Donna Dates A Kelso-41

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*first off, thanks for 30k!!! That's a lot!*

Hyde and I had agreed on keeping the whole "mad at each other" thing while the gang was here. We didn't need them knowing about anything. I mean, we weren't a couple, just friends.

"Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" Eric walked in the basement as I was sitting on the couch next to Kelso, my legs draped over his lap.

""Skinny Dillhole Talks Like an Idiot"?" Hyde asked as I flipped through the pages of my Cosmo magazine, "Yeah, yeah, I read it."

"No. Guess who was voted Point Place High's Most Eligible Viking?" Eric asked as I rolled my eyes at the scrawny boy.

"Tommy Larkin?" Fez asked as we looked at him oddly, "Well, he is dreamy."

"No, Fezzy. It's definitely Buddy Morgan." I chuckled as Kelso went to touch my hair but I swatted his hand away.

"No," Eric looked away from Fez and I, "Me. Thank you very much."

"You're welcome." I smiled sarcastically.

"Congratulations, Eric. I guess this opens up a whole new world for you. One where you can actually date chicks." Kelso nodded as I looked at my watch and gasped before standing up.

The gang looked at me oddly as I chuckled nervously, "I'm supposed to be getting a phone call..."

"Ooh, does Penny have a date?" Kelso smiled.

"No, no, not the case." I shook my head.

"Alright, see ya, short stuff." Kelso smiled as I looked at Hyde quickly and then walked out.

I waited in the stairwell for Hyde to make an excuse to come back up. He was absolutely horrible at making excuses.

"Yeah, uh, well, I have to go. My mom, she needs uh, help." Hyde said.

"Hyde, man, your mom is still gone." Eric said.

"Exactly." Hyde said as the door opened and Hyde then slammed the door after exiting the basement.

"You need to work on better excuses." I chuckled as I walked up the stairs and over to my house.

I walked into my kitchen and since my parents were on vacation, I had the house to myself. I sat next to the phone, waiting for it to ring.

"You know, if you just sit there, it's not gonna ring." Hyde crosses his arms.

The phone started ringing.

"Oh, really?" I squinted my eyes at Hyde as he just chuckled.

I picked up the phone and waited for the person to talk, "Hello, I'm Rebecca Perkins. I'm the receptionist as the local doctors office. Is Penny Martins there?"

"Yes, speaking." I said.

"Alright. Well, we have the results in."


"The weeper keeper was born!" Bob exclaimed as I walked in the kitchen to see Bob, Red, and Kitty.

I ran to Kitty and I hugged her as I sobbed into her shoulder. I didn't quite know what else to do.

"Penny, honey, what's wrong?" Kitty asked as she hesitantly hugged me back.

"I-I." I only managed to get out before crying heavily.

"Shh, shh, everything will be okay." Kitty rubbed my back.

"I'm not pregnant!" I said aloud and continued to hug Kitty.

"O-Oh!" Kitty exclaimed, "Well, that's, uh, good."

I simply nodded as tears of joy continued to stream down my face, "It is! B-But I have to get my appendix out."

"Oh, well, I mean, it could've been worse. You could be pregnant." Bob said as I looked over to Bob and then continued to hug Kitty.

"Bob, do you ever shut up?" Red asked.

"Penny?" I heard Hyde's voice as he ran through the kitchen door and saw me hugging Kitty.

"Hmm." Is all I said as Kitty continued to rub my back gently.

"You are pregnant, huh." Hyde sighed.

"No, Hyde, I'm not pregnant!" I let go of Kitty and looked at the curly haired boy that was a foot away from me.

"I don't know if that's sarcasm." Hyde looked at me for a quick second.

"Well, let's just, uh- go!" Red shoo'd away everyone in the kitchen as they ran to the living room.

"It's not Hyde." I said and sighed out.

"Well, that- that's great!" Hyde went to hug me and I pushed him away.

"Yeah, I mean. I'm happy about it, but I never want to go through this again until I'm ready." I twisted my foot on the ground lightly.

"What do you mean?" Hyde asked.

"I mean, let's take it slow. Let's just start over completely. Just friends. But let me remind you, you're the only person that can know about what's been going on. And don't make it suspicious." I explained to Hyde as I got a soda out of the fridge.

"So act like we have been, all mad at each other?" Hyde asked again.

"Mhmm." I nodded.


Hyde, Kelso, Eric, Leo, and I were all at the hub. Jackie and Donna were here as well, but at another table studying. Eric was looking through the yearbook to find 'hot' girls to date as we were all sharing fries. I was eating most of them.

"Okay, you guys, which one of these lucky ladies gets to go out with Point Place High's Most Eligible Viking?" Eric asked.

I grabbed a fry as Kelso did as well. I sighed out lightly.

"Start with the gymnastics team, but go with the second string. Just as limber, but with something to prove." Hyde said as he played with his hand.

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed another fry. Kelso looked at me with worry in his eyes. I gave him a questioning look.

"Uh, Penny, you alright?" Kelso asked.

"Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I smiled lightly at the goofy teen.

"Meet me outside." Kelso squinted at me as he walked outside the hub.

"Alright." I said and stood up from my chair.

Hyde gave me a look before I went outside. Kelso was leaning against the building and sighed out.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Penny, just tell me, are you alright?" Kelso asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked and put my hands in my pockets.

"Well, with you and Hyde and then you being sick- Hey, did you figure out why you're sick?" Kelso asked me.

"Yeah, it's just my appendix." I shrugged.

"Oh, so you aren't pregnant." Kelso nodded.

