Chapter 13: Packing

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Chapter thirteen: Packing (Ellie's POV)

The days leading up to Thursday seemed to have flown by and Thursday seems to be here too fast. 

"Why are we doing this on Thursday? Why not on Friday when we have the weekend after that and don't have school, let's do it tomorrow." I was desperately fishing for excuses while Brett pushed me towards my car. 

"Ellie, you made the deal, you agreed to his end of it and he agreed to yours. You will go home, pack, he will pick you up and we'll be happy roommates," he huffed. 

"Where am I sleeping?" I turned to him once we reached my car. 

"I don't know, we'll see, just get packing and tell your parents. Pray they say yes," he said before opening the door for me. "See you tonight," he winked before waving me bye and leaving. 

I can't believe I'll be living with these two idiots. 

I got home, grabbed a suitcase, and opened my closet. A month is a long time. I packed my underwear, my bras, shirts, shorts, jeans, some leggings, a lot of sweatpants, took some makeup with me, not too much, and a pair of flip flops with my converse along with the basic toiletries I would need like my toothbrush, moisturizer, face wash, etc. I can always drop by if I need anything. 

I don't think it's a great idea to be packing before talking to my parents but it is what it is. I would have to wait forever for either of them to come home. 

Maybe I should call my mom. What if she's teaching though? 

I dialed my dad's number, it's less likely for him to be performing surgery. "Hello?" he asked. 

"Hi, Dad," I began, "There's something I need to ask you." 

There was a short silence, "All right but I've got a client coming back in for a checkup in five minutes, don't take too long, hmm?" 

Of course, next time I'll just get an appointment first. 

"I was hoping you'd say yes when I ask you if I can go stay with-" Is he more likely to say yes to Brett or Zach? "My friends for the next month," I huffed. 

"The next month?!" he asked, sounding astonished. What does it matter? He's never here anyway. 

"I lost a bet, dad, please? I won't hang up till you say yes, then your client's going to have to wait," I pointed out. 

"All right, all right. Just make sure to leave a message for your mother." That was easier than I thought it would be. It's telling my mom that's gonna be harder. I texted her, asking if she's free to talk for a minute. 

She called me almost instantly. "Hi, honey," she spoke. 

"Hey mom, there's something I need to tell you, and I already asked dad and he said yes so I am going," I said quickly. 

"Ellie," she said warningly. 

"I'm going to stay with my friends for a month," I stated in one quick breath. 

"Which friends?" she questioned. 

"Which ones do you want it to be?" I asked cheekily. 

"Ellie," she huffed. 

"It's um- Brett," I said. 

"And?" she asked knowingly. 

"Zach," I cleared my throat. 

"Ellie, honey," she sighed. 

"Mom, you're the one that said it's time to move on, that's what we're trying to do, please?" I sat down on the edge of my bed. 

"All right, just pop in back home once in a minute, okay? I've got class, I'll see you soon, honey, bye. Love you." Well, that was easier than expected. 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

That asshole has been beeping his freaking horn outside my house for the past five minutes. I stuck my head out my window and glared at him. "Come on!" he called out. 

"I'm packing!" I screamed. 

He's just going to keep going, isn't he? 

I huffed, shoved the remaining items in my bag before turning the lights and everything off in my room, running out, grabbing my house keys on the way. I didn't take my car keys because I'm living with two people, one can always give me a ride. 

Save gas money, kids. 

I ran down the stairs and out the house, locking it behind me, stomping to his car. "What is wrong with you?" I huffed while getting in the passenger seat after putting my bag in the backseat. 

"I'm tired and my patience is brittle, it is crumbling," he huffed while driving, once again speeding. 

"Why?" I questioned while pulling my seatbelt on. 

"Because there's something I haven't been able to figure out for the past few days," he said through gritted teeth. 

Why do guys always drive so aggressively when they're mad at something? Like relax, you don't have to put your life on the line for it. 

"About what?" I dug further. 

"A person," he changed the gear in a hostile manner.

"You're trying to figure out a person?" I asked. 

