chapter sixty three

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Must listen to the song on the side as you read! The live version isn't the best, however it's the only you can use while on the app. The song is called You by Keaton Henson. Also, I recommend listening to towards the middle, but the beginning is fine too :)

I flipped page after page to discover something that I missed. Surely Rachel would have made it easier for me to find out what she was talking about, but no. She had to be complicated as always. Sighing, I pulled my hair back into a tight ballerina bun. I got up from my soft plush couch and walked into my kitchen, looking around for some wine. It felt good to be back home, I couldn't deny that, but I couldn't sleep until I found out what Rachel was talking about. Noel was sleeping in my bedroom with my little girl sleeping in her crib her daddy got for her. I shook my head. I wasn't going to think back to that day again.

I found my stash and didn't bother to get a glass. I popped open the bottle and drank straight from it, but quickly stopped when I remembered I was breastfeeding. I ran to the sink and spit everything in my mouth, making sure I didn't swallow anything. I cursed underneath my breath. How could I have been so careless? To be on the safe side I wasn't going to breastfeed her until another 24 hours; I couldn't take the risk. I guess I was going to have to find out what Rachel meant sober.

It felt weird not being at the hospital when I've been there almost every single day for the past month or so. I had Scott and Julian both promise me that they would be at Tobias's side, and I also threatened Dr. Johnson too. If they wanted me to desperately leave the hospital they better be damn sure that he was getting around the clock care. I didn't want to leave Tobias's side, but I also wanted to finally bring our baby home. I giggled as I remembered bringing her inside. Her little eyes were looking around everywhere. She was definitely someone who paid close attention to details.

Just as I was about to call it a night, I found a small handwritten note. I frowned, not remembering that I ever seen it before. I turned on the side lamp and pushed myself off the couch. I saw Tobias's name written in terrible script and I grabbed it immediately.


I know you told me if I ever felt alone again or thought of ending things I should talk things out with someone, only you were supposed to be that someone. I can't talk to anybody else about this; they'll lock me up and prod me with needles or even worse. I'm tired Tobias. My time is over, but yours merely just begun. You have a beautiful baby girl waiting for you at home. You can't leave Reign to take care of her alone. She's the toughest person I've ever known, but I can tell she's on the verge of breaking. So please forgive me. I had to do this. Don't worry muchacho, you'll get my heart. I made sure of it. Don't waste it, live for us both.

Love, Rachel

"Oh my god," I gasped, my hands shaking as I gripped the paper.

It was sticky and I assume it was stuck behind another paper. Underneath her letter I saw another sheet of paper attached that said Rachel Hunt's heart should go to Tobias Sorensen in the event that she dies.

"Oh my god," I repeated again, my heart feeling like it was flying out of my chest.

"Noel!" I screamed, grabbing my jacket. I pulled it over my body and ran into my room. "Noel wake up now!"

I saw a faint light come on from my bedroom and next I heard high shrieking cries, coming from my daughter. I ran into my room and saw Noel frowning at me, her hands rubbing her eyes.

"What is it? Is Tobias okay?" She asked, looking alarmed.

I ran to my little girls crib and began to cradling her in hopes to stop her cries. I'm screams must've scared her. I searched for a warm blanket to wrap her in. I had little to no clothes for her, only the ones Noel bought for her. I didn't have time to look for a jacket. I needed to leave, and fast.

"It's Rachel, Noel. I think she's about to kill herself if she hasn't already," I told her, my voice coming out shakily as I pictured Rachel sobbing by herself as she was about to go through with ending her life.

"What?" Noel shrieked, ripping her blankets off of her.

She grabbed her car keys and didn't bother to unwrap her hair. She helped me place my daughter into her car seat. My body was shaking as I did so and I could see fear written all over her face.

"How do you know that? Maybe you misinterpreted something she told you," Noel asked, helping me leave my apartment.

I tried to jog to the elevator while carrying the car seat but it was too heavy. It only slowed me down instead. With my free hand I rummaged in my pocket and pulled out the note for Tobias along with the other note to the doctors. I hit the elevator button repeatedly, anxious to leave. I glanced at Noel and watched as she read the note. Noel gasped before putting her hand over her mouth. Her eyes were glistening as she stared up at me. As much as I wanted Tobias to get a heart I couldn't let him get one like this, not under these circumstances.

"She's killing herself to give her heart to Tobias," Noel gasped, stepping into the elevator.

I nodded, softly placing the car seat on the elevator floor. The bone chilling feeling wasn't going away as I saw the numbers drop from 5 to 4 to 3.

"I can't let her Noel. She can't give up on life, not like this."

At the moment Noel's phone began ringing. I didn't know it was possible for my heart to start beating faster than it already was, but there it was, feeling like it was about to get pulled out my chest. I felt around for my own phone, but I realized I left it at home.

Noel answered the call. I could see her face change from scared to grief stricken. Could Rachel have already gone through with it? Was she lying on some operating table with her chest opened as they gave up on resuscitating her? Wait, since she killed herself, did that mean she injured her heart too? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of killing herself in the first place?

