I notice Four's eyebrow go up as he shakes his head softly. "I'm sorry Mrs Prior but I do believe you might be mistaken." He clears his throat as he makes a quick glance to me and then to my mother. "I usually tend to stay away from the Abnegation sector."
My dad then mutters. "Doesn't seem like it." My eyes widen and I quickly facepalm that it actually makes a slapping sound. I groan mentally. Yea, Beatrice, nice job making an even bigger idiot of yourself. I think from the corner of my eye, I see my mom physically cringe.
"Beatrice, sweetheart, that sounded like it hurt. Lets get you some cold water." I huff but nod and go with her into the kitchen just to get away from the embarrassing moment. My mom puts one hand on my back and gently rubs me to comfort me.
Once we're far enough away from the boys she starts whispering to me. "How, where, when and WHY?!" She doesn't sound the least bit angry but theres a slight glint in her eye. Making her seem almost... Almost young.
My mother in no way looks old, she is quite young but she always acts so mature and closed that her personality ages instead of her looks. In this moment, she looks as if she could be my best friend, the way she's grinning and waiting for the answers to all her desired questions.
My mouth is open but only small sounds come out as I'm completely baffled by her reaction. I knew she wouldn't be upset but, acting like this? This is something completely different.
"Well?" She asks softly while searching my eyes and smiling. I shake my head and return her smile. I take a deep breath then in a soft tone I begin trying to explain everything from the beginning in as much detail in as short of a way as possible if that is even possible.
During the time that I explain everything she continues smiling and nodding, paying close attention and every once and a while asking questions about something like a small detail or how I felt or what it was like. Every time she does though I can't help blushing and answering, but in a much smaller voice. When ever I do that she ends up laughing softly and rubs my arm to get me to be comfortable.
Just after I'm done she nods and looks below her at the kitchen floor, almost looking as if she's analyzing the information I've just told her. "I'm not sure," She finally says.
I look back to her, "About what?" I question with narrowed eyes. Oh God. Here it is. She doesn't approve. I knew it.
"I'm so sure I've seen him before." She huffs and bites her lip while leaning against the sink. I've never seen her so comfortable. I mean she never seems stiff, as everyone calls us, but she's never been this comfortable, at least not around me.
"I don't know anyone named Four, but Marcus had a son who left the faction. I'm sure he's about Four's age. His name was.. Oh what was it?" She sighs and shakes her head. "Something about him is familiar though. He as particular eyes... Or maybe it's that jaw." She then turns to me and smirks while wiggling her eyebrows. "Mom!" I almost yell while laughing and quickly cover my mouth. My mother and I have never spoke to one another like this... Like old friends almost.
We both let our laughter die off slowly and we search each other's eyes. "I'm proud of you, Beatrice." She says softly. "I hope you remember that... I know it must have been hard choosing to stay in Abnegation but your father and I are so proud of you.." She hugs me tight and holds me there while my eyes get slightly glassy and I try to hug back.
"Mom..?" I whisper, I'm tempted to tell her that in all honesty I wanted to leave Abnegation, and the very moment I chose it I regretted my decision. Instead I nod and smile my normal fake smile. "You know I couldn't leave you mom." I whisper softly and try not to feel my heart breaking inside. I can't even be honest with my own mother...
My mom nods and bites her lip, she looks questioningly at me but sighs then continues. "But... Beatrice, your father and I would have loved you all the same if you left the faction. You'll always be my daughter no matter what." And in that moment... I wanted to cry and hold my mom like I had when I was a child... But I simply stand there and nod.
"Anyhow..." She says after a long pause of silence. "We should get back to the boys." She smiles and I nod then slowly make my way passed her and to the living room where Four and my father are sitting and laughing together.
For a moment I stand there in the doorway and smile watching how well they get along, laughing and smiling while Four goes on about one of the stories he told me about his friend back at Dauntless. I'm surprised my father is laughing... He usually resents all things that the Dauntless do... Their faction is basically the exact opposite of ours. Yet my father looks as if he could relate to these stories.
"And then the next morning, he wakes up tied to a pole in the middle of the pit with pink boxers and a tiara glued to his head." Four finishes and laughs so hard he's holding his stomach and for a moment our eyes catch and we're just smiling at one another.
Why was I so scared of showing him to my parents... If Four wasn't in Dauntless he would be exactly the type of man I'd want to marry and have a family with. If only he wasn't in Dauntless... Or more like, if I wasn't in Abnegation.
As soon as my father notices Four has stopped laughing and that him and I are just staring into each other's eyes, he clears his throat and stands. "Well then. We should be going." I quickly snap out of my daydream and look to my father. "Yes of course. Wait- I mean.. Only if you want or have to I..." I blush bright red and just simply nod. "Okay.." I mumble then sigh.
My mother squeezes my shoulder gently then rubs my back. "We'll see you soon Beatrice." i nod to her then see my father hold out his hand for Four to shake. That's a pretty big deal since in Abnegation we only nod our heads to one another. Four shakes his head and simply nods. "Thank you sir." Four says with a smile. My father looks genuinely impressed and nods back. "No thank you, Four, for sharing those very comical stories with me." He laughs softly then passes past me and gives me a nod but not a single word.
I try not to think about it much then escort them to the door where they both say goodbye one last time and leave. Once I shut the door I run over to Four and jump on him, hugging him with my legs around his waist while I laugh. "You're amazing." I whisper in his ear.
He swings me around and grins. "Nah, but.." He sets me down after kissing my head. "I have a surprise for you. That is if you're willing to trust me..." He searches my eyes and I nod and smile without a second thought. If i had to I would trust him with my life.
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