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Good morning :)

I woke up to 100 reads and I got extremely happy because I remember like a couple days ago I was at like 5 reads and I can't believe people are actually reading my book omg. Just a reminder that I'm not your professional wattpad author that gets millions of reads and comments daily, I'm the opposite so when I get like one vote I'm all shocked and excited.

Thank you guys!

Vote - Comment - Share (If you wanna, but I'd appreciate it if you did. But you don't have to. But please do.)


Thalia Lively

Staring at my empty sheet, that was suppose to be covered in paragraphs about some nonsense the teacher assigned us to write about, I decided that maybe dropping out of school wouldn't be so bad.

I will never need any of this pointless information the teachers give me once I'm done high school so I just don't understand why they're teaching something we don't need.

"Ms.Lively." I looked up from my sheet and the teacher held up the attendance sheet in the air. I got up and took it from her grasp, making my way down to the office. I loved attendance walks, I could finally breath and not have my brain being exploded.

I was in one of the two classes that didn't have Riley in them. English and Gym.

I walked into the front foyer where two girls were putting up a banner, they seemed to be struggling since they both weren't tall enough to reach. I made my way over and silently took one end from one of the girls and hung it up, doing the same to the other side. They smiled gratefully at me and I sent them my own small smile.

Turning around, I walked fast to the office, trying to get back to class so Ms.Nelson wouldn't be suspicious. I walked in and noticed the attendance box was already taken for checking so I waited in line to hand it to Ms.Hemming. Students were waiting to get late slips and the line wasn't going anywhere so I sat down in one of the chairs, waiting for them to finish. As I waited I looked around the office, the busy desk workers typing on computers or on the phone discussing parent-teacher meetings. The people in like had earphones in, looking at the walls out of boredom.

It was so dull but at the same time full of life as people constantly came in and out.

Waiting patiently for a little longer, I sat up straighter when I saw Carter coming out of the principals office. My eyes narrowed and I saw Carter's face fuming with anger, I would assume that maybe people came across them in the parking lot yesterday and saw the group of guys arguing and -hopefully- not fighting but we didn't stay long enough to know what happened.

He walked towards the door and looked at me briefly with an unreadable expression, as I sat in the chair beside the door. He paused slightly but then looked away and just left.

The principal looked at me and I put up the attendance sheet and then pointed to the line, causing him to chuckle and he walked over grabbing the attendance. He nodded at me and I made my way back to class.

What did happen yesterday? I couldn't help but be curious. I recall Nathan saying someone was suppose to be let out in May, 'let out' of what?

Quickly reminding myself it wasn't any of my business, I entered my class and explained the office scenario to the teacher. The bell rang faster than I thought it would and I sprung out of my chair and into the hall, wanting to get this day over with. 

• • • 

"Let's go to the cafeteria, I heard they have poutine today." Riley popped up beside my locker as I switched my morning class binders with my afternoon ones.

"Okay." I closed it and I couldn't hold the curiosity anymore.

"About yesterday, who were those guys?" I asked hesitantly and she smirked my way, like she knew I was going to ask.

"The blonde who tried hitting on you was James, and the rest were Alex, Liam, Isaac, Levi and Daniel. Rebecca had a thing— well has a thing with James. Everyone knows them, they cause trouble left and right." She explained as we got to the cafeteria and waited in line for food.

"What's their problem with Nathan and them?" The question came out before I could stop it, hating myself for digging into something that wasn't my business. But I couldn't help it.

"I don't know the answer to that. The guys are private as hell, I never see them interact with anyone else other than themselves. Especially Nathan, he's the king of minding his own business. He always seems to be brooding though, like he's constantly being piled with problems. I wonder what his story is." She looks off to the back of the cafeteria and there sat Ethan and Austin.

They were laughing at something on Austins phone so much that Ethan started crying. It was adorable watching him smile so widely.

We both got a poutine and walked around trying to find a table for us to sit at. We walked past a table and foot reached out, blocking Rileys path. I quickly grabbed Riley before she could trip and we both looked over to see one of Rebecca's rats.

"What the hell?" Riley exclaimed quizzically.

"Oops, sorry." The one with dyed red hair said mischievously crossing her arms.

They looked over at me and winced under my harsh glare. They were beginning to piss me off.

"Oh, there's Becca." The other one pointed to door of the cafeteria, both Riley and I turn around.

