pulled out onto the road and drove deeper into town.

"Cherish these moments into old age. Life is too precious and short to waste time on anything but," she read.

"What did you write?" he asked.

Humming to herself, she remembered what it was, but couldn't remember why she had written it in the first place.

I'm on the best first date of my life.

It had been. As she reflected on the memory, she recalled all the emotions she felt, of love, safety, joy, but also excitement. She had such a wonderful time with him, and had no one to share her joy with. So, she shared it with the elf. It wasn't like she expected to receive a response anyway.

Turning her gaze back to him, she watched his profile as he drove. His freshly shaven face made his jawline look softer and less sharp. The ceases in his forehead hinted at his curiosity. The thin crow's feet in the corners of his eyes crinkled. The way he brushed his fingers through his hair even though it was tied back in a ponytail reflected a touch of nervousness. His muscular arms and thick shoulders over a broad chest and strong pecks were taut.

She swallowed as her eyes began to roam lower, but quickly reverted her gaze back on his face. "Only that I was having a wonderful time at the lake. What did you write?"

His cheeks and ears began to redden. He kept his eyes on the road and his hands on the wheel. "Nothing."

Her nose scrunched up as a smirk played on her lips. "Really? So, you wouldn't mind me opening yours and reading the elf's response?"

He snatched the unopened envelope from her and tucked it under his butt.

If that wasn't an invitation to grab his ass, she didn't know what was.

Giggling, she reached for it, making him growl in warning.

Poking the tip of her tongue out between her teeth, she grinned at him as she reached for it again.

"Do you mind? I'm driving," he muttered.

Her eyebrows wagged at him, before she quickly grabbed it out from under him. "Not at all."

"Bree," he said through clenched teeth.

She pursed her lips together to refrain from grinning. "Oh, now you're going to call me by my nickname, huh?"

"Only because it's easier to growl," he grumbled, snatching the envelope from her again.

Huffing, she leaned back in her seat and glared at him, though it was in mock anger at his childishness. What did he write to the elf that he was so afraid to share? "Fine, be that way, but don't be surprised if I go snooping through your things later to find it."

He sighed, relaxing a little. "Let me read it first, okay?"

Ugh! What did he write to the elf? She was dying to know now and what his response was.

Stupid jerk.

Turning her attention to the town flying by them, she asked him where they were going.

"Over there," he pointed across the dash and on their right.

Good golly, was that a fancy Italian restaurant he was taking her to?

Excitement spiked through her at the thought of eating delicious pasta. Good thing she put on something cute. He asked her to wear something nice, but wouldn't say what for. She suspected he was taking her out for a nice dinner, and she was right.

Men could be so predictable, but it was the thought that counted.

When he parked the car in front of the restaurant and climbed out, he went around to her door and opened it for her. Holding out his hand, she felt her cheeks heat up before taking it and letting him help her to her feet.

He cleaned up good. Dressed in a black suit with a white button-up shirt, he looked good enough to eat.

Jeez! What was wrong with her?

Cheeks on fire now, she hid behind her hand as he closed the car door behind her.

"What?" he asked, a note of concern in his voice as he touched her hot cheek with his finger.

"Just get some food into me before I make a fool of myself." She pulled her hand from her face and gave her head a light shake.

He chuckled as she slipped her hand into his. "You're not the only one, Röslein."

He was about to raise her hand to his lips, but she scowled and pulled away. "Don't you dare. I can barely keep myself from melting into a puddle right now."

Grinning, he pulled her to him and grazed his lips over her forehead. With his hand on the small of her back, they walked inside.


Dedicated to lovewolves 

*Copyright Jo Lee Hunt (Joflower) 2016*

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