Chapter 13

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Four's POV:

The sound of the crashing water on the rocks down below calms me for some reason,although I don't know why. Perhaps it's because nothing in my life is really ever steady, like the water down below my feet.

I make sure to stay far away from the edge as I'm sitting on one of the boulders. I take small rocks and pebbles and throw them into the chasm as far as I can. I feel the water sprinkling my face just slightly as another wave of rushing water comes. For the past, how many ever hours I've been here for, I think about how Bea just shut me out like that. I'm still trying to understand what I could of done or how.

I go over all the abnegation teachings in my head again and again, although she may seem like one not to be totally on the rules she could be. I sigh, we broke so many rules that were obvious before. Though she didn't seem to mind. Women are so confusing, no wonder I haven't had a girlfriend before all this. I sigh and throw a rock down into the water. I wish I could go see her...

I huff and hear someone coming down the pathway and I quickly turn around to find my best friend Zeke. I sigh in relief, "Hey.." I breathe out softly and return my attention mostly to the water. "What's up?" I ask. He usually doesn't come down here anymore unless he really needs to talk to me.

"Well... For starters I saw your girl." He says casually and my head whips towards him. He saw Bea?! How? He must have been on duty near the factionless sector. That's the only way. Zeke usually tends to stay away from the Abnegation, although he knows about my origin, he cares very little for them. I would agree with him but... Bea.

"How is she..?" I try to say nonchalantly but even I can hear the desperation in my voice. He scoffs and shakes his head as he finally sits and sets his hands down behind him so he can lean back on them as he crosses one ankle over the other. His feet slightly over the edge and all I want to do is warn him about the edge but know I shouldn't. Not even Zeke knows my fears. I'm not going to let him start figuring them out now. "What?" I ask a little ticked off at his tone.

"The girl breaks your heart and you still give a damn about her, whats wrong with you man? Why not come out on the dates with me anymore?" He looks out to the rocks across from us on the wall as he shakes his head again. "Why don't you mind your own damn business?" I snap at him. Usually I'm not one to snap at my friends but when he starts criticizing my love life when I've just started it, thats crossing the line.

"How can I when my best friend is involved and his girl comes up to me and asks every question Earth about you?" He scoffs but smirks a little. I'm about to snap at him again but then stop and smile. She was asking about me? She cares! I tackle him to the ground. "SPEAK MAN AND TELL ME WHAT SHE SAID!!" I grin and laugh. "Okay... But you have to get off of my lungs. I can't breathe.." He mumbles out. I look down and chuckle. "Oh right, sorry." I quickly climb of him. Once he's up he tells me exactly how everything happened and what she asked. He then tells me the part where he snapped at her and I get a little angry at that but he says he's beyond sorry for it and that he thought I was done with her. I simply shake my head and once he's done talking I get up.

"Where are you going?" He questions as he brushes his jeans off as he gets up. "Abnegation." Is the last thing I say before running off back up the path.

About three hours later after dark I run to the Abnegation sector with my hoodie on. I have a bouquet of blood red roses in my arms as I run. I need to talk to her, I need to apologize but I still don't know what I did so wrong. I sigh and shake my head. I do a silent promise to myself that I'm going to get the two of us to sit down and talk. If I really love her, I'll do that.

I almost trip as my eyes widen and my breathing goes staggered. What did I just say- well,- think. My eyes are wide and bouncing around in the dark as I search the empty streets for answers. The wind whistles in my ear as if a calling to push me forward, I slowly start my jog.

I don't love her... -it's not a bad thing but-... it's not rational. I hardly know her. I've seen her all of a few times... I know I'm crazy about her but... I shake my head, I'll figure this out later, for now I need to get to Bea and tell her I'm not upset or anything. I take a deep breath and start running faster, as fast as I can.

My breathing is heavy as I finally get to the Abnegation sector. Okay, I can do this. Deep breaths. I'm Four, I'm the only Dauntless transfer from Abnegation to only have 4 fears. I can do this. I'm just going to try to get back the girl of my dreams. No big deal right... I take a deep breath, then I see her door and I go up to it. One knock then two sounds as my fist hits the door. After a minute I look beyond worried. I haven't even heard a sound from inside, but then as if on cue when I'm about to knock again the door swings open and there's my Bea.

My capability to breathe leaves me for a moment then I try to regain my thoughts as a tickle of sweat goes down the side of my face. "I.. Umm..." I open my mouth then shut it again several times. What the hell is wrong with me? Why can't I talk. As I search her eyes I see that she's just as nervous as me. I break out into a small smile. This is ridiculous. I shake my head and without a second thought, and before I can stop myself I pull her by her waist to me and kiss her softly as my hand cups her cheek.

Bea's POV:

I have no idea what's going on... He's kissing me.. Why?! Hasn't he, oh I don't know... Moved on?! But i can't help to kiss back. This is crazy.. Why is he kissing me? Why is any of this happening? I guess not everything can be explained... I take a deep breath between kisses as he continues to kiss me. 

I slowly pull on his shirt to pull him inside. This is crazy.. I try to remind myself. He quickly comes in then quickly scoops me up in his arms. He can do better... I try to remind myself. He kicks the door shut with his foot and makes his way to the stairs as we continue kissing. We don't belong together.... I chide my inner self. 

As he walks  up the stairs and gets to my room, my fingers go into hair and mess it all up. I tug just gently and he makes a noise in the back of his throat that I just hardly hear. He snatches his lips away from mine and moves them to my jaw. I bite my lip hard and shut my eyes tighter than they were before. I can do this. 

This may be crazy, he may be able to do better, and we might not belong together but at this very moment... At this very moment I don't give a crap and all I want is him and him alone.

Hola Peoples! So thats the end of this chapter! The next one should either be up in the next two days or if it isn't then it'll be up within a week or so because by then I'll be done all my provincials! YAY! I hope you guys enjoy! And just to let you all know, and I'll post this on my wall as well, once I'm done school and summer starts I'm most likely going to be starting up all my other stories that I've put on pause or restarting/ rewriting them for the summer! So yea! Enjoy!

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