Chapter Nineteen

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I wake up on Boxing Day with the mother of all hangovers and mooch downstairs to find the café busier than I have ever seen. There’s a massive line of people snaking to the doorway and Jenn looks stressed. Seems like everyone in Fraser needs a coffee fix so I turn around and walk back up to my room. I quickly change out of my jammies, yanking on a tshirt and a pair of jeans, and tie my hair back with a band. I wash my face quickly and go down to join her at the counter.

She smiles at me with relief, looking flushed and out of breath. ‘Oh, thank God! I owe you.’

‘Don’t even worry about it.’ I grin. ‘I’ll do the coffee, you take the orders?’

‘Great!’ she smiles, ‘So, I need a double shot espresso and a non-fat latte to go, and then I need a large hot chocolate and a mint tea to stay for table four.’

I get busy with the machine, working the dials and steam with a rhythm that’s become easy to me. All this with a hangover, I think to myself, grabbing some mugs from the warming tray on top of the machine.

‘Happy Christmas.’ A deep, male voice makes me jump out of my skin as Rick’s handsome face emerges from behind the machine, a cheeky glint in his startling blue eyes. The infamous hockey bruise seems to have faded because I can hardly see it.

‘Jesus, you scared me!’ I exclaim, my face reddening.

‘Sorry. I couldn’t resist. You looked so cute, rubbing that steam faucet up and down like that.’

That’s a bit forward, I think, trying to focus on what I’m doing. ‘Er, yeah. It can be a little stiff sometimes.’ I mumble, wiping a stray hair from my face and thinking that ‘stiff’ was a poor choice of word. It’s way too early for sexual innuendos.

‘So, how was your Christmas?’ I smile, changing the subject and reaching for the whipped cream. ‘Busy?’

He shoots me a mischievous grin as I squirt the cream over the top of the hot chocolate and raises an eyebrow.

‘Yup, always is. I left the staff to it and went home to see the folks in the evening. Drove back this morning… Did you have a good time? Emily said you were cooking for a bunch of people?’

No wonder poor Emily hadn’t joined us last night if Rick left them holding the fort while he had family time. Slightly selfish, I think, before I notice some annoyed-looking faces in the line of people waiting. I remember how much I used to hate being ignored in Starbucks while the staff chatted to each other.

‘Yeah, it was fun. Listen, I’d love to chat, but I’ve got to keep up with these orders. Sorry.’ I shrug apologetically and reach for the sprinkles.

‘Bad timing, eh? Well, I’ll cut to the chase. When are you going to let me take you out on a date, eh?’

I nearly drop the mug in my hand. He’s taken me completely by surprise with that one, especially as I’m hardly looking my best in an apron. I press a hand to my forehead, grimacing as the headache from that morning begins to pound away again.

‘That wasn’t exactly the response I was hoping for.’ He says, looking hurt.

‘Sorry.’ I repeat, catching an exasperated look from Jenn.

‘I need another large hot chocolate, Lex! How we doing on the order for table four?’

He puts his hands up. ‘Look, my timing sucks. But please, think about it.’

‘Um… that’s really sweet, Rick. But I don’t think it’s such a good idea.’ The first thought that enters my head is ‘Emily will fucking kill me.’ Plus, he’s an arrogant tosser, even if he is dreamy-looking.

‘What about New Year’s Eve?’ he adds, hurriedly. ‘We could go to Wades’ house party together?’

‘No, thanks.’ I say. ‘I’ve got to get back to this. Scuse me.’

‘I don’t take no for an answer.’ He winks, hardly batting an eyebrow at my gentle rejection.Maybe I wasn’t firm enough. I try not to sound too exasperated when I put the mug down. ‘Listen, I’m really flattered, but I’m going with my friends. Maybe I’ll see you there, okay?’

What?’ Taz is incredulous.

I shift awkwardly in the chair, wishing I’d kept my big mouth shut.

‘Did I just hear right? Rick asked you out on a date? As in Emily’s boss Rick?

‘Yes.’ I say, in my smallest voice.

Taz interrupts. ‘What do you think Emily’s gonna say when she finds out?’

‘If she finds out.’

‘Not if, Lex. When. You know what this place is like! Maybe you should just explain what happened?’

The idea of fronting up to Emily scares the shit out of me. ‘But she’s terrifying when she’s in one of her moods!’ I say, looking miserable.

‘Lex…. She’s our mate. She’s not that bad.’

‘Huh, easy for you to say. She doesn’t pick on you all the time.’

Taz looks sceptical. ‘What are you, twelve? She doesn’t pick on you!’

I shake my head. ‘Yeah, she does.’

Taz sighs. ‘Honestly, Lex… you should hear yourself. I know she can be a bit full-on but that’s just her personality. You’re not very good at putting her back in her box, like the rest of us.’

Taz is probably right. God knows why I find Emily so intimidating, considering she’s so much younger than me for starters. If Evie could hear me now, she’d be taking the piss, wondering when my confidence deserted me.

Taz squeezes my knee. ‘You know what we need to do?’

‘Yeah… I guess’

‘Just tell her. And then it’s all out in the open. You don’t fancy him, right?’

‘No!’ I exclaim. ‘He’s way to arrogant for my liking. Even if he is gorgeous.’

‘And then there’s Danno and Aaron to think about.’ Taz looks down at her feet.

What about Dan and Aaron? What’ve they got to do with any of this?’

