rocking it Rapunzel sytle

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disclaimer i don't own grojband.

laneys P.O.V

i woke up feeling abit dizzy but that wasn't on my mind at the time because i couldn't see corey or the twins. I started to panic, but there wasn't time for that because i was no longer in the gararge but a big room like thing with a huge widow on the wall. it looks like its the only way in or out. ok now i panic i run to the window but get pulled back almost immediately. At first i struggle helplessly when i finally look around to see what was holding me back. it was very long red rope no it wasn't rope it was hair. I gave it a tug and felt pain prickling up my scalp. it was my hair still red thought to my relief. I un-hooked my new very long hair form around the bottem manequian and run to the window. I opened the wooden window pains and looked out i was in a tower wait a second very long hair, stuck in a tower every thing except the blonde hair. i'm in rupunzles story.

coreys P.O.V

me, kin and kon woke up feeling a bit dizzy. i looked around but couldn't find laney."guys were's lanes"  i started to panic  we were in a forest but i couldn't think about that the only thing i could think about was where was lanes.

laneys P.O.V

As soon as i came up with this ider i heard a call from the window "rupunzle like let down your hair and stuff" funny that sounded like trina. I looked out the window and to the ground and sure anought it was trina. "like hurry and stuff" by instinct i put my hair over a hook and lowered my hair. i felt a tug and pulled trina up. she was heavy. she steped thought the window. Her pink hair  was frizzed so it formed a tringle with a long dress like what they wore in the old days with a cape. She must have relized were we were because she screamed "OMG why are you rupunzle, i'm like so much prettier than you and i'm older, its so not far" "i'm not staying here, lower me down like now" i let my hair down and she (to my reliefe) left thought a vine covered hole in the rock. thank god she gone. i decided to have a look around and guess what i found. My bass and an amp yes! I start to play i switch the amp on and rock out. I was sitting on the window sill my hair spilling out of the window and blowing in the wind.

coreys P.O.V

Me,kin and kon were walking around the forest when we heard some music it sounded like a bass and i emdietly thought of laney. We disided to follow the music. We were so egier to see where the music was comming from in about 5 mins we were running towards the sound. When disaster struck kin nad kon smelt cheese and began following the sent of that. i was a bit in frount of them so i didn't see them stop following me. i kept running. Untill i came to a wall of vines. i pushed the vines aside and stepped thought. In this clearing was a tower with long red hair hanging out of it. i walked over to the tower and called up "hey any one there" laneys head popped out with the red hair attached to her head. "hey core" she yelled "Why dont you come down lanes" she tought about this for a second and made a disition.

laneys P.O.V

i had to think about coreys question and disded i would i looped my hair around the hook and climed to the edge of the window and smiled down at core. he looked worried and gave a small smile back. 1 2 3 and i lept off the building. i was sailing thought the air for a few seconds befor i landed in coreys arms. i looked up at him surprised. he put me down and wraped me in his arms i was so excited that he did that, HE hugged ME!! inside i fangirled but on the outside i just blushed and smiled. To my utter dismay he pulled away just as the twins and trina entered thought the vines and we were sent into another black hole. 

 authers note 

hey guy if you like this please tell what other princess you want me to do and i'll do them 

thx for reading 

peace and rock on grojbandians

kitkat out


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