Tears, Fire, and Memories

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I angrily rampaged through the mansion, my eyes pouring, not only from my stupid sorrow for Lance, but for the anger I had towards my sorrow. My blood was filled with emotion. Pumping it through my veins, spreading it to every part of my body. But my heart was filled with blood, and with it came emotions of anger, sorrow, and agonizing pain.

It was equal or even worse than the pain I felt when my parents died, although I have a feeling some of those tears were for my parents too. It seemed as if every emotion came balled up into a rampaging bull, knocking all of my senses out of whack.

I promised myself I would never cry like I did when I saw my mother's necklace, and there I was, crying. It felt as if I had broken my promise, betrayed myself, by letting myself cry so hard for so long. I honestly didn't know what to do or how to handle it. Nothing seemed to slow the wave of water flooding my face.

I ended up outside again, running through the maze with the rain pounding on my flesh. The loud sound of the rain surrounded me, echoing throughout my mind. I almost felt trapped by the rain, as if all I could do was run away.

It started to get dark but I didn't care. My emotions were running rampant and I refused to be seen without control. I had no clue where I was going, I just kept running, hoping to find an end to my emotional maze that I was lost in, because I was truly lost in a maze emotionally.

Eventually, I slipped on the wet grass and fell to the ground, landing painfully on the cold hard ground. By that time the rain was verging on hail and I felt like someone was trying to tenderize me, reducing myself to meat. That though made me think that that was all I was. Meat. I though and though, but I couldn't think of any purpose I could serve anymore. I was useless.

It felt as if I was broken and I couldn't move. I tried, but under the pressure of the pouring rain, my uncontrollable emotions, and the pain, I was paralyzed. I could barely move my fingers or wiggle my toes. That only made me feel worse, seeing as I was so weak that hail and emotions could paralyze me.

I tried and tried, but I couldn't figure out why I was crying so much. I realized that my necklace must have been affecting me all this time, but I liked my carelessness. Why did it ease up its tight grip? It was so confusing. Was it broken? I missed it.

I kept it on mostly to avoid the pain, because I hated my emotionally weak side. When I promised myself to never cry the day of the funeral, I didn't expect any of what happened. I had never found love and had grown into the state of mind that I would never find it, and I was okay with it. I had also fooled everyone with my shield of happiness. I was truly everyone's fool.

My life had changed drastically. Everything I believed in was shattered and replaced with a much darker reality. I questioned if there really was a god, or if there was only a devil. No god should let anyone suffer what I had gone to and it seemed as if only a devil had control over my life, making sure it continued to get worse.

Then I realized I had to stick with the faintest happiness I had. Alexandre. Thinking, I realized, no matter how sick and twisted it was, he always showed love and compassion for me no matter how stupid or reckless I was. He gave me the necklace that took away all my pain, although it was obviously broken or expired.

My body was covered in rain, blood, dirt, and grass. I felt filthy, as I laid there, gradually regaining my strength. As the thunder and lightning struck simultaneously, I was able to slowly stand up, my knees and palms cut. Turning around, I walked the direction I came from, the walk long and confusing. Walking and walking. Turn here, turn there. Walk, turn, walk, turn...

It seemed to be an insanely long walk out when I realized that I didn't pay attention when I ran it, seeing as I obviously had more on my mind. I continued to wonder throughout the maze when, as the last shred of light faded, I knew I was lost.

Of course, as if all my crying wasn't enough, I had to get lost too? It made me mad and I punched the bushes that formed the maze several times to let out my stress until I found that the entire time I was tearing up my knuckles with the thorns that covered the bushed. My knuckles hut, but I had learned to ignore pain and compared to everything else my knuckles were nothing.

The entire time I had a feeling of dark emptiness. It felt as if I were stuck in an abyss with nowhere to go. The darkness crowded me, making it difficult to move without anywhere to go. It made it feel pointless to wonder around as if I couldn't escape, but I knew I had to keep going, no matter how strong the feeling was.

