Stone took a detour through the woods. Scouring the forest floor for clues, he set out to try and find Aubree's scent with the vampire's from the night before. He didn't know what he hoped to find but any trace of Carina, or a clue of some sort, was what drove him forward.
Unfortunately, he found nothing. When he did stumble upon the vampire's trail, Vincent's nephew's scent followed until his scent veered off course. Stone pursued the vampire's trail, found that it went to the road before he picked it up in the forest a few yards north.
A low growl crept up his throat as Aubree's scent was with his then. Another hundred yards into the forest was where her scent was flung against the earth. He could almost still make out the shape of her body pressed down into the soil.
Rage filled him as he snapped his jaws at the air. His claws raked the earth, smelling the lingering scent of her fear and hopelessness as he stirred it up.
He would get his revenge on the one who sent the filthy leech to kidnap his mate. He knew it was Carina, but he needed proof first, and he grew more furious when he couldn't find her scent anywhere.
He found Vincent's nephew's scent nearby. He must have come shortly after the vampire knocked Aubree unconscious. The scuffle looked like it had been brief. Deep claw marks remained in the soil and along nearby tree trunks. A sapling about an inch thick had been snapped in half and a pair of low branches on a nearby tree were broken, as if the bloodsucker tried to climb up, but wasn't fast enough.
Another one of Vincent's lycan's scents was found nearby and carried Aubree's scent toward Vincent's pack house.
Stone forced himself to leave the scene before his rage would get the best of him.
What was done was done, and there was nothing he could do about it. Aubree was safe for now and in their care, and that was the best they could do for her.
He hurried home, watching the sun as it got progressively lower in the western sky. When he crossed into their territory, one of Vincent's guards watched him pass through and howled.
Stone picked up his speed and raced home.
Alistair met him halfway and playfully nipped at his ears.
[My sister is coming! My sister is coming! I can't wait to meet the reincarnation of my sister!]
Snarling, Stone threw him to the ground. What patience did he have to deal with Alistair's inner child at that moment? None. She was in danger. Why was he so excited?
Pinning his beta down, Stone said through their mind-link, [You will not touch her. Understood?]
Alistair's tongue rolled out. [Ohh, things have gotten that serious since you left? All possessive and protective now—I like it!]
Snapping his jaws, he gave Alistair one final shove into the earth before releasing him and continuing on his way to the pack house.
Alistair pulled himself up and trailed after him, not at all phased by Stone's temper. He did, however, correct his attitude. All joking aside, he became serious as he relayed the messages he got from Gwen over the last couple of hours.
[Seems like the female's handling everything well. Only a little pissed off. I'd say that's good news.]
A low growl rumbled through Stone's throat. He was not pleased that Gwen disobeyed him. He told Gwen that he would tell Aubree everything when he felt she was ready. Now, she would give him a piece of her mind. She wasn't ready to learn everything yet.
[Don't worry, Alpha,] Alistair said. He came up next to Stone but remained a respectful pace behind. [Once she gets used to the idea, she'll be okay. I'm certain of it.]
[She's engaged to a human male,] Stone grunted.
Alistair tripped on an exposed root and smashed into a tree trunk, face first.
Stone paused and looked over his shoulder as Alistair cursed repeatedly in pain. After a minute, he recovered and shook himself.
[She's engaged?] He echoed in shock, followed by another string of curses.
[Indeed.] Stone sighed, his huge form heaving with the movement.
He tried to reign in his emotions, but the feeling of defeat leaked out and drew a whine from his beta.
[Don't over-think it, Alpha. She'll come around. The matebond will make sure of it,] Alistair said in an attempt to cheer him up.
With a huff, Stone picked his feet back up and continued running towards the pack house.
[I don't want her to feel forced to choose because of the matebond. It's not fair to her. She should be able to choose whoever makes her happiest.]
[Which will be you in the long-run.]
Stone growled to silence him. True, he could be optimistic. He'd seen the way she looked at him. Felt the heat of her desire roll off her as he leaned in close. Her need for him filled his senses and made it nearly impossible for him to resist her. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her, be it to death or to another male. What right did he have to order her around and force her to choose?
Alistair nudged him and again told him to stop over-thinking the situation.
[If it is the Goddess' will, it will be done,] he reminded him.
It was about an hour before sunset when he'd finally made it home. He opened his mind up to Gwen then, and she informed him that they would be another half hour, but that he should prepare himself for tension for when they arrived.
His arms and legs were caked with dirt. Seeing as they would be heading out again soon to hunt vampires, he saw no need to shower and make himself presentable. The more repulsive he was, the better.
Not wanting to dirty a T-shirt with the thin layer of dust that coated his body, he put on a pair of loose-fitted shorts, as did Alistair.
While Alistair returned to the pack house with him, he called Gavin and Gunner to the house as well.
She might as well meet everyone when she arrives. That way, there would be no surprises later for her to freak out over. Plus, she might be less inclined to give him a piece of her mind if she saw everyone there.
He didn't want to argue with her right now. Ensuring her safety was his top priority and he would argue with her later.
As he waited for everyone, he went to the bathroom to wash his hands and splash some cold water on his face. He took this time to calm his emotions and clear his head of everything that had happened.
It was difficult to shut out his lingering rage, the fear of rejection, the thought of losing her, and the memory of kissing her when all he wanted to do was wrap her up in his arms and take away every ounce of torment that crippled her spirit.
Gripping the porcelain vanity with both hands, he raised his head to look at his reflection. Water droplets clung to his brows and eyelashes while others slipped down his cheeks.
His eyes were brighter than they had been in the last century. He knew it was because of her. Knew it was because his soul had found its match. Closing his eyes, he exhaled to release the ache that held his heart in a vice. Opening them again, he noted the stress lines in his forehead, how they'd deepened over the last century. The last hundred years had aged him faster than usual—as it had everyone.
Clamping his eyes shut again, he took a few deep breaths, drawing on his inner strength and reinforcing his protective barrier. He needed to be ready for whatever Aubree threw in his face. She would be tired and hungry in addition to whatever emotions were coursing through her when she walked in the front door.
Heaving a sigh, he pressed a towel to his face to dry it.
Why couldn't this be simpler?
Dedicated to inkNquill
*Copyright Jo Lee Hunt (Joflower) 2015*
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