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Chapter 11// Envy

Alex felt like a fish out of water.

Granted, he was used to feeling somewhat of a piranha when he was out— he knew he caught people's gaze. He was tall, muscular, handsome, and full of ink. Needless to say, he turned heads.

However, this was different.

He just felt... out of place.

Flora was bubbly, and now sitting in the small booth as she giggled and chatted endlessly with her friend, he realized just how bubbly she was— and, well... Alex was anything but.

Alex couldn't be bothered to engage in whatever conversation the girls were having— Flora wasn't his girlfriend, and she made that quite clear with her labelling them as 'friends'— so what was he doing here?

He knew he was only in a mood because this so-called Jacob was arriving at any given moment. Maybe he was just being paranoid— but he could swear he saw something in Melanie's eyes as they flickered to Flora's, at the mere mention of Jacob's name.

"Don't you think, Alex?" Melanie asked, pulling him from his wandering thoughts.

"Huh?" Alex asked disinterestedly. He could think of about a million other places he'd rather be, but the minute his eyes fell on Flora, he forgot all about that.

"Flo, she'd look so pretty in yellow."

She'd look pretty in any colour, Alex thought annoyed.

"The formal?" Melanie nudged, trying to hint at the upcoming dance— of which Alex couldn't care less about.

"What about it?" Alex snapped.

"Alex," Flora scolded in a whisper. Even though he was growing increasingly irritated, he couldn't deny how sweet it was that Flora really thought Melanie wouldn't hear it if she kept her voice low.

Alex gave her a pointed look; he knew exactly what she was getting at, he wasn't an idiot. But he sure as hell wasn't going to sit here and talk about some stupid school dance.

Just as the tension began to loom above them like a dark and heavy cloud, the entry bells of the small restaurant chimed, echoing around them.

"Finally!" Melanie chirped. Alex could sense it— he could practically smell the over-used cologne the second it entered the diner.

"Jacob!" Flora greeted excitedly, as Melanie scooted further into the booth.

Alex gave him a once-over. The guy was about their age, his hair an icy shade of blond— almost white. His eyes were green and his skin fair like snow. In fact, he resembled a life-like Jack Frost.

He slipped into the seat next to Melanie, his gaze lingering on Flora—for too long, Alex thought.

"Jake, this is Alex," Flora smiled warmly.

Jacob reached his hand across the table to Alex, who shook it begrudgingly. Alex knew he had already burned a few bridges with Flora, and being an ass to her friend— well, that just might be her last straw.

So, for Flora's sake, he bit his tongue and forced himself to be somewhat cordial.

"Nice meeting you, man. Flora's told me a lot about you."

Alex tensed instantly. He knew Flora would never be able to repeat any of the dirty things they've done together, and other than his moodiness, there wasn't much else to tell— geez, he really was an ass.

"Ah, well I'm glad to hear it," Alex spoke almost robotically, with no detectable emotion to his tone. Although, a very trained ear could hear his jealousy.

Flora eyed him skeptically, reaching under the table to squeeze his knee reassuringly— and despite how out of his element Alex had felt, he couldn't deny how comforting Flora's touch was.

The three chatted, and Alex added in a groan, grunt, or mhm, here and there, but Flora was just glad he was out with people, with her. She worried about him sometimes; he was headstrong and lonesome.

She kept squeezing his knee reassuringly, and so far, despite a few groans and eye rolls, it seemed to be working. Although, she had half the mind to slide her hand a little highershe knew that would really relax him. However, she wasn't confident, nor brazen enough for such a thing.

So, she settled for his knee— she wondered if that too was covered in tattoos. She realized then Alex had seen the most intimate parts of her, and she had nothing to show for. Sure, she's seen him shirtless— and while it was amazing— she found herself wanting... more.

"Hello? Flo?" Flora immediately snapped out of her devilish thoughts, chastising herself for thinking such things.

She glanced over at Alex, who was practically seething with anger, no, rage— geez, what had she missed?

"Jacob just asked you if you wanted to go to the formal with him," Melanie smiled, clearly trying to suppress her glee— but to no avail.

Flora was shocked— and angry. She could practically slap Melanie— what was she thinking? Though in all fairness, Flora hadn't really filled her in on her 'relationship' with Alex.

Flora's doe-eyes remained unblinkingly wide in shock. She never saw Jake that way. Perhaps he just meant as friends?

"Oh," Flora mumbled lowly, all too aware of Alex's gaze burning a hole through Jacob— if only looks could kill.

"She's busy," Alex grumbled deeply— his tone almost scary.

"Oh yeah? How about we let her decide?" Jacob sneered. Flora felt herself sinking deeper and deeper into her seat, desperate to escape this tension.

"Jacob— I ugh—"

"—Don't tell me you're going with this jerk," Jacob interrupted coldly.

Flora held her breath, she knew Alex had kept his cool— but not for much longer.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Alex growled, standing up from his seat— he towered over Jacob, sitting or standing.

Jacob remained silent, his lips forming a tight, thin line.

Alex glared at Jacob— his blue eyes burning into him.

Flora placed her hand softly on Alex's hand, which were balled up tightly by his side. Alex wasn't afraid to fight— that much Flora knew.

With one last scowl at Jacob, Alex tore his hand from Flora's hold and angrily stormed out of the restaurant, the diner's door-chimes ringing musically behind him.

Flora ran after Alex, despite her vision growing blurry with tears. This was a nightmare. Flora couldn't have imagined it going any worse.

"Alex! Wait!" Flora yelled, her small legs desperately trying to close the distance between Alex and his long strides.

"Forget it," Alex grumbled once he reached his car.

"I can't do this," Alex shouted, though both he and Flora were not entirely sure what 'this' meant— the restaurant? Her friends? Their friendship? Her?

"Alex," Flora sighed, "I'm sorry about Jacob, he's usually not like that, I swear. I don't know what's gotten into him."

"Are you really defending him right now?" Alex laughed— although it wasn't a 'haha, that's funny' laugh, but an 'are-you-seriously-that-stupid' kind of laugh.

"What? No! Alex, I'm not. I'm just saying he's usually really sweet and I don't know what—"

"Is he your ex or something, Flora? Did you fuck him?" Alex spat his words like venom— and Flora felt each and every sting. Especially the sting of the tears in her eyes, as she gazed back at his seething face.

"You're just a whore, why don't you go back to Jack or Jake or whatever the fuck his name is."

Alex didn't even turn around again to look at Flora. Partly because he knew if he saw the crestfallen expression that no doubt occupied her face, he'd feel like the world's biggest jerk— even bigger than Jacob. The other reason being, he didn't mean a word he had said, and he knew if Flora saw his face, she'd know it too.

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