Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A/N: Hey I'm uploading in under two weeks and college is still rolling! I've gotta say, I've impressed myself. Honestly, it took me longer to edit it than write it lmao.

So. Last chapter. Quick recap. Ned broke his arm, Adelaide thought Tony was a thief who broke into the Stark Tower at 3 in the morning to make food (something I'd do lol) and then Adie overheard Coach Graves talking to...who? I guess you'll find out in this chapter ;)

Now about this chapter...I originally wrote it and I realized that a whole lot happened in the chapter so then I split it into two chapters. I guess it works out because it builds suspense and whatever. I don't know, I hope splitting it was a good decision but we'll see. Anyway, in this chapter, Adelaide figures out what Coach Graves is really up to and we get to see a little Spider-Man in action so yay! Also, there's this one super cute scene between Adie and Peter. Like, they don't kiss or anything, but it's still super cute. Is it just me or is it sometimes a hundred times more cute when the characters don't even kiss but they're doing like a bunch of other cutesy stuff? I don't know, I think I'm going crazy. That would definitely explain a lot.

On a side note, I had to give a speech tomorrow in my communications class but GUESS WHAT? WE GOT A SNOW DAY AND THERE'S NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! *happy dance* I'm honestly so relieved, I hate giving speeches because I always start rambling and then mumbling and then it's just a downwards spiral from there. Another side note, I should probably be studying for my biology test instead of working on this chapter but whatever. I'm used to cramming anyway.

MY EYES ARE BURNING SO BADLY. I seriously need to cut down on my screen time. Like, yikes I spend wayyyy too much time in front of a laptop or phone. It's probably not very good for my eyes...

Without further ado, I present to you Chapter 37!

"Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a great show!"

Adelaide struggled to pay attention in any of her classes for the rest of the day. Her mind was wandering to what she had heard Coach Graves talking about in the locker room. He had said something about money...and meeting a woman? What did it even mean? Adelaide realized that there was the possibility that he was meeting a woman for a date, but then she remembered the part about the money and shook the idea away. This wasn't about a date. No, this was about a meeting.

Of course, that made so much more sense. He was meeting a woman and he had money to offer her...But in exchange for what? What was it that he wanted in return and who was that woman? Without those two pieces, this whole thing didn't make any sense.

She could try to guess...Adelaide didn't really know Coach Graves all that well, but he constantly had this...thing around him that gave her the feeling that he wasn't exactly a saint. For one, there was that eye patch. Adelaide had only seen one other man wearing an eye patch and he was director of SHIELD. Despite that, Nick Fury had committed a few crimes of his own. She knew she shouldn't judge by the looks, but it was really hard to not suspect Coach Graves of something dark when he had that eye patch on.

If she was to think along the lines of something dark and illegal, there was a million ways this could go and she didn't like any of them. Or maybe it was something harmless and he was just buying a rare painting from the woman or something. She liked that possibility.

Adelaide tapped her fingers in a furious staccato rhythm against the side of her desk, sighing in frustration. There was no way to tell what the meeting was for. She would never know.


What if she followed him to the meeting? Adelaide quickly threw that idea away. For one, she had no idea when or where it was. And second, what if she was just overreacting? That was always a possibility. Besides, she had hardly enough information to build a guess from. It was maddening.

"Shh," Peter said, glaring at her fingers that were still noisily tapping her desk. Glancing around, she could tell he wasn't the only one she was bothering. Biting her lip, she pulled her hand back and stuffed it in her pockets to keep herself from starting tapping something else again.

"What's bothering you?" Peter asked, glancing away from the teacher and at her for a moment. Adelaide chewed the inside of her cheek.

Everything's fine, I'm just slightly concerned that our gym coach might actually be a serial killer but I'm not really sure because I couldn't hear everything while I was eavesdropping on his phone call in the boys' locker room.

For a split moment, Adelaide wondered what he would do if she said that. He would probably think she was crazy and not believe a word. Maybe she should tell him just for the heck of it...

