Ch 4. Sewer Water.

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Dani woke at the first ring of her alarm. Maybe it was anxious anticipation, or maybe it was the sun shining obnoxiously bright through her curtains. Either way, the reasons didn't matter. She got ready quickly, throwing on the first swimsuit she saw and adding a cream tank top and jean shorts over it.

Fifteen minutes later, Dani stood in the beautiful, empty kitchen of her house.

That was the upside of having realtor parents—when one was dead and the other was never home, Dani had a grand house all to herself. In fact, it was almost better that her parents were practically nonexistent. Dani could live alone in a large, well-decorated, solid home without any interruptions.

She dropped a couple of slices of bread into the toaster, only to be interrupted by the soft chime of the doorbell echoing through the house. Dani hurried to the front door, opening it to see two smiling faces beaming at her.

"Good morning."

Pope and JJ breezed past her, entering the foyer without bothering to hide their awestruck expressions. Dani's arms instinctively wrapped around her stomach, suddenly self-conscious. Offering her house as the meeting place had made sense at the time. With her dad away and the Thorntons visiting the mainland, she had peace, privacy, and a central location. But as JJ and Pope gazed around, a mix of awe and jealousy in their eyes, Dani regretted the decision.

Clearing her throat nervously, she offered, "Um, the living room's right through there if you want to sit. Or... I'm making toast, if you want some?"

JJ turned to her, nodding like a hyper puppy, while Pope hovered behind him, equally eager.

Dani laughed lightly, though still uneasy. The boys' presence in her house made her anxious. "Toast it is, then."

The three of them ate their toast in near silence, the awkwardness lingering in the air like a twenty-minute silent film. Dani didn't know what to say. Was she supposed to apologize for having a large, expensive house? Offer more toast?

The arrival of Kiara finally broke the tension, saving them from the heavy silence. The pogues eagerly piled into Kie's car, wasting no time as they made their way to the large storm drain by the ocean. The drain pipe emptied into a marshland, a stream carrying water and debris into the sea. Trash littered the area around the metal fixture, prompting the group to grab large bags from Kie's trunk, ready to clear away the mess.

Kie frowned as she looked around. "The Outer Banks should rename itself 'Death by Debris Town.' No wonder the turtle population is decreasing."

For the next twenty minutes, they worked in relative silence, bagging the larger pieces of trash. Sweat trickled down their backs as the sun climbed higher, and they eventually paused, stretching their cramped muscles and standing tall. The brief cleanup would have to do for now.

"Well, that was fun," JJ said sarcastically, lifting the last trash bag over the drain's concrete ledge. Despite their efforts, the gun was nowhere to be found.

Pope rested his hands on his hips. "If it's not in the trash, then it's gotta be somewhere in the storm drain."

"It's in..." JJ gestured to the drain, acting as if the thought was his own. "It's in the drain."

"Damn it."

"Of course it is."

"Good thing I brought the crow."

Kie glanced at her friends. "So, are we gonna do, like, rock, paper, scissors?"

"No," JJ grunted, setting the crowbar against the drain's metal fence and pulling hard to pry it open.


"Nah." He paused, giving Pope a look. "On three, Pope. One, two, three."

Dani furrowed her brows, confused, as the boys yanked at the cover together. With Pope's added strength, JJ finally wrenched it free.

Kiara continued, half-joking, "Or, like, the oldest goes?"

Dani's face lit up in realization, her voice raising an octave. "You're sending one of us down there?" She gestured between herself and Kiara.

JJ sighed, clearly not reconsidering. "In the sewer, there's this worm that you get when you're down there. It gets into your blood, and then it has to come out your pecker. So, uh... that would be a hard pass for me."

"Yeah, that's gonna be a no for me too." Pope glanced between the two girls. 

Kie sighed, a nervous laugh escaping her. She was trying to be brave. "No, I get it. I get it. You guys are scared. It's kinda cute."


"No. I'm not scared."

"It's just the pecker thing."

Kie looked at Dani, a silent plea in her eyes, "How do you want to—"

Dani interrupted, accepting her fate with unusual ease. "It's okay, Kie." She turned to the boys, mocking them lightly. "You should've just led with that. You don't have to be scared. I'll do it."

Pope stared at Dani, concerned. "Well, just... be careful."

"I'm sure she'll be so careful," Kie teased Pope, laughing at how weird he was being.