‘I reckon they’ve both got the hots for you.’ Taz declares, looking smug.

I snigger, thinking that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in a while. ‘You’re barking up the wrong tree there, Taz. Dan’s just a touchy, feely bloke – he’s just the same with you as he is with me.’

‘Maybe…. But what about Azzo?’ she replies, narrowing her eyes.

I stand up and grab my jacket. ‘What about Aaron? He’s just being a friendly local. Come on, we need to go and find Emily.’

We walk down the street in the direction of the ski hill and an image of Dan pops into my head. I can honestly say that I have never, ever thought of him in any way other than just good friends. He’s more like a brother than anything else. Aaron, on the other hand… Well, if Taz has noticed then maybe there is something to think about. He’s a great guy and I’m positive there’s a jaw-line that looks like it’s been carved out of marble underneath that messy beard of his. But I’m pretty sure there are no flirty vibes coming my way from him.

We get to the hitching post and I stick a thumb out, looking hopefully down the highway at the trucks and lorries zooming past. Nobody looks like they’re stopping anytime soon. I look down at my trainers and giggle.

‘What’s so funny?’ Taz asks, looking quizzically at me.

‘I can’t believe you think all these guys in Fraser want to date me! You’re completely mental!’

‘I’m not!’ she grins, punching my arm. ‘And I’m serious about this. You need to take a look in the mirror, Lexie. You have no idea what kind of effect you have on these guys. They all love you. That dickhead Henry did a real number on you.’

‘Stop it!’ I blush. ‘I’m happy being single. I’m going to talk to Emily, tell her that Rick asked me to the party and explain that I’m not interested. Hopefully, she’ll be fine with it.’

I knock on the door of the SkiTours Chalet and it suddenly dawns on me that Rick might answer. I hadn’t even thought about that. I’m about to turn on my heel and leave but Taz grabs the arm of my jacket and pulls me back.

‘Look – Emily’s coming.’

I can see a figure with blonde hair through the misted screen door and I feel sick all of a sudden. Why am I being such a wimp about this? It’s just Emily and she’s supposed to be my friend.

‘Hi girls!’ she exclaims, smiling at us. ‘Merry Christmas! It’s so nice to see you!’

She gives us both a hug.

‘Got time for a coffee?’ I ask.

‘Sure. Let me just tell the gorbs that I’m popping out – give me a sec.’

We stand and wait for a few minutes before she comes back, grabbing her fleece on the way out. ‘Fucking tourists!’ she mutters, linking her arm through mine.

We go the DayLodge, grab some drinks and find a quiet corner. It’s getting dark and the last stragglers from the ski hill are getting ready to go home so it’s hardly busy.

‘I heard I missed the best Christmas lunch ever.’ Emily sniffs, taking a sip of her drink. ‘Gutted would be an understatement.’

‘I’m sorry.’ I say, before Taz interrupts me, shooting me a look that says ‘grow some.’

‘It wasn’t that good, mate. Lex made us eat sprouts. Yuck!’

I ask Emily how Christmas Day in the chalet was. We get a ten minute monologue about how much she hates her job, her guests and most of all, Rick.

‘Yeah, I heard he left you high and dry in the evening.’ I add. ‘I thought it was a bit selfish.’

‘A bit? A bit! He left us with a chalet full of drunk morons and buggered off to see his family for the night. I’m totally going to bust him to Traci, smug git. I don’t know what I ever saw in him.’

Taz crosses her legs and leans forward, looking hopeful. ‘So, he’s not exactly your favourite man of the moment right now?’

‘Ugh! Christ, no.’

Taz might think this solves all my problems, but as far as I’m concerned, it really doesn’t. It just proves how fickle Emily can be with her feelings. One minute she’s head over heels, the next minute she hates his guts. No doubt she changes her mind like the changes her nail colour – a lot.

‘How come you know he went home, anyway?’ she asks, fixing me with a steely look. I decide there’s no time like the present and take a deep breath. ‘I saw him at the café yesterday…and he… kind of asked me out.’ I add, hurriedly.

There’s an awkward pause as I look at Emily, desperate to know what she’s thinking. She’s gone very quiet, but her eyes are flashing back at me.

‘And what did you say?’ she asks, her voice barely audible.

‘I said no thanks.’

I see a small flicker of victory in her blue eyes. ‘And do you want to go out with him?’

‘No!’ I exclaim. ‘I would never go behind a friend’s back like that. Besides, he’s not really my type.’

Taz decides to add her opinion to the mix. ‘But if you really don’t fancy him anymore, then there’s no issue really?’

‘Oh, please!’ Emily exclaims, but her voice is like ice. ‘If you want him, go ahead and be my guest. I wish you the best of British.’

I try and change tack, because this definitely isn’t going as well as I hoped it might. ‘Honestly, Em. It’s not a big deal. I’m not looking for a boyfriend. I just wanted to tell you what happened in case you heard it from someone else. You know what this place is like – small town gossip and all that...’

She raises one perfectly plucked eyebrow. ‘I’m really surprised he asked you out. Considering how much older you are than the rest of us.’

Ouch. That stung. This conversation seems to be going from bad to worse.

‘Look, let’s just forget I ever mentioned it and talk about something else.’ I smile weakly, trying to gloss over the fact she’s really hurt my feelings. ‘Do you want hang out tomorrow? We haven’t skied together in a while?’

She stands up and gives another toss of her hair. ‘Actually, I think I’d rather not. See you around.’

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