37. Always Skeptical

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Skylar's POV:

Finally, it's lunch, the best subject of the day. I saw Beans and Carmen in their usual spot and I slid onto the bench opposite the both of them. "Sup guys." I lean my head on my hands and Carmen looked at me and waves but Beans looks like she's about to pass out.

"Beans you okay?" I poke her hand and she shoots her head up making me jump back a little, "No, I'm not okay. The first part of my project in Mr. Bloom's is almost due and I read over it and realized that it makes absolutely no sense and if my perfect economy was real, everyone would've died, oh the lunch line is short I'm going to get food." She left without another breath.

"What the fuck did she just say?" I ask Carmen who seems to be okay with me after this morning. I don't know what they talked about but it seemed to make her like me more which I need although I still don't like her but I'm trying here.

"She's stressed that's all, she gets like that when it comes to the end of the year when it's finals and project season." She sighs, "She will be okay though, right?" I ask watching Beans slowly scoot down the line, "Oh yeah yeah she'll be fine but I know this project is stressing her out, plus all these other things." She shakes her head taking a sip from her sage green hydro flask with stickers.

How stressed is Beans? It can't be that bad right? What if she dies because of stress? That's a real thing, "What other things?" I ask quickly knowing that Beans is still in line. "Oh you know, stuff like prom, she keeps being asked about taking a date, possibly Tyler but honestly anyone but him and it's senior year so this huge then you know there's this stereotype of that you lose your first kiss in middle school and then you lose your virginity in high school and frankly Bailey hasn't had any action. But what about you? Are you as innocent as her?" Carmen talks as if none of this is important, all of it's important even the whole innocent thing.

"Well that stereotype is bullshit and she doesn't have to go with Tyler." I lean back crossing my arms, "Yeah I know but he does have a little thing for her, for a while and so it wouldn't be a surprise if he takes her but you still didn't answer my question." Fucking Tyler. "Well, he shouldn't take her." My leg starts bouncing, "Why? Are you going to prom?" She asks and I shake my head, "I don't dance." I simply say scouring the cafeteria keeping an eye out for an innocent-looking brown-haired boy.

"Right right okay but if you won't go then there's just a higher chance of you know her going with Tyler he's using her I guess I don't know but I know my Bailey's smart so she won't make that choice unless it's desperate but you still didn't answer my question." She leans on her forward like what I'm going to say is only made for her to hear. I'm not entirely innocent but she doesn't need to know that.

"Can't you just go with Beans? I'm sure it's fine if you two just go with friends and shit and I don't think you should know that information." I scoff, "You're right we can go together but I'm hoping to get asked by anyone. And you have point with not sharing with me but I thought you had a thing for Bailey, I know you two have already kept your ends of the deal so why are you still around?" She lifts her eyebrow leaning into her seat just in time as Beans get closer.

Why am I still around? This deal should've been over the night she came over. It should've been over. "Skylar, your leg is bouncing like crazy are you okay?" My attention gets brought back to the blonde with a plate of food in front of her. "Yeah I'm okay, you?" I ask her and she widens her eyes, "Yeah I'll be fine once I get food into my system and find a way to fix my project." She takes a bite of her sandwich while looking over her notes that I remember her taking.

I look over at Carmen who keeps jerking her towards Beans and I shrug my shoulders not understanding a single thing she's trying to signal. She then rolls her eyes pulling out her phone and I look out of the booth hearing chuckles from guys, like that's isn't concerning. I ignored it looking back at how hard Beans seems to be studying her notes but then footsteps started getting louder and a shadow cast over our table. Fucking shit who's this asshat.

I sighed loudly looking up at whoever managed to block light and a tall dude towers the table looking between both Carmen and Beans. Who the fuck is this? I looked away letting the girls handle this one. "Hey Austin." Carmen greets him first, "Hey Carmen, hey Bailey." This guy named Austin greets both of them, he sounds nervous.

