The Danielyan's

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In Art's home; Katrina decided to head towards the kitchen to speak with Miriam, since she stopped working with her, she wanted to see how things were going.

Miriam and Penelope were enjoying a glass of lemonade, engrossed in conversation. One of the ladies quickly put a glass down and rushed to Katrina's side; She remembered Penelope training her, her second week in Minerva, Katrina didn't get a chance to catch up and hang out with her since meeting Devlin. It was stressful because of Art's corporate meetings, and the days when his friends were at his home, kept the girls apart.

"Hi Kat! We miss you!" She yelled, giving her a bear hug, that made Katrina's back hurt. "Hey Ladies." She casually said, going further in the kitchen.

"We have juicy gossip for you if you have time?" Miriam softly murmured, looking around.

"Let's go in to the wine cellar." Katrina whispered.

The ladies crept down the bronze brick stairway, they went down there for their breaks. Sometimes, their schedule depended on Tigranui's moods. Tigranui didn't mind them taking their break at the same time, but when it was a busy week, she preferred them to go one at a time.

The wine cellar each had different types of wine from all around the world, one cabinet was filled with Art's favorite selection. The rest were wine for show. "It's our down time anyways, you know Tigranui is busy today so.. We've gotten a chance to relax." The women found their chairs that they sat in when they took their breaks. Each had a favorite chair, Katrina always preferred the one closest to the door, sometimes she felt like they were over stepping their boundaries and losing track of time.

In all the day's that she worked, she never hung out with a manager this much as she did with Miriam. Miriam had that effect on her; Miriam never cared what they did, as long as the girls worked hard, and
had no complaints, she was old enough to let the ladies slide and have a little fun. She understood that life is short, and some down time was needed.

Miriam lit a cigarette.

"I am happy for you Katrina; You found your man..." She drawled, taking a hit, then leaned back in the chair. "Now.. Tell us..." She sucked in and blew out smoke. "Who's the two hunk of men up there hiding in that guest bedroom?"

Miriam winked at Katrina.

"Are they together or something? They have been in that room the whole entire time you guys were gone! I mean come on! You have to come out sometime." Penelope exclaimed, crossing her legs.

After hearing about Rahliana, all Katrina thought about were those men in the forest, they were probably carrying a deer. "Or a dead body." She shook the thought out of her head, Rahliana wrapped in a plastic black bag made her sick to her stomach. Highway 9 was the same highway that they were on, and she was lucky they didn't run her over, otherwise she would pack up and leave town immediately. She liked the idea of taking another trip back home to see her family; The idea of soaking her feet in some episome salt, and having a cup of Angel's Horchata, made her miss her family.

But now was not the time.

She needed to tell Devlin she was pregnant, and she didn't want those men that attacked them that night to follow her to Catalina, putting her family in danger.

"Jared and Anthony are gay." Katrina softly said, giving them a hearty smile.

"Why are all the hot men gay?" Penelope blew out, and sunk in her chair. "Are you sure the tall one is? He seem's like a manly, man ya know?" Miriam yelled, putting out her cigarette. "I'm not sure, but they are dating." Katrina laughed, shaking her head.

"How could I laugh at a time like this? Rahliana is dead."

"Well, I'm too old for them anyways; How about you Pen? Give up dating the men in this town yet?"

Penelope shook her head, "I want to move to a city, like where Katrina's from." Katrina giggled, they needed a trip to the city.

"The men in Catalina are like the men here." Katrina admitted, smiling at them.

The ladies sighed. "Does Devlin know that you're pregnant?" Miriam asked her, giving Katrina a grin. Katrina had no idea they knew. "No." They sat in silence. "There's women getting murdered in this raggedy town Katrina, please be careful; You're still new here, and I don't want anything to happen to my girl." Miriam murmured, giving her a worried look.

"I'll be okay." Katrina said and in a soft voice.

She heard Tigranui's voice calling her from upstairs.

"Agh, we can't be too socialized with you, or they might fire us."

"What do you mean?" Katrina asked.

"In this business.. If you are too close to the family, they don't want you around." Miriam mumbled.

"But, I'm not family." Katrina thought, eyeing the stairs. "You go up first, and here; Take a bottle up, so you don't look suspicious." Penelope told her, handing her a bottle of red wine.

