Christopher's POV

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Hailey slowly opens her eyes, taking in her surroundings. I had brought her to sleep in my room after her panic attack. Wanting to ensure she slept okay, every time she stirred I soothed her with kind words and gentle back rubs. Much to my surprise, my methods worked.

"Good morning, little girl," I greeted her, "ready for some breakfast?" As her sleepy eyes looked at me and her pacifier still between her lips, she nodded. Carrying her to the kitchen, I decided instead of formula I'd make her an actual meal.

"What do you like to eat for breakfast?"

She rubbed her eyes and yawned cutely. "Bottle?" she asked unsurely. I chuckled, "no, I think my little girl should have a big girl breakfast today." Immediately her eyes lightened up. "Bacon" She hesitates before continuing, "please, Daddy?"

I give her a soft smile, proud of how well she's adjusting.

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