Enemies From A Life's Past

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            “Someone from my past I wish dead? Well, let me think,” I had several people in mind, but I wanted to pick someone that really deserved it. Someone that wouldn’t expect it, or even remember me. I wanted them to be killed and be totally surprised without even knowing why they were killed or who was responsible. That’s what they had to deserve.

They truly had to be the scum of the earth. They had to be as nasty as the green schlime around the tip of public water fountains, or old hotel bathtubs. They had to be filthy, lower than low life freaks. Then it hit me.

Michael Tobias, my schools notorious football star. Coaches said he would make it to the professional league, because around them he was perfect. He spoke with grammar better than our English teachers, manners better than English Queens, and posture better than Russian Ballerinas. Not to mention his incredible skills in football. Also, he was the biggest team sport you could dreams of when the coaches were present.

If only they saw what we saw. He was extremely homophobic, and thought anyone that looked remotely emo should just kill themselves. When coaches weren’t around, he was the exact opposite person. He couldn’t be ruder, his grammar sucked, he was selfish, and his posture was that of a lazy four year old.

When it came to me, not only was I gay, but with my hair and style he perceived me as emo, although I wasn’t. To say the least, he told me daily to kill myself and let my fag of a soul rot in the hell as Satan used me as a sex slave. Again, I say “to say the least.” I and many people hated school due to him and his influence over the school’s population. Although, the part that angered me the most was that he was hot. He could have anyone, guy or girl, he wanted and yet all that beauty belonged to a jerk.

So, when it came to people from my past I wished dead, he was on the top of the list. He deserved a slow, agonizing death for all the pain he’s caused. And he never actually hurt me that much. I was good at ignoring his annoying mouth. Others didn’t have that skill. He had caused, and technically I don’t know if it has happened again after I left, several people to commit suicide. Killing him was more than fair. In my opinion, he deserved lethal injection, without hesitation.

            “There’s a jock from school that I would be more than happy to have killed. His name’s Michael Tobias. He won’t be hard to find. Look for a group of muscular guys and slutty girls walking around and he should be in the center, joking with the guys while kissing multiple girls at once,” I said, trying to show Alexandre what kind of person he was. I honestly couldn’t be more excited to have someone killed. Well, aside from Lance and Alexandre, both of which involved extreme circumstances.

            “He sounds perfect. I’m going to change into Lance and wear some of your old clothes so I blend in with the school population,” he said, a smile on his face growing, knowing he’ll get to kill someone. It was fun to see us both excited for something.

            “Should I get dressed too?” I asked. I definitely wasn’t going to go back into my old High School with no clothes on. I knew I would never see the students again, but I in a way thought they weren’t worthy. It was a privilege to get me naked in front of you. My old self-conscious ways were gone.

            “No, they won’t see you. You’re in the world of the immortals so they can’t see you.” I remembered him explaining it as he spoke and I knew he knew when he didn’t explain it further.  I was happy nobody would see me. It would start rumors and ruin everything in the end. However, I was sad that I wouldn’t be able to watch Michael’s life taken from him, as he had done to so many people.

            I’ll admit I had several dark fantasies about him. I was never murderous before, but he caused such an extreme inner rage I wished he had an accident and got put into a coma by being hit in the head by a foot ball or being tackled wrong and breaking a major bone that shattered and cut open a major artery. I only wanted someone else to end up killing him. I didn’t have the balls to do anything myself. And I was too innocent. If only I was like I am now, I could have killed him long ago. 

            Then, a bright light shot out of Alexandre’s body and when my eyes refocused I saw Lance’s body. He looked just as sexy as ever. I smiled slightly at the sight before remembering what we were about to do. It was going to take some getting used to with him switching back and forth. And he needs to worn me! It hurts to look at that light and you can’t look away because you don’t expect it! The light was practically blinding. It was the kind of light you would expect to come from the door to Heaven. Only Alexandre had nothing in common with Heaven. Except for the eternal pleasure he gave me. And wasn’t that what Heaven was about? Maybe he is like Heaven. My Heaven.       

