Hyde's Birthday-42

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I'm not dead, I promise. I've been really busy this past month! I've been babysitting to make some money. Also, I'm moving! So, I've been packing lately and we're figuring things out.

But, here's a long awaited chapter, Hyde's Birthday!!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

Ps, I'm really sorry if there are spelling errors lmao

Eric, Hyde, and I all walked into the Forman's kitchen. We just got back from the hub.

"Hey, screw head, why is the DMV sending you letters?" Red asked.

""Screw head"," Hyde chuckled at Eric, "Hey screw head."

"No, no, no. You're screw head. I'm just called "boy"." Eric said, pointing to Hyde.

"I got a letter from the DMV?" Hyde asked as I gasped.

"Oh, my god. It's about the cow." Eric said.

I shook my head.

"Did I say cow? What I meant was... cow-ntdown. Countdown to better driving." Eric said cheesily.

"I think what Eric's trying to say is, he hit a cow." Hyde said as I laughed and Eric quickly looked over at Hyde and tried to find the right words.

"I had the right of way!" Eric sighed and went to the fridge.

"Go ahead, open it, hot rod." Red said, pointing to the letter.

Hyde started opening and I already knew what it was. It wasn't for hitting a cow, and not a parking ticket.

"You know, you are the most irresponsible, careless-" Red started but I worked up enough courage to cut him off.

"It's his license renewal for his 18th birthday coming up." I said.

"You know Hyde's birthday?" Eric asked.

"Hmm, I only dated him for like, I dunno? Two years." I looked over at Eric and he nodded.

"Oh, happy birthday!" Red said, trying to cover up the fact he was just yelling at the boy.


"Guess who gets 18 hugs the day before his 18th birthday?" Kitty asked as she walked into the basement.

We all chuckled over a previous statement and Kitty walked behind Hyde and squeezed him, counting every squeeze as she went.

"One, two, everyone!" Kitty encouraged us as we looked at each other before chanting.

"Three, four, five, six, seven, eight-"

"Okay, okay," Hyde said angrily and he stood up to get out of Kitty's death wrap, "alright, alright. Thanks, Mrs. Forman, but you can drop it. I'm not really into birthdays, especially this one."

I could hear the hurt in Hyde's voice but I shook it off. Kelso stood up, almost making me fall over since I was leaning on him.

Kelso ran behind Hyde and gave him a hug, clearly teasing him, "Oh, no, you don't! Nine, ten-"

"Get off me, spaz!" Hyde yelled and pushed Kelso off of him. Kitty was jumping up and down, giggling.

Kelso sat back down as Kitty stopped jumping up and down because Hyde stomped upstairs. Kitty gave me a pleading look.

"Penny, will you go talk to him?" Kitty asked.

"Mrs. Forman, Hyde and I aren't dating anymore." I said awkwardly.

"But you've gone through so much together. I mean, he almost got you p-"

I jumped up from my seat as I rushed towards Kitty, "I'll go."

The gang looked at me weirdly as I awkwardly smiled before running upstairs. That was too close.


Hyde and I hung out for a bit after I talked to him about the party. I told him that Kitty really wanted him to attend this party because it meant a lot to her. Also, it was his birthday, so why not celebrate?

Everyone went to do their own thing so I was making cupcakes with Kitty for Hyde's birthday. We made a lot of different ones. We talked here and there while Red read the newspaper. Hyde walked in and looked at the scene before him.

He picked up a cupcake, studying it, while Kitty stirred some frosting. She walked over near Hyde, not noticing his presence. I chuckled as Kitty looked over and saw Hyde.

"Steven!" Kitty exclaimed, "I thought you were at work."

"Not til later," Hyde stated as the cupcake was still in his hand, "Why are you baking so many cupcakes?"

"I had four dozen eggs, they were gonna go bad." Kitty covered it up as I nodded.

"And, uh, I wanted something to do, so here I am helping make cupcakes." I smiled, putting my hands behind my back.

Hyde cleared his throat and set down the cupcake, "Mrs. Forman, I don't want a party. And I'm not saying that because I'm fishing for a party. I mean, I don't want a party."

"Uh-huh." Kitty nodded as she continued mixing the frosting.

"Because, I know how this family works. You guys say that you don't want stuff that you actually want," Hyde explained, going on to tell examples, "Like on Mother's Day. You said you didn't want a fuss but you did want a fuss. So we made a fuss and you were happy."

Kitty looked at Hyde and stopped mixing once more. She took a knife and started placing blobs of chocolate frosting on the vanilla cupcakes.

"That can drive a guy nuts!" Hyde practically yelled.

"It really can." Red said in despair, taking his eyes off the newspaper.

"Okay, Steven, calm down a bit." I chuckled as I also grabbed a knife and a cupcake and started to frost it.

"But now, I don't know what to do, or say, or not say, because I really don't want a party." Hyde said.

