Chapter 5 - Power of Greed

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High Street Pheonix, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Friday, May 8th 2015

Appearances can be deceiving. It is in our nature to accept what is shown to us at face value. However, it takes one singular moment for the illusion to shatter. Just one moment, for over a decade's worth of trust, love and respect to disseminate into to the winds.

The afternoon sun streams through the large window into his 30th floor office, casting a glowing halo around Rishabh's face. Sighing, he leans back against his plush, leather chair. He frowns fiercely, the results of an investigation he initiated upon taking on the chairmanship of Kundra Industries, clenched tightly in his fists. In an uncharacteristic burst of anger, he slams his fists down on to his dark, gleaming desk, scattering the loose pages of the report on to the floor.

His eyes gleam furiously, it is just as he had suspected. After Rishabh had carefully reviewed bookkeeping records to familiarize himself intimately with the company. He noticed minor discrepancies and decided to investigate further. According to the results of the investigations, Kundra Industries has been the victim of fraud. A sum of money, too insignificant that it has been able to fly underneath the radar, has been shifted from account to account every month till the money was wired out to an untraceable account in the Cayman Islands. Though the amount from each transfer is insignificant but in total, the company has lost over 10 crores. Based on the report, the quick shift of the same amount of money from one account to another has been going on for over 3 years. Though the amount that has been siphoned out of the company may be just a drop in the bucket in terms of the assets under management for Kundra Industries, for Rishabh it is the principle of the matter. His father's company and now his, is still being swindled based on the spur of activities from last month. Kundra Industries has become the victim of fraud, therefore, in extension so has he, making him feel like a blind fool. There is one thing Rishabh Kundra does not relish playing and that is the part of a fool.

Rishabh shakes himself out of his silent reverie and looks up to see his jeeju, Hitesh, standing impatiently at the door, ready to knock again to gain his attention. Masking his irritation, he smiles politely at his brother-in-law and gestures for him to enter with a wave of his hand.

His face marred in a perpetual frown, Hitesh walks in cautiously. Glancing warily at Rishabh, his fists are clenched tightly by his side, as if priming for battle. Rishabh shrewd gaze assesses his brother-in-law. At the age of 40, Hitesh looks haggard and more like he is in his 50s. Once a decent looking chap with passable good looks, the stress from the job along with working long hours, coupled with smoking and drinking, has taken a toll on his appearance. He is a man of average height but with his stocky built, Rishabh notes, Hitesh can easily beat a man into a pulp. He leans back and studies the unholy flames of fury in his eyes and Rishabh concludes that his brother-in-law may just use him as a punching bag.

Tired of the stare down match, Hitesh furiously bits out, "What the hell was that Rishabh? Why did you pull such a stunt at the board meeting without consulting me first?"

Rishabh shrugs his shoulders and states politely, "You are unnecessarily getting upset jeeju. My stunt, as you call it, was nothing more than a planned, calculated move. The company needs a shakeup and my suggestion to change up the executive team, is a step in the right direction."

Hitesh stares at Rishabh incredulously, finding it hard to speak for a moment. Regaining his voice, he asks angrily, "You call kicking out your own jeeju as the CEO is a step in the right direction?"

Shaking his head, Rishabh sighs dramatically before he adds patiently, "Seriously jeeju? You are blowing it way out of proportion. First of all, you are still the CEO. You haven't been voted out of the position yet. Secondly, with the number of shares that you had previously, combined with the shares you inherited from dad, you will still be one of the directors on the board. So you will still have the power that has been allotted to all members of the board for the overall running of the business." He ends in a condescending tone, "So chill...relax. You have worked long and hard for Kundra Industries, you deserve a break. Since you couldn't reap the benefits by inheriting majority of the shares in the business, compensate yourself by working less and spending more time with your family. Di and the kids would love it."

