We've been kissing now for about what seems like forever... But maybe it's been only a few minutes. Maybe it's been hours. Honestly, I'm not keeping track because I'm too into it. Let me tell you something. Four is one heck of a good kisser, enough to keep someone from figuring out the time.
Soon enough though he does pull away, I reluctantly let him but keep close to him. "What do you think?" He whispers as he searches my eyes which are now wide and open. I gulp and look down and away. "That's sorta why I asked." I mumble out.
I peek up at him as he narrows his eyes. "You're telling me, after I kiss you like that, you don't think you're my girlfriend?" I shrug slightly and bite my lip hard. "Four, I don't exactly know anything about relationships and-"
"I don't care if you don't know anything about relationships, Bea." He cuts me off. "What do you feel? In here." He gently pokes right above my chest. I look down at his hand and lt go of my lip. My eyes meet his deep blue eyes.
What do I feel? I've never really felt anything before in my life, this is so new. How am I supposed to know what I feel when I haven't felt anything else before? It's like forcing a child to choose between icecream flavours after only tasting one. How is that fair? I know I like everything thats going on with me and Four... But do I really feel like I could be his girlfriend? He's been so kind to me... And he cares, he really does. But would we be allowed to? What about the faction system? My eyes widen. The faction system. This would never be allowed. Ever.
I gulp and keep searching his eyes, he looks so hopeful. But this is never going to work. "Four..." I craok out. "This isn't going to work..." I say softly then look away and get up from the bed. He quickly gets up too. "Wait, what won't work?" He questions and comes to my side, on the other side of the bed and takes my slightly shaking hands into his strong ones. "Us..." I say in a small voice that doesn't belong to me.
He lets go of one of my hands to touch my cheek genty. "Why? Why not?" He says gently and trys to search my dull grey eyes. Why does he have a single intrest in me? Why does he want this so badly. He is infact a good looking guy and strong, why should he want me? I quickly pull myself away from him. "The faction system, Four!" I sigh and run my fingers through my hair nervously. What am I doing. How could I let it get this far? Gosh I'm an idiot.
He comes up behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Bea. The faction system... It's idiotic. I'm asking you. What do you feel. Tell me that. Please..." He pleads in my ear in a whisper. I look down, my hand on my arm rubbing it up and down because of how nervous and shaky I am.
"We just can't do this Four. It doesn't matter what I feel or-" Then suddenly, I'm floating. Not literally of course, but the way he kisses me. Gosh I wish he would shut me up more often. I automatically wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his around my waist. "Please... Don't.... Do.... This..." He says in between kisses. I'm no longer in control of my own mind and simply just nod. Anything to keep him kissing me.
I can feel his smiles on my lips and he presses me to him more, but our whole bodies are really pushing against one another, I can't do it. It's too much. Is this why he wants me? I quickly push away with my hands on his chest quickly with wide and scared eyes. How could I be so idiotic to not see this?! We're both breathless as we both stare at one another for a few seconds."W-what is it?" Four asks.
"I'm an idiot. I should have seen it. Of course you'd do whatever you could." I glare at him. With the amount of hate in my eyes, you'd thing there'd be a fire in my irises. "W-what?" he looks utterly confused, he's a good actor apparently. "Nice act." I mumble and see his black jacket on the chair in the corner of my room. I go over to it and pick it up and then shove it in his arms.
"You know, you put on quite a show. You really had me going." I nod and laugh shakily "But now? Now it's time for you to go." I keep glarring at him, hoping and praying to god that my eyes don't well up with tears. He won't see me break. I hardly know the guy. I can't believe this is happening. Four is just looing down at his leather jacket with his eyes narrowed, probably trying to figure out how he got caught. "Get. Out." I say gritted teeth, my voice is almost broken.
He finally meets my eyes. "I don't understand. What are you talking about, Bea?" He searches my eyes, if I didn't know what he was planning, he'd look innocent to me. I'm so easily tricked. Of course. "You scum." I shake my head and shove him. "You know I really believed you." Now the tears start forming, by this point I don't care. I just wnat him gone. But thats only my mind. My heart is pleading for him to stay and for me to run into his arms and just be helpd while I breathe in his fimilar scent.
"What are you so mad about?!" He almost yells, but I can tell it's because he's desperate. "You of course put me in my bed! You of course start trying to kiss me-" My voice breaks and my I shut my eyes tight then whisper out. "You wanted me in bed..." I then hear him step closer and I put out my hand to stop him "Bea... No" He pressed his chest against my hand and I turn to face the opposite direction so he won't see the painful tears waterfalling down my cheeks.
"No..." He begins putting his arms around me but I stop him by stepping away "Touch me... One more time.... And I'll hurt you." I whisper. "Just... Go." I whisper. I gulp and go sit on the edge of my bed and let more tears fall. I hear Four putting on his jacket with one laast small appology and then he shuts the door and leaves. Even before I hear him go down the stairs or out the front door I fall into my bed crying harder and trying to stiffle it by shoving my face into my pillow.
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