"What do you need? I'm a little busy if it's about homework we can meet after school not right now." Beans doesn't sound all too happy about seeing him but I know that's the stress talking, I continued to stare at my fingers as I tapped the table, "Uh no it's not about homework, I had a different question, for you Bailey." His voice squeaks and I try to keep my laugh, I feel bad for the guy getting all nervous talking to these two but I don't blame him.

"Okay, what is it?" That's the stress again. "Would you go to prom with me?" I stop tapping my fingers after hearing what the fuck just came out of his mouth. The fuck? Prom? I look up at the girls and both of them had their jaws on the ground. "Prom?" Bailey chokes out and Carmen is still surprised. What are the fucking odds? Because I don't like them.

"Um are you sure?" Bailey asks, I know she wasn't ready for that, none of us were but now I don't like the guy. "Yeah I'm sure, I've been wanting to ask you for a while but I understand if you don't want to go with me because I was going to ask Carmen if you said no." Did he just rat himself out? Oh this fucking gold.

I try to keep my smirk to a minimum as I look at Carmen who also doesn't know what to answer but I can't wait for it. "Are you serious Austin?! You were going to ask me to prom if Bailey said no? What are we to you some sloppy second, huh?! Did you flip a coin to see who you would ask first. Neither of us will be going with you okay just because your intentions are not true, you can go now. I can smell your bullshit from here." Carmen pinches her nose, that was impressive not going to lie.

"Oh what the hell Carmen, my intentions are good." The dude starts defending himself making me chuckle. "What are you laughing at? Dyke!" He says loudly but I'm not phased, Carmen and Bailey gasp at his slur along with a few other people that heard.

He's really asking for it. "Woah man, I didn't do anything." I lay my hand on my chest playing innocent, I'm still technically am. "I see you walking around the halls and hanging out with Bailey, what makes you think you'll have a better chance than me." He starts getting pissy.

"Bro, I'm not even going to Prom, what makes you think that this is fucking competition? Are the girls prizes?" I start bouncing my leg distracting myself from the fact that he's in arms reach of a punch but I stay sitting while he's already getting agitated. "It's like what Carmen said earlier, it's Senior year the year where everyone gets their virginity taken and frankly the guys let me have her." He points at Bailey and I immediately saw her face drop, she froze.

The guys here are fucking sick, they think this shits a game, they get points for this kind of stuff but this guy is about to fucking lose. I stood up getting in his face although he's a couple inches taller than me. "Hey hey Austin, come back man what are you doing here?" I see Tyler pull his shoulder back. "Oh ho, it's Tyler. Oh my God are you a part of this fucking game too?" I ask him standing my ground, "Game? What game?" He questions.

"Tyler doesn't know anything." Austin defends the dude, "Oh but you are." I huff throwing a right hook straight for his face, my hand makes contact with his cheekbone and he stumbles back, gasps and mumbles start filling the cafeteria and more people started turning their attention to me. "Answer my fucking question bitch." I spit getting closer to his slanting body but then Tyler gets in front of me trying to push me back.

"Hey, what the hell Skylar? What happened?!" He asks continuing to push me back as I try to get closer to the guy that's now on the ground. "Oh you want to know, you and your fucking friends have a little game going on about taking girl's innocence. Don't you play fucking dumb!" I shove him away from me and he trips over his own feet. "MOROZAN!" I hear a familiar security guard and I huff turning around, "Principals office now and you too Austin, get your ass up and all of you at the table office now!" At least it isn't only me.

I walk back to the table grabbing my backpack, "We'll come get you." Carmen whispers to me but I shake my head, I take a glance at Bailey and she still looks lost at what happened. I can't blame her, she just found out she's worth a certain amount of points then I punched the guy.

"Let's go." My shoulder gets pushed and I start moving with two security guards behind me, I don't feel fucking bad but my hand is gonna hurt later I look down at my knuckles that are already starting to bruise. It was worth it.

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