Chapter Twenty Seven

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‘Come in.’ Aaron’s voice is thick with medication, but he sounds more awake than yesterday.

‘I hoped you’d be back.’ He smiles as I lean against the wall, brandishing a large bunch of flowers and an Overwaitea carrier bag. ‘I wondered if I dreamt the whole thing.’

‘Dreamt the avalanche?’ I ask, walking into the cubicle and putting the flowers down on a spare chair.

‘No. That you were here. Nurses said you left late. I appreciate you staying… it was real kind.’

I blush. ‘Don’t be daft. I didn’t want to leave you alone in case you woke up again and freaked out about Lisa and Mojo. They’re both fine, by the way. I brought these for Lisa before you get all huffy.’ I point at the flowers as I pull another chair over. ‘Knowing what a macho Canadian you are, I figured you’d probably prefer chocolate.’

‘Yeah, Lisa’s husband popped in earlier. Whose watching Mojo? Pierre?’

‘Actually, Mojo stayed with me last night. I left him curled up on my bed, being fed bits of bacon by Jenn and Terry. I think they love him even more than I do.’

He looks shocked. ‘Wow…. Thanks. Sure it’s okay?’

‘It’s totally fine. Terry was very cool about it.’

When Travis and Taz dropped me off last night and I managed to coax Mojo inside, Jenn was so full of questions that she forgot to notice I had a dog cowering behind my legs. When she did, we soon got him settled in my room on a pile of blankets in front of the wood burner. Terry put a can of minced beef in a bowl as an improvised dinner, which was wolfed down appreciatively. He settled in pretty well, all things considered.

‘You might have to watch him tonight too? Doc’s said I would probably be good to leave tomorrow though?’

‘It’s really fine.’ I grin. ‘He seems happy enough. Little bugger crawled up onto my bed last night and hogged all the covers but hey…’

He chuckles, before clutching his side and wincing in pain. He still seems a little drowsy but he’s sitting upright and he looks a million times better today. There’s more colour in his cheeks, even if they’re partly covered in bandages. I can’t get over how different he looks without his beard.

‘Sorry… I shouldn’t be making you laugh.’

He takes a deep breath and lies back against the pillows. ‘You know what they say – laugher is the best medicine.’ He sighs, giving me a weak smile. ‘That dog is playing you, Lex. He knows getting up on the bed’s totally against the rules.’

‘If he gets too big for his paws, I’ll let you know…’ I grin, taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. ‘Enough about Mojo… How are you feeling today? The ribs are obviously sore. How’s your leg? Still dead?’

I let go of his hand and rummage in the carrier bag, pulling out the treats I bought. Judging by the amount of sugar he puts in his coffee, I’m guessing Aaron has a sweet tooth.

He runs his hand across his face, feeling his jaw. ‘I’m doing fine.’ He looks over at the selection of goodies I’ve put on the side table. ‘You’re like my angel of mercy. You look after my dog and then you bring me chocolate. You’re totally spoiling me. What did I do to deserve this?’

Oh, aside from being utterly fanciable, funny and lovely to hang out with, not much, I think to myself.

‘That’s what mates are for.’ I shrug. ‘Is it weird without your beard?’

‘I can’t get used to it, eh.’ he smiles. ‘I haven’t even seen what I look like in a mirror yet.’

‘Take it from me, it’s definitely a big change.’ I say, handing him a packet of M&Ms. ‘I should have brought you a Curly Wurly. They rock.’ I add.

‘A Curly what?’

We start to discuss the finer points of North American chocolate versus Dairy Milk when I hear a growing rumble of voices outside in the corridor. The curtain is pulled back, revealing a large group of people in Ski Patrol uniforms, all bearing gifts and wanting to make a fuss of the patient. I shrink to the side to let everyone get near the bed, recognising Pierre and the man from the reception desk who both say hello to me.

‘I’ll leave you to it.’I smile, backing away as his bed is swamped by orange and black uniforms. I suddenly feel out of place, like I don’t belong there.

Aaron peers over the crowd. ‘You don’t have to go because of these guys?’