            I began to walk towards my room and Lance followed me. The halls still felt weird to walk through. It was so dead. Not only was it obviously empty, but you could feel the emptiness. Lance and I were the immortals, so we were all alone in the world. If you think about it, we have the world in our hands. We are the only immortals, right? I hope so. I don’t want to deal with others. Well if there are I guess sometime we’d have to meet up. I mean, we are going to live forever! You have to meet sometimes. That did make me think. How can anything last forever? I always thought that everything ended. Would we die when the sun exploded?

            As we past the servants dining room and Grandmama’s, memories, both good and bad, flashed through my mind, breaking out my trance. I never really realized how much has happened sense that first day. To think the person I hated ended up to be the only person I loved. I never could have imagined how things would turn out back then. I knew too little about the world, but now - now I know everything. I was with the love of my life with the world in our hands. What more could you ask for?

            When we finally turned the corner to the hallway connected to my room, I saw my room’s door was missing. The obvious look of confusion alerted Lance as he said, “I threw your door out after I tore it off. I don’t have the patience to fix it nor do you need a door now that your bedroom is my own.” I still didn’t understand why he was so insistent in robbing me of my own privacy, but I couldn’t confront him. Also, if we were going to live together forever, we had to have no secrets. It wouldn’t work then.

            Nodding my head acknowledgingly, I entered my room, Lance following and sitting on the bed. I grabbed out a red, black, and silver shirt with an intricate design of a rose and flames, black skinny jeans with a red, web-like design and my black and red converse. He was lucky he got to wear my favorite outfit. I had it sense I was 15 and it still fit me perfectly. I loved it so much I had washed the outfit so it faded as little as possible. I avoided scrubbing on the design so the fabric paint wouldn’t flake off or anything. I loved it too much to take any chances, and now it’s still in perfect shape!

            “Here you go!’ I said cheerfully, but after noticing his confused face, I realize he needed underwear first. Why he couldn’t use his, I don’t know, but whatever. He had several hundred dressers it seemed like, so he had to have some underwear in there. He probably had a lot. However, it wasn’t important.

After he put on the black underwear, dark grey undershirt, and white socks I gave him, he took the clothes I had and put them on. The skinny jeans fit him surprisingly well, which made me realize we were the same exact size.

            “Ready?” I asked, excited to go. Michael was living his last moments and he didn’t know so he couldn’t savor them! How great is that! It’s perfectly fitting for him. Although I’d love to watch the anxiety of knowing he was able to die affect him. It would probably drive him crazy. Not that he wasn’t already messed up in the head.

            “Yes. Oh, you do know how to drive, correct?” he asked, as if it was the one detail he over looked. Luckily, it was, because I knew he didn’t know, and I didn’t want to walk to the school.

            “Yup. Let’s go,” I replied as he sighed in relief before I started on my way towards the doorway. I literally felt like a thousand little butterflies were having a party in my stomach. I was so excited if you cut open my stomach they could all fly out.

            As we were walking, Lance reached out and grabbed my hand, shooting lustful emotions through my body, although I was able to suppress them, the exciting thought of killing Michael more than enough to prioritize. I don’t think I had ever been so excited in my life.

            Once we got out of the main doorway, Lance walked to the left side of the mansion near a large bush and grabbed out a small object. After I was momentarily blinded from the sunlight reflecting from it into my eyes, I realize it was an old, elegant key. It was somehow perfectly silver, although the design looked so old that it should be covered in rust. Especially sense he left it outside. And from what I could tell it didn’t say, “Made in China,” anywhere, or anything like that, so it had to be old and genuine.

As he locked the doors to the mansion, I asked, “How old is that key?”