Pope nodded, lips pressed into a thin line. "I deserved that."

Dani got on her hands and knees, peering into the dark pipe hesitantly.

JJ patted the metal rim. "Just, uh, holler if you need anything, okay? We'll, uh... we'll holler back."

A laugh escaped Dani's lips, though she wasn't sure if it was laced with fear or sarcasm. "Very helpful. Thank you."

Kie grimaced. "That's disgusting."

Dani shot back lightly, "You know, I heard that. You're welcome." She inched her way into the pipe, determined not to be scared, worried, or off-put.

The darkness swallowed her as she crawled farther, the smells growing worse. A few whispered curses slipped from her mouth.

From outside, Pope called, "Dani, you find anything yet?"

"Yeah, Burton, do you see the gun?"

Dani moaned to herself, annoyed at their impatience. "Nothing!"

"It's probably at the bottom of the catch basin!" Pope shouted again.

"Yeah, uh, thanks, Pope. I got it," Dani muttered.

She reached the catch basin moments later, climbing into the murky water and balancing herself with one hand on a ladder. The broken light streaming from the manhole above barely illuminated the grime, but she was grateful for it. As she crouched, her hands lightly grazed the bottom of the basin, feeling around for something solid.

"Gosh, Kie would lose her shit." Dani laughed to herself. There was trash everywhere

She swept her hand around in the filth, fingers brushing something cold and hard. "Guys, I think I found something."

"Wait, you got it?" JJ's voice echoed from outside, hope rising.

"Is it the gun?" 

Dani grasped the cold, hard object, pulling it from the water. But as she lifted it into the faint light, she dropped it with a squeal. "Oh, my God! You guys, there's something dead in here!" 

"Is it..."

"Like a person?"

"Oh, my God!"

Dani shuddered, closing her eyes as the image burned in her mind. "There's something dead. I repeat, there is something dead in here."

Panic set in, and she shook her hands violently, trying to rid herself of the feeling. She needed to get it together before full-blown panic took over.

From outside, JJ and Pope were still shouting.

"Burton, don't touch it. That's how you get worms."

"Did you find the gun? Is it Gavin?"

"What is it? Is it Gavin?"

"Don't touch it!"

"Dani, do you see the gun? Is it the gun, Burton? Do you see anything?"

Their frantic words blurred into a cacophony, but Dani forced herself to focus. She had volunteered for this, willing to brave the muck to help clear John B's name. She missed him and Sarah more than ever. All she wanted was her friends back.

With a deep breath, she tried fishing around for the metal object again, muttering, "You guys owe me for life."

Just as her fingers brushed another hard surface, an unsettling sound pierced the air—rushing water. In an instant, it began flooding into the sewer from a nearby tunnel, the water rising swiftly, creeping into the basin and lapping at the entrance Dani had come from. Panic coursed through her veins. If the tunnel filled, she would be trapped. She would drown. 

Outside, Pope realized the same thing. "Shit. Dani! Get out of there, now!"  

"I don't have time!" Dani shouted, her heart racing as she scrambled up the ladder, trying to escape the rising water. She was shaking, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. She wanted to panic, freeze, all her normal reactions, but somehow Dani managed to force herself to be proactive instead. 

"Shit! Oh no." She gasped, breathing shakily. 

"Shit," Pope echoed, urgency sharpening his voice. He and JJ yelled into the pipe, panic etched on their faces.


"Dani! Get out now!"

Meanwhile, Kie had been sitting in the car, but the shouts pulled her out. "What the hell are you two..." she started, confusion creasing her brow as she glanced toward the boys below, only to be cut off by a surge of water bursting from the pipe. JJ and Pope stumbled back, eyes wide with shock.

JJ yelled desperately, "Maybe there's a manhole cover!"

"Kie! Go!" Pope ordered, sending the brunette running toward the street, her eyes scanning for any sign of Dani.

Back in the sewer, Dani pushed against the street cover with everything she had. It didn't budge. The water was up to her shoulders now.

"Pope! Please! JJ! Kie! Guys!" she screamed, desperation clawing at her voice. She stuck her fingers through the grate, hoping someone—anyone—would see her. "Help, I'm over here!" 

JJ and Pope reached the street just in time to spot Dani's hand. They dropped to their knees beside the manhole.

"Guys, the water's coming up. Pull!" she shouted, panic lacing her words. 