‘It’s fine. I have to get back to work anyway.’

‘You’ll come back tomorrow, though?’

‘Sure I will.’

I walk back to the reception area and ask if I can visit Lisa. A few minutes later, I bump into Jim in the lift going up to her ward.

‘Oh, hey Lexie!’ He beams, looking at the flowers I’m clutching. ‘Are you visiting Irv?’

‘Just been.’ I smile. I thought I’d come and drop these off for Lisa. Is she up for a visit?’

‘That’s real nice of you.’

We walk to the ward and I spot Lisa propped up in bed, looking incredibly healthy. Her skin is gleaming and there’s not a scratch on her, apart from the drip in her arm.

‘Hi Lexie!’ she smiles, looking a little woozy. ‘What a nice surprise. Are those for me?’

‘Indeed they are.’ I grin, handing her the flowers with a flourish. She looks thrilled, giving them a sniff and sighing happily.

‘Thank you!’

‘No worries.’ I say, wondering if it’s okay to take a seat. Jim sees me hesitate and pulls out a chair for me.

‘I won’t stay long.’ I add. ‘I just wanted to see how you were. Jim and I met yesterday. Honestly, if I looked as good as you do after falling down a mountain, I’d be surprised!’

Jim nods in agreement, looking adoringly at his wife. ‘That’s my girl. Tough as nails but gorgeous with it.’

She blushes prettily. ‘Oh, shut up! I’m just grateful to be alive… Thanks to Irv. Have you been to see him already?’

‘Yes, I just came from there. The entire population of Fraser Ski Patrol seemed to bundle into Aaron’s room about ten minutes ago, so I’m sure they’ll be up to see you soon.’

‘Jim said you stayed with him yesterday?’

‘Yeah.’ I shrug. ‘Taz called me at work and told me what happened and I… well, I panicked really. I just wanted to make sure you were both okay. He woke up while I was there and I didn’t want to leave him because he was really worried about you… and then I needed to find out what happened to Mojo and he ended up staying with me last night, and then…’

I realise I’m taking very quickly as Jim and Lisa exchange confused looks.

‘Mojo’s with you?’ Jim asks. ‘Oh, man. I’m so sorry. Pierre said a couple of RFM employees were watching him?’

‘You mean my friends Taz and Travis? Yeah, they were but then one of their housemates got a bit funny about it, so he came to stay with me in the end. I told Aaron and he was totally fine with it.’

‘Oh, we know that …’ Lisa says, putting her hand on my arm. ‘Irv’s always talking about you and how much you love Mojo…’

‘He is?’

‘Sure. It’s just that I feel bad. I mean, you hardly know us… Pierre should have really stepped in to help. He’s so laid-back… I’m really sorry. We can ask one of the neighbours to take him tonight. I think I’m going to have to stay here for few more days, so …’

I smile, trying to reassure her. ‘I really like having Mojo. Aaron said he was going to be discharged tomorrow, so it’s only for one more night. He seems pretty settled.’

‘Well, if you’re sure?’


Lisa turns to Jim and her expression is stern. ‘I’m going to have words with Pierre. He’s really let things slide lately. It’s not good enough. Irv should be Head Patroller, not him.’

‘Don’t worry about it!’ I protest, putting my hands up. ‘Chill… it’s no biggie. So, anyway, how are you feeling today, apart from ready to take on the world?’

Jim sniggers, getting a raised eyebrow from his wife. For a moment, I worry might have been a bit over-familiar, but her eyes are warm when she turns back to me.

‘I’m doing fine. I hate being stuck here, that’s for sure. They can’t believe I walked away from the avalanche without a scratch, even though I keep telling them that Irv took the full impact…. He totally saved my life.’

I nod. ‘Yeah, that’s pretty amazing. And he’s doing much better today.’

‘That’s good to hear…’

Lisa looks thoughtful for a minute. She opens her mouth to speak and seems to think again. But then she shakes her head slightly. I decide to get up and say my goodbyes but she starts to talk again. ‘So… you and Irv?’ Lisa asks.‘Why aren’t you dating?’

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