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Ivan sped to Devlin's house.

She clenched her teeth together, and frowned.

Devlin began to rub her belly in a circular motion, and it eased the pain, he kissed her forehead; She softly sighed, and let out a tiny moan, and laid her head on his arm. "I think it's working." Jared murmured at Devlin. "What ever you're doing, keep it up..." He smiled and nervously looked ahead.

They were almost there and Katrina began to worry.

She felt the baby shift again.

"No more sex for you two." Jared whispered, as he stared at her in shock. "You're baby is threatening you." He lightly joked, Devlin smiled at him. "You might be right abot dat.." Devlin slowly chuckled, he bent down. "Papa want's you to stay in there until after d shower." He murmured on her belly, Katrina felt tired, she slowly breathed in and out, as Devlin rubbed her belly, they stopped in front of the mansion.

They all jumped out, and Devlin picked her up and carried her to the door, Tigranui and the doctor had the door open waiting for them.

"Come.. Come.. Come, let me see." Her doctor rushed, and they moved to the living room, she laid down on the couch on Devlin's chest, and another sharp pain caused her to moan and huff, Devlin softly rubbed her waist. She embarrassingly flushed at all of the people in the room, she moaned, and scrunched her face, Ivan escorted Devlin's family away, then Jude and Ivan went in the kitchen.

Jared stayed because he was worried for her.

Katrina wanted to go up stairs and wipe down her area, she looked up at Devlin as the doctor prepared the instruments. "Hold on." Devlin grumbled, and he quickly picked her up. "Where are you going?" His mother rushed. "I be back..." Devlin muttered, Jared sat down on the couch and waited, smirking at them.

Devlin took off her dress and grabbed a towel, he ran the sink water and grabbed a wash cloth, he pulled out his soaps, and waited till the water got warm, he placed the soap on the cloth and turned on the water and wiped her down, she was slowly breathing in and out, and continued to rub her belly.

He gently washed down there and kissed her belly. "Sorry little guy." He murmured on her belly, Katrina gave Devlin a worried smile, he went in the room and pulled out one of Katrina's maternity dresses that he saved from his other closet and placed it on her.

She had no underwear on, and figured it was better that way.

He walked down the stairs carrying her, Jared smiled wide at them, as he sat back down on the couch, Katrina moved down and laid her head on Devlin's leg, the doctor went over to her.

"Okay, let me take a look."

"This is soo embarrassing."

The doctor had her nurse place a white sheet over her so she could have privacy.

She furrowed her brow, and gently stuck her hand in her vagina. "Woah.. Looks like little man was ready to come out.. What happened?" She said in a high pitched baby voice, she felt around, and Katrina furrowed her brow. The doctor listened in on her belly, and smiled, she moved her hand around in her. "Are you ready for him to come out now mom? We can force him out... Rent's due." Her doctor lightly joked, Katrina nervously giggled and shook her head. "Wow.. You're the only one I know; That want's him to stay in there." Her doctor exclaimed, with her eyes widened, Jared chuckled, and scooted closer to Devlin.

"Baby showers tomorrow." Devlin murmured.

The doctor smiled. "Well dad.. Whatever you did worked.. He's calm now." Devlin smiled down at Katrina. "What did you do earlier before the pain happened?" The doctor asked her, she blushed and nervously swallowed and looked around the room.

Jared laughed out loud and Devlin grinned.

Both Tigranui and Jacopo intently stared at them, waiting for her answer.

"We had sex." She quietly murmured.

The doctor awkwardly chuckled and Jared placed his hand over his mouth and shook his head. "Well that will do it.. Be careful dad.. Don't forget you're on little man's time.. He could come out at any minute if he feel's like it." She softly said, for the first time in his life, Devlin shyly blushed, and placed his hand on his forehead. "Ya.. Okay." He said in a deep voice and swallowed, Katrina and Devlin were flushed, and Tigranui happily sighed with relief.

"Oh thank god! I thought d baby was hurt." Tigranui sighed. Katrina had been relieved also, her water didn't break, and she thought the worst. "Yep.. He's still in there.. Awake and alert.. Be very careful you two." Her doctor sternly said at them, Katrina nodded. "Maybe.. Now is the time to wait to have sex, until after he's out." Jacopo chuckled, Jared let out a guttural laugh.

"Well.. Now we have to rush with d shower tomorrow." Tigranui mumbled.

"Here is Proplixytin... Take this tonight, and tomorrow in the afternoon." The doctor murmured and handed the pill bottle to her, Katrina slowly nodded, and embarrassingly smiled.

When the doctor and the nurses left, Katrina placed her hand over her face.