During my lost wandering the rain started the slow and the thunder and lightning strikes started to separate, showing that the storm was moving and was no longer directly above the mansion.

Trying to jump up and look out to see the mansion, I could barely see over the thorny bushes that were acting as walls. The mansion, assuming I didn't completely miss it, had no lights. There were absolutely no lights anywhere. My arms stretched out in front of me to feel around, I made my way, most likely deeper, through the maze.

A maze is one thing, but a maze in pitch blackness is another. If I was lost with the light, I was hopeless in darkness. I had absolutely no idea where I was going. I learned that I would probably die if I was blind because all my navigation skills went out the window without my sight. Usually when someone can't see their other senses strengths and allows them to navigate with them, but could I? No. Stupid inadaptable body.

Oddly, I couldn't see any stars or the moon. Confused, I looked up at the sky, my eyes squinted, finally done producing tears. There was nothing. That was not normal. Nothing made since to me. Hell, nothing had since the day the policemen came to my door, ruining my wonderful winter's break. It made me realize the day I got my demon was Christmas. That's one heck of a Christmas present, but, seeing as there were more important matters at hand, I moved on.

Stumbling through the maze, I saw a glimpse of light through the bush, and I started to smell smoke. Was someone coming with a lantern? Finally I would be safe. It had to be Alexandre coming to rescue me, showing how he truly does love me. Right? Please...

I quickly disproved that theory by realizing a lantern doesn't smell that strong. The light continued to grow, and the smell, along with a new one, got stronger. It was the smell of burning plants. There was a fire.

I was overcome with an awful feeling of death. It was a warm feeling and felt like it spread fast and killed even faster. It was the feeling of the fire and how it spread and killed without any reason. Fire was like the sadistic side of nature that killed for fun. The only things that killed it naturally was a lack of things to kill, unless it was put out with air or water. Fire was truly an awful thing.

How the hell did a fire get started after a huge thunderstorm? I started to run, the fire illuminating the path, but I still didn't know where the mansion was. After a few minutes of running, I found an opening in the maze.

Yes! Freedom, I was finally out. If only I could just happily go to the mansion, but I was pretty sure I was on the opposite side, and even if there was no fire, I would not go back in the maze.

Running away from the fire, I eventually got out of the fires illuminating. My feet starting bleeding from stepping on all the branches and twigs on the ground. Seeing as I was running, my feet landed on them full force. Like my knuckles, it hurt, but it didn't compare to everything else I had been through.

I continued to run until my face smacked into an old, wooden wall. It was covered in ashes that I not-so-luckily inhaled, and deeply at that. I started coughing like an old man, with no end in sight.

I fell on the floor, my back arches and my eyes water. And actually watering, not crying luckily. I was about to throw up when I vaguely felt the little black bits shoot out of my lounges and out my mouth. I stopped coughed and was finally able to breathe. The fresh air felt so good as it entered my body and swirled inside my lounges, exiting the same it had entered, but different and completely useless to me.

Most of my body was covered in ash from falling to the floor. I got up and brushed what I could off, but seeing as I couldn't -or should I say knowing - see, I couldn't really get it all off of me.

The area had a sense of sloppy happiness. It seemed like t lead a dirty, unattractive life, yet it managed to give off happiness. I knew the farm and the dirty animals probably left the feeling of dirtiness and grandmama and her parent's blissful life's caused the happiness.

I knew it wasn't the mansion, because the mansion was made entirely of stone. I thought about it, and realized it had to be the farm house down the street. I remembered seeing it on the way to the mansion, and I know it was where Grandmama was raised.

That meant I had not only ran through the thick layer of trees without touching a single one of them, but I had crossed the dirt road. I wished a car had passed by and either picked me up and saved my life, or hit me and take me out of my misery.

I felt around the building until I found the door. The farm house was mostly burned, but some of the walls still stood, and parts of the roof remained. I could only tell because when the roof was there I wasn't hitting my head, and I knew walls were missing when I almost fell through them.