She closed the wine cellar and tried to swiftly walk out of the Kitchen until she bumped in to Jared. He gave her a worried look then grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the dining room.

"We are going to have dinner here, and then; We're going home so we can pack up, and get the fuck out of this town for a week." He whispered to her. "Oh, and, Devlin is home early, something bad happened at your job, I hope they talk about it during dinner." He fiercely whispered.

They turned to leave.

And Katrina pulled his arm for him to stop walking.

"I haven't told Devlin yet." She murmured.

Jared gave her a long look.

"So, you are pregnant?" He whispered, giving her wide eyes.

She nodded, he combed his hand through his hair. "Come on, I'm sure it won't be too bad." Katrina's phone went off, it was Melanie, she forwarded her call. Her and Jared approached the dining room.

It was crowded; Art and Tigranui sat at the end of the table, she could see that Art let Iner hang out with Jessica today, but he looked uncomfortable sitting in between Jude and Devlin. And between Devlin and Anthony; Stood an empty chair, there was also an empty spot to Anthony's right for Jared. Jessica seemed happy sitting across from the group, in between a guy Katrina hasn't met yet, and Ivan.

The guy had blonde, black, and orange spiked hair greased back, and he wore a black yellow jacket, she could tell he tried to cover up his natural red hair. He looked around Devlin's age; He had a long nose, and a crooked smile, his freckles sprawled across his nose, his skin was frostily pale, and his brown eyes shined across the lamp light. For a teenage girl; He would be the dream guy, because of his style, but in Katrina's eyes, he was not considered handsome.

He was what you would call, rough looking.

Not like Devlin or Jared.

Devlin and Jared, maybe even Jude without the rusted look, had the celebrity hair and face. Jared seemed like someone pulled him out of a 'Gemrose Magazine.' Which is popular in the industry; When it came to expensive perfume, cologne, even style. Living in the city... Katrina was surrounded by Jared and Devlin's.. But her reputation from Christopher was shot, because no guy that resembled Devlin and Jared, ever had the balls to ask her out after him.

"Took you guys long enough, we can't eat, until the princess gets here." Jude yelled at them, Art covered his ears. "Why are you so damn loud today boy?"

"It's because you're old." The unfamiliar man said, winking at Tigranui.

"You stop that silly shit around my wife." Art growled at the man, and his face turned ghastly pale.
He looked down at the silverware on the table; Art instantly felt bad, forgetting his mother's passing, he cleared his throat, and playfully threw a napkin at him. "Clean your ugly face off; You've got cum on the side of your lips." Art grumbled, the guy laughed and was comfortable around Devlin's father again. He smiled wide and looked around the table.

"Katrina dear, have a seat." Art softly spoke. Glancing over at Devlin.

Devlin thought it was cool having his dad around for dinner, he knew this was going to be a tough one because his father had to tell his mother and sister what he told him in the woods, and he didn't want to be around when he said it. He invited Ricky and Mark over for dinner, but Mark was too upset to come out of his room. When Ricky walked in to D.I. He had snot and tears pouring on Mr. Seattles desk. Devlin figured how Ian was going to act.. He didn't allow Ricky to go up to his office on the top floor, not like Jude. Devlin only trusted Jude to come in and out as he pleased, and he made sure everyone on the bottom floor knew this.

Ivan also, but Ivan worked long shifts, so he rarely had time to visit Devlin. When he got off of one job, he would smoke with him and Jude for forty minutes, then head to the other. Ivan had little sisters and an everyday drunk, as a mom to take care of. Devlin thought that's why Ivan liked Katrina, because she could relate to his lifestyle. She wasn't just some ditzy girl that pretended like she had it hard, living in a nice clean home, and never having to work hard for what she had. Katrina, had a hard past and present life like Ivan, but still kept life level-headed and real.

He didn't know how Katrina managed to own her home at this age, but he was proud of her.

He hated the thought of it, but his friends grew up less compared to him.

Jude and Ivan lived in a trailer park community.

To them it was a dump, but to him it wasn't, he remembered at an early age living in one in Armenia, and the community was nice. He never treated the two differently because they were his buddies.

