9. Sweet Reunion

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-Laura's POV-

There was only three days till Sarah's wedding and I couldn't wait to get it over with. It wasn't that Sarah was outrageously demanding. The wedding stuff was pretty simple. For me it was juggling Chris in the mix. I was dreading his return but thankful he'd fly right back home after it was done.

Work had worn me out lately. Being a nurse and taking care of patients at the butt crack of dawn was not an easy task. In this field you could meet a lot of interesting and incredible people. I liked talking to the older people. They liked to spill about how their generation was so much better than mine. I believed them to. Sometimes I thought I was born in the wrong decade. The awful downside to doing what I did was witnessing a death. You grow a little cold after experiencing so many but still the pain is there.

You can try and shield yourself from it but it never works.

The worst part was watching family members grieving for their loss. You don't mean to stare but sometimes you do. Some people reach for their hearts as if it were being ripped out of their chests. I guess in a sense it was. I have learned that no amount of comforting words can ease their suffering.

I have been looking at the same patients files and charts for the last ten minutes trying to stall. Michael had invited me and everyone else in the bridal party over his house for a pre-celebration before their wedding. That was just an excuse to throw a party. The Comptons loved to entertain. Sometimes I felt a little out of place. I wasn't exactly family even though they treated me like one. And lately I hardly saw any of them.

I stayed true to my word and stayed away from Chris' family. I told Aaron I couldn't go out with him. I hated myself so much for it too. I wanted to give it a chance, really I did. It wasn't just because of Chris or the age gap. I was still stupidly hung up on Chris. I didn't expect a future or anything. I wasn't that naïve. I had this nagging feeling that we weren't exactly done with whatever we were doing.

He didn't leave on good terms.

My conscience wouldn't let me start anything with Aaron until I resolved my fling with Chris. I knew I was doing the right thing. I couldn't date Aaron and have Chris try to sabotage it just because he hated me. The plan was to tell him the truth about me and Ben. He needed to see I wasn't the one who ended things. Chris needed to see I wasn't the whore Ben painted me out to be.

I took the files and wacked myself in the face. Why was I thinking about him again? Why did I need to justify myself to him? I was a twenty-two year old woman. I didn't need his approval on anything. Chris was a damaged person, lost and looking for a way out.

"Laura," her cheery voice pulled me out of my train of thought. "Earth to Laura."

Leslie was leaning on the front desk twirling a piece of her blonde hair and sorting through the candy basket for something sweet.

"Hhmmm, oh sorry. Did you need something?"

She raised a pointed brow in my direction. "No. I was asking if you watched that show we were talking about last week."

I hardly had time to sleep. "No."

"Okay what's really going on?" She popped a jollyrancher in her mouth and showered me with attention. "Come on; pretend I'm your therapist."

"I don't want to go to Michael's tonight." That was something to get her off my back.

"Why?' Leslie loved working in the psych ward so I should have expected the follow up questions.

"I don't want to see anybody right now and I'm tired." I had worked a 12 hour shift today.

"Are you trying to avoid someone?"

What? How did she know? I prayed Demi didn't tell her anything. They were sisters so I wouldn't exactly put it past her. Chris would no doubt be there tonight and I wasn't mentally prepared to deal with him just yet.

"Have you ever been in a situation where you want to help someone but everything you do is wrong and you realize you might be making it worse? "

Leslie was a clever realist. Her advice on any kind of human emotion was probably golden.

"You can't save someone that doesn't want to be saved."

She was right, of course. Did I want to save Chris? Did he even know he needed to be saved? Probably not. He probably liked rotting in darkness.

This guy barely knew me, personally. What kind of sicko makes out with his cousin's ex that he claims to hate? Who goes after their cousin's ex for being a supposed 'whore'? None of it made sense.

Chris freakin Compton was battling some major demons even he probably didn't know existed.

-Chris' POV-

I was almost finished packing when I heard my front door open. I was pretty sure I knew who it was but that thought was confirmed when Ben came walking into my room with a soda in his hand.

"Still packing?"