            After briefly laughing, he replied, “I’m not all that sure. I have used it sense I first lived in the mansion, oh so long ago. But this mansion has been here longer than I have lived here, so I’m not sure. Of course, the mansion has grown immensely during my ownership, along with the land it belonged to, but that doesn’t pertain to the key.”

            That made me think about his history. Just how old is he? Where is he from? When did he move into the mansion? A million questions ran through my mind about his past. I knew literally nothing. How many vessels has he had? Who were they? Where did they come from? I happened to enjoy history, and realizing I knew nothing bugged me.

So, I asked, “Alexandre, can I ask a question?”

            “Of course, my love,” he said romantically. He always seemed romantic to me.

            “Well, I want to know more about you and the mansion,” I said, realized it was more of a request than a question.

            “That is a long story best fit for another time. Let’s focus at the task at hand,” his words sounded nonchalant, but I could tell he was avoiding it. Of course he probably wouldn't tell for years. He seemed to hate telling me things. Maybe he thought my dumbfound faces were cute. I don’t know, but for some reason he had an issue with me being informed.

            From there he walked past the limo parked outside the front door where it was left when I arrived and onto the edge of the fountain. Reaching up, he grabbed a modern key that was hidden inside the angel’s hand. I was quite surprised at how well everything was hidden. I don’t know why he couldn’t just put everything on a key ring he left in his room. Maybe it was to protect it from servants. Although, John probably knew where the car key was. Speaking of him, I wonder what happened to John? Oh well, Alexandre is about to kill Michael! That’s way more important.

            From the outer-side of the limo he tossed the key to me and after catching it, which I didn’t do gracefully, I walked to the driver’s seat, unlocked the doors, and entered the car.

            The leather seats felt cold against my skin, but it wasn’t overbearing. After Lance got in we buckled in and I inserted the key. The car’s engine was practically silent, which wasn’t surprising considering how rich Alexandre was. As I drove around the fountain and out of the driveway, I was shocked at how smooth the car was. I expected the limo, considering its shape, to be difficult to drive, but it wasn’t.

            The path to the school felt routine and rather nostalgic, but what confused me was if Lance was in both worlds, how did the traffic look to him? Also, did it look like there was no driver in the car to people in the mortal world? Are immortals what people think are ghosts? Does that mean I can go and haunt people! Oh right, killing Michael, focus!

            At the intersection onto Fossie Street, I noticed the stoplight was just switching inbetween red yellow and green as if it were on a timer. Was it the same timer it was on with the mortals? My mind desperately tried to wrap the idea around my head, but I just couldn’t figure it out. I wanted to ask Lance, but I knew he wouldn’t give me any answers.

            When we finally arrived at the school, I parked right in front of the main doors, not even in a parking spot. There were no cops to give me a ticket, so why not? Lance got out as I turned the car off and I ran briefly to catch up to him.

            Inside the school, I was overcome with a strange sense of sadness, happiness and learning, all mixed into one awkward feeling. I can’t really describe it. I didn’t like the feeling. I only wanted to learn more about the facts of the world. The things only Alexandre could tell me. Not math or English or any of those subjects I now realize is not important. Was science even accurate?

            “What do you see?” I asked, noticed Alexandre was silent.

            “A lot of teenagers, mostly younger than you, walking around. You said Michael would be-”

            For some reason, he just stopped. I didn’t interrupt him, and I really wanted to know what was happening. I didn’t like being in a different world.

            “Alexandre, what’s happening?” I asked urgently.

            “Yes… Where… Oh, care to show me?” He had to be talking to someone in the other world, and as he started walking again, I followed. We went down the main hallway that I remembered all too well. It had brown and tan tiled floor, fluorescent lights with a gross, gum-blue colored lockers lining the walls. From there we went through a courtyard that had a large basketball field with several picnic tables made of a hard red plastic. Finally we entered another identical hallway where we stopped.

            “Thank you… Oh, it doesn’t matter, does it?... Really, you’ll never see me again, I assure you… Fine, Lance.” I really wanted to know who he was talking to. It was probably one of the fanatic girls of Michael who had his schedule and locker number memorized.