"amot' dzez hamar, vor nra het serrakan haraberut'yun unek', minch'derr d yerekhan gtnvum e ayntegh." Shame on you for having sex with her while d baby is in there.

Tigranui growled at her son.

Devlin embarrassingly looked down at the floor.

When they all left.

His family slowly emerged from the other living room, and were all talking at once in their language, they were making fun of him, and Devlin loudly groaned and picked Katrina up.

"Get some sleep you too." Jude sang.

Devlin slowly took Katrina up the stairs, and smirked at her, Katrina rested her head on his chest; In the room, Devlin set her on the bed, and groaned. "I'm sorry Anoosh.. I shouldn't have done that." He grumbled, Katrina laid her head on his arms. "What are we going to name him?" She softly said, and Devlin smiled.

"How abot we let Jessica name him." He exclaimed, she widened her eyes, it was a good idea, except her sister's would be upset with her. "Yeah.. We can.. But my sister's." She murmured, Devlin nodded and smiled, I was thinking abot d name we talked abot.. Daniel.." He murmured, she smiled, it was a cute name for a boy. "I love it." She whispered. It was the first name that they picked together, earlier on in her pregnancy, but they wanted to keep their options open. He rested his lips on her forehead. "Daniel Damien Danielyan." He murmured, Katrina slowly smiled up at him.

"What about Daniel Artur Danielyan?" She exclaimed, Devlin looked down at her. "Wot abot your father?" He questioned, she smiled. "Our second child can be my dad's name." She smiled, he nodded and softly groaned, he kissed her forehead and smiled.

Her pain came back and Devlin rubbed her belly until she fell asleep.

In the morning, Katrina slowly got off the bed.

She used the bathroom and sighed.

Devlin wasn't in the room, and she could hear Jared.

She checked the living room and went over to the screen door.

Jared had a cigar in his hand and got off the phone grinning at her. "You can not believe what just happened... I just got off the phone with my ex best friend." He grinned. "He wanted to meet up with me and have coffee.. And I told him that I have an event today with my boss." He evilly snickered, Katrina rolled her eyes. "You're loving this aren't you?" She smirked, she slowly went over to him and sat down. "How are you?" He asked her worried, Katrina shrugged. "I'm not in pain anymore... And Devlin really helped, I think my son got tired of me showing love." She admitted, Jared laughed. "Yeah.. You rub your belly too much.. He's going to be a daddy's boy I can already tell.." He chuckled, Katrina grinned and sighed. "If he does turn out to be one, I need you to be on my team." She warned.

Jared grinned.

"Always." He smiled.

She felt the air and shivered.

"It's as cold as Catalina." She murmured.

"Downstairs is cute.. You should check it out." He exclaimed, standing up, he helped her up and they went inside, Jared grabbed her hand. "I'm just being sarcastic.. It's actually a warning.. There's a surprise for you downstairs.. Don't get too upset." He whispered, and Katrina furrowed her brow and shrugged. They slowly walked down the steps and was greeted by Jessica. "Jared.. Can you do my makeup again." She exclaimed, holding her kit, Jared gave her a sly smile. "Okay.. But you're dyeing my hair blue when ever you get the chance." He murmured, Jessica laughed. "I don't know how!" She exclaimed, Jared shook his head. "Aren't you teenagers supposed to be good at those things." He grinned. "Okay.. Fine, I'll dye your hair blue.." She shyly smiled and grabbed Katrina's arm.

Katrina looked around at the decorations.

When they approached the living room, she furrowed her brow at Jasmine who sat right next to Jude. Devlin stood near them eating corn bread, Morena slowly stood up and widened her eyes. "We'll be back." She whispered to Jude who nodded, she opened the sliding doors, and nodded her head for them to come outside, she could hear Melanie and the rest of her family in the other living room with Tigranui.

Katrina softly sighed, she glared at Jasmine and went over to Devlin and slowly kissed him on the lips, he smiled wide at her and hugged her and kissed her on the forehead. "Hi baby girl." He said low and rubbed her belly, Katrina smiled wide and happily walked outside, Jared pulled up a chair next to her and began to do Jessica's makeup. "Is that girl one of Devlin's ex's?" Morena asked her, with widened eyes, Katrina annoyingly groaned. "Yep.. The one that got him in trouble." She said low, Morena widened her eyes and had her mouth open.