Hitesh barely leashes in the urge to plant a facer in Rishabh's face, his own face, red and contorted with fury. Shaking his fist at Rishabh, he snarls, "So this is your game, huh? You smug son of a bitch. You want me out of the way because I expressed my honest opinion that dad shouldn't have left you with the bulk of the wealth. Most of which, I helped him accumulate. What do you know about business, about running a corporation like Kundra Industries that has a large global presence? Your experience is solely from the entertainment industry as an animation director." He sneers, "I highly doubt you were part of any of the financial related aspect of making a movie. You probably didn't even have a say in the budget! You don't have the business acumen to run Kundra Industries and that's a fact! You don't deserve to be the majority shareholder of this company because in your inexperienced hands, you will destroy the company dad started and I helped put in the global market."

After the tirade, silence descends over them as Rishabh's direct gaze bores into Hitesh, making him uncomfortable, even fidgety. Keeping his eyes trained on his brother-in-law, like a hawk keen on a prey, in a slow, calculated move, he gets up from his chair. He walks around the desk and stands in front of Hitesh, his additional few inches in height giving him the distinctive advantage to look down his nose at his brother-in-law.

Rishabh speaks in a cool, even tone that belies his inner turmoil, "My dear jeeju, why are you so angry?" He shakes his head mockingly as he continues, "Tsk...tsk. It's not good for your health, you know." He smirks, "Perhaps you should take up yoga. It will help with your anger management."

Hitesh snarls, "You bastard!"

Rishabh continues calmly, as if he was not interrupted, "As for your concern regarding my lack of experience, did you forget that I interned at Kundra Industries for 2 years as I got my MBA?" Shakes his head in mock consternation, "Now that may not amount to much in your book, in terms of experience" He smiles with steely determination, "but I know about the company far better than you think and I am also a quick study. You may not give much credence to my intelligence and my experience in the movie industry, but that doesn't matter, because dad did." He smiles, flashing all of his teeth like a predator, "He left me with majority of the shares and I will honor his last wish and work my ass off to make sure Kundra Industries retain its global presence in the market. Of course, I can't do it alone, not without a team of experts whom I can trust to do their best for the company. And also with your help as well, if you are so inclined to give."

At the sound of a discreet cough, they both half turn their bodies to face the door. Clutching the doorknob, Shiv stares at the two men anxiously. He smiles apologetically and states, "Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt. Rishabh, I see that you are busy with jeeju so I'll come back another time when are free."

Hitesh glares at Shiv and growls, "Don't bother leaving Shiv. Mr. Kundra and I are done with our conversation." He adds sarcastically, "I am sure he would rather speak with the future CEO of Kundra Industries than the man he is attempting to oust."

Shiv stutters nervously, "Jeeju...I...I...didn't know that Rishabh was going to nominate me to replace you as the CEO. I have far too much respect for you to actively take part in such an act. That's why I am here. To convince Rishabh to..."

Hitesh moves away from Rishabh and stands in front of Shiv and interrupts him dismissively in a rough tone, "It doesn't matter. Now step out of my way," He glances over his shoulders and glares, "I can't remain in his presence and be able to breathe freely."

Shiv objects, upset at the dismissal, "But jeeju..."

Rishabh interrupts in a quiet, authoritative tone, "Shiv. Move out of the way please and allow jeeju to leave." He smiles mirthlessly, "We wouldn't want our dear jeeju to not be able to breathe thanks to my stifling presence. Set him free, my friend and step aside."

Defeated, Shiv steps aside and allows a raging Hitesh to march out of the office. Watching the retreat, he then turns to look at Rishabh and shakes his head and lightly scolds him, "Rishabh...did you need to taunt him? For that matter, WHY did you nominate me to replace him as a CEO when I am still just a Senior Manager in the company? He is family, man. Now this bullshit will cause further, unnecessary friction within the family. What the fuck is the matter with you? How will you face Di when she finds out that you are trying to replace jeeju, HER husband, as the CEO? And with me, of all people. Did you think about her reaction?"

Annoyed, Rishabh holds up his hand to halt Shiv's lecture, "Enough of the lecture, Shiv. Trust me when I say, I know what the fuck I am doing." He gestures with his hand, "Now if you would be so kind as to please shut the damned door and step inside so we can gain some privacy."

Giving up, Shiv heaves a loud sigh and turns around. He reluctantly does as Rishabh bade him to do and closes the door. He turns around to witness Rishabh bent on his knees, picking up the loose papers laying wayward on the floor, beside his desk. He quirks one eyebrow; it is not like Rishabh to be so messy. In fact, he is meticulously clean to the point of being OCD.