"Kinda," I said scratching the back of my head. "Just last minute things." I hated that feeling of missing something but in reality I probably wasn't. "What about you man? Did you finish packing?"

Ben was such a procrastinator; I wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't even started.

"Nope," he said shaking his head. "I still have time unlike you."

Ben couldn't get out of work so he was flying over for the wedding on the day of instead of a few days before like I was. As best man it was my duty to be by Michael's side. I owed him a lot more than that. Michael was an amazing person. I could always count on him so I didn't want to let him down.

The month away was good for me. The break helped me collect my thoughts and find my priorities. I wondered about Laura a few times. Not in any kind of romantic way. I liked to envision her body and dreamt about her once or twice.

I also found myself frequently questioning what she said about Ben. Had he lied to me? Was there a small part of their relationship he wasn't telling me? Could I believe Laura was as innocent as she claimed?

"Did I tell you who I was walking down the aisle with?" I might as well casually bring it up.

"No, who?" He sat in my computer chair and propped his feet over my desk.

I hated when he did that. He had no respect not even after I had expressed how much it pissed me off when he put his dirty shoes on my things.


He stopped staring at his phone and twisted in the chair to look up at me. "Really?"

His blue eyes were intrigued and I could tell he still wasn't over her. We hardly ever talked about her anymore. The breakup was rough on him. Laura was the girl that got away.

"Yeah." He was itching for more info on her.

"That's interesting."

His mood had changed. I knew him too well.

"Why's it interesting?"

He laughed it off like it was no big deal and I was reading too into it. "No reason man."

He was lying and trying to play it cool. I had this one question boiling up inside of me.

"Were you talking to other girls while you were with her?"

Ben's jaw tightened a bit then relaxed after a few seconds. He only did that when something was bothering him. He had told me the story before but never did he mention any other girl but then again I never asked either.

"I had other friends that were girls but I wasn't hooking up with them. I'm not a cheater. Is that what you think?"

His eyes were slanted conveying nothing. He was being defensive and cautious; switching the question back to me. I couldn't picture Ben as a cheater. The man was so in love with her when they were together. Why would he cheat?

"Did you talk to her? Is that what she said?"

Should I open up the topic? Why not? Maybe it would clear my conscience.

"Something like that. Look Ben you can tell me. I'm on your side. Did you do something to end it?"

Ben shook his head. I could still remember the countless nights he stayed up too restless to sleep because he was haunted by her memory.

"I told you. Everything was great. We were so happy. Next thing I know she dumps me with no explanation and starts hitting on other guys."

I found it odd she didn't give him a reason for the break up. Ben wouldn't lie to me. He was just as confused about it as I was.

Why would he cheat? I kept asking myself. He genuinely loved her more than any other girl I had seen him with. After she broke his heart Ben never entered into a committed relationship. He fooled around, blondes especially. He had a weakness for blondes.

"What was so great about it, about her?"

Ben took a deep breath and rubbed his face. "She was amazing, funny, exciting, and even spiritual. I think that's what I loved and hated the most about her. She was pure. We didn't need to get drunk, high, or even sexual to have a good time."

"Wait," I tried wrapping my head around it. "You guys never had sex?"

It surprised me because the Ben I knew could hardly keep his dick in his pants. And well Laura seemed experienced. Shit. I could vouch that Laura knew what she was doing.

"No, I swear. Our relationship was different. She was good for me. Her innocence kept me in line. I wanted to be good for her."

That might have been his problem. He wanted to change for her. Sometimes it doesn't work the way we want.

"You were abstinent for her?"

He laughed a little. "I was whipped but we had these heavy make outs. If I tried pressuring her she'd stop me. She stopped me a lot."

"Yeah. Sorry I asked." Funny, she hadn't stopped me yet. I zipped my luggage. "I'll see you at the wedding."

The plane ride was nice and peaceful for once. I didn't have any annoying kids banging on my seat so I slept most of the way. Tommy and Clark were there to pick me up. They looked excited to see me and I figured they were just looking forward to giving Michael hell the next few days before his wedding.