"Ada?" he whispered, looking at her with a genuinely concerned expression, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," she lied, "Everything's a-okay."

"Peter, Adelaide, I hope you aren't talking because this lesson is really important," Mrs. London said from the front of the classroom. Peter swiftly looked away and smiled.

"Sorry, ma'am. We're paying attention," he said.

She nodded, satisfied and resumed her lecture. From the corner of her eye, Adelaide could see Peter ripping out a piece of paper from his notebook and scribbling something down. When Mrs. London wasn't looking, he discreetly slid the paper onto her desk.

Adelaide unfolded it, reading the little note scribbled inside.

What's wrong?

She sighed, reconsidering telling him the truth. Better crazy than a liar, right? Sighing again, she pulled out her pencil and scribbled down an answer.

It's not a big deal, seriously. Don't worry about it.

After a second, she added a smiley face at the end for good measure and then folded the note up again, passing it to him.

He frowned when he read it, but, before he could say anything in reply, the bell rang, dismissing them. Adelaide stood up hastily, stuffing her books in her backpack as fast as she could. She just wanted to get home and get her hands on her laptop again and squeeze out as much information as she could about Coach Graves.

Her fingers were already tingling with anticipation. A moment later, she realized that her fingers were not the only things feeling...tingly. She bit her lip, glancing at the clock on the wall. Happy would be here any minute now but she wouldn't be able to hold it in until then.

She had to go the bathroom. Now.

"See you tomorrow guys!" she told Ned and Peter before running out the door. It took her longer than usual to get to the bathroom since practically the entire school was walking in the opposite direction, but somehow she managed to get there just before her bladder bursted.

After she washed her hands at the sink, she didn't even bother drying them. She quickly picked up her backpack and began heading towards the exit. She was just turning the corner when a thought struck her midstep. Her eyes darted around the hall. Most of the lights were off by now and it was deserted.

Turning around, she let her curiosity get the best of her as she sprinted down the hall, towards Coach Graves' office. His office was the only one in this hall of the school. Adelaide stopped and pressed herself against the wall, peeking carefully around the corner. He was still in his office, but he looked like he was about to leave. She quickly turned herself invisible before he spotted her. Then, slowly and quietly, she tiptoed towards his office and pressed herself against the wall right next to his door.

Everything was silent. No one was in this part of the school or in this dimly-lit hallway. Adelaide held her breath, not daring to make a sound. She could hear the adrenaline pumping in her veins and she just hoped that he wouldn't hear how loudly her heart was pounding at the moment. It suddenly hit her how stupid this idea was but it was too late now. She knew her curiosity would end up killing her one day.

A few seconds later, he stepped out of his office and Adelaide heard the jingling of keys in his hand. She stopped breathing. He was standing right next to her and any sort of sound would give her away instantly. From up close, he smelled like cigarettes and cheap perfume. She refrained herself from wrinkling her nose in disgust – she could do that later.

He took his time to lock the door and when he was done, he stuffed the keys in his pocket and shook the handle just to make sure that it was locked. Luckily, he gave no indication that he knew she was standing right there and quickly walked away. Adelaide didn't breathe until she was sure his footsteps were gone.

Then, she let out a shuddering breath and turned herself visible again. She took a second to catch her breath but not too much because she was afraid that he would come back any second. Working swiftly like a true criminal, she reached into her backpack and pulled out a credit card. She didn't have a bobby pin this time so this would just have to do. Sliding the card in the crack between the door and the wall, she turned the handle and viola! she was inside. This school really needed better locks.

Who was she to be complaining, anyway? This was the second time that she had broken into a locked room in this school just this semester and these terrible locks definitely made it easier. In her hurry, she almost left her backpack outside but luckily she remembered it just before she went inside and hoisted it up on her shoulder.

