8. Trust

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Author's pov:

When jiya ,arjun's mother said that she would help Ishitha in cooking  she really did mean it.
Jiya daily went to Singh's house to help Ishitha in cooking ,she did a great job in it though.Ishitha learned so much from her soon to be mother in law if it was her own mother she will never step foot in that kitchen cause it's so boring with her mom but with jiya she had so much fun ,in these last twenty five days the moments she made with jiya were her favourite.

As decided the other day she didn't call Arjun, she only sends a quick and short messages to him like......

'Hey good morning'

'Take care'

'Take food in time' nothing much she wanna talk to him so bad actually ,but at the same time she didn't wanna disturb his work so she refrained  from doing so.

On one of their culinary sessions jiya got a call from his son yeah arjun being a typical mumma's boy he contacts his mother daily ,seeing a desperate look on ishitha face  jiya forwarded phone to her soon to be daughter in law

"Uh hii Arjun" Ishitha said walking away from jiya.

"Ishitha is that you? "  Arjun being arjun said that instead of 'hey hi'

"What are you doing with mom?"

"Actually I am learning cooking from her" Ishitha chirped finally getting attention from him.

"Oh she is a very good cook I too learned from her"

"Yeah indeed she is a great cook" Ishitha said looking at jiya who is busy chatting with  anjali singh (ishitha's mom)

"Okay I have a meeting am going bye" He hung up and went away just  like everytime

"Maa" Ishitha handed the phone to her mother in law

Today ishitha learned fish curry...... She jotted down all the dishes in a book to revise later

"Ishitha can I talk to you in private? "

"Yes maa ,is my room comfortable?"


"You have a nice room" Jiya said looking at the room which was cleaned by ishaan , the walls are in cream colour giving the room a calm environment.

"Thanks maa"

"Come sit" Jiya patted the spot next to her on couch

Ishitha sat beside jiya on  couch which  is by her room's big casement

"I know arjun is not like everyone
I am not here to tell you he will change eventually............he is so detached from people and can't mingle. He might sound confident and broad minded to all of you but he suffered a lot to make it this far"  Jiya's eyes filled with tears

Ishitha moved closer and scooped jiya's petite form into  her embrace , they didn't talk for a minute then slowly jiya started speaking whilst resting her head on the window panes...

"It's twenty  years back  ajju started his fourth standard but one day our company rival group sent kidnappers  to ajju's school to avenge on ajju's father ,they intimidated  my baby boy so badly
fortunately papa jii along with police went there to rescue ajju in time....... My baby is so scared, so much scared because of that tyrants
Then onwards he was home
schooled for four years and had been to Psychiatrsi for therapy it took us six months to bring him out of closet then ,we had started sending him to school but unfortunately he didn't became close to other kids like he did in his past school day's, he started doing everything by himself and started studying on his own after tenth standard we kept him in a dormitory in hopes of making him sociable but all got in vain, he became obsessed with his books and became passionate about doctor and became too aloof even with me................  I know this is not fair to you but please help my baby to come out of his shell I asked the doctor about his condition he said arjun's brain and body stopped trusting people because  the incident happened at very small age and had a great impact on him. I am sorry to tell you this in the last minute but please help my son ishitha I want him to be like everyone, watching movies with family playing with his kids and scolding them for being naughty please make him a normal person" Jiya is crying

Ishitha has no words to speak
Till this day she thought a girl is the reason behind his silence but hhe other day through ashaa she was enlightened about arjun's  no girlfriend  past
she thought maybe she can make him believe that all the girls are not Same

Now after hearing the real truth how wrong she was can she make his body and brain trust her? Can she? How?
All the questions are revolving in her brain making her go bananas.

"Tell something ishitha? " Jiya asked in a broken voice

"I will maa" Ishitha has a golden heart for sure
She don't know what the future awaits for them for her
In just five days she is going to become arjun's wife
Now she is so damn scared about her future with arjun
What if he doesn't allow her to mend his broken vulnerable self?
She is certain at some point she will fall for him then there's no back out but Will he fall for her?

In this last twenty five days she heard nothing from him that means he's not at all bothered about her

"Ishuu ,jiya jii.... " Anjali knocked on the door stopping both the women thoughts

Tomorrow they are moving into the place in Mumbai where the wedding takes place and arjun will directly come on mehendhi day

Next day ishitha friends from abroad came , the house is full of choas a beautiful choas all are smiling and energetic but ishitha's brain is a turmoil
After packing they all reached the palace

" mom I will stay with bhabhi" Ruhanika whinned

"You will destroy her peace so nope stay with ashaa di" Rohan's mom chided her second born

Like that the day ended inside the palace

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