When we got to the house, the party had already started. Everyone was over. No surprise there. The Compton house was never empty or boring.

I was greeted with hugs and kisses from family but the commotion was giving me a headache.

"Hey Chris, how was your flight?" Sarah handed me a red cup. I didn't ask what was in it. I drank it regardless.

Did I just taste a small hint of vodka?

"It was pleasant." So was this drink.

"That's good."

Having my little cousins jumping around and making noises intensified my annoyance. This headache hit me out of nowhere. I needed to find a quieter place to crash for a bit.

I excused myself politely. I hated walking off from Sarah. I liked her. Sarah was a great girl and Michael was a lucky guy. I headed towards the back porch and popped a few pills in hopes of some solace. Maybe no one was outside. To my unfortunate dismay Laura Brown was casually seated on the edge of the stone ledge.

She was looking out towards the sky completely engrossed into the scenery; she didn't hear me approach.

"Loner or stoner?"

Laura turned and faced me. Her features were anything but friendly. She was vicious.

"The carbon dioxide coming from your mouth was choking me."

Man, I had missed her witty mouth. I missed the way it felt on mine. I wanted to push her into that stone wall and feel them again. How did Ben survive so long without fucking her?

I maneuvered my way in front of her. "I missed you," I teased and she threw me a disgusted look.

"Oh Chris, we don't need to lie to each other. I'm immune to your bullshit."

Alright, so she wasn't in the mood for jokes. "How have you been?"

I didn't expect her appearance to change in this past month but she had, a little. Her eyes seemed exhausted. She looked drained.

"You don't care." She wasn't even going to waste her breath on me.

She wasn't going to put up with any of my shit then. Or at least she thought. I knew exactly how to get under her skin maybe in her pants too.


We stayed in silence for a little while and right when she turned back towards me to say something Aaron interrupted.

"Laura, you came." He looked shocked. Did he really expect her not to?

She nodded and didn't even bother to get up and hug him. I was pretty sure Aaron wanted to hug her but she surprisingly blew him off. What happened while I was gone?

"I promised Sarah I would."

Aaron smiled and I could see the deep impressions of his sad face. He still had feelings for her but was holding them back. I figured she'd ignore the little promise she made me and still hang around my family or at least see Aaron in secret. I guess I was wrong.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. What's been keeping you away?"

Laura's head slowly turned my way and her dark brown eyes bore into mine with such intense hatred. I doubted she would tell Aaron it was me keeping her from him.

"Work. It's been really busy at the hospital so I don't have much time for a social life anymore."

Hospital? She worked at a hospital. I didn't know that.

"Right. Well," Aaron hesitated rubbing the back of his head. "We've all missed you."

I was betting secretly it was his way of saying it was he who was missing her. Wasn't this awkward?

Laura's chocolate eyes were still locked on mine when she flashed me a ridiculously fake smile. "I've been hearing that a lot lately."

I smirked. My clever little abstinent hoe.

"Hey guys," Michael came rushing towards us. "We ran out of ice and Dr. Pepper. Could one of you run out and get some?"

Laura was the first to volunteer, quite quickly might I add. "I'll go."

"I'll go with her," I said looking at Michael to avoid her narrowed scowl at me.

"No, it's fine," she insisted. "I'm a big girl. I can go by myself."

I expected her to try and get me out of it. "But you're going to need some muscle to carry that ice."

Laura opened her mouth to speak again but Michael beat her to it. "That's great. Thanks guys."

She huffed disappointedly and started moving to the door. Aaron gave me a look before replying, "I'll go with you guys."

I patted his back and reassured him. "No, it's okay man. We'll be back before you know it."

I felt bad leaving Aaron in the dust but I wanted some alone time with Laura. By the time I got downstairs Laura was already outside and halfway to her car. I ran after her and grabbed her hand. She jerked a bit and gave me a 'what the hell' look.

"Come on we're taking Tommy's car."

Her eyes went wide. "In his new Porsche. Is he aware of this?" I dragged her towards the beautifully polished red Porsche.