She was in the what? Adelaide stood by the door, looking around the dark office. It was a relatively small office, maybe 4 steps in every direction (3 for the coach) and that was it. There was a small window in the wall across from her but the blinds were shut and opening them would draw too much attention. To her left was a standard desk that looked identical to all of the desks teachers at this school had and directly across from that, in the corner to her right, was a file cabinet.

His office looked nothing out of the ordinary except for one detail that she would have easily missed if she wasn't suspicious to begin with. The office was bare. She had been in other teachers' offices before and they usually had pictures of their kids or posters on the wall or even just a doormat to personalize their space. But Coach Graves' office was completely and utterly bare. There was no indication about his life outside of this school at all. No evidence. And that was definitely suspicious.

But a nagging voice in her head told her that it could very easily be because he wasn't a sentimental man and he hated his job and this office. Adelaide decided to ignore that voice in her head because she was already here and there was no point in going back without snooping around a little. Dropping her backpack on the floor, she quickly pulled out her phone to shoot Happy a text that she would be a few minutes late and then she switched it off so it wouldn't accidentally ring.

Surfacing the familiar tingling feeling to her veins and then her fingertips, she brought her hands together and created a small, glowing orb of light by pulling some from the hallway outside. It was just enough so she would be able to see her way around the office but not draw attention to herself.

Adelaide decided to start searching the desk first since she assumed he sat there all day. Going behind the desk with the orb following after her, she sat down in the chair. There was only one large and thin drawer under the length of the desk. Just her luck that it wasn't locked.

She quietly pulled it open, not very surprised to see that there was only a keyboard, a mouse, a blank notebook, and a pad of sticky notes inside. She was about to close it again when her eyes fell on the sticky notes. The one on top was mostly blank except for the few words that had bled through from the previous note that had been on top of it.

She brought the glowing orb closer so she could read the words on it. Adelaide squinted, hard.


Huh? What the hell did that mean? Was Chelsea the name of the woman he was meeting with? And what was with all the numbers?

Suddenly, she heard faint footsteps outside. In a heartbeat, she had turned herself invisible. Quickly, she swiped the sticky note and stuffed in her pocket before making the glowing orb disappear. Slowly, she peeked through the window in the door, into the hallway. The footsteps were gone and there was no one there.

Still, she had no intention of lingering around in his office anymore. She grabbed her backpack and hurried out of the office, locking it behind herself.

Just to be safe, she stayed invisible until she went into the bathroom again. Then, she made herself visible again and walked out like nothing happened.


The whole ride home, Adelaide was silent, lost in her thoughts. She wanted to pull the sticky note out of her pocket and look at it right now but she knew it was best to wait until she was alone, in her room.

The moment she arrived at the penthouse, she rushed to her room, not even bothering to find Tony and force him to order pizza for lunch. He was probably in his lab which at the opposite side of the penthouse. She dropped her backpack on her rug at the foot of her bed and then crawled onto the bed itself with her laptop. Quickly, she flipped it open and pulled out the sticky note from her pocket.


There wasn't much written on there that was legible and clear except for Chelsea and 10018. Adelaide knew that if she searched up Chelsea, it would give her a million results and she had no idea what she was even looking for. So she typed the number into the search box instead. Maybe the number meant something...

The first result that popped up was a postal code: 10018. And it was right here, in New York. Adelaide sat back, chewing the inside of her cheek while staring at the sticky note thoughtfully. A postal code meant an address...What if this whole thing was an address?

Adelaide read over the words again, this time with a new perspective. She decided to look up Chelsea, 10018 and the results did not disappoint. She suddenly realized that Chelsea wasn't the name of the woman Coach Graves was meeting. Chelsea was a neighborhood in the west side of Manhattan and it had a reputation for drug lords and dealers. Everybody knew that.

So did that mean Coach Graves...Was he going there to buy drugs? Is that what the money was for? Is the woman he was talking about a...a drug dealer?