"Well that girl got some serious issues, if she think she gone move her ass up in here." Morena grumbled, Jessica widened her eyes and laughed, Morena slowly chuckled and cleared her throat. Katrina, after hearing that information, slowly stood up to tell her to leave, but Morena softly pushed her down. "Shh.. No.. No.. No don't worry.. Devlin is handling it.. She doesn't have anywhere to go.. She's like homeless or something." She exclaimed, Katrina scoffed. "Girl please, that bitch works for him.. She get's paid the same exact pay as Jared and-." She paused and nervously looked at Jared who was evilly chuckling at her. "Don't worry princess.. You were saying?" He said low and laughed, Katrina nervously chuckled, afraid he was going to pinch her, and continued. "She can buy herself an apartment and leave my fiancé alone, that's what she can do." Katrina huffed, Jessica moved her hand towards Katrina and she softly grabbed her hand and smiled wide, Morena grinned at her little sister. "Damn girl.." She smiled wide at Christopher and cleared her throat.

"Well tell her to kick rocks then." Morena tested.

And Katrina quickly stood up.

"I will." She purred, and was getting ready to open the screen door, they all screamed with laughter and tried to pull her down. "I was just kidding! Sit down baby mama!" Morena laughed. "So feisty, I love it!" Jessica screamed, laughing with them, Jared proudly stared at everyone, and Katrina hadn't noticed Catherine and her boyfriend, they both were quietly sitting next to Christopher, she sighed and sat down. "I'll do it!" She exclaimed, and Jared shouted with laughter. "No little gorl, you don't want to go up against the Amazon wilder beast." Jared murmured, Jessica widened her eyes and screeched and Morena threw her head back and shouted with laughter. "Jared! You're meaner than me!" She shouted, Jared chuckled, and tried to talk, but he laughed again.

He snorted.

"Crispy, Fred Astaire.." He grumbled and Morena fell out. "Jared!" She shouted, and Katrina giggled, and began to feel a push and groaned. "Aye.. You guys are a trip." Catherine's boyfriend murmured, laughing. "It's nice to meet you." Katrina smiled, Catherine sighed. "Jamarcus.. Those two are my sister's." She grumbled, it was silent, until Jared cleared his throat. "Hi Jamarcus; I'm Jared, Katrina's best friend, and this is Jessica, Katrina's sister.." Jared purred, Jamarcus chuckled and shook their hands and leaned forward and shook Katrina's hand as well. Katrina noticed Devlin's family weren't there today. "Where is everyone?" She asked Jessica, Jessica smiled. "With Tevan.. Party won't start until later on.. They went to a bar." She exclaimed, and Morena groaned. "You need to wait until tomorrow."  Katrina thought, smiling down at her belly, they heard shouting from inside and everyone stared at the screen door.

"Oh shit." Jared quickly said, dropping the eye shadow, and stood up, Jessica laughed and quickly stood up with him. Katrina curiously stood and went to open the sliding door's, but Jared opened it for her, and grinned down at her.

When she stepped inside, the silence in the room made her feel nervous, Tigranui stood near Devlin with her arms crossed, Katrina stared at Jude, who had a worried look on his face. "Call her a cab.. Let's go, get out." Tigranui growled down at Jasmine. "This isn't a fun house; We are not hotel, you cannot stay here, you are not welcome here.. And I do not like you." Tigranui angrily grumbled, Devlin sighed. "I don't know wat else I could do for you." He murmured down at her. "You can't stay at my place anymore; My parents.. They don't feel comfortable having you around when I'm not there." Jude grumbled, Jasmine swallowed and slowly stood up and bit her lip. "But.. I can help you find an apartment if.. That's what you want?" Jude murmured. "Nope.. Let the thing go.. You need to stay here for the baby shower." Jared growled, Morena screeched, and slapped her hand on her mouth, Jude nervously laughed and sighed.

Jasmine scoffed and stared at Devlin.

"You owe me." She said to him in a pleading voice.

"Hello!" Tigranui snapped her fingers towards Jasmine.

"He doesn't owe you anything." Katrina snarled, Jasmine looked back at her with a questioning look. "Devlin.. You know how I feel about you." Jasmine murmured, still glaring at Katrina. "Get out!" Tigranui shouted; She pointed her finger towards the door, and everyone shockingly stared at Tigranui, Jared went over to her, and slowly placed his hand on her back . "Are you okay dear?" He murmured at her. "No! I want her to leave.. She come in my house, and demand that my son let her stay here." Jude widened his eyes, he had no idea Tigranui was listening in. "I'm tired of this.. This woman! You are a grown woman.. So act like one! You homeless.. So wat! You work! I don't understand why you can't find a place to live! You don't get to come here, and tell my son wat to do!
He is not your property, he is Katrina's!" She was heavily breathing, and Katrina went over to her and grabbed her hand. "You told d police dat my son shot dat boy!" She shouted, and rubbed Katrina's fingers. "When you know damned well, dat he didn't!" Tigranui shouted, she angrily sneered at her. "I never liked you.. Even when he dated you.. You keep trying with him! Why!? Do you feel guilty becos you left him, rotting in a cell!?" She angrily questioned, Jasmine widened her eyes.