The boys tugged at the cover with all their strength, but it still wouldn't move. Kiara offered words of comfort, trying not to get in the way, but worry was etched on her face.

Dani, frozen at the top of the ladder, felt the rising water swirl around her chin, cold and menacing. It pressed against her with relentless force, each wave threatening to pull her under.

"JJ! Pope! Please! Please!" she cried, desperation mingling with fear, as she clung to the ladder. The water rose higher, surging like a dark tide, and at that moment, the world narrowed to the sound of her heart pounding in her ears. Dani was slipping, drowning in a sea of anxiety, her instincts screaming for her to retreat.

"We're gonna get you out of there, Dani. I promise." JJ's voice was sincere, but his worry was evident. He pulled a pocketknife from his back pocket, wedging it between the cover and the ground. He gritted his teeth, but the knife snapped in half, slipping from his grip.

"Please! I can't... I can't brea—"

Kie cried out as the water gushed out of the manhole—Dani was fully submerged.

With a roar of determination, JJ and Pope finally wrenched the cover free, sending it flying to the side. They tumbled backward, but Kie leaped forward, reaching into the hole and pulling Dani from the dark depths.

Dani gasped, her lungs filling with precious air as she collapsed onto the ground, her body half in and half out of the sewer, trembling as she fought to regain her breath.

After several deep breaths and a few moments of suffocating silence, the girl finally summoned the strength to pull herself from the hole, crawling frantically away from the filthy water.

"Dani. Are you okay? I thought we lost you!" Pope exclaimed, rushing to her side, but Dani only retched violently, pushing him away.

"Burton. You good?" JJ asked, worry etched in his features.

Dani managed a weak thumbs-up without looking up, her voice hoarse, "Never better."

The group fell silent, the weight of their ordeal pressing down as they awaited her recovery. Dani rocked back onto her knees, her chest heaving as she still struggled to catch her breath. Finally, she reached behind her back, pulling an object from the waistband of her shorts, a flicker of determination lighting her eyes. "This wasn't what we were looking for, right?"

They all burst into laughter. JJ snatched the bandana that usually hung from his back pocket and took the gun from Dani's hand, gently wrapping the cold metal. A broad smile lit up his face. "Oh my God."

"Holy shit," Kie laughed in disbelief.

"Oh, my God. We're gonna get this son of a bitch, man."

"Good job."

JJ tucked the hidden gun into his waistband, then reached out a hand to Dani, effortlessly pulling her to her feet.

"You did it, B. You did it."

Pope and Kiara hugged each other tightly, then pulled in Dani and JJ as well. The four friends stood in a whirlwind of shock and disbelief, holding tangible proof of their daring feat.

JJ backed up, still grinning. "Let's get this to Shoupe."

"Let's get it to Shoupe." Dani nodded, her heart racing with adrenaline.

The friends hurried to the police station, anxiety buzzing in the air as they approached. A deputy greeted them, quickly dashing their hopes with the news that Shoupe was out on patrol and wouldn't return for hours. JJ clenched his fists, gripping his hat tightly in frustration.

Pope shrugged, a sarcastic smile creeping onto his lips. "We'll wait." He plopped himself down on a chair in the entrance hall, with JJ and Kie following suit.

Dani walked with her friends but stood off to the side, anxiety gnawing at her. "Um, is it okay if Kie takes me back to my house so I can shower? I'll be back literally right after. I'm just... well, gross, and if Shoupe's out for a while anyway..." Her voice trailed off, uncertainty lingering in the air.

JJ let a lopsided smile cross his face, annoyance dissipating as he took on a teasing tone, "Yeah. Go home, Burton. You smell like a dead fish."

"Don't have too much fun without us, boys." With a playful punch and a wink, Kie grabbed Dani by the elbow, skipping down the stairs of the station. 

Kie led Dani to the car, the sun beaming down brightly. Once they were settled, Kie turned the key in the ignition, letting it hum softly as she faced her friend.

"Dani, are you okay?" Kie asked gently, genuine concern etched in her features.

Dani sighed, not quite ready for this conversation. "Yeah, I am. Just tired." She turned to stare out the passenger window, effectively killing the conversation before it could deepen.

Kie settled back in her seat, a fleeting look of hurt crossing her face. She wanted Dani to know she was welcome to open up, but it was also true that Kie herself took a long time to feel truly accepted. Whatever sadness or bitterness she felt, she let it slide away effortlessly.