"Not exactly, just something about that person." 

"Zach," I cleared my throat. 

"Please, can you be quiet, I just want to drive," he huffed. 

"I know, but-" 

"Ellie, for God's sake." 

"But there's-" I sighed in defeat when we got pulled over again. 

I should just stop riding with him. 

"A cop car behind us," he finished the sentence for me while rolling his window down. 

"Oh, great," I mumbled under my breath when the same cop from last time showed up. 

"Ah, you two again. What is it this time?" he asked. 

"Nothing," Zach shrugged, "Just speeding, in a rush to get home." 

The cop eyed us suspiciously. 

"I just felt a little hungry," I shrugged. 

"Should I be congratulating you kids?" he questioned. 

Zach stared down at the pedals, trying not to laugh once again. 

"Two months!" I lied. Pregnancy doesn't show till twelve to sixteen weeks. I doubt he knows that though. 

"Hey! Congratulations!" he laughed. 

"Thank you, officer," Zach looked up. 

"Well, go on then!" He grinned at us. 

I feel horrible. Incredibly horrible. "For fuck's sake," I whined, letting out fake cries. 

"Why did you do that? That wasn't even on me this time," he laughed while continuing the drive. 

"You drive so recklessly, I didn't want you to get a ticket," I huffed. 

"Yeah, that makes sense then. Just say you're two months pregnant," he scoffed. 

"Just drive," I chuckled. 

We parked at the apartment building before stepping out. He grabbed my bag for me and led the way. 

"Where am I sleeping?" I asked while following him. 

"Hmm, I don't know," he shrugged while unzipping my bag. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I zipped it back up. 

"You usually pack candy," he said while unzipping it once again and beginning to dig through. "Nice bra," he snickered, holding up a red one. 

I huffed before taking the bag from him and handed him the packet of M&M's that I brought. "That's all I've got," I mumbled. 

"Liar," he whispered in my ear as we approached Brett's door. 

He rang the bell and Brett opened up, looking like shit. To put it bluntly. His hair was a mess, he didn't have his shirt on, he was a little out of breath and his face was flushed. "Sorry," he sighed. 

"What happened?" Zach and I asked in sync while walking inside. 

"Well, I tried getting the air matressing to work, but the screw on the little whole thing- whatever! It wasn't coming undone and I didn't have anything to unscrew it with, I spent an hour on that," he huffed. 

"Then when I finally got it open and started filling it up with air, I left it on for like ten minutes and it wasn't really inflating, then I realized that there's a huge gash at the bottom so, Ellie," he turned to me, pausing to catch his breath from all the rambling, "I don't know where you're sleeping." 

I nodded slowly, observing the air mattress. "Oh," I breathed out, "Okay," I chuckled awkwardly. "Um- I uh- fantastic," I sighed. 

"I was actually gonna give you the other room but he called it," Brett said.

"Thanks for that," Zach gave him a blank look. 

"Well, now I get the bed," I huffed. 

"No, you don't," Zach scoffed. 

"I'm not the one that asked to be here. I'm here as per your bet," I arched an eyebrow at him. 

"Which is exactly why I get the bed. This is my game," he shrugged. 

"Are you kidding?" I laughed humorlessly, "I'm not going to stay here because you made me and not even sleep on the bed." 

Brett's couch is the path to a broken back. There are only two bedrooms. This isn't a good idea. 

"That's why I suggested you two stay at his house," Brett sighed. 

"Why didn't we?" I questioned Zach. 

Staying with Brett was his idea. "You think it's a good idea for us to stay alone in my house while we argue every few minutes or so?" he asked. We're arguing right now. 

"You're the one that said if I stay with you I'll fall in love, here or there, your goal isn't preventing arguments," I lifted a brow, "It's making me fall in love. Or something like that. What was it that you said?" I smirked.






Chapter thirteen

Ellie's feeling a little bold today... I just had biology and I have no clue what the fuck we've just done.

I updated the cast list and changed are main female character so you can check that if you're looking for any names.

Next chapter: Nights are different

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