"Devlin already know's that I didn't mean to say it was him." She exclaimed. "Ya.. Your excuse wos dat, you were a teenager.." Tigranui angrily shouted. "I know.. My son tells me everything!" She growled, Jasmine nervously looked down at her hands. "And then! While Devlin wos in prison.. You trash talk my son!" Tigranui yelled, Jessica stepped forward and held on to Katrina's arm. "Ya she did.. You told Iner's sister that he stabbed you." Jessica exclaimed, Devlin widened his eyes and folded his arms, he scowled at her.

Annoyed, Devlin slowly walked over to Katrina, he rubbed her's and his mother's back, and she laid her head on his chest, he patted his sister's arm and glared at Jasmine.

"Get out of my house." He growled in a dark voice.

Jude stood up to walk her to the door.

"That was a long time ago Devlin." Jasmine nervously murmured, Devlin breathed in and scowled. "I spent eight years in a cell.. Becos of you." He softly said, Jasmine kept trying to talk.

"Get out!" Devlin shouted.

His eyes were black.

Morena widened her eyes and pursed her lips at the girl Jasmine, she was a lot like her, and she realized that she needed to tone it down, after hearing Devlin yell at her. Jasmine slowly headed near the exit, and bumped into Katrina hard; Katrina lightly bumped in to Tigranui, and Tigranui almost knocked Jessica down, Tigranui with her eyes fiercely widened, held on to Katrina and Jessica. Everyone gasped, Katrina was getting ready to shove her, when Melanie quickly snatched at the girls arm, and dragged her to the door.

"Get off of me!" Jasmine shouted and Melanie shouted back at her.

"You think you're going to just bump my sister and not think that I won't hurt you!" Melanie yelled, Jude was running behind them, Melanie opened the door and threw her out, and slammed it it in her face. Katrina angrily tried to run after her, and Jared who was giggling; Ran over to her and held the middle part of her shirt, Helen ran over to her as well and wrapped her arms around her belly. Devlin quickly picked her up, and kissed her to calm down. Morena was trying to launch forward too and Christopher was holding her back. "Stop it your pregnant!" He yelled out, and Katrina's family paused and stared at her in shock.

Even Tigranui who happily widened her eyes at her.

Jared patted Katrina's arm. "Don't you dare you little chihuahua!" He roared and silently laughed, Devlin chuckled and embarrassingly placed his hand over Katrina's eyes. "Calm down baby." He murmured in her ear and kissed her eye. Katrina angrily stared at him and then her eyes softened and clutched his chest.

Tigranui happily sighed with relief, and grabbed her Phone. "Okay d bitch is gone.. Now we party." She exclaimed, everyone laughed, except for Morena who was frightened of her family. "Morena..." Melanie scolded and giggled, Morena embarrassingly looked down at the floor. "I was meaning to tell you." She mumbled, and Angel snickered. "When exactly?" He grinned. "Now we can drink and party at your house.. When your kids are trying to sleep." He mumbled, laughing, Morena rolled her eyes and smiled. "Girl you're pregnant?" Catherine exclaimed and laughed. "We were supposed to be the only two sista's!" She exclaimed, Melanie rolled her eyes and pursed her lips at Katrina, who softly giggled.

They set up for the party, when the maids arrived, Melanie and Helen helped Tigranui prepare the food. Devlin quietly sat on the couch with Katrina, when they heard the door bell ring. All of their guest's had arrived.

Devlin pulled her closer to him. "So wat's his name?" Tigranui happily exclaimed.

Devlin kissed Katrina's forehead.

"Daniel." They said at the same time, and smiled at each other.

Their family cheered with excitement.

"Kyoot." Tigranui purred.

Melanie smiled. "I like it, such a manly name."

"Should have gone with Jareda." Jared grumbled, and Morena laughed at him. "You are so ghetto." She laughed, he grinned. "Your child is next.. I'm naming he or she." He grumbled, she shook her head and laughed. "What do you have in mind?" She questioned, laughing. "Morchrisa." Jared murmured. Katrina laughed hard and snorted, Devlin chuckled at her for snorting and rubbed her belly. "You like how I did that." He winked at Katrina and giggled, Christopher scoffed. "There's no way in hell." He grumbled, and Morena giggled. "That's actually cute! I'm not going to lie." She exclaimed.


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