Rebecca walked in talking to Nathan as Carter and Emmett walked behind them. Nathan looked at her with a glazed look when she grabbed onto his arm and squeezed herself into his side. He tried to gently pry her off but she moved his hands away and continued holding onto him.

She dragged him all the way to where Ethan and Austin sat looking at the two disgusted.

They all sat down, Rebecca sitting right on his lap. He tried pushing her off but she paid no attention to it. Her two bimbos smiled cockily and looked at me as if they were proud at their best friends actions.

I could hear Ethan's voice from here and chuckled at his greeting.

"Hey, guys." He dabbed up his friends then looked at Rebecca. "Bye Rebecca, thanks for escorting Nathan here."

She glared at him and remained on Nathan's lap.

Nathan tried to sit up, only to be brought back down by Rebecca. Doesn't she get the hint? I do give her props for being confident enough to be pulling a stunt like this though.

She kissed Nathan's cheek looking right at Ethan and he gagged.

"That is disgusting." Austin said rubbing Ethan's back, looking at him with sympathy.

Nathan wiped his cheek and I could tell his patience was starting to run thin. Carter sat there on his phone and Emmett was peacefully eating his lunch already, it was amusing how they didn't even pay attention to Nathan's problem. While the other two friends judged Rebecca silently and gagged every time she bit her lip looking at Nathan. They would gag at the same time.

"Get off." Nathan said angrily and she scooted off of him but still held onto his arm.

He grabbed her wrist and took her hand off of him while glaring up at her.

Ethan came to his rescue and stood up, having enough of watching his friend be tortured. "Listen here lady, he doesn't like to be touched so keep you claws to yourself." He looked at her acrylic, long and sharp nails shivering. "He doesn't like you or want you, and last time we checked you were with Alex. Or was it Daniel?" He said.

My eyebrows shot up, I thought Riley said she was with James? She's been with James and his friends?

Austin stood up and looked at Ethan. "No, I'm pretty sure it was Levi. Daniel was last week and Alex was a month ago, get your facts straight."

Oh, yikes.

She scoffed and walked off, looking at her minions and and they ran off to her aid. Our eyes met and my amused ones met her icy ones.

She walked over. "What are you looking at?"

"You." I said in an obvious tone.

In light speed she tipped my poutine over in my hands having all the gravy and melted cheese get smushed into my shirt.

"Why does everyone keep ruining my clothes with food." I growled complaining. She had the audacity to smile kindly and stand there looking at her work proudly.

I put my poutine on the table and sighed taking off my shirt, hoping it didn't sink in yet and go onto my tank top underneath. It was a black tank too anyway so you couldn't really see if it did, thankfully it didn't though.

I put the shirt in my bag, grabbed my poutine and looked at her.

"Try again?" I said smiling.

Her smile was wiped off her face as she stormed off, her plan to embarrass me failing. Her trolls followed, glaring at Riley and I.

"That was savage." Riley commented looking at me amused. She looked at my tank top and chuckled. "Go, best friend, go."

I tensed at the last statement but shrugged it off.

As we walked to find a table, I looked over at Nathan and noticed his whole table were watching us, Ethan and Austin putting a thumbs up at me smiling and Nathan shook his head, an amused glint in his eyes. Carter sipped on his drink absentmindedly and Emmett had ketchup all over his mouth as he stuffed a burger into his mouth.

I looked down sort of embarrassed and turning shy under their gaze. I quickly recovered— or so I thought but then I started blushing when Riley said that Nathan is still looking.

"Aw, she's blushing!" Ethan commented, cupping his face as if he was looking at a new born smiling.

I rushed off to a random table and sat down, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. Riley laughed and sat down in front of me, she must've took another fork while I was being stared down by the boys because she put her food in between us and handed me the extra fork.

I looked up at her and she gave me a 'what' expression.

"This is yours." I stated and threw my smushed, useless poutine into a garbage a few feet away from us. Half of it was on the floor were she ruined my shirt though.

"Yeah, what's your point?" She started eating from one side of the plastic bowl and nodded at the other side, indicating that I have some. I sighed but smiled gratefully at her nonetheless.

We started talking about how some girl in Riley's art class was being rude to her, so Riley told me what happened in full detail. I loved how every time she told me a story, she was so into it, her previous emotions that she felt when it had happened coming out again as she repeated the story. She could talk for hours and be completely content with it.

