I. Chapter 17 | Part 2 - Stone

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Showering quickly, he left the basement and went up to his room on the third level and pulled a cotton T-shirt over his head and a pair of faded blue jeans on.

He glanced from his bed to the door, knowing that he wouldn't get any sleep even if he tried. Sighing, he walked out of his room and down the hallway to his office.

The shutters were drawn, so he flicked on the light switch before walking across the room to open them and let in the natural light. He turned on the laptop that sat on the desk and peered out the window to the woods that surrounded them as he waited for the machine to boot up.

He recalled a time when there were no computers, no cars, no lights, and no plumbing. They lived more like animals back then, in large dens and only shifted into their human forms when it was necessary. Now, he felt more man than beast and he wondered when the shift occurred. Was it the rise of the industrial revolution in America, or was it more recent than that?

Sighing, he ran his hand through his wet hair, thinking about the centuries past and everything he had witnessed. He knew if someone had asked him long ago before he met Adelaide that if he found his mate and she died, even after only being with her for a short period of time, he would never regret the time he had with her. He still didn't and he had about three hundred wonderful years with her.

Now, he was given a second chance with Aubree and he was willing to give it all away?

He glanced at the computer screen and scowled.

Someone, most likely Gwen, had changed the background to a picture of Aubree sitting in the café, drinking coffee as she peered down at her phone in her hand. Her long golden brown hair tumbled over her shoulder in soft wisps.

His eyes flitted to the cell phone next to the computer. He would be lying to himself if he said he didn't miss hearing her voice. Just thinking about it now made his chest tighten again.

Was she all right? What was she up to now?

Snatching up the cell phone, he dialed Hector's number, not willing to intrude on Aubree unless she was in danger. He waited until Hector picked up the phone after the fourth ring.

Surprise laced Hector's deep voice on the other end. "Do you make a habit of calling people this early on a Sunday morning?"

Stone glanced at the clock on the computer screen and scowled. "It's nine o'clock. Any other day and this would be considered regular business hours."

"Indeed. I was about to settle down with Rose for a nap."

Stone ran his fingers through his hair again and exhaled through his nose. He wasn't sure how to put his concern into words, but he knew he had to swallow his pride and come out with it.

"I'm worried about the girl. With the full moon tonight, I fear the vampires will be extra bold in their hunt."

"I'm sure they will be, which is all the more reason why we need to be prepared and well rested ourselves."

Stone squeezed his eyes shut, feeling another recurring twang of pain in his heart. What was Aubree up to now?

"Stone? I sense there is something else on your mind?" Hector said with slight intonation in his voice when Stone fell quiet for a moment.

"Your assumption is plausible."

"I know when I'm right."

Stone could envision Hector grinning in his mind and he rolled his eyes.

Goddess, he was going to tell him, wasn't he? Shit.

"You must be silent about this until I can pass it through the Council first," he told him.

"I knew it! The female is a mate! Is she Gavin's? 'Bout time that boy found his!"

Stone's brows furrowed at Hector's unexpected excitement. "Gavin? No, she's not his mate. But you would accept a human as a lycan's mate?"

There was a second's pause as Hector took this information in. "She's not? Well then, whose mate is she? And yes, I do accept it. It's unusual, yes, but a mate is a blessing from the Goddess. We must accept it."

He couldn't believe his ears. Hector would support the bond even though it was with a human?

Hector continued to prattle on as Stone took his words in. "So, she must be Alistair's mate then! Well, good for him! Give him my blessings! Good luck to her! She'll need it with him!"

Stone came to his senses as Hector's laughter filled his ears. "She's not Alistair's mate either."

The laughter died immediately and silence followed. Stone swallowed and shifted the cell phone to his other ear as he waited for Hector to reply.

"She's not Gwen's mate, is she? That would be most... unusual, indeed."

Stone sighed in exasperation. "No."

"Then... who?"

Stone sat down in his desk chair and pressed his fingers to his temple. "Do you believe reincarnation is possible?"

"You're serious? She's Adelaide?"

Stone grimaced at the notion of Adelaide and Aubree being the same person. "No, she's not Adelaide, but we believe she has Adelaide's soul."

"Stone, I... I'm speechless. Wow. Reincarnation? Are you sure? Does she know?"

Stone shook his head and began scratching at the stubble on his chin. "No, she has no idea. She knows absolutely nothing."

"So... she has no idea that you two are soulmates?"


"Does she even know about us being..."

"No. For all I know, she thinks I'm in the mob or something."

"Well," Hector said after a second's pause, "if this wasn't such a serious matter, I would find that highly amusing."

"I'm sure you would."

"So," Hector drawled, as if unsure of the words he wished to say, "you haven't made your intentions known then?"

Stone's forehead creased. "My intentions?"

"Well, you're going to claim her, aren't you?"

That peaked an eyebrow from Stone. "She's a human. Is that even possible?"

"Hmm," Hector hummed. "I can understand your dilemma now and your interest in seeking the Council. Though I am even more curious as to why you haven't at least made yourself available to her. She is your soulmate, after all. Human or not, she should know the truth."

Stone narrowed his eyes. "She does not need to know the truth. As long as she is far away from me, the vampires will not be interested in taking her life."

"Are you implying that you will sever the matebond for the sake of her being a human?"

"I am," he growled in his throat. "It's the best thing for her."

"While noble as that seems, I don't see it working. You know you can't fight fate. Hell, I don't know how it is possible that the Goddess has even given you a second matereincarnated or not. It's a miracle. Praise the Moon Goddess."

Scoffing, Stone leaned back in the chair and stared up at the ceiling. "You sound like Guinevere."

"She's a smart girl."

"Gets it from her mother."

Hector chuckled. "No doubt there."

"So, can I count on Rosenrot to keep an eye on her tonight?" Stone growled, trying to bring this conversation to a close. He didn't want to talk further about Aubree.

"Most assuredly, we will," Hector said, "however, with the full moon tonight, you know"

"Yes, I know," Stone grumbled. "I pray everything will be fine."

"I'm sure it will be. Blessed be the night."

"Blessed be."

Stone hung up and straightened up in his chair. His chest tightened as he stared down at the phone in his hands, thinking about how Aubree hadn't called or texted him or Gwen all week.

Perhaps she had moved on after all?

Pain ripped through him at the thought. Clenching his eyes shut, he clasped the phone between the palms of his hands and bent forward in his seat, pressing the phone to his temple. He inhaled and exhaled.

If she did move on, he would have to accept it and move on as well. The unease in his soul would pass and things would return to normal.

That was what he wanted after all, wasn't it?

---- Author's Note ----

Uh oh. Full moon tonight and Aubree's going back to Minneapolis without Stone's knowledge? What could I possibly have up my sleeve now? *evil author grin*

Dedicated to ThatCheesyReader

*Copyright Jo Lee Hunt (Joflower) 2015*

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