She's Special

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We are entering the Coruscant airspace and will be landing shortly.

The sudden noise from intercom succeeded in rousing the smugglers from their slumber in the medbay. 

Bellamy scowled up at the ceiling as the intercom fizzled into silence, blinking away the remnants of a surprisingly deep sleep. 

'Does that droid's voice have to haunt my dreams as well as my waking days,' he muttered, having received the frosty welcome from the droid upon waking startled to find the glowing eyes staring at him from the doorway as he had checked on the guests. 

Clarke huffed in response and threw her legs over the edge of the bed and looked at the irritated man. 

'You get used to the attitude,' she remarked, already familiar with the droid's unsettling way of treating unwelcome guests. There was no doubting it's intelligence, but it's social interaction certainly required some improvement. 

Clarke was wide awake despite not catching even a few moments of sleep during their journey back to Coruscant. She had spent a considerable amount of time in Lexa's accommodation listening intently to the intricate past that weighed heavy on the young Jedi's shoulders. 

It was rare to see such moments of vulnerability in a Jedi, but Clarke had seen the glimmer of pain as Lexa had revealed her capture by the Sith and the confession that her brother was one of the enemy.

What role Clarke had to play in any of this was a mystery, but she was pleasantly surprised that the Jedi had trusted her enough to reveal such personal information, despite all the misgivings previously held between them. 

'Where did you slope off to earlier? Don't think I didn't notice you sneaking back,' Bellamy pressed, his annoyance forgotten as he focused on his friend. Curiosity lit his gaze as he sat up to mirror Clarke's position, his jacket collar unknowingly half raised after a night of tossing and turning in the alien environment. 

Clarke smirked at the sight and stood to take a step towards him. 

'Maybe you should pay more attention to yourself before you start rudely inquiring about other people's business.'

The dark haired man frowned at the mocking comment, replaced with a narrowing of the eyes as Clarke reached out and flattened the collar with a firm pat. 

'You're very welcome, now lets go and see what's going on.'

The two smugglers emerged from the med bay to see the crew already present near the exit, manoeuvring storage boxes out of their way as a low hum of conversation passed between them. 

'Well that was quite the eventful end to my time here,' the Natolan was saying, though Clarke very much doubted that this had been the most unusual mission that they had encountered over the years. 

'To end your time?' she broke in, drawing all eyes to the unnoticed smugglers.

'Indeed, that was my last mission. I've been with the Commander for two years now and its time for me to return to my lady and save her having to worry about my reckless behaviour.'

A large smile lit his expression even as he spoke of returning home.

'We're going to the cantina for a few send off drinks if you want to join us?' Sharr offered, her elbows resting on one of the storage crates. 'I think you deserve a drink after the past few days.'

Clarke opened her mouth to find the words, her focus captured instead as Lexa began to descend the stairs from the upper floor. 

'Uhh, I don't think so. This is your celebration.'

She didn't want to intrude on the crews personal farewell to their friend, despite the kind offer. 

'You should go. As Sharr said, you certainly deserve it.'

Clarke hesitated uncertainly as Lexa stopped at the base of the stairs, barely enough room to move further amongst the collection of storage boxes. The new ship would certainly have to be larger to accommodate all of the supplies. 

'Will you be joining us?'

The blonde could virtually feel Bel's silent plea to just get going as soon as possible but she wasn't quite ready to say goodbye to these people. She refused to glance at him and focused on the Commander instead.

'When I can. First I need to make some final arrangements about the new ship and then pay a visit to master Eadon about the artefacts.'

As much as she wanted to join the Commander to find out more about the dark items that had once been in the crime lords possession, she knew that any offer to join her would be refused. 

'Then I would be honoured to join you for a drink,' Clarke addressed the crew, ignoring the annoyed huff of air that originated from the man beside her.

'That's what we like to hear,' the Cathar said with a grin, 'lets make this a farewell to remember.'

The ship touched down on Coruscant shortly after and they all filed out onto into the spaceport. The crew were eager to get to the cantina but Clarke paused when she saw Bellamy lagging behind. 

'What's wrong?'

'I think I'll just stay here, help oversee the ship transfer if that helps'.

'Why not join us, have a drink?'

Bel shook his head, shoving his hands deep into pockets as he replied. 

'No, you should go and have fun. I'll be here when you're ready.'

Clarke could have argued further but it would have been useless and so merely nodded. NOVA turned his bright gaze to the two of them from where he was waiting by the ship, overhearing their conversation and deciding to input his own thoughts. 