Jude and Ivan lived across from each other, most of the parks were empty because of the people moving out, and the police never cared about that section of Minerva to care about the condition they were in. Being abandoned homes meant, places for drug addicts to get high and horny teenagers to sanction in. Trash filled some homes, and some homes had tagging and junk everywhere. The street had medal trash cans, that were all dented from owners, and chipped black roads around the parks. Everyday in high school Devlin's senior year, he loved going over to their house to play video games, even though they preferred his father's house. They came over for dinner too much that his father just talked to them like he talked to his own.

When Katrina sat down, she looked around the table.

She didn't forget about the wine, she pulled it out from the side of her, and Art smiled at her. "My favorite, see? Daughter know's how to take care of man!" Art shouted smiling.

"You absolutely cannot have wine... Not in the condition that you're in sir." Miriam, who silently walked in the dining room cautiously said to him, hoping Tigranui didn't catch it. Art grunted and asked Ricky about his brother, quickly changing the subject before any conflict started.

"He's doing okay, I told' em, we gotta find ma's will before dad get's his hands on it, and we can make a few money." Ricky grinned.

Jude rolled his eyes.

He didn't like Ricky, even if Rahliana died.

The racist scumbag sat there giving Katrina dirty looks the whole time, Jude felt like he was the only one to notice. He scowled, he wanted this dinner to be over with so he could be alone with Devlin and the others.

"Where are you from?" Ricky asked Katrina.

"Catalina." Katrina said to him in a nice tone, loud and clear, so he wouldn't say anything stupid, he seemed like the type to her.

"I said: Where-are-you-from? Are you deaf or something?" He laughed, and rudely looked around the table for support. Crossing his arms and giving her a look she couldn't comprehend, she knew it was coming, and today, she was not the one to mess with.

"Oooh." Jared softly said with widened eyes. "No he didn't." He whispered so softly that no one heard him, except Anthony. Anthony slowly turned to Jared and glanced over at Katrina, staring at her in shock.

Devlin fumed, he was going to kick Ricky out, but his mother gave him a pleading look. Until he heard Katrina fire back at him, he calmed down and grinned at her.

"What do you mean 'Am I deaf,' Are you deaf? Did you even hear what I just said?" She tried to keep her attitude in check, she looked around embarrassed; She was sitting with Devlin's family, and she's never given any one an attitude before in this town, except for Jared, when she was playing around with him. If this guy thought she couldn't fire back, he had another thing coming to him.

"I've never heard of a Catalina? You sure it ain't some made up place?" He grilled at her chuckling.

Katrina knew Devlin's family invited him over for dinner for a reason, they were being too cordial with him. Since she arrived, he's made Devlin's father extremely angry.

Katrina felt the need to talk back today.

"It's a city." She grumbled, Jared knew she wanted to say 'dumbass' he put his hand over his mouth and smiled at her.

"Oh, my momma talked about you a lot... She didn't like you." He grumbled.

"At first..." Devlin growled, his eyes giving Ricky a warning. "They have gotten along pretty well actually." He mumbled. Katrina didn't want to talk to the guy Ricky anymore, so she turned her head towards Devlin's father.

"Hello" She smiled at him, he gave her a huge smile in return. "I appreciate your presence here today dear." Art exclaimed, Katrina smiled back at him. "It's nice to see you again sir." She politely said, Art chuckled at her and folded his hands together, they sat in silence until Tigranui cleared her throat. "Me and Katrina will be right back." She stood up and walked towards Katrina taking her hand, Katrina stood up, and walked with Tigranui out of the dining room. Tigranui pulled out a ribbon that read: 'You're going to be a father!' She looked at the ribbon with horror; Quickly covering it up, then gave Tigranui a shy smile.

"Do you think he'll be mad at me?" She slowly whispered, Tigranui Tsk'd and giggled at her.

"You make my son happy, how could he be angry with you?" She murmured.

She happily sighed and took Katrina's hand. Placing the ribbon in hers.

When they returned, Jude was firing back at Ricky. "Dude, don't fucking tell me that shit, I already know about her." Ricky laughed at him. "I'm just saying."

"Enough!" Art yelled at the two.

"Not in my house! Be quiet or there won't be any dinner for you on this table!"