Based off my knowledge from the diary, I eventually found Grandmama's room. Chills shot throughout my body as I sensed the remnant happiness in the room. But it only made me feel worse for Grandmama, seeing as how her life went from so wonderful to worse than words can describe, and I had a feeling it didn't take long.

I could only imagine how scared she was as she realized how dark the world was and how awful her fate was. I mean, she never had justice. I wished I could have stopped Alexandre from killing her, but I don't think I could have.

He would possess each and every one of the servants until he was able to kill her. I wanted to hate Alexandre, but somehow I couldn't. Most likely knowing that he was the only thing that gave me some shred of happiness, however small, was enough to endure me to him.

I sat on her burnt bed, ashes sticking to my skin. Thinking, I realized Grandmama wrote in her diary that you had to go north up the road to get to the mansion, and I knew by finding the house I was obviously going south, so if I were to walk up the road I would find the turn off and find the mansion.

It felt as if Grandmama's diary had unintentional clues that I could use to end it all. I didn't exactly know how to or even whether I was willing to, but I did want my life to steady and be somewhat normal. Not because I wanted to fit in, because I never would, but because I didn't want to live a life filled with pain.

Considering everything I knew, I could never just live in an apartment in a city going on dates and applying for jobs. Something inside me said my life would always have to do with this strange, twisted reality and I could never escape it, no matter how hard I wanted to.

Filled with newfound hope, I jumped up from the bed and, while wiping the ashes off of me, I left the farm house and started up the dirt road. I found the left most part of the road simply by feeling the difference between the grass and dirt. I had one foot on the dirt and one on the grass so I could find the turn off. It felt weird relying on my sense of touch to navigate. My sight was the same whether my eyes were opened or closed, so the fire was obviously extinguished by then.

I wondered how it got put out. There was no rain to put it out anymore, and it was in the middle of a forest so it definitely didn't run out of things to burn. Maybe someone put it out, but who? It had to be Alexandre, but then why hasn't he come and saved me? Again, nothing made sense.

I was surprised how long it seemed to take to find the turn off, and I instantly became very impressed to think Grandmama did the walk in high-heels. My feet hurt from walking on the mostly soft flooring barefoot. I couldn't imagine walking in high-heels from the 1800's, seeing as they were probably even more uncomfortable then the ones we have now. My mom had to wear them to conferences and always complained about how it made her feet hurt.

When I finally found the turn off, it seemed to instantly become cold. It had actually been pretty lukewarm, but for some reason the temperature changed instantly. Continuing to walk, I walked into the base of the fountain, which I could hear from the sound of the water, and fell into the ice cold water.

It felt like the water got sucked into my pours. Everything was cold. My skin hurt everywhere and was very rigid. Then, it felt like the water was filling the inside of me. It felt like I was heavier, and I felt cold on the inside too. Everything hurt in a cold, sore way. I felt like I was frozen, inside and out. Then I realized I gasped as I fell, drinking some of the clean but freezing cold water, allowing me to be cold on the inside too. I knew my body temperature must have dropped at least 20 degrees, although it felt like it was so much more than that.

The freezing, almost ice, water seemed to have a sense of death in itself. It was deadly in the condition I was currently in, but it wasn't the same kind of death that the basement had. It seemed more of a blue or turquoise, icy feel.

At first I couldn't move. The water was only two feet deep at most, but the splash coated my entire body in the water. I was on my hands and knees, but it was almost impossible to move. I stopped feeling my feet as I realized I had to get out or I could die. That one thought sent adrenaline throughout my body, and while I couldn't feel my feet, I was able to get out and ran to where I knew the mansion was.

The dirt floor mixed with the watering pouring off my body to leave a trail of mud behind me. The cold air didn't help to dry me off or warm down, which was what I needed if I was going to survive.

As I hit the mansion, I felt around until I found the door knob and pulled the door open. I couldn't believe that the door wasn't locked, although I now think it might have been my adrenaline and pure strength that broke through the century old lock. I pulled the door closed, and while there were no lights on, it was warm, almost hot and I quickly regained feeling in my feet.