'Don't worry Clarke, I'll be keeping a close eye on him.'

Bellamy narrowed his eyes at the droid's barbed comment and clenched his jaw in frustration. The two of them did not seem to be getting along. 

'Are you sure you don't want to join us?' Clarke said softly with a smirk, imagining that it was a better option than being scrutinised by the strict droid for however long they would be there for.

'No, I can always have him turned to scrap if he gets too irritating.'

That drew another lengthy stare from NOVA who was probably plotting an unfortunate end to the rude smuggler. 

'Now go and join the others, they're waiting for you,' he continued shooing her away from the ship.

Clarke complied and set off at a jog to where the crew were waiting at the elevator for her, ready to ascend to the sprawling city that awaited them above. 

Lexa's gaze shifted over the shoulder of the man who was finalising details about the new ship and watched the blonde hurry to catch up with the others at the elevator. 

The doors soon slid shut, shielding the crew from view and a sharp cough from the man drew her back to the conversation. 

'Yes, yes that is everything thank you. Contact me as soon as the new ship is ready to be boarded.'

The man grunted in confirmation and went on about his business, there were a lot of orders to prepare in that single day alone.

 'Don't worry Commander, I'll keep a vigilant watch on matters here whilst you're gone,' NOVA insisted when the Jedi's path took her past the unlikely duo who were equally displeased to be sharing the company of the other. 

'Thanks NOVA, I have no doubt about that,' she said with a nod in the droids direction, not slowing her pace as she passed them, picking up on the subtle indication that the smuggler was included under this close observation. 

Bellamy didn't miss the insinuation either, staring the droid down as the Jedi continued on her way to the elevator. 

'Could you be any more of a suck up? It's nauseating.'

The words had no effect on the droid who remained aloof in the presence of the smuggler. 

'Loyalty and excellent service should never be frowned upon. Both of which may be unfamiliar to you.'

Bellamy rolled his eyes at the goading comment but refused to rise to it. 

'Well, whilst you're here stroking your ego, I have some business to get underway.'

That caught the droids attention, his metallic blue head swivelling towards the smuggler who had already set off across the large space port. 

'What business could you possibly have here?'

The smuggler ignored the stream of questions that followed him across the landing pad, a brief smile crossing his face to have successfully drawn a reaction from the droid. 

He wasn't required to tell it anything and he would be making the most of that. 


Lexa was rarely apprehensive about anything, but returning to the Jedi Temple was certainly bringing back memories from her early life. It felt like a different lifetime in which she had trained here under Master Eadon's guidance, eager and dedicated in her path to becoming a true Jedi. So much had changed since then. 

The historic building looked out over Coruscant's skyline with its distinctive crown of 5 spires. The temple was the central hub of Jedi activities and was home to the council chamber in which the fate of many an individual or matter was discussed by the famed Jedi masters. 

There was a sense of awe that enraptured visitors as they ascended the processional staircase at the front of the temple, passing between massive pillars and sculptures of ancient founders before entering the great hall itself. 

As impressive as it was, Lexa had made this walk many a time and barely even noticed the inspired surroundings as she cast her gaze around to locate her old master. 

He was sitting patiently on one of the many small benches that lined the hall, looking out at the constant tide of Jedi, old and young, each on their own path to determine the will of the force. 

'Master,' Lexa said in greeting as she approached the man, receiving a warm smile as his gaze focused on his former Padawan. 'It's good to see you again.'

'Likewise,' he replied, rising to his feet to clasp the woman's arm.  'It would appear you're talent for finding trouble is as refined as ever.'

Lexa laughed lightly at the comment. Some might claim that she went in search of such danger and peril but that was hardly ever the case. The Galaxy was always thriving with danger and adventure which many would turn a blind eye to in an ongoing attempt at self preservation. Those that sought out such situations were either insane or courageous, depending on your point of view. 

'Walk with me,' he insisted, taking the lead as his old Padawan fell into step beside him. 'The holocron you recovered is safely in the vaults along with the other artefacts. You seem to have acquired quite the talent for locating them, this is the second collection now that has been brought to me in your name.'

It was rather unusual to unearth such a bounty of Sith artefacts within the short period of time but they were in the best place now. Here, in the safety of the Jedi temple, they could be stored and analysed if the council deemed it necessary. 

