His favorite thing about you (physically)

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Darry- Your height. He loves how he can come up from behind you can just scoop you up into his arms. You act like you don't like it but you both know that's not true.

Ponyboy- He loves your eyes. He could get lost in them and stare at them for hours. They're beautiful and he tells you every day how much he loves you and how gorgeous they are.

Soda- Your ears. It's kinda cheesy but he loves how tiny your ears are. He'll mess with you and play with them sometimes when your sitting with each other.

Steve- Your hips. He hugs your hips often. Whether it's from behind, the side, or facing each other, he hugs your hips.

Johnny- your smile. He swears that your smile could light up the night sky. It's the most beautiful he's ever seen, and whenever he's feeling down your smile lifts his spirits. Whenever he sees you, your smiling.

Dally- no comment

Two-Bit- Your hands. He loves to hold them, kiss them, wrap them around himself, anything. He loves how tiny they are and thinks they're the cutest hands he's ever seen.

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