Kiara shifted the car into drive. "Well, in that case, let's get you home. JJ really wasn't kidding. You smell horrendous."

Dani rolled her eyes but couldn't help the laugh that escaped her. The ride back to her house was quick, filled with the radio's music and the sun's warm rays streaming in.

The entire round trip took around an hour, with both girls quickly showering off the grime. They were both gross, even if Dani was the only one to venture into the filthy sewer water.

Dani lent Kiara some clothes, reminiscent of the way she and Sarah used to share. Her heart ached slightly; she desperately missed her friend. Yet, she also knew that things were never what they seemed—Ward had made sure of that.

Once they had washed away the muck and changed into clean clothes, sitting comfortably in Kie's car again, Dani seized the opportunity to ask the questions pressing on her mind. "I hate to be like JJ, but how are things with Pope?"

"Oh, my God!" Kie squealed, exasperated. "You are so annoying!"

Both girls laughed loudly, the sound echoing like carefree teenagers.

Kie sighed, "Ugh, I don't know. Things are going fine, I guess? He's just... Pope."

Kie didn't need to elaborate; Dani understood. Kiara and Pope would always have love between them, but Dani knew Kie craved something wilder, something free.

The last few minutes of the drive were filled with easy laughter, the two singing loudly to the songs on the radio. Kiara was, unfortunately, a terrible singer, but Dani didn't mind; the experience made her feel normal.

When they re-entered the station, Pope stood, arms crossed. "Took you long enough!" Stress still clung to him like a shadow.

JJ rolled his eyes at the two girls before turning back to Pope. "The princesses needed to get clean, man. I didn't want to tell Kiara, but she also smelled like a wet rat."

Kie and Dani exchanged knowing glances; no words from the boys could dampen their oddly good moods. It's amazing what a shower can do for a girl. 

The four teens settled in the entryway of the police station for another two and a half hours, and by the time Shoupe arrived, the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon. It took another thirty minutes before they could finally speak with the Sheriff. The day felt endless.

JJ placed the wrapped object on Shoupe's desk, dramatically unveiling the gun like a prized relic. Shoupe's eyebrows knit together, and his mouth parted in shock.

The man sighed, glancing between the eager faces of the four friends. "So y'all are telling me this is the firearm Rafe Cameron killed Peterkin with?"

JJ nodded. "That's exactly what we're telling you, Shoupe."

Pope stepped forward, desperation clear in his voice. "And the exact same firearm that Ward just used to kill Gavin."

"I... And where's that corpse again?"

Kie shook her head, confused. "Didn't you look?"

"I checked the hospital. I went by his house. He was out."

"He was out?"

"No shit! 'Cause he's dead!"

"Listen to yourself."

"It makes perfect sense."

Dani's friends began to raise their voices again, but perhaps yelling wasn't the best way to get their point across.

"Just because he's not in his damn home does not mean he was a victim of a homicide."

Dani stood from her chair in the corner, silencing the room with her presence. She spoke calmly, but her words held weight. "Shoupe. You know me, you know my family. You know what would happen if my dad thought I was here lying. I swear to you, on the Bible, on my mother's grave... Just think about it. Gavin's been out for what, going on twenty-four hours now? He's almost qualified as a missing person. Now, doesn't it seem a little strange that we would come here, as well as call you last night, to tell you someone who is a missing person is dead?"

Shoupe stared at her, trying to maintain his unwavering facade. "I don't know what kind of game you're trying to play here, Dani, but you're right—I do know your father. And I know he's out of town. Now, don't make me call him home to deal with you and these accusations, 'cause I will!"

Dani sat back down, defeated. She had lost this battle.

Kie's voice wavered slightly as she spoke, "Are you at least gonna send it in for ballistics and shit, or are you just gonna sit on your ass?"

Dani looked down, fiddling with the ring on her thumb. "Kie..."

JJ interjected, "He'll just sit there and wax that damn mustache. Is that even real?"

In any other situation, Dani might have laughed, but the rising panic constricted her chest. Confrontation wasn't her strong suit, especially with someone in authority who could summon her father. Dani's breath hitched, and her heart raced.

As JJ and Shoupe's voices grew louder, a storm of tension filled the room, sending Dani further inward.

Fortunately, Pope noticed her silent struggle.

"Shut up, JJ!"

"It's not

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