"Wha- you thought I was pregnant? Psh!" I scoffed as I tore my gaze off of Kelso.

"Well, yeah, you were always throwing up, and you were just really sick. So, I mean, that's good that you're not, you know, pregnant." Kelso said nervously, staring at the ground.

"Yeah, it is." I said quietly.

"So, about you and Hyde?" Kelso asked lightly as he looked up to look at me.

"Oh, yeah, I still, uh, despise him." I nodded lightly.

"Penny, don't lie." Kelso looked at me harshly.

"I'm not! Kelso, Hyde and I just aren't together, alright. And I'm cool with that." I said, managing a smile.

"Are you really, though?" Kelso asked.

"I am! I really am, Kelso." I said.

"I feel like there's more going on but I guess it's your choice if you don't wanna tell me." Kelso shrugged sadly.

"Kelso, I would if I really could, but I can't. Not right now at least." I touched his shoulder lightly as I pulled him into a hug.

"Just, don't get hurt, alright?" Kelso mumbles into my shoulder.

"Alright." I agreed.

Fez walked past to go into the hub, "Oh, hey guys!"

I stopped hugging Kelso, "Hey, Fezzy."

"Hi, Fez." Kelso smiled at him.

"I'm going inside." Fez pointed to the door.

"Me too." I said.

"Me three." Kelso said as we all walked in.

"Oh my god. Oh my god," Fez said, walking up the the table of the guys, besides Eric, "Rhonda just said she has something special to share with me tomorrow night."

I sat down in my original spot as Kelso did as well. Hyde gave me a bit of a weird look as I just took another fry and ate it, ignoring his gaze.

"It can only mean that we're going to do it." Fez beamed.

"Aw, Fez, that's so cute! But use protection." I pointed at Fez and he nodded while smiling.

The guys started laughing as we were both talking.

"No, no, no. Listen to me. I need a place to do it. Roomy and cheap. Just like my Rhonda." Fez said, taking Eric's seat.

It was alright, Eric was too busy flirting with some random chick to even notice Fez. I shrugged as I took another fry and Leo did too.

"You can use the Fotohut, man," Leo suggested, "I'm always happy to lend it out for deflowering and bar mitzvahs."

I shuddered as Hyde did too.

"Thank you, Leo. Tomorrow night, Fez becomes a man." Fez smiled.

"Oh, so it is a bar mitzvah!"


The boys were playing Mousetrap which was good because they were silent, for the most part, from concentrating. Which meant I could read my magazines in peace.

They were being very silent so I continued to read through until all of a sudden they yelled and cheered loudly. I almost fell off of the dryer, in which I was sitting on it.

Hyde almost started laughing but refrained from it.

"Oh, is it my turn? Oh, funny 'cause tonight is also my turn, uh, to do it." Fez said as Kelso started to disassemble the board game.

"Guess what, Eric? Donna has a date tonight, too. Yep, yep, yep." Jackie walked in the basement and sat down in a chair, which usually never happens. She always sits in the couch.

"I wish I had a date." I mumbled, jokingly of course.

"I set her up with Michael's older brother, Casey." Jackie smiled as I dropped my magazine and gasped.

"Oh, my god. Casey is so hot." I hopped off of the dryer.

Eric and Hyde started laughing so hard and I don't know why.

"Oh, man, Donna's going out with Casey Kelso?" Hyde asked in disbelief, "Casey "what's the big deal? It's just a misdemeanor" Kelso? Man that's gonna be the best bad date ever."

"Huh, kinda like ours." I said to Hyde and chuckled.

Hyde glared at me. We were both pretty good at insulting each other when the gang was around.

"Hey, we should hide in the trunk." Hyde suggested while chuckling.

"Oh! Like Spritle and Chim Chim!" Kelso exclaimed, laughing.

"Oh my god. I would pay to see that date." Eric laughed.

Eric turned to Hyde so they could act out a scene. I shook my head at the boys.

"So, Casey," Hyde said in a girly voice, "What are your thoughts on feminism?"

"Well, Donna, I think it can munch my butt." Eric said, playing the roll of "Casey".

I think if the boys actually met Casey, they would be intimidated. Casey is pretty good looking and Donna's veryyy lucky.

"Alright, hey. My brothers not that bad," Kelso shook his head, "He taught us a lot of good, useful stuff about chicks. Like, the bigger the boobs the smaller the brain. And that's a timeless truth."

"I'll tell you another timeless truth. I'm going to do it!" Fez smiled widely as the boys all chuckle.


"Casey can't possibly be that hot." Hyde said as we were in the basement.

"Oh, yes he is. You haven't seen him at school?" I asked as Hyde's hand moved up from my thigh to my waist.

"No. I don't pay attention in school." Hyde shrugged as he kissed my lips.

"Right." I said and nodded as I connected our lips once again.

The door started to open so I shoved Hyde off of me and I sat in the white chair and messed with my hair to make it straight once again. Hyde sighed out and sat on the farthest end of the couch.

It was Kelso. He turned on the TV and sat on the couch. He didn't say anything, he just sat there. Then Eric walked down and did the same as Kelso, plopping down on the couch. A few moments later, Fez walked in.

"Behold, my friends. Your lovable foreign exchange student, Fez, has done it. With a woman." Fez smiled as he stood by the door.

We all just stared at him, wanting to know the truth.

"Fine, I am still a Virgin!" Fez blurted, "You forced it out of me!"

We all continued to stare at him.

"Stop looking at me!" Fez yelled and ran out of the basement.

Kelso handed Hyde $5. Nobody questioned it. We all knew the bet.

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