Burning The House Down - 23

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"A dinner party?" I ask.

"Oh, yay. The big dinner party." Kelso says sarcastically.

"So here." Jackie gives Eric, Donna, and I all a slip of paper.

""You and a guest are cordially invited for an evening of cocktails, dinner, and TV."." Donna reads off.

"The attire is semi-formal casual." Jackie smiles.

"How does one dress semi-formal casual?" I ask as I sit comfortably in Hyde's chair. He was currently in his room. Making out with Kat Peterson apparently.

"Ah, finally I can wear my tuxedo t-shirt." Fez said and chuckled.

"Uh, Sorry, Fez. I forgot to invite you and Hyde." Jackie said awkwardly.

"What? Why not Hyde?" I pout.

"No offense, but he doesn't have any manners. And he's kinda smelly." Jackie says.

"Hmm." I just nod, I'm going to bring him to the party anyway. Jackie walked out.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Fez and Hyde can come." Kelso smiled and I smiled back feeling way better at how kind Kelso is.

"No, Michael. They can't." Jackie walks back in.

"Okay, I get it. They can't come." Kelso says sarcastically then flashes a smile at Fez meaning he can.

"Come with me." Jackie says and pulls him by his ear.

"Well, sorry, but I gotta go to work." I sigh and stand up.

"You work?" Eric asks.

"Oh, um yah. I just started working at The Hub." I smiled.

"Oh nice!" Donna smiled.

"Yeah, um, when you get the chance just tell Hyde I'm at work. Thanks." I smiled weakly and walked out of the basement to start my shift.


I gave table number 3 their order which was 2 burgers and fries. easy.

"Hey, Martins!" I hear a familiar voice and it was Devon.

"Hi, Devon!" I smiled as he checked into work.

"How are you?" Devon smiles and makes his way behind the counter.

"Eh, I would be better if I wasn't working." I laughed lightly as I leaned on the counter.

"Yeah, I feel you." Devon laughs a little too.

"And it's so dead today." I frown as Devon leans on the counter too.

"It's like-" Devon begins as the door chimes and Hyde walks in.

"Penny." Hyde smiled as soon as he saw me. It then vanished once he noticed I was talking to Devon.

"Hey." I smiled.

"I told you don't talk to him." Hyde pointed at him.

"Hyde, I work with him!" I say.

"So? You don't need to talk to him." Hyde says aggressively.

"She can talk to whoever she wants." Devon crosses his arms.

"No, she doesn't get to talk to you." Hyde said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because he's flirting with you!" Hyde points out.

"How is saying "How is your day?" Flirting? Huh? And why does it matter? We're not dating anyways. I mean, you were making out with Kat Peterson apparently so I don't mean anything to you." I say to Hyde.

"Shh! You don't understand." Hyde says clearly frustrated.

"How do I not understand? You know what, I'm off of work now. I need to get ready for the dinner party-"

"What dinner party?" Hyde asked.

"The one Jackie didn't invite you too. And I was gonna bring you anyway. Screw it." I walk out of the Hub, stomping, as I get into my van and drive home.



I entered the Burkhart house and there was a whole bunch of people. I thought there was supposed to be only the gang and I have a feeling Jackie did too because she was yelling at Kelso. Also, Timmy had his pants off... typical.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask.

"I don't know." Eric shrugs as I see Jackie run off.

Donna and I exchange glances before rushing out of the room and running to Jackie's room. I glared at Kelso as we ran by. After a couple minutes in the maze of Jackie's mansion, we got to her room.

"You okay?" Donna asks as we walk in.

"Donna, please! I don't wanna talk about Michael." Jackie frowns.

"It's okay, we won't." I say and sit by Jackie.

"Okay, So What is your honest opinion about Michael, guys?" Jackie asked as Donna sat down on the other side.

"Um, by honest you mean-"

"Donna! Please learn to listen." Jackie sighs.

"Well, I think he's a great guy but he just needs somebody to guide him a bit." I say in the nicest way possible. I didn't really want to hurt her feelings.

"Well, yes... but, you have certain expectations of Kelso that may not be entirely realistic." Donna said, and she definitely was harsh, but honest, "You want him to be sophisticated and smart. But actually, he's unsophisticated and unsmart."


Jackie gasps.

"Hey, you know, you guys are really bringing down the make-out room." Timmy said from under the covers.

"Get bent, Timmy!" I yell at him and chase him out of the room.

"I'm going, I'm going!" Timmy yells as I tell them I'll be back later.

"Keep going, And could you please find some pants!" I yell at him as I stop at the bottom of the stairs to see hyde swapping germs with Kat Peterson.

"Woah," Timmy says, "Hyde's kissin' Kat Peterson!"

"H-Hyde?" I look at him as he stops kissing Kat.

Hyde cusses, "Penny, I'm-I'm-"

"No, it-it's fine. You definitely weren't lying. And it's not like we're dating." I push him and run out of the house.

As I run out of the house I bump into Devon outside.

"Woah, why are you in such a rush?" Devon chuckles and stops when he sees the hurt in my eyes.

"Just- leave me alone." I say lightly and walk past him.

"How are you getting home? You live by Forman's." Devon said.

"I can walk there myself." I pout and start walking.

"I could give you a ride." Devon suggests.

"I don't want to see another guy in my life so could you please leave?" I ask harshly and stop in my tracks.

"But I only just came here." Devon sighed.

"Why are you even here?" I asked, frowning.

"I came here for you, but I guess I'm not wanted here." Devon shrugged.

"Well I'm not wanted there either." I sighed.

"Is this about Hyde?" Devon asked and stepped closer to me.


"Do you want to talk about it?"



"Can you give me a ride please?"

"Yup... lets go."


I walked into the Forman's house because my parents weren't home after Devon dropped me off. I just decided to hang out with the Forman's because they were really nice and had food.

"Hey guys." I walked through the sliding door.

"S-I-T. That's "Sit"!" Midge smiles.

They were playing scrabble.

"Oh my. Yes it is. Again." Kitty said sarcastically to Midge, "Hey sweetie."

I just smiled at her and sat on the counter.

"Yeah, Midgie's got quite the lead." Bob smiled.

"Do you mind if I have some grapes?" I ask kitty.

"Go right ahead, honey." Kitty smiled as I grabbed the bag and ate a few.

"Your turn, Red." Midge said.

"Okay, fine. Cueball." Red put the letters down and Bob just stares down Red and Red can't manage to look at him.

You could feel the tension in the room.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, Bob." Red coughed.

"Sorry? Why apologize to me? I like billiards." Bob smiled.

I was beyond confused right now.

"Billiards are fun. Okay, so you all know." Bob sighed.

"Know wh-"

"I don't know anything." Midge said.

"I agree with Midge." I point.

"I wear a toupee!" Bob exclaimed.

"Oh my god." I whispered.

"Bob! If you tell them, they'll know!" Midge scolds.

"I wear a rug, so what?" Bob asked.

"You know... I wish I had a toupee," Kitty said, "you know, because, you know, the way my hair is sometimes."

"I'm gonna go now, um, I'll be in the basement." I say and run downstairs quickly with the bag of grapes.


"Well, Eric sang to me."

"Did you tell him he was stupid?"

"Yeah, well... I called him a dink."

"Oh, that's even better."


"Oh, um. I figured out your dad wears a toupee."

"Oh, did you see him without it on?"


"Oh thank goodness."


Hey guys! I'm not dead!!!! Bahaha. Anyways, I'm gonna be a bit busy. My parents are thinking about buying a house and we're looking around. Also, I'm just procrastinating but oh well lol. I love you guys! Thanks for almost 9K!!! You meant the world to me ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

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