            “Who was that?” I asked, really hoping he’d answer me.

            “A girl named Selena,” he said bluntly. Thinking back for a moment, I remembered her. She was nice. Brown hair, hazel eyes. She seemed to be on and off with Michael, and no matter how mean and abusive he was too her, she could never lose her fan-girl like attitude. I had talked to her only a few times, but she never really interacted with me. She was considered “popular” and I wasn’t, so it wasn’t socially acceptable for up to talk. She was nice though.

            “Do you see him?” I asked, excited for another answer.

            “Yes, he’s rather sexually making out with a girl,” he said, slightly annoyed, but his voice has a dark tone of excitement in it.

            Lance started walking toward a locker and stopped before saying, “Hey Michael, would you mind if we chat somewhere a little more private?”

            I wasn’t sure if Michael was talking, but I realized there was a cellar at the edge of the hall, so I quickly said, “At the edge of the hallway, that door leads to a cellar you can use.”

            “I strongly think we should talk… Of course it’s more important than these chicks. Why else would I interrupt you?... Me?... I’m Lance… I don’t want to talk about what it’s about in front of these girls.”

            Realizing what they were arguing about, I quickly said,”Football! Say it’s about football!”

            “Fine, it is about Football…How about the cellar… Cool.” Yes! It worked! Michael Tobias just made out for the last time! Hah! I so wished I could watch him being killed.

            I followed them into the cellar and noticed Lance secretly locked the door behind his back. He was surprisingly smooth when it came to killing him. But then again, I know how many times he has done it. It was probably a routine.

            After letting out a small laugh, Lance swung his arm through the air, before quickly taking off all of his clothes and putting them on a pile on the stairs by the door. I was confused for a moment, but then realized he took them off so they wouldn’t be covered in blood for when we left.

            “Tell me what you see!” I shouted excitedly.

            “Of course, my love,” he said, rather sultry.

            Returning to where he swung his arm, he appeared to be taking clothes off of him when he said, “He truly is attractive. But not for long. I just crushed balls with my foot and blood splattered all over him. He opened his eyes, but I’m quite sure he’s in shock. Now I’m breaking each of his ribs, one by one. Wow, his collar bones were easy to break. Haha! His jaw, I just ripped it off and I tore through his skin bones and muscles. Blood is flooding out and now… His eyes! I’m absolutely positive he cannot see, sense his eyeballs are rolling across the floor. Now I’m shoving my hand down his throat. Oh, is that – Yes. I have my hand around his heart. It’s barely pumping. Hah! Now it’s splattered all over my hand… Sadly, he is dead. There’s no fun in ravaging his body if he can’t feel it. Let’s go.”

            The entire time the room was filled with a sense of pure bliss, blood and pain. I could sense how happy Alexandre was, which made me happy, and I could feel how bloody, gory, and painfully Michael was being killed. Finally! He was dead! The man I hated so much was finally dead!  I couldn’t believe it! I was encompassed with a feeling of pure pleasure at that moment. He would never touch another girl, break someone’s heart, or lead poor depressed people to suicide. His reign of terror in the world was over at last.

I couldn’t believe it. I stood there with my eyes closed, just imagining what it looked like. Sad it was over, I moved out of my blissful trance as lance put on all his clothes. He opened the door to let me out and before leaving he rested a pole against the door so that once he left the door would lock behind him.

            Putting his hair in front of his face to hide the blood, he quickly walked out of the school and I followed. In the car, he panically shouted, “Hurry and drive away. I can hear the police coming.

            In a hurry, I started the car and drove off, still wishing I could have watched Lance kill Michael. The drive seemed shorted than the drive to the school, but before I knew it we were parked in the driveway.

            Out of the car, I handed the key to Lance and he put it back in the angel’s hand. Standing by the door, I waited for he to walk back, but when

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