The mansion had the ominous feeling it always did, but it also felt empty. There was a hint of the feeling the maze had where it was dark and pointless to move, although I knew it was definitely not pointless to move.

Why were there no lights? I knew Alexandre turns the hallway lights off at night, but he must have known I was lost and needed the lights to find my way. Then I thought that my room would surely have light. It always did, and I knew it had towels. Relying on my memory, I ran up the stairs onto the fifth floor and found my room.

I entered, but there were no lights. Being there was useless to me without them. I then decided to go to Alexandre's bedroom where I knew was most likely the only place with lights, and if I could find Alexandre my problems would be fixed, seeing as he had the uncanny ability to light candles without a match. I really wished he had taught me how to, or maybe my demon form could, but I had no clue how. It was just another question I had, but seeing as I had easily over a thousand, it would take a while to get there.

Leaving my room, I headed to the seventh floor, surprised at how well my memory was serving me. I felt stupid knowing that at first I couldn't even remember where my room was and yet now I could navigate without light, making me realize my memory had improved, a lot. It was actually really easy finding the stairs up to his room.

I stumbled up them - stairs were not fun to go up without light - and slowly opened the door. I sighed in relief as I saw Alexandre reading his pentagram book at the desk near the bed. He had one candle lit, carefully placed at the edge of his desk. Its light seemed to only illuminate the book.

I was angry that while I was lost and freezing he was here happily reading his book. I wondered how he didn't have it memorized with how much he read it. I wondered if he was a really slow reader. However, my anger left as I looked into his yes that were peering into the book, actually looking innocent for a change.

"Alexandre, why are all the lights out?" I asked, flippantly. He looked up at me and walked towards me, becoming less visible with each step. Once again I could see nothing when he was close enough to block out the candle, but I knew exactly where he was when his soft hand graced my chest.

His lips met mine briefly before he said, "Why are you wet?"

"I fell in the fountain. I was outside but when the sun fell I couldn't see and there was a fire. I ran and eventually found my way back after I got out of the fountain. Why was there a fire, and why couldn't I see the moon or the starlight?" I asked, agitated. I decided to not mention the farm house because I knew he would think I tried to run away, and I did not want him to be angry again.

"I burned down the maze because I didn't like not knowing where you were. I didn't realize you were in it. And you're now immortal. You will live forever, but you are restricted to earth. In the world of the immortals, nothing but the world you live in exists. No stars or the moon exist. Only the sun exists because it shares a connection to our world, because without it our world will change drastically. Also, you can't see the servants because they exist in a different world. They can't see me when I'm in my original form. They only see me when I'm in Lance's body, and they used to only see me as Amelia."

My jaw dropped. I was in a different world? How was that even possible! Alexandre seemed to blow my mind every day. I wish he could just flat out explain everything to me, but that would never happen. I knew him well enough to know that. Hearing some refer to Grandmama as Amelia was weird. She was always Madame or something fancy, but as I realized that was all thanks to Alexandre, of course he wouldn't refer to her as anything but Amelia.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Well, since it doesn't really matter, can you light at least a few more candles in the mansion so I can somewhat see?" Alexandre smiled and gracefully snapped as several candles lit. The room gained a red, romantic glow. I could see everything, but it was rather dim. I decided to move on before I angered him again, because I could tell by his facial expression that he didn't like the question.

Then Alexandre ran his fingers down my chest and all the water in my pours seemed to instantly evaporate, and I was dry. Leaving his hand on my chest, he proceeded to continue our kiss. I remembered he wanted me to make up for our fight in the morning, and I was happy to oblige. I wrapped my hands around him, my hands holding his ass.

I slowly bent down until my head was the same level as his crotch, and continued to kiss him. He moaned in pleasure, but then he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up. I definitely didn't expect that. He pulled me to the bed, but he leaned back, lying stomach up at the edge of the bed.

"It's your turn to pleasure!" he

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