Adelaide didn't know what to think. Her high school gym coach did drugs...For some reason, Adelaide didn't feel as surprised as she should have. Sure, she had been quick to judge him but she hadn't been wrong. He was going to Chelsea to buy drugs! If that wasn't an obvious to suspect him, she didn't know what was.

But then, a small voice in the back of her head reminded her that there was the possibility that he was going there for another reason. Somehow, that wasn't exactly reassuring. There was only one way to know the truth and it would be to follow him there.

Besides, she hadn't been on a real adventure since...since well, her flash drive had been erased. She had tried to keep searching for the culprit but every trail she followed was a dead end. This was something. Maybe it had nothing to do with the murder of her parents which she had been trying to solve relentlessly, but it could do her alter ego a little good to break a drug deal. That's what her powers were for, right? To keep people safe.

You couldn't save your parents...

Adelaide tightened her jaw, grinding her teeth. She didn't need to think about that right now. Right now, she needed to focus on following her high school gym coach to wherever he was going and catch him red handed. If he wasn't going there to buy drugs, then she would forget the whole thing and drop it. But if he was...well, she wasn't sure what she should do then. But she could decide that when the time came.

For now, she just had to figure out when and where exactly he was going. She looked at the sticky note again. Now that she knew this was an address, she replaced the 12 with 12th Ave. Then she searched up the whole thing together: Tow, 12th Ave, Chelsea, 10018.

It was a tow pound. He was going to a tow pound. Now that definitely sounded sketchy. Why would anyone want to go to a tow pound all the way in Chelsea if it wasn't for a drug deal? Adelaide highly doubted he was interested in admiring towed cars. She sighed, sitting back again.

She now knew where he was going but the question of when was still annoying her like a hungry fruit fly. Adelaide looked at the sticky note again. She had figured out most of it except for the T...row at the beginning.

She squinted, trying to figure it out. If T...row indicated the when of the meeting then it must mean...tomorrow! It said tomorrow!

Tomorrow, Tow Pound, Chelsea 12 Ave. 10018

She had figured it out. She had actually figured out the whole message. Adelaide grinned, falling back onto her bed. She was going to follow Coach Graves tomorrow and she was going to figure out what he was really up to.


They were at Peter's new apartment, hanging out in his room and testing video games. By 'they', she meant her and Ned and Peter and by 'testing video games', she meant actually just playing them but since May had told Peter to clean, he told her that he was going to test all of his video games to make sure none of them were damaged during the move. A lame excuse, really, but Adelaide didn't argue.

She was currently laying on his bed, tossing and catching a ball against the wall while the two boys played on the tv that they had temporarily hooked up in the corner of the room. Adelaide had no idea how Ned was managing to actually beat Peter even with one arm wrapped in a cast but she knew better than to ask.

The room itself was a mess. Boxes were strewn all over the room, some half-open and emptied, others still taped shut. There was a small closet on the opposite wall from the bed and just one window. Peter had decided to keep the bunk bed for now, but judging by the size of the room, he would probably switch it out for a regular bed. Of course, this room was much smaller than his old one but Peter seemed happy about it.

Adelaide chose to sit on the bed since it was the only place in the room that seemed semi-clean. And by 'semi-clean', she meant that there weren't dirty socks or garbage on it. How boys managed to get their rooms so filthy, Adelaide would never understand.

"I'm bored, you guys," she groaned, still throwing the ball against the wall repeatedly.

"Hey bored, I'm Peter," he joked.

He ducked just in time to avoid the ball coming at his head and then fell into a fit of laughter. Adelaide groaned again, throwing her head back dramatically. Great. Now she didn't even have a ball to throw at the wall.

"Seriously, come on," she whined. Neither of the boys moved their eyes from the screen. It was as if the video game was more important than her. Adelaide scowled.

"You can unpack the rest of the boxes if you're that bored," Peter said without looking away. She rolled her eyes. Yeah, like she was going to do his work for him while he played video

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