From what Lexa had felt of their power she could say almost certainly that the holocron from her mission on Hoth would be hidden deep within the temple where no one would stumble upon the darkness that was held within. 

'I would trust no one else with their safe keeping,' she replied, not having hesitated in her decision to have them sent straight to her old master. 

They were walking aimlessly now through the network of corridors within the temple, some led off to private meditation rooms whereas others wound there way up to the council chamber. Some Jedi rushed past on their way to begin one important mission or another, others slowly ambling in the company of their inner voice, reflecting on a decision that had to be made or an event from the past. 

It had been a while since Lexa had returned here for any reason. Truthfully more to avoid memories of the past than anything and it was strange to be standing within the sacred building once more. 

'I sense there is more that you wish to discuss,' Master Eadon said softly, drawing their undirected stroll to an end by one of the many high arching windows that lined the corridor, allowing a stunning view out across the surface of the city. 

'I have been keeping an ear out for any news regarding your missions,' he continued as they both looked out at the constant motion of ships swooping over the city. 'Your recent mission to Hoth was certainly a success, though I've heard quite a few conflicting accounts of what occurred between then and now.'

Lexa could just imagine what was being said about the events that had taken place on both Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa. Anything that occurred on the capital city was bound to be of high interest, even more so when a lone Jedi was involved in business with gang leaders and the accompanying criminals. 

'I met someone on Hoth, a woman. I helped her with some personal debt, despite a reasonable lack of trust on both parts, and it has only left me with more questions than answers.'

Eadon nodded, not surprised at the comment. Such was the way of the universe at times, always leaving you to seek more answers. 

'This woman, why go to such lengths for someone you barely know?'

A Jedi helped those in need and Clarke has certainly qualified as that, but it was more than mere duty that had propelled Lexa to take on gangsters and crime lords against her better judgement. 

'There's just something about her, she's special.'

Her voice was barely audible as she spoke, as if someone might overhear her saying the words out loud. She recalled the moment that the blonde had unknowingly reached out to her with the force, calling out in pure strength of emotion for the Jedi's trust and belief. 

'You believe her to be connected to the force?' Eadon queried, brow furrowed at the possibility. 'It would be too late for any training within the Jedi forces, though if she has not realised than there is always potential for certain skills to be practised, that is if she wants it.'

Lexa had thought many times about how to reveal such information to the headstrong woman. It was a mystery how she could be so oblivious to the potential power that she possessed. 

'All I can do is give her the information, what she wishes to do with it is her decision. We may be parting ways from here so it's only right that she knows.'

'Just remember my teachings Lexa, it is best to keep a clear heart and head to truly be at your best as a Jedi. I have seen more than enough good Jedi twisted to the darkness for doing nothing more than what they thought to be right, it can a fine line to balance on but I believe that you will make the right decision, you always do.'

Lexa nodded, her Masters advice from so many years of training was never far from her mind. Some decisions however she had to conclude for herself, whether it was to be appraised or not. 

'That's not all. It came to my attention that the events orchestrated through the crime lord was conjured by a Sith Lord, I can only assume that my brother is resurfacing though I cannot fathom what his business might be with Clarke and her friends.'

Eadon pondered for a moment, troubled to hear of her brothers involvement in recent affairs. 

'It would be far too early to assume anything, though I will meditate on the matter in more depth and see if anything comes to light. If your brother has indeed emerged from whatever dark shadow he has been hiding in for all these years, then it can only be leading to more trouble. You should be careful.'

It was to be expected, Lexa had come here to seek answers and explanations but in this case there was none to be provided. Perhaps mediation and reflection would reveal the information that she sought but annoyingly it appeared that waiting for the Sith to make another move was her only option. 

She thanked her old Master for his help and guidance, reassured that the artefacts would be safe here under his close watch. General conversation flowed between them for a while longer before Lexa finally bid Master Eadon farewell. 

It was almost a relief to be leaving the Jedi Temple behind her which was now shrouded with memories that she would rather forget. 

Now that business with Master Eadon was complete she could join her crew at the cantina to celebrate the Nautolan's time with them but also to speak to Clarke. The walk through Coruscant's streets was dedicated to deciding exactly how to reveal the sensitive information to the smuggler, but finally it was decided. 

The only part that couldn't be foreseen was how the blonde would react, and as the sharp lights of the busy cantina beckoned the Jedi forwards, it wouldn't be long before she found out.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Let me know what you thought in the comments :)

Apologies for the delay in uploading, more chapters will follow soon!

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