I've only known her for two days and I already started picking up on her little habits.

For example when the attention is all on her she gets shy and nervous, causing her to stutter and play with her bracelet. But when she's alone with me, she's loud and funny and outgoing. I noticed that once people aren't paying attention to her, she let's go and is herself but when people are looking at her she gets self-conscious and turns quiet.

"Are you listening to me?" She snapped her fingers in front me and I pulled myself out of my train of thought.

"Sorry, what?" I said flipping my hair to one side.

"I said that you're now officially probably on Rebecca's hit list. She's going to come after you." She warned, then started drinking her Nestea.

I looked at her unfazed. "Okay and? What could she possibly do to me? And for starters she doesn't even know me yet she hates me? It's whatever, let her come after me." I said sardonically.

"The principal is like best friends with her dad, she could seriously do something horrible and get with it. Just leave her alone? Maybe she'll go away." She suggested.

"I'm not even doing anything to her, I am leaving her alone." I defended myself and rolled my eyes. There always that one girl in your school that's labelled as 'Queen Bitch' and I'm starting to feel like I'm in a movie.

"Then just—Ow, what the hell!" Riley said loudly as something hit her head, she picked up the plastic spoon and looked around, trying to find whoever threw it.

"You idiot!" Emmett said looking at Austin who was slack-jawed.

"I tried to shoot it in the garbage!" Austin tried to explain wide-eyed. Riley looked over at them and immediately sat back down.

She looked over at me pleadingly. "What do I do?" She whispered.

"I don't know." I said trying to contain my laugh. I wasn't successful though because I bursted out laughing at how shook and scared she looked. They weren't going to kill her, why was she so worried?

"I'm really sorry!" Austin called out and Riley looked back, managing to laugh also.

"Um, it's okay." She said back, locking eyes with Emmett who smiled apologetically.

She froze again and turned around, looking at me with wild eyes. "He smiled at me. He. Smiled. At. Me." I grinned at her slip-up, her panicking about Emmett's kind smile towards her, is proving my theories.

"Breath, Riley, Breath." I guided her as she started to freak out, looking bug-eyed. She listened to me and calmed down, I sat there looking at her with a beatific expression, I'm so happy now Emmett knows who she is and my plan can start.

She clearly really likes him and I found it adorable.

Nathan's eyes caught mine and he looked at me with a faint smile as he tried not to laugh at Ethan who was making fun of Austin.

"You're the basketball player here and you can't even shoot something into the garbage bin?" Ethan mocked, pretending to be shamed at Austins actions.

"It was a plastic spoon, it flew with the wind!" Austin defending himself quickly.

"We're inside, what wind? Are you stupid?" Ethan continued on teasing on him, finding it amusing how Austin tried so hard to explain something that wasn't a big deal. Riley looked at Austin mouthing sorry, thinking that she caused this which Austin denied and sent her a smile.

"I think I'm going to faint." She declared.

"I think so too." I said standing up trying to give her back support so if she does faint, she won't fall back. She looked at the time and rushed into action.

"We have five minutes to get to class! Ms.Elvers is going to kill me, she told to hand in my project fifteen minutes before lunch ends!"She threw away her garbage and took her bag, sprinting out.

People were already up and ready to leave too, everyone slowly making their way out of the cafeteria. I grabbed my bag, making my way out too kind of happy that my next class is Gym, the only subject that I've always gotten good grades in.

Some guy shoved me as he tried walking by quickly, causing me to stubble. I bumped into someone and started apologizing before I even looked at them.

"It's okay." I looked up immediately and Nathan sent me a knowing look but it turned into the brooding look Riley was talking about earlier when he looked at Carter who was on the phone talking to someone intensely.

His face switched from blank to serious within seconds and he sent me a final nod, opening the door for me.

I walked out, heading to the gym as they walked forward and straight out of the building.

Do they even go to class?

{probably/most likely not edited properly or at all. I'm sorry, I know I suck.}

I woke up and decided to get straight to writing and managed to put this chapter together for you guys! I think of it as a filler even though it's sort of long as shit.

Anyways, I hope you liked it! I'm going to start on the next chapter probably right after I upload this one because I really want to update frequently so you guys always have a chapter to read and look forward to! I hate when authors make me wait FOREVER for an update and I'm trying to update my book as often as I can!

Thank you guys for reading!

AW HAROLD BABYY he's adorable I just can't.

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