Noel's face turned even more pale as the elevator came to a stop. She removed the phone from her face and I could see tears begin to fall from her caramel brown eyes.

"Reign, Tobias's heart is failing. He had a very shallow heart rate, even with the machines. I'm so sorry," Noel sobbed. "The doctors are prepping him for surgery now."

"Take me to see him," I told her, pushing out of the elevator. Noel gasped, her mouth still slightly opened.

"What about Rachel?"

"She gave me that folder two nights ago Noel. It's hard to believe that she's still alive."

Though I seemed calm, I was shaking in the inside. All I knew was I needed to see Tobias. I couldn't always believe what I hear anymore. I needed to see for myself. I hurried out of my apartment complex with my daughter in my arms and my best friend trailing after me.


"What do you mean I can't see him?" I snarled, pushing past some nurses. They grabbed my shoulders. I immediately shrugged them off of me.

"I'm sorry. Family only," one of them said, looking a bit distressed.

"Do you see her?" I shrieked, pointing to my daughter in Noel's arms. Noel placed her hand over her head, blocking her ears from the noise.

"That's her father in there. Just because we're not married doesn't mean that we're not a family! Let me through, now!" I barked, glaring at them.

The nurses looked at each other, unsure of what to do. At that moment Dr. Johnson came out of the OR, fully dressed in a gown. I raced to him, my rage defeated and fear replacing it.

"Where's Tobias? I need to see him," I beseech.

I tried to push past Dr. Johnson and walk into the OR, but I noticed it wasn't Tobias. Bright blonde hair caught my eye and I stopped trying to push my way in. That boyish haircut was unforgettable. I stood frozen in my spot, unable to move. Dr. Johnson sighed and bowed his head down.

"I'm sorry Reign.  I tried to protect you from seeing this..."

I heard a ringing noise in my ears replace Dr. Johnson's words. It felt like everything was spinning around me. I couldn't explain how I felt. It was like I was numb; I couldn't feel anything. I knew one thing though; I couldn't handle seeing someone else die, especially Tobias. I gripped Dr. Johnson's forearm, feeling a bit dizzy. I heard him call my name over and over again, but it was as if his voice was distant and not right next to me.

"Take care of him Dr. Johnson," I eventually say, my head still feeling woozy. I looked at him, my eyes desperate and pleading. "Don't let Tobias leave me and my daughter."


"Can I get you guys anything?" I heard Scott ask next to me.

I shook my head and looked at Noel. Her face was stained with tears as she gripped my hands. It's been over three hours, but the news of Rachel's death was still fresh, cutting slits into her body. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and I felt her lean into my arms, soft cries coming out of her mouth.

My little girl titled her head at the sight of her god mommy crying. She looked confused, but her face split into a smile when she saw Scott enter her vision. He began to tickle her, producing soft giggles from her lips. My damped mood was eliminated slightly because of her laughs.

The past few months it was like I felt every single emotion, but now I could barely feel happiness. The death of Rachel only made me feel more numb. A nurse came out about a half an hour ago and told us that the heart transplant was taking longer than usual, due to some complications with Rachel's family. They argued that they didn't want their daughter to be cut open, however the letter she wrote for Tobias settled things. Rachel also talked to Dr. Johnson before hand. Dr. Johnson had no idea that Rachel was going to go through with something like this; he thought that Rachel simply knew her days were limited, thus her reasoning for looking out for her friend. Honestly, the death of Rachel looked like a shock to him more than it was to us. It looked like Rachel was very prepared. Along with her note it showed testing that her heart was a match with Tobias's. How she got this information we would never know.

"I can't sit around anymore," I told both Noel and Scott. I softly pushed Noel up and she began dabbing her under eyes, which were wet and swollen.

"I'm going to get some fresh air," I continued. "Please watch her for me."

"Of course," Scott nodded.

I knelt down and gave my little girl a kiss. When Noel wasn't looking I grabbed her phone and made my way outside of the hospital. Winter was almost coming to an end and the lack of snow proved that, but the nights were still blistering cold. My breath produced white fog in front of me as I walked to the side of the hospital. I saw a vacant seat and I made my way there. I took Noel's phone out of my jacket pocket. I looked for a familiar name and hit call. On the fifth ringtone, I heard his voice and I nearly cracked at the sound of it.

"It's Tobias, but you knew that or you wouldn't be calling. Odds are I'm at the gym or I'm ignoring your calls. The second one is more likely. But feel free to leave a message. You might be lucky enough to get me to listen to it."

There was a beep signaling me to leave a message. I held my breath, trying to stop myself from crying. This only made me release a hideous sob trapped in my throat.

"Oh, Tobias," I cried, my body shaking from my tears. "Just as things were perfect between us they were snatched away by your father. It isn't fair; how come we have the worst of luck?"