He just kept rambling on about it and I felt like he didn't need to. Kitty was going to throw him a part no matter what he said. It's just how Kitty did things. She made us do things we didn't want to.

"Well, I don't want to do anything you don't want." Kitty set down the frosting knife and folded her hands.

You could see the confusion on Hyde's face, "See! I don't know what that means!"

"Well, it means that there is no party." Kitty smiled.

I knew she was lying. She'd do anything to have a party for Hyde. Kitty loved Hyde just like her own child so she'd do what's best for him.

"Oh, please. Would I lie to you about making you a party? I am hurt." Kitty put her hand to her chest, showing the hurt in her heart.

Yes, Kitty, you would lie about throwing a party.

"Fine. Okay. I'm sorry." Hyde said as he walked past us and Kitty sighed.

Hyde walked out of the kitchen and out the side door.

Once he left I looked over at Kitty, "You're throwing him a party, aren't you?"

Kitty nodded happily.

"You lied." Red sang.

"No, no. I said "would I lie?". It was very tricky. It was like Houdini with words." Kitty smiled, setting down the plate of frosted cupcakes on the kitchen table by Red.

I chuckled as Red just smiled and returned to reading the newspaper.

I just love Kitty.


"Throw whatever party you want, man. I'm not gonna be there." I heard Hyde in the other side of the Fotohut door.

I was going to surprise him at work because the gang was all usually together, so Hyde and I didn't usually have time to talk and stuff.

Hyde opened the door, almost in my face, "Woah."

Hyde closed the door, "Oh, Penny. You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Um, aren't you supposed to be in there?" I asked, pointing to the small hut.

"Fez and Jackie are in there, asking me about what stupid theme I want my party to be. I don't want a party. Didn't Kitty say she wasn't gonna throw me one?" Hyde asked, rambling on.

"Hyde, you know Kitty loves you. That's why she's throwing you this party. You only turn 18 once." I said, rubbing his back gently.

"Can we just not talk about it at all?" Hyde sighed out.

"Whatever you want, baby." I smiled lightly as Hyde nodded.


Donna, Kitty, Red, Bob, and I were all at the Pinciotti's, putting up decorations and putting out snacks. Hyde would be mad that we threw him a party, but it's whatever. Being 18 is a huge milestone in your life. You are legally(technically) an adult.

Jackie and Fez walked in, looking at the decorations we put up. They were supposed to decorate but they were nowhere to be found.

I was talking to Donna as we were putting out snacks.

"So, how's it going with Casey?" I asked, nudging her slightly.

"Oh, he's just the greatest," Donna giggled like a little girl, "He's so handsome, and tall, and hot, and handsome, and amazing. Did I say handsome?"

I chuckled, "Yes, several times."

"So, um, are you and Hyde a thing again?" Donna asked.

We haven't told anyone about us being 'together'. I wouldn't say we're actually together, but we're getting there. We don't want the gang knowing about us. We've still had the cover of hating each other.

"God, no. I still hate him." I shook my head, grabbing a chip and putting it in my mouth.

"Well, what did you guys talk about the other day when Kitty said to talk to him?" Donna asked, also grabbing a chip.

"Oh, nothing. You guys all left and did your own thing, so I made cupcakes with Kitty while Steven did whatever." I explained.

"Ah. It was a shame. You two were really cute together. But, I'm sure there are more guys somewhere." Donna assured me as I nodded.

"Thanks, Donna." I smiled.

"Anytime, Penny." Donna also smiled.

Eric walked in with a panicked expression, "Hey, you guys, bad news. Hyde said he's not coming. He's just sitting in the basement."

I frowned and sighed out. I knew he didn't wanna come, but I at least thought he would try to make an effort.

"Oh, but it's his birthday. He can't be alone on his birthday." Kitty said, walking over by the couch.

Kitty looked over at me and I groaned, "Fine, I'll talk to him. But I already talked to him once, I don't think he'll return with me."

Kitty frowned then looked at Red, "Red?"

"I agree. Eric, you go home and sit with Steven," Red said as Kitty looked intensely at Red, "Okay, fine. I'll go get him."

Red got up from the couch and walked over to the door. Once he opened it, Leo was there as he yelled "Surprise!". I swear it almost gave Red a heart attack.

Leo continued talking as Eric walked over by Donna and I.

"Penny, I think Hyde would wanna see you." Eric said as he took a chip and plopped it in his mouth.

"No, he doesn't." I glared at him and picked up a piece of Chex mix.

"Cmon, you know he still has feelings for you." Eric frowned.

"I don't care if he does or doesn't. That's his problem, not mine." I continued to lie.

I hated lying to my friends, I really did. But we had to because somehow it would end up reaching my insane mother.

"Okay." Eric shrugged.

Eric and Donna went to go get lunch so I sat on the couch, farthest away from Bob. Sure, Bob was a great guy, but he'll bore you to death with his cheesy jokes.

"Ok, everybody, they're here, they're- shh! Shh!" Kitty exclaimed as she stopped peeking behind the door and ran over by Jackie.