Shrugging his shoulders dismissively, he walks leisurely walks over to one of the large, black, leather armchairs in front of Rishabh's desk and sits down, making himself very comfortable. Shiv watches him gather the last of the strewn documents and straighten his athletic frame to his full height.

As Rishabh takes his seat, he staples the papers before carefully placing the document back into the large, yellow envelope. Shiv clears his throat and inquires hesitantly, "What are you up to Rishabh? Care to share what twisted scheme your even more twisted brain has concocted?"

Rishabh leans back in his chair and smiles slightly, contemplating the best way to respond. Shiv is not only his younger sister's fiancé but he is also his best friend. Shiv has always been privy to his thoughts yet he hesitates to embroil him in his current dilemma that involves his family. Shrugging his shoulders, he responds dismissively, "I am not up to any scheme but just muddling through deep shit and figuring out how to be an effective Chairman of Kundra Industries so I don't fuck up dad's legacy."

Shiv clucks his tongue empathetically, "I know you and your capabilities and so did dad." He smiles and jokes, "And if you do fuck up, then I will be around to kick your ass."

Rishabh laughs a little as he responds, "Thanks bud. I knew I could count on you to stand by me as I grapple with all of my shit ass problems."

Shiv nods his head and states, "Damn straight you can count on it, which is why you better spill the beans and tell me the truth. Come on and give it to me straight." He gives Rishabh a hard look and asks sternly, "What are you up to and don't you even think about distracting me again with some bullshit or I swear I will kick your sorry ass to Jupiter."

Rishabh chuckles lightly and contemplates again if he should reveal the results of his investigation to Shiv. Looking into his friend's concerned eyes, he sends his misgivings to the netherworld. He picks up the yellow packet and tosses it light at Shiv and speaks, "You want to know what's going on in my head buddy? Then read the documents in that envelope."

Giving Rishabh a skeptical look, Shiv opens up the yellow packet and takes out the investigation report. He reads through the results quickly, his eyes going wide in horror and he yelps, "Someone is stealing from our company?"

Rishabh nods his head grimly, "Not just someone but someone within power and access to our bank accounts within the company."

Shiv straightens his shoulders and asks stiffly, "As a Senior Manager in the company, I have access to most of the corporate bank accounts. So am I a suspect?"

Rishabh dismisses him with a wave of his hand, "Don't get your panty twisted into a wad. I trust you with my life and I know damned well that you wouldn't cheat have cheated dad and the company."

Shiv relaxes slightly and inquires, "Then who do you think has been stealing from Kundra Industries? Do you have any theories, anyone in particular in mind?"

Rishabh responds hesitantly, "I do..."

Shiv stares at Rishabh uncomprehendingly for half a minute before it dawns on him. Shocked, he asks, "Please don't tell me you suspect jeeju? Why would you even think for a second that he would defraud Kundra Industries when he is family? That's like stealing from himself! Oh God! Is that why you asked the board to replace him as the CEO?"

Rishabh shakes his head and pounds his fists on the desk in frustration, "I don't know what to think anymore. A part of me is mortified for even considering that jeeju would defraud the company he, as he likes to claim, built up with dad. But a part of me can't help but think of his excessive reaction to dad leaving me majority of his shares. I understand that he had a right to be upset but I can't help but think now that all he does is think of money. Greed is a powerful motivator; a man is capable of doing anything, even selling his soul, in the name of greed, wealth and power. Unfortunately I can see jeeju falling prey to it."

Shiv cautions, "Rishabh promise me that you will think long and hard before you share your theory regarding jeeju with anyone else. Don't destroy your relationship with him, with Di, without hard evidence. Whatever you do, just be careful."

Rishabh swivels in his chair and turns his back to Shiv. He stares out the window and broods. His life has turned into an obstacle course; one wrong move and he would be knee deep in shit. The power and wealth he has inherited it seems came with a bigger headache. Along with staggering responsibilities, it has also managed to kill the illusion of the happy family he thought he had.


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