I wiped my nose with the back of my hand. I felt gooey snot and at any other moment I would've scolded myself for being so disgusting, however I didn't care. I didn't care about anything at this moment, except for making my family whole.

"I wish I could have foreseen the future so I could have changed my mistake of pushing you away all those months ago. I wish I could have known how much you were going to impact my life. I lied. I told you that you were the single most important thing in my life and then you weren't, but we both knew that wasn't true. Tobias, you said that I'm your sun, but in all honestly you're my entire world. Though we often bumped heads and fought repeatedly, no one could have denied that our love was real.

"You once said that I had a beautiful mind, but that's only because you are all I think about. Now you're gone and I don't know what to think.  My body aches at the thought of never hearing your voice again. My heart clenches at the thought of you not being able to hold our baby girl. My body can't handle it Tobias. I need you. We both do.

"There are many things in life that I am not sure of but I am certain about us. I am deeply in love with you and I want you. I want us: you, me, and our baby, forever. I need you to fight no matter what and stay with me, and that is what scares me. I don't want to count on anyone to get the things that I want. Because what if you die on that operating table? What if you can't take it anymore? I never liked needing anyone, yet you managed to make me fall in love with you. You tore my walls down more than once. You did it all Tobias and I'm not going to let you leave me without a fight."

I hung up the phone as I finished my mini rant. Hearing his voice was just the refreshment I needed. I only hoped it wasn't going to be the last time. Noel's phone started ringing and I saw Scott's name appear.

"I'm sorry I took Noel's phone," I began, sniffling a little from my tears and from the cold. "I'll be back soon."

"Reign, Tobias is out of surgery. It worked; Tobias got a new heart."

I whimpered for what appeared the tenth time that day, only this time it was tears of joy and relief. Words couldn't explain how much at ease my heartfelt. After a long month and a half, I was finally going to be able to see the love of my life's bright hazel eyes and show him our lovely daughter.


"He should be awake in the next couple of hours," Dr. Johnson announced, scribbling something away on his charts. "I just want to warn you all though; there might be a chance where he rejects the heart, but the chances are very slim due to the almost perfect match with Rachel heart. But we won't know until a few days after he wakes up; it usually takes a while for us to be sure."

I held onto Tobias's forearm with teary eyes. There was a long scar running from across his chest, but it wasn't like it was one of his first scars. I looked over to Dr. Johnson and saw him smiling softly.

"Thank you so much," I told him, wiping away a tear that escaped.

He nodded gently before excusing himself. I pulled up a seat and leaned against his bed. I clasped my hand into his and raised it to my lips. Soft kisses were left on his hand and I rested it against my neck.

"Come on Tobias, open those eyes."

I don't know how much time had passed, or how I fell asleep, but soon I woke up with an uncomfortable neck pains. The cries of my daughter woke me up. I pushed myself up from my hard seat and made my way to her crib. Tears stained her face and my heart nearly melted at the sight of her. I quickly scooped her in my arms and began bobbing up and down to soothe her.

"Shh baby girl," I cooed, patting her back softly. "Mama's got you."

"Mama? I like the sound of that."

My heart nearly stopped as I heard a familiar, husky voice speak. I slowly turned around and a shrieked when I saw Tobias smiling very weakly at me. My eyes traveling to his arms which were trying to pull his IV's out, to his chest which was rising faster than I've seen since I met him. We finally met each others' eyes and it's been a long time since I stared into them. I expected to feel nervous, but I felt nothing but relief. I ran into his arms, holding our baby closely, and I could hear him breathe in contently.

"God, I missed you," I heard him admit.

I cried in his arms for the longest, until I felt our baby kicking me. I giggled a little as I pushed back slightly. She poked her head out and stared at Tobias with her big chocolate brown eyes. She was a perfect mixture of us both; her skin complexion wasn't as dark as mines, but it wasn't as light at Tobias's either. I looked over at Tobias as I could see a single tear roll down his eyes.

"She's so tiny," he gasped, placing his hand under her head.

"Yeah," I agreed, leaning in closer. "She is a preemie."

"Hi, there my love. I'm your daddy and I promise I'm not leaving you again," he whispered, cradling her in his arms. He looked up at me before kissing my temple softly.

"I'm not leaving any of you ever again, I promise."

WHOO!! I FINALLY FINISHED A BOOK!! That's the end of Forbidden Love :)

Overall, what made you all keep continue to read this book? Was it the characters? The plot? What?

And what was your favorite scene from the whole story?

I've been writing since as long as I could remember, but I never actually finished writing my own book! I can't believe it. All of your comments and votes motivated me to continue writing this story and I'm so glad I did.

I want to thank you all for following me on this journey. Whether you were a ghost reader, or you voted on one chapter out, I appreciate it all.

There's not much to say haha. Buckle your seat belts for the epilogue and Tobias's point of view! After that, it's the sequel! Don't delete it out your library's just yet! I'll be posting it after the epilogue so please be sure to keep an eye out on it!

Don't forget to tell me about your thoughts on this chapter!!!!

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