"Not exactly."

She stopped dead in her tracks but I only pulled harder. "Chris! He's going to kill us if we take it."

"I'd like to see him try plus he was asking for it when he left his car keys out in the open on the kitchen counter."

She looked concerned now but I could see the sparks of curiosity. She wanted to ride in it just as much as I wanted to.

"Fine," she gave up and went to the passenger side. "If we get in trouble I'm blaming it on you."

"Yeah, okay."

The car was smooth and oh so fast. She didn't say anything but I knew she was loving it too. The car ride was deafening. I enjoyed the soft purring sound of the car. Once we made it down the frozen aisle I decided to break the silence.

"So Aaron looked excited to see you."

I think she tried to ignore me at first but replied instead. "Yeah I guess."

She was wanting me to fish for answers. "You haven't been around?"

Laura sighed and turned to me with an annoyed look on her face. "No Chris I haven't. I kept my promise and stayed away from your family." She turned and stormed off but I quickly caught up to her while she continued to talk. "But that's hard to do when my best friend is marrying your cousin but don't worry once this wedding is over you won't ever have to see me again."

In some way I felt guilty. It was harsh of me to ask her to keep a distance from my family especially when she was friends with almost all my cousins.

"Laura," I called out to her but she wouldn't stop. "Laura, wait." We needed to talk about this.

"And once I'm gone you'll have to find some other girl to use as your rag."

She was getting the wrong impression of me. I felt like such an asshole. I was using her but she was the only one I ever treated like that. It was never my intention to use her and make her feel like crap. I couldn't even explain it. She brought this dangerous side of me out and I don't know how.

I could see it on her, the damage I left her in. She felt exposed, worthless, and ashamed.

"Laura wait," I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to a halt.

Her jaw was set and she looked hurt and furious.

"I..." I couldn't apologize. Was I even sorry? "I don't normally treat girls this way."

"Are you sure because I was under the impression it was the reason you don't have a girlfriend?"

No. It wasn't the reason. "No I-"

Laura cut me off. "So I'm just the lucky punching bag you like to push around when you feel like it." She shook her head and yanked her arm back. "Something's seriously wrong with you." She started walking again through the racks of clothes.

"Laura," I groaned and started walking after her again. I just had to get my point across. I tried grabbing her but she jerked away.

"Chris, drop it."

"No. You have the wrong impression. I didn't-"

"I can see right through your mask Chris. You can't hide it from me like you do with your family."

My eyes were paralyzed under her gaze. I wanted to be mad and hate her but I couldn't.

Was she right? Was I hiding?


She withdrew. "Just drop it."

But I refused to do so.

"Don't make me Chris."

I frowned. What was she talking about? "Make you do what? We're not done talking Laura."

She sighed. "You asked for it."

I was confused as hell when she started with the dramatic water works.

"You're breaking up with me," she shouted loudly for everyone to hear. I gave her a strange look but she was so into her acting that she didn't even bother to explain. "But it's your baby. I thought you were the one. You said you loved me," she cried even louder. I think I even saw a tear roll down her flushed cheek.

Laura turned and walked away and I was pretty sure that tear was a tear of laughter. She was laughing at me because at that moment I was being watched like a hawk but some really angry mothers. I realized too late that we were in the baby section, surrounded by mothers. I swore every mother there had their head facing me and giving me the death stare. If looks could kill I promise I would have died in the hands of ten very sympathetic mothers who were pissed at me for not wanting anything to do with my fake made up baby.

Damn, she was good. Laura was really good. She was asking for payback. I began to speed walk out of that section before any of them came running towards me with their full shopping carts trying to run me over.

Laura was already at the register. I decided to play it cool and let it slide for the time being. We didn't speak in the car and I think it was for the best.

When I pulled into the garage Tommy was waiting by the steps. He looked pissed and furious as expected. I probably would be too if someone took my new car without asking.

"Chris you asshole. I should have known it was you."

"What," I said throwing the ice bag at him and pointing

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