The food arrived, and as the waiters prepared each meal on the table, Jared drooled over the roast and collard greens. "You need to make greens." He whispered to Katrina. She grabbed tiny bits of food from each serving dish, she didn't want to pig out in front of the others. Devlin noticed that she got small servings, so he picked up a fork and placed more food on her plate.

He winked at her.

"You need to eat more doll, you're so skinny." He murmured, giving her a wide smile.

"She won't be skinny for long." Jared casually muttered, taking a bite out of his greens, she stepped on his foot from underneath the table.

"Ouch." He monotonously said with food stuffed in his mouth. Everyone sat in silence enjoying their meal, until Ricky belched, and leaned back in his chair rubbing his belly. "Rude." Jared disgustedly grumbled at him, putting his fork down and giving the man across from him a dirty look, Jude laughed at Jared. "I like you man." He softly said laughing, staring down at his food. "We need to hang out more often, I didn't get a chance to hang out with you in Catalina that much."

Jared grinned at him, and kept eating.

"You all hung out in this Catalina together?" A voice croaked next to Jude.

"Yeah man." Jude muttered, sneering off into space.

The other man sat in silence until he wiped his mouth and turned to Devlin. "Dude, we haven't hung out in a long time! We have to go on vacation this week." Devlin just sighed, he didn't ever want to hang out with Ricky again. He did this for his father, who suggested that dinner would be good for the brothers. Devlin just ate in silence, his phone binged, and he received a message from Jude.

Jude knew his father didn't like texting while at the dinner table, so he gave Jude a 'what?' Look, and glanced over at his father, who was busy chatting with Iner about school. "Make this son of a bitch leave bro, I can't stand him." Devlin shook his head at him and continued eating, he received another loud bing and Katrina looked up from her plate at him. He sighed, and with his free hand, he slowly rubbed her leg.

He didn't even want to eat anymore.

He placed his fork down on the plate, and leaned back in the chair and sighed.

"I'm pregnant." Katrina said in a small voice.

The emotions, flew in and out of her like she was on a carrousel. She could see Tigranui grinning from ear to ear, staring at her as if she was saying: 'Are you going to tell him!' She kept getting big cheeky grins from Anthony; Who occasionally whistled baby songs as he ate his dinner, Jared was poking her from her side, and Devlin's father gave her an awkward look.
Devlin received text messages from someone, and she didn't think that she would ever get jealous, but she did. "Who could he be texting right now?" It caused her to send him an alarming look, she hoped that he would get the message and pull her off to the side to talk to her, but he just sat back in his chair and sighed.

She couldn't take it anymore.

Everyone around her gasped, and gave out excitement.

Devlin still had a small piece of roast in his mouth that he swallowed, and made him choke. He tried coughing it up, Iner looked over at him and began patting his back hard. Devlin coughed hard, and he picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth off, some food spilled out on the napkin, the food felt lodged in between his lungs and he started coughing again. Katrina handed him a water, he gently grabbed it and swallowed. The cold water felt nice down his throat. He swallowed again, Jude saw that his eyes were blood shot red and teary, so he handed Devlin another napkin. "Here bro." Devlin shook his head wavering his arms.

"I'm cool." He said in a raspy voice.

Art started yelling.

"Miriam! Take back dis wine! And please make cake for my son!" He exclaimed, happily blowing him and Katrina air kisses; Jessica gave Devlin a humorous grin.

"I'm going to have so much fun with your kid." She evilly laughed, giving Iner a wink.

"That's awesome, you're about to be a dad bro!" Jude yelled over at him smiling wide.

Devlin leaned over and cupped Katrina's chin, he gave her a quick kiss on the lips and rubbed his tongue under his gums, and swallowed. She blushed, and gave him a worried look, she couldn't tell if he was angry at her, besides almost choking on the beef, she didn't know if his reaction was normal.

"Wa-ow." He said low.

He covered his shock by giving Katrina a kiss on the cheek and smiled down at her, he tried to keep his emotions under wrap. He felt extremely happy, Katrina would be the one to carry his children and he accepted that, he adored her; He never thought about having children, turning thirty didn't have much of an effect on him, he didn't feel the difference, he's always thought about getting married one day, but the thought of having children never crossed his mind. It took him aback and he began to get emotional, he blew out and leaned back in

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