Hyde walked through the door, sighing, as Red was behind him.

"Surprise!" We all yelled.

"Wow, you got me, dudes." Leo chuckled, holding his drink.

Hyde didn't say anything so Red bumped his arm, "Wow, thanks."

Poor Hyde sounded so unenthusiastic. I kinda felt bad for him. But, that was my girlfriend side kicking in. I wanted to hug him and kiss him right now, but I couldn't.

"Oh, happy birthday." Jackie smiled and kissed Hyde's cheek, hugging him.

"Damn, Jackie, stop kissing other guys!" Kelso yelled.

I felt a hint of jealousy, but Jackie, or anyone, didn't know we were still a thing. Hyde backed away from Jackie, his face showing disgust.

The party went on as the adults left us in the Pinciotti living room so we all gave our presents to him.

Donna, Eric, and Kelso all chipped in together and got him a gift. Michael exclaimed triumphantly, pulling out the road sign that said "High St.". It was something that Hyde would want, so they did a good job.

"Wow, this is great," Hyde smiled happily, "Did you get this at the flea market?"

"Th-The flea market?" Eric asked.

"Yeah, they sell em there for two bucks." Hyde explained, looking at the sign.

"No. We stole it. It took forever." Eric said, dumbfounded. I was also dumbfounded. Eric? Stealing? No!

"I had to show my bra!" Donna exclaimed as I chuckled as sat down on Eric's chair's arm rest.

"You owe me a bumper!" Kelso exclaimed, frowning.


The adults came back and Kitty gave her present to Hyde. She got out the bag and pulled out a blue material. A sweater?

"Now, I made this for you. See?" Kitty held it up and it had his name on it. "STEVEN"

I held back a laugh as Donna chuckled quietly. We were all kinda laughing or snickering.

"It says "Steven" on the front because I heard that having your name on your clothes is cool." Kitty smiled widely.

Kitty nodded her head and Hyde slightly smiled and nodded his head lightly. He still held it up to his chest.

"Plus, if anybody finds it, they can return it to you." Kitty laughed.

"So, I won't be able to lose it. Great!" Hyde fake smiled.

Kitty smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek before running off. Hyde turned around and looked at Red. Red had a smug smile on his face as I leaned up against the wall by Red.

"Put the sweater on, Steven." I teased.

"Do I have to?" Hyde asked as Red smiled.

"You bet you're ass." Red nodded.

Hyde took off his sunglasses and threw on the sweater over his head. He looked really pissed, but the least he had to do was put it on once. I chuckled lightly as Hyde glared at me.

"Welcome to manhood." Red smiled.

"Dumbass." I laughed as Red looked over to me and gave me a high five.

Hyde put on his sunglasses and sighed.


The party winded down and Hyde wanted to walk home with me. I sat down on my front porch swing as I patted down the spot next to me. I pulled my legs up and crossed them.

"I got you something." I smiled lightly.

"Penny, you didn't have-" Hyde started but I cut him off by putting my finger to his lips.

"Shh." I shushed him and grabbed the two boxes on the table sitting next to me.

I picked them up and put them in his lap. He gave me a small smile as I also smiled, excited to see his reaction. I knew he would love it. I've been saving up some money from my new job at Piggly Wiggly. I don't work there often, but I get paid really good.

He opened the big box first. He looked over at me in all seriousness.

"Penny Martins. You didn't." Hyde looked at me before pulling out the new boots I got him.

"I did. Yours are pretty old and you needed new ones. So, here you go." I smiled as he set them down, in awe, next to him.

He lifted up the Zeppelin shirt next, "Penny..."

"What?" I giggled.

"You didn't have to do any of this." Hyde groaned.

"Open the other box." I said as he sighed out and grabbed the smaller box.

"Woah! Nice." Hyde smiled, lifting up a new pair of aviators.

"You like them?" I asked.

"Of course, babydoll." Hyde smiled and kissed my cheek, swapping the sunglasses.

He smiled widely, taking out the last thing.

"I know it's not much, it's just, I didn't know what you wanted on it so I just gave you a chain. I'm sorry." I frowned.

"No, no. don't be sorry. This is great, I love it!" Hyde smiled and kissed my lips this time.

"You do?" I smiled weakly.

"Of course. I'll find something to put on it." Hyde smiled.

"Alright." I said.

"So, are you done with the gifts? Nothing else up your sleeve?" Hyde joked as I chuckled.

"Well, your birthday isn't over yet, now is it?" I asked.

"No, it's not." Hyde gave me a weird look.

"Well, I have one more thing. Well, two. The other present is that my parents aren't home." I smirked lightly.

"Penny, I don't underst-" Hyde started.

"I'm not done. Come up to my room with me." I tilted my head and held his hand, leading him inside.

"Oh- oh!" Hyde finally understood and followed me like a lost puppy.